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An Exploration into the Nature of Your Own Consciousness w/Author of The Gene Keys: Richard Rudd
A veritable” how to” for accessing the secrets that lie within your specific vessel. This will likely be an introduction for many of you to see what gifts you were brought here to bestow- something our guest today calls the new age version of designer jeans: Designer GENES! This man brought a set of “keys” into this world through a book he wrote, called: The Gene Keys, and with it, he’s initiating those on their personal journey of esoteric universal knowledge to gain an invaluable insight into their own GENIUS! For that and for all the light that he is bringing to so many others, we’re beyond excited to have the chance to share our interview with him with y’all today!
In this episode we explore:
- -Richard’s story of how The Gene Keys came to be
- -What are “The Gene Keys”?
- -How do the Gene Keys bring about perosnal transformation?
- How do the Gene Keys bring about change in our relationships & our prosperity?
- Are relationships with self and other a spiritual path?
- How does our consciousness create reality?
- How can we raise the operating frequency of our DNA
- How do we access the gift behind the shadow?
- What is the Art of Contemplation?
- How can we practice intuition?
- How do we identify the “Core Wound”?
MAJic Trick:
-Sun Meditation
-Keep Your Thoughts on the Porch
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majic hour episode #96 transcription
greetings boys and babes it’s the magic hour a place where we navigate through life’s peaks and valleys with all the vulnerability and shamelessness we can muster with the help of world-class guests from all walks of life we uncover new truths and valuable tools for manifesting our highest potential i’m your host mercedes terrell along with my partner in shine jade price hey you guys today we’re having on someone who if you search on podcast apps you actually won’t find much it’s a pretty big deal that we’ve got him on
the show we are stoked to simply be speaking to him but to have it recorded and sent out into the world is just an overwhelming feeling for sure yes you guys are about to find out how to access the secrets that lie within your specific vessel this will likely be an introduction for many of you who want to see what gifts you were brought here to bestow and i’m pretty sure that’s all of us or hopefully it is something our guest today calls the new age version of designer jeans designer jeans g-e-n-e-s is what we’re
gonna share with you today this man brought a set of keys into this world through a book he wrote and with it he single-handedly initiated me into my own personal journey of esoteric universal knowledge as he likes to call it and i’m using that for life now um for that and for all of the light that he is bringing to so many others i am beyond excited that we’re having the chance to share this interview with him today with y’all so jade let’s do it a teacher mystic and poet our guest today attended edinburg university where
he gained a master’s degree in literature and metaphysics a born explorer he has studied with great teachers in the east traveled through the himalayas the pacific the americas and the arctic he worked in the film industry in australia trained as a teacher of chi kung and meditation in thailand and sailed across the atlantic ocean on a small yacht throughout his adventures he has explored his love of writing and in 2006 he won the fish international poetry award in ireland his mystical journey began early early
in life as he experienced strange energies rushing throughout his body this catalyzed his spiritual search all his studies became synthesized in 2002 when he began to write and receive the gene keys a vast synthesis exploring the miraculous possibilities inherent in human dna it took seven years to write the book and understand its teachings and applications today he continues to study and teach the profound lessons contained in the gene keys he invites us all on an inner voyage and adventure into the nature of our own
consciousness a journey into our essence reminding us that we are not a victim of our genes rather we are deeply blessed by the gifts that can shine through us when we hold the keys please help us welcome richard rudd to the magic hour and richard admit hi hi what a beautiful background thanks oh how are you doing today good so how did you guys find me or hear about me um i’ve been reading your book gene keys for a while now a couple years and i found that through actually a podcast someone was just talking about
it and i felt called to listen and she’s about halfway through your whole book but i’m definitely needing to go you know like every time i go through a chapter i’m like i need to go back and reread this about 100 times yeah and then um i live in austin and i mean there’s just a lot of people are really into gene keys and human design here it’s like the trend right now so um someone gifted me your book like a year ago and um yeah now i i just heard you on maddie moon’s episode and i was like oh my gosh she does a podcast
so i reached occasionally yeah yeah we’re really glad to have you here yeah thank you so richard we’re gonna skip your bio because it’s pretty lengthy and you already know all that about yourself but uh we said beautiful things is this a video or is it audio only it’ll be both yeah we’ll use the video for promos um and we’ll pull the audio from that from it okay um so we’ll go ahead and get into the first questions yeah so if you’re ready so to kick this thing off i really want to give our listeners just a
quick insight or as quick as you can i’m sure it’s a bit of a lengthy answer i know but the story of how you came to download the gene keys essentially how you came to do this work and become the first student of the gene keys yeah um well there’s lots of ways to tell the story um let’s see which one comes out it was um i guess i was building towards it all my younger life and um and and like i i had certain experiences when i was younger uh that kind of told me that like you know that there was electricity in everything that you
know i knew there was i knew as a young boy that there was electricity and everything and it always seemed weird to me that we powered our cars and our vehicles and things and our houses with this kind of weird stuff from that we got out of the earth and burned because i just kind of thought it’s in the air it’s everywhere it’s in the atoms it’s you know i didn’t know what atoms were anyway so that was so i kind of always had that sense but then in my my late 20s i did have a kind of spontaneous experience um of an old of a
sort of major altered state and that’s what set off my journey and i’ve kind of told the story a lot of times of waking up um in my bed uh and just kind of waking up in a field of uh sort of higher wisdom that was just um not like anything i’ve ever experienced before or since although it did repeat once late you know a little bit later for another i had had two of these experiences but the first one was the most impactful because um it sort of i was i guess 29 years old and it just sort of shocked me deeply to
the core of my being i i wasn’t doing any sort of drugs or plant medicine or anything like that it was just a spontaneous thing and it happened i was deeply contemplating um sort of the the cabala at the time actually for a year i’d been contemplating um that and it kind of just triggered this thing in me well i don’t know if it did trigger it but it uh something that this event happened and then for those three days that we lasted three days and three nights i kind of um was in this other world of it’s hard to explain now but i i
sometimes say you know whatever i wanted to know i could know about anything um because my my mind was the universal mind and so i kind of just traveled you know it sounds like you’re on mushrooms yeah it was it was a much more energetic experience than um because there was just energy pouring through my body and i can’t explain that you know it was just pouring through me and and as far as i know i i’ve you know when i some occasionally have taken mushrooms and things it’s never yeah never close to that was it
something that you asked for to happen no not not particularly i think i was you know i was a seeker for sure um but no i didn’t i didn’t sort of specifically ask for it or you know i think i’d i’d yearned for it um and that was what was hard because after the you know after the kind of high came down it kind of came down off me then i was left in this ordinary state again and um but i’ve been given something i’ve been given a treasure and i but i didn’t know what it was and i didn’t
know what to do with it and um i just knew it i was different and and you know i sort of saw my own life like i kind of remember the future i saw my destiny i kind of saw who i was and all those sort of things at a soul level um but then i didn’t i just didn’t have any details i didn’t know when things would happen how they would happen what it would look like um so i’ve just been living since that day decision by decision every day and it’s kind of led to where i am now and this body of teaching through the
gene keys and um that came later it came much later um you know so i had a long time of just drifting really um wondering what to do with myself and through my 30s and i still was learning but i you know i just wanted to get back to that state of consciousness basically um but um everything i tried didn’t work you know um so uh eventually i came to accept it and with the teacher with and then these teachings came these gene key you know this book i wrote and then these different things it all started to make
sense um and then it kind of formed a structure and and now it obviously has a community and and it’s still an impulse that i’m following so i guess one way to explain it would be in those experiences the doors to the other world ordered were just wide open completely wide open and um and then ever since they’ve been left a little bit open a jar you know so i can you know i can just tune into that stream of wisdom um any time i like really if i put my mind to it or my heart to it then it kind of starts to come through
not that i can control it um but it just does sort of things come and they cut they say but i’ve now learned like i’ve kind of learned just to be very very patient and that’s probably been my greatest lesson and yeah probably the most one of the most important teachings i kind of have actually for everyone be more patient i wonder through your so i’ve heard you talk about how you were one of the early students of human design as well and how that helped to mold the gene keys as well first of all i want to know what is your
human design oh yeah well i’m really uh careful about saying i am a right rank um because i you know i think that can be um i think that can be an additional programming over the top of what programming we already have so in but in layman’s terms you know in the human design world i’m a generator and you know and but you know i hate saying that immediately you say that if for a whole lot of people that know human design well if if you don’t know human design it just sounds alien and weird but if you do know human design it’s
immediately a box that everyone kind of puts you in oh yeah they have all these ideas about it and i just think that’s kind of there’s something dangerous about that yeah i think there is a blessing and a curse with without any label i suppose but that’s kind of the beauty of your work that was able to layer on top of that that opening of well yeah you can you can label yourself to start yourself maybe on this journey just to pick a direction but then keys feels very expansive what i also found in human design is
that the the great value of it wasn’t in the types and things it was in the in the circuits and in the in the pathways and in the keys and the gates and things um because that that was where the mystery lay for me and ra who the founder was um you know he was fantastic teacher for me and how to how to kind of read the codes yeah yeah so how would you explain um what the gene keys are to someone who has never heard of them sorry i’m having cough i’ve been outside and i’ve had a um i’ve been making a huge bonfire this
afternoon it’s kind of all like wow um how would i how would i introduce the gene keys um to someone um i i’d say that there are you know they’re a universal wisdom and um in a way they kind of teach you the art of contemplation um and how to how to apply that to your life and they do give you a set of data um that for you to contemplate about yourself you know so through a profile called your gene keys hologenetic profile which is calculated from your date of birth but that’s only one element of the
gene keys one out of many many elements um so there are synthesis that’s constantly growing and in a way they are not you know they’re based on the loosely based on the ancient iching um but they’re also a a kind of code for life a wisdom that has a code for life for all life and so once you begin to understand how that code works for you and for others then um you know your life can become a lot easier and more enjoyable and more playful and you can it’s it’s a great great to know more about yourself yeah
and so that’s what they that’s the journey that they invite you on and it is a journey they are a journey you know so they’re not kind of fixed dogma they’re they’re a journey they’re not they’re not i mean i i differentiate them in a way from human design because they’re not knowledge you know they’re a living wisdom so you you actually you know they don’t give you a basis of knowledge they that this is who you are they give you pointers for a journey for you to contemplate
and it’s out of that contemplation that your own wisdom comes forth yeah do you think that’s how they bring about personal transformation and growth is that you go on this journey of self-discovery and self-exploration yes exactly and i use it i use a term self-illumination which i rather like um because it means you know the idea that you get lit up from within um rather than you know something outside so they trigger some idea um something mysterious something even a bit magical yeah and that’s yeah so in that way they’re
also slightly harder to explain because the inside isn’t is hidden inside you like a buried treasure and they’re a treasure map you know that points you towards that yeah i just was going to say that even in the the way that i was introduced to your work i feel like it’s you know you’ve probably been asked to explain it a million times but if someone listening could just kind of almost close their eyes and just feel the energy of whatever’s happening in this conversation that might be a better better way to
communicate what this i think as you put it esoteric universal knowledge is all about like how to explore this this part of yourself that’s not really nameable or labelable or able to be put into a box um so therefore it’s not easy to actually describe with human words no i mean they’re code the codes you contemplate you know they are the universal codes of consciousness and there’s 64 of them it’s just those 64 you know bits of information bits at the core of the universal structure you know whether
that’s in human dna whether it’s 64 codons or in the space-time continuum which has a tetrahedral 64-fold structure or or the basis of music and therefore the whole universe through the eight octaves of the 64. so there’s these they are the codes that hold together the entire universe so you can you can apply them into anything in the world you know so you can reinterpret them wherever you look through different through a different lens and that’s what i’ve been playing with over the last few
decades i like i’ve looked at them through human psychology and then i’ve looked at them through you know um the way in which trauma is imprinted in us at birth and childbirth and stuff and before that and then i’m looking at them and you know the way that you could read the codes at the moment considering how they operate when we die and then when we’re born and then looking at them in nature you know and how they appear in nature and trees and plants and animals and crystals and stars and you know and
they’re the same map that’s encoded everywhere and and funnily enough you know i for many years after i received the gene keys and put this teaching together i never did plant medicine for years and years and years like the middle of my life just it was a family life family time uh and i was just raising a family and with my wife and that was not my journey at all and even though i was teaching gene keys i just didn’t go down that path and then the moment uh came i don’t know a few years back where suddenly there
was a there was an event where i could have some plant medicine like mushrooms um when i took that then i started then i saw for the first time i saw the gene keys at another level um because i’ve been like i was so full of them and then that lens allowed me to i was in a wood and i literally could see i could look at every tree around me and i could tell you what gene key it was and what line it had and i could just i could just see the whole fabric of the universe mapped in this code wow absolutely everywhere you could look
at a leaf you could look at a you know another person you could look and you could see i can’t explain it that easy but i could see the code imprinted in tiny crystalline forms at every scale i mean it’s magical yeah yeah how cool how do you feel that they bring about change in our relationships and our um well i think prosperity is um well let’s do relationships um at the moment i’m running a other view on my venus retreat no but we i thought it was close well it is because it was a it’s a yeah
it began four months ago now and we’re sort of four months in it’s a six month um retreat with um i don’t know two and a half thousand people around the world and we’re moving through this sequence called the venus sequence which is a series of codes that unlock um the patterns of trauma held in our bodies through our childhood and even through our ancestral lineage and so it’s a it’s a wound map in a way so it’s a really incredible thing i mean i i don’t know any other wound maps of
this detail and they’re individual to each of us so there are stages that we get to contemplate and unlock these doors and as we begin to unlock them through the gene keys that relate to you um then your awareness starts to penetrate the pattern itself and the patterns are the patterns are both you know the the outermost patterns are mental you know so they’re mental defense strategies and then the next lay down are emotional patterns you know so they’re emotional defense reflexes in in the body from
childhood from yeah you know puberty time and in different seven year cycles and then the deepest patterns are lodged in the physical structure of the body itself the trauma that’s held there so as the awareness penetrates through those layers through your contemplation of your specific venous sequence what you’re doing is you’re pulling out the strings that cause difficulties in our relationships because all our wounding that comes up in our relationships so because it’s it’s just patterns that we learn to
protect our heart you know from being hurt you know especially when we’re very young and so as we begin to penetrate those deeper and deeper patterns then our heart begins to open and trust again in us in itself and when it starts to do that then whatever happens in the on the outside is no longer as disturbing so if someone yells at you or something if your heart really loves itself it’s not nearly as affected by that person’s you know projection of you so it’s a learning to love oneself in that way through layers
you know and and so it’s a very precious process and and you know it’s a self-study course it’s online it’s best to do it with others because it’s very delicate and yeah it’s very sweet and it kind and we and it really helps to support each other you you may you guys may have done some of it but um yeah and it eventually brings us down to to the core to our core wound which is something that we carry in our ancestral dna um and that’s that’s very that it hidden inside that is essentially our
awakening um so you know that’s a great myth in itself that our awakening is hidden in our wound in our suffering in the heart of our suffering yeah and that sort of sums up the gene key so so that’s how we can use it in relationships um to understand the patterns that what i call the shadow patterns that fire between two people and or more yeah and then i didn’t answer prosperity but if you want me to have a breath i was gonna just ask you because you’ve done you spent so much of your life now contemplating
in this realm um what do you feel is you know if you can if you can articulate this because this is a this is a big question uh but i don’t know anyone who may have spent more time uh contemplating it than you so you’re the guy to ask you know what is if you could give everyone listening and on me the the most you know what’s the most articulate way you could say that um is the purpose we’re here like is the reason we are born and uh the the the thing we are here to do if it’s a to do or be or whatever it is
yeah my my friend a good dear friend of mine yesterday asked me a question a bit similar which i might just also name it was like why is there a wound why is there suffering and you know and um it’s the same question in a way for me because and i and i i said look it’s it’s if there wasn’t a wound there would be no life because if you think of the at the center of every galaxy is a black hole right that says it all like that there is this there at the begin in the middle of creation is a hole you know
and and and and within get you know and there are holes within holes within holes and everything revolves around these you know these essential core wound structures and we call them wounds but they’re really they’re really just like um the vacuum itself of space the you know or the void as a and out of the void comes forth life and so you know you have to at the big bang and with the big bang there’s a there’s a splitting of the wholeness of the oneness into well initially into two and then instantly into three and four and and
yeah billions of fragments fractals and um and out of the and each one of those has a hole at the core of it you know because it’s a holographic patterning that life so everything has a black hole at its core you know every atom every we do you know it’s the navel at the core of the universe it’s the it’s in it’s it’s in the eye it’s it’s everywhere there’s always a core and um and it’s because of that that that that the duality is seeking back to kind of unify itself again and that is
evolution that’s the meaning of evolution evolution is seeking that unity and as it seeks it it creates it creates another one another one another child and another child and another child and it and and that is life you know we’re here to create we’re here to create an and explore with the children of the whole and so in a way if you could imagine god saying something you know the divine sayings it would be children go forth and play and explore and that for me is what the purpose of everything is to
explore to play you know and at the same time to to follow that rift you know to understand it to understand the wounding and the fractals and the and and that is that is also the same thing as playing it doesn’t always seem like it because we suffer yeah yeah but in searching for the for the suffering we need to for the reason for it we need to see that that’s kind of what we’re really looking for is that sense of eternal eternal play we’re eternally here to explore and it it’s a big thing because you you we’ve
inherited this idea that i think from from our spirituality a bit actually that there’s an ending but there’s something called enlightenment or awakening and and when we get that we’ll be able to rest but that just opens more and then which is a nice idea but you know a friend of mine calls it the up and out philosophy and we’ve inherited it from the eastern religions actually up and out and um you know we escaped samsara and then we’re in some blissful state and we’re back in the oneness and
that’s not what i perceive i perceive eternity as eternal exploration you know the cha you know eternal exploration of consciousness exploring itself which i think is beautiful um it’s beautiful it’s overwhelming it’s you know it’s it’s so infinite the the binary side of my self you know wants to be like okay how do i calculate this i know it and then the other turn it into work when he’s saying to play we’re turning it into work like we need a to-do list and it’s it’s interesting too because so
many people um you brought up rest that will rest when we get here but so many people aren’t playing because they like they don’t rest so that they have energy to play you know so we’re not resting we don’t pause that’s my the central teaching of the art of contemplation is to know how to pause and if you know how to pause you don’t feel the need to rest you know because you’re you’re pausing constantly because you’re not in a hurry you’re not in a spin you’re not desperate to find
an answer you know you’re not desperate to get somewhere you’re not desperate for things to end you’re the pause gives you the space for the contemplation magic to understand things and to release things and to soften and open and that’s the you know like you know awakening really yeah you know what we call awakening is a series of softenings that’s what it is that really stirred my heart um speaking of softening um i wanted to ask why are relationships a spiritual path that’s for me i have to soften a lot in
my relationship that’s why i related i think you answered it yeah they’re the quickest route to remind us to soften right because every time you know we enter into a committed relationship then the nature of that commitment so powerful commitment um is that it it brings up those wound patterns i was talking about earlier and then we have to go on this journey you know if you can move relationships but it’ll just come up again you know you can’t escape it so you know if you can dig into one relationship and
work it through and and soften into the trauma and heal it inside your own heart then you’ve you’re really on the quickest path that i think the quickest path to awakening um because you have to but it’s a but it’s a kind of a wild path it’s untrodden there’s you know it’s not like there are lots of teachers out there going this is how you do it it’s um i mean the venus sequence is very very unique and useful because it gives you a map of what’s going on in your relationships
and why things why things keep happening the way they do um and you can see that and you’re like oh yes there we go again and even after years those patterns still are kind of sometimes there and we have to go on softening [Music] and opening and yielding and and then one day commitment turns into devotion that’s one of the gene keys you know it turns into this highest kind of um deep relaxation you know do you feel that it’s the same uh when it comes to relationships with our children yeah uh yeah i think it’s all relationships
all relationships have this um you know potential to soften because as a parent you also have to learn that you but you have to learn the balance as well you know you learn the balance between softening and boundaries and you know and you have to find that balance and as a parent that that is the great challenge yes firm you know gentleness or gentle firmness um yeah and finding that you know that healthy pathway um but i would i would lean more on the gentleness side because if you lean more on the boundary side you’ll probably get more problems
yeah i speak as a as a father you know yeah he’s learned from experience i’m interested to know you know your teachers and as you i know i’ve heard some of your story i know that as you synthesize the work you’re doing now around the gene keys um i assume that you you probably had all different places that you kind of were seeking um as you were going along your journey and brought all these different factors into coalesce into what you’re doing now and what you’ve been doing for years now
so much of your work when we talk about the wound we talk about um what you’re doing with the the venus sequence uh there’s so much of that kind of union psychology in there that we love to talk about on this show there’s even that that energetic dual that polarity that uh energetic agility work you know all these things kind of they are coalescing in your work and that’s what’s really beautiful is that i feel like um you know i don’t i don’t like saying it this way but i don’t have better words
for it right now but the gene keys is essentially a a new bible for me you know as it were in a sense where i can get a lot of that same energy the same message like an operating manual yeah yeah a livestock operating manual for for especially for this part of my life where this is what what feels good you know to to play with those those keys those codes but i just want to know from you like how as a seeker as i know a lot of people listening are i know jade and i are um what was your process in in deciding on
where to look and where to look for knowledge where to absorb what you you know what you now brought into the gene keys which you now brought into your message to the world well i think for me it was really just about following my intuition and um and and that’s what i’ve learned to do and at the moment funnily enough i’m doing i’m embarking on a a a new set of teachings um called the dream arc which are kind of shamanic versions of the gene keys looking at yeah it’s very um other side of the
brain creative right brain using all the totem animals of different cultures and going into different lineages of shamanic teachings you know but you know not teaching shamanism because that’s they’re already great shamans out there but giving a universal flavor to you know to follow your intuition down these wormholes you know so every symbol is a wormhole like a like a bird every bird is a part you know like there are all these different types of birds in the world right and they all have symbolism and meanings inside us they correspond
to something inside us just as every animal corresponds to something inside us and every plant corresponds to something so if we begin to learn to decipher some of those correspondences then we’re beginning to unlock meaning hidden everywhere in nature and in our life especially in nature but also everywhere you know so you might on your logo for your brand you might have a penguin you know and but you might not actually have thought about what does the penguin mean you know really what does it symbolize and then if you and so it’s a portal and
so every creature is a portal like that and and so all the teachings of the gene keys and my journey of unraveling them is about trusting your intuition and following your intuition down the rabbit holes and um and each you know and and the dreamwork specially trains you to really trust your intuition because it doesn’t give you like answers i mean it gives you some clues but you have to decipher the meaning of of the icons or the symbols in your life and the events of your life and and or let’s say you know you’ve got something going on
with your body and your health which herb do you take you know which food do you take the only thing that really can tell you that is your intuition you know there’s no way that you know i mean you can read a thousand books and and talk to a thousand healers and they’ll all give you different things they’ll say you should take this no you should take this and the other one will say try this and so the only way you have is your intuition so that leads me to ask how you came about honing your own intuition
because i feel like that’s one of those those places that people feel like what does that even mean you know intuition how do i tap into that pretty good question well because we you spoke so much on um contemplation which is probably a big entrance point of just like slowing down and pausing and listening to what’s happening in this vessel that’s showing you so much and you know when we talk about um uh human design it gives you some guide points of how you know you use these different motor systems and all this to
tap in i apparently my my human design says i don’t have any of those so i i i don’t i have other ways i feel like i you know i’ve already found to find my intuition but i don’t feel i’m an expert in any way and i don’t know if anyone ever does maybe they do so for someone who’s been in this work for so long and has brought so much light to the world through his work by using his intimate intuition largely yeah like is there a way to to point people to to do that work to do the intuition part i i would say i mean
for me intuition is a is like a river you know or a pathway like a like a like a pathway across the wilderness you know the wilderness is the mystery you know it’s the mystery of not knowing you know you go out into the wilderness and you know there’s no paths out there you know you’re like up here where i live in devon there’s this area called dartmoor and it and as soon as you get up onto the moor there are very few paths right so you kind of have to make your own path i mean there are some paths but you then
you follow the sheep’s paths or the wild paths you know and intuitions like that you have to kind of travel across the the mystery um and you know so you have to kind of you can take in information from other teachers and teachings and things but ultimately you’re going to have to travel on your own the way that your heart you know your intuition whatever you want to call it that soul’s calling that kind of knows that’s the path i really want to go down that way i don’t know why i want to go down that path
because it just looks the nice just feel so drawn feels nice feels good and you know and it and if you follow it you know it may lead to a disaster but that desert what you think that disaster is a disaster but actually turns out to kind of be a great teaching so so your intuition was is correct in a way that’s about really you know the more you travel that path of wisdom inside you the wider it becomes until you can really really trust it but it it has to be traveled it has to be trusted a lot and often for that’s an initiation as well because
sometimes you have to say no to things that look really good or you have to say you know usually everyone on the spiritual path will at some point have to go beyond their teacher you know and that’s very challenging you know to to be able to go okay i’m i i love you i thank you i now have to go this way you know or they even kind of transcend their teacher sometimes you know like i i can see i can see something beyond this and so you so those are pathways of real trust of expanding into like whoa you know and
so yeah contemplation is a wonderful tool because it gives us this it gives us the pause necessary so that we can find the right way you know and i know that for instance human design has all these like kind of you’ve got to do it this way you’ve got to do it this way you’ve got to do it this way i think that’s dangerous because there’s you know it’s like you’ve got to find your way and nfa’s work if the way that’s been shown to you in that is works then that’s great but it might not work um
so you’ve got to find the way for yourself you know that that works and that that is ultimately i mean for me it’s come through doing it and you know like by walking you know there’s a wonderful statement by saint augustine by walking it is solved salvatore ambulando and um and it and it’s like only by walking will you know what’s right so you have to go on trusting you know those leaps and those decisions and those forks in the path where you’re given a choice and you’re like oh which
one shall i go shall i stay with them shall i go with you know shall i stay in this relationship shall i leave this relationship you know whatever the question is you know should i take this job shall i take this job shall i do this shall i do that you know it’s like a deep inner listening that’s needed so i think that spirit of play is really important because then you take away the anxiety of like there’s a wrong decision you know but you have to be careful not to go into nihilism too right where it’s
just like well it doesn’t even matter what i choose because nothing matters it’s there’s no mistakes yeah and but life is happening for me you know it’s all i’m gonna say all these cliche things i guess right now but you know life is happening for me and not to me or choosing the you know is it a no or is it new you know and being able to feel the difference and getting to these places and these forks in the road where you get to make those decisions and have because you have the free will too you
know because you this is the experience you’re given um yeah to keep you on that track from from falling into that nihilistic view of all is lost anyway so might as well just you know forget about it and not even choose is almost the way that that ends up right yeah well that also can be a kind of zen approach as well like look at that in a positive way you know choiceless awareness but you’re right it can be a trap you know that gets you off the hook of kind of you know morality for example you know so you can
you can kind of you know you could go ahead and kill someone and go well that was meant to happen you know um but yeah so it’s it can be a trap i mean i i’ve started to see life recently as like a lifetime is like a string you know and and we’re and we’re traveling down this string and we’re inside the string and there’s there’s infinite forks and branches within the string you know and and so we we get that choice but we’re still in the string so we have we have both the choice within it
but then we’re we’re in the string and the string is also it it’s wrapped around by other strings so other strings combine so other relationships people come in and they entwine around us and then sometimes they we pull them off and sometimes they get caught in knots and we have to untangle them and then but we’re moving always down this string until we die and then we come out of the string have a breather and then go into another string and there are almost infinite strings of lives and and so as you look down these and
they’re around and what’s happening is even though you’re in one string you and you you’re in your string you can’t always see that you’re actually part of an amazing tapestry you know you’re weaving with this string this beautiful part around a pattern and everyone else around you is also partly weaving that pattern and then you come out of your life and you go back into another one and there’s this incredible tapestry being created and you don’t see that easily when you’re in the form you can see it more
clearly when you’re out of the body and then you see it and you’re like oh because you have to be out of time you know only when you come out of time do things really like make sense and so in time everything just looks so confusing sometimes because we could we can’t see you know we can’t see it all we can see is this tiny bit in front of us that we’re carving you know yeah so there’s a kind of magic to to kind of understanding these things yeah and so you touch that place beyond the chaos
that that that overview almost whenever you take that contemplation time that pause yeah any time you go into deep contemplation you enter you enter into that time you can enter into that timeless space and that’s when wisdom drops in you know it just but you have to sort of have no agenda you know you you know and you know a pause can be you know deliberate so you create it or it can be enforced by life you know like we’ve just had some pauses on the planet yeah we’ve got lockdowns and things um or it can be um
just a natural kind of breath where we just go and a moment of awareness comes back we’re like oh my god for like four hours i have not been aware of myself you know i’ve been doing this job or i’ve been worrying about something and then suddenly that you’re like oh i’m in the pause and so the more we create those pauses the more we create the field for what i call pivots pivotal experiences and pivotal experiences are when you when you step out of time and then magic occurs and wisdom drops in or or a
breakthrough occurs um and the more of those experiences we have then the more we enter into the kind of the backdrop of life so we’re both in the foreground but we’re also then in the background as well in the back we’re in the bigger picture and and so my you know i g i know my gene keys books all very impressive and it’s very long and thick and and detailed and depth and deep but uh i don’t know if you’ve got my little book on contemplation you youtube but no i i listen to the the video but
i have one over here and um it’s a tiny little book you know and it’s like it’s the book it has everything in it uh it’s a desert island book i’m excited to order if you took one book to desert island this would be the book wow you know what would be one of the books i you know would consider or i probably wouldn’t take it because it’s i wrote it but i might recommend it someone else because it’s so simple and um and it does explain describes that pausing the pivoting and then what’s called the merging and the
merging is when you you know you begin to merge into the field again but you don’t lose your sense of self in fact you increase your sense of self within the merged space and there’s a paradox there why do you think we’ve gone so far away from making that a practice for so many of us i think you know we’ve we’ve been in a very intense period of evolutionary growth externally on the external you know because that’s been part of this epoch and when you put all the attention on the external
and and it’s great because it’s like we could sit here and talk now yeah whereas before we we wouldn’t have been able to do that we’d have had to meet and travel on horses and you know whatever yeah um so it’s led to like all kinds of amazing things externally but it’s also led to all kinds of problems externally and mental problems internally anxiety and all kind you know all the world’s problems so i think you know it’s been a it’s been a natural in a way process but it’s also
now led to its kind of crisis you know and so ever a crisis has enormous potential every crisis you know talking to a to a new friend i’ve made recently who’s um an aboriginal guy and he was saying how in their culture aboriginal culture in australia um they’ve had so they have tracked so many world crises over so many thousands and tens of thousands and millions of years literally that they’re in their stories it’s just like oh it’s just another one you know it’s another crisis and that’s come
and out of the crisis always comes a breakthrough or a change and you know we we grow and so that’s what we’re at now we’re just in another one um it has a different feel it has different um set of problems um it’s more collective than it’s ever been perhaps um so it has potential for even greater breakthroughs yeah so i mean throughout this conversation it seems what’s weaving in my mind anyway right now is this idea of everything is the collective conscious you know touching the collective conscious at the
same time as being able to hold the fact that we seek out and sometimes even cause challenges for us to solve because we’re problem solving binary beings and being able to hold whatever that is i don’t even want to say it’s two things because that’s very binary you know um hold these these parts of ourselves and and it’s very gray you know because there’s they’re kind of conflictual or contradictory and hold them at the same time and be able to sit still and and contemplate contemplate it and just be with that
that’s what we are and who we are and you know and not even make it a why we’re here you know not make it into why we’re here just this is you know and that that sentence right there has always been really hard for me like i am or this is or just be because it takes you know takes me out of that idea of i’ve got to do and be calculated and figure it out and walk this path even is a way of saying it um so yeah just i mean for me i’m taking taking away from this conversation today a lot of that
need to relax and let go of it has to be a certain way um let go of i have to fit into a box or let go of i have to do anything at all really yeah i mean i i’m with you totally i i understand that and i i you know when i was talking about these lives are strings it’s like if you look at the whole thing as this tapestry um at one level i mean i this is what i experienced in my altered state in my 20s like it was all done you know it was like you you could you you know as the soul we get to select which string we want to go down you know and
then we play in that string and we go down that string we get lost in it we you know and and it’s part of a lineage that we get involved in and then we pop out again and in a way if you look at all the straight if you were to come out of the time space continuum of the universe itself and just look in you’d see that all the strings are already woven you know it’s like you could see the whole you’d see the face of god actually and but you’re but you we get to play an in the game of time so it’s you know from where we are now
in our epoch we think uh we’re right at the cutting edge of like something that hasn’t happened yet and yet everything’s happened and we can kind of come in to any one of those strings past present future you know there is you know we can just choose to play anywhere in the game and it’s it’s eternal you know it doesn’t end it’s it’s that’s what blows the mind is it’s eternal there’s an eternal number of weaves in this in in the in the cosmic you know beauty and that’s just in this
universe because then there’s eternal there’s other eternal universes you know so where other other tapestries are being woven you know the fabric is is different it’s got different textures and you know we can’t even imagine that what would happen if we took that in and i mean what it sounds like is you don’t fear death you don’t fear the end of the string you know you don’t fear uh you don’t have attachment and therefore i think then what you know then it’s like we’re so identified with
life or being alive or being a string or whatever you want to call it we’re we’re so attached to our journey um we are we’re almost hard to get to that idea yeah i think you know it’s like i really do my best to remind people of this other perspective you know what’s it like to look at life from a timeless perspective and and to and because gene keys is all you know it’s i sometimes call it the algorithms of awakening you know these codes in the field of cosm of the cosmos and there may be other cosmoses that
have different codes you know there aren’t there aren’t 64. there are different numbers and they’re just i suspect there are you know but in our cosmos is woven out of this structure out you know the one that we know and it works according to those structures and that and there’s even like um wormholes in the code that can twist the code that can um create the miraculous and bend you know the laws as well so there are shortcuts you know in the code as well so you could it’s it’s it’s infinitely
able available for us to play in and right now we’re just we’re in a part of evolution that you know in this epoch where we’re sort of at the cusp of of just discovering lots of new things as we always are as humanity but i you know seeing from a kind of far perspective it’s like wow it’s quite it’s quite um i don’t know it’s quite medieval here it’s like it’s almost like i look at i go wow we’re really quite backward in this in this phase of our evolution we still haven’t understood this and this
and this um so enjoy being in this moment and and also we’re we are at this cusp of a huge breakthrough you know the next 100 years is probably going to see the one of the biggest shifts in our you know in our species and our planetary um you know in all the strings are about to change you know there’s going to be a gear shift coming i think we can feel it so i think it’s you know i always think that’s why why this wisdom came here now because it’s here to prepare is to help people prepare for a world in
transition and um you know i’m pretty sure that’s why it’s come yeah yeah it’s most certainly helping me with transitions in my life um unbelievably so i i recommend your book to everyone who yeah will listen to me recommendedly we yeah go ahead well we have one more question before our lightning round we don’t want to take up much more of your time but i did want to see what you have to say about prosperity because i feel like we tease our listeners a bit yeah prosperity i’m gonna do later in
this year um i think september or october a one of our virtual retreats on the pearl which is about prosperity and it’s open to anyone will you reopen the venus retreat will you have it again i mean i think there will be there will be one it probably won’t be me leading it um but we we will definitely be doing them again and we might we just do smaller ones i think more intimate ones um because i’m kind of doing the big ones at the moment and then um redoing them so they’re really like completed and finished and putting all
these lovely messages i really want to do the venus one well it’ll it’s definitely going to be it’ll be happening okay awesome um and um but i’m about to i’m going to do one at the end of the year on the pile which is prosperity and you know you could it doesn’t matter which order actually you do them in um and it’s it’s um it’s really interesting that one because it’s uh you know true prosperity is a collective phenomenon you know and it’s also not it’s not isolated to just a few areas of
our life it has to be all of our life so it’s more about harmony and um but essentially the pearl is about you know the that the prosper the teaching of prosperity is about simplicity you know it’s that’s the core of it like when things become very complicated then energy starts to drain away and we become more and more stressed and that’s what happens often when people accumulate too much you know so if you so you have to discriminate between wealth and prosperity wealth is accumulation and the more you accumulate the more
complexity you accumulate so you might think having billions and millions of dollars will be great fun but actually it’s hugely complicated from for people who haven’t is because it creates more and more things to be busy with and actually that’s why you know there’s a there’s a myth that the people who are the poorest are the happiest and and i don’t want to glamorize poverty at all but there’s a deep truth in that if you go to tribal societies where they have little they are generally a much happier
group of people than people in the affluent you know world generally i mean that’s my experience traveling all around the world like you know i i have seen that for myself and so i and i don’t want to glamorize it i really don’t but there’s a truth in that that simplicity um really is beautiful because it enables us to know what’s the true meaning of prosperity and prospe the true meaning of prosperity is about sharing it’s about connection relationships um it is about having what you need you
know so depending on your you know when you look at your pearl sequence you will see in the middle in the one that’s called the pearl you will see um what is the flavor of your prosperity you know so there’s and there’s only six you know and the first one that like the six lines they’re called the first one is the line of simplicity you know and those really are people who just you know their version of prosperity is to live simply and the second one is recognition you know so for some people it’s about recognition it’s about deep
friendships that come you know deep connections in life and that’s their prosperity um and then the third one is called celebration you know and if you have celebration then you’ll probably earn quite a bit of money because if you want to celebrate you need to share you know you need to if you want to have a party you need money to be able to spend on sharing good you know food and drink or whatever it is for to have a party right and and the fourth one is uh god what’s the fourth one um charity is about giving it away you know
um people that just they they only need money to give it away they only need prosperity because they give it because prosperity is a flow as opposed to accumulation which is wealth so it’s all about flow and these are so when you have it you have to give it so if you’re a third line you celebrate you spend the money on celebrating and if if the second line you you you know you don’t need as much because what you’re not really looking for money you’re looking for recognition you know you’re looking for that
beautiful friendships in your life that just where there’s that effortless connection and then the fifth line is um generosity it’s abundance it’s about give it’s about being able to kind of help others generate abundance and the sixth line is back to nature it’s nature it’s like it’s a bit coming back to simplicity so it’s about um it sees further than all the others so ultimately prosperity is of the whole organism like we have we can’t prosper unless the whole earth prospers
unless everything and everyone prospers that’s the view of the sixth one so those are all different kind of qualities of prosperity you know so it’s really interesting to know which one is yours not that you can go and create it but it is a byproduct of you living your purpose and healing your heart and that’s why in the sequence of the gene keys when you do the golden path training it’s not training the golden path journey have purpose partnerships and then prosperity so you have you know purpose is first then is love
you know so you have to heal so first of all you anchor in your purpose then you can be in a relationship clearly and then you can heal your heart in that relationship and then once you’ve healed your heart or you’re healing your heart and love is beginning to blossom prosperity is a bright byproduct it comes about through sharing through the heart and so it’s not it’s not the same as wealth that’s the big misnomer um but you may along the journey get a lot of money coming to you but it’s only so that you can
use it share it you know if you’re you know if you were if you were that simplicity one you really wouldn’t want it you’d be like no no i don’t want it it just makes life harder i want things simple you know i want a simple house i don’t want a big thing you know as if you were the third line one you’d be like i need a palace i want i want people to help share i want you know i want to share it around i want to you know each one has different needs so and we have we’re encoded again with those algorithms of
prosperity so if you’re following your purpose and you’ve healed your heart you get the right prosperity yeah my my prosperity said i unlock my prosperity through my gift of naturalness yeah i undermine my prosperity through the shadow of self-obsession and i thrive best where my knowledge and wisdom is highly respected just for our listeners that’s like a taste of what yeah when you plug in your genes yeah so you have like a fifth line one there i think um which is leadership you know so your prosperity
really is to be a is going to be to have an impact um on the world on others that’s what’s going to really feel good to you i mean when you ask people on their deathbed and people with people doing you’ve done inquiries of people dying um you know what what’s important to them in their life they will always say um people i always say either people you know my my relationships my loved ones or they’ll say a sense of purpose yeah a sense of like a com not accomplishment in terms of i’ve achieved something but
i’ve i’ve you know i’ve lived well yeah you know and so those two things are really key to prosperity yeah and it ties into my genius because my genius was my deepest purpose in life is to manifest the gift of humanity so i like how they all tie in together i wanted to also ask you um you said that you can raise the operating frequency of your dna by a dynamic shift in your attitude so i wanted to tie this into shadow work and talk a little bit about shadow work with you yeah so you know for those who don’t know every
gene ki or 64 of them has a is a language um that we learned for ourself and um it’s a transformational inner language and so you have a word for each one a shadow word and then a gift word and then a siddhi word a city is like a divine you know it’s the highest level frequency so these are words that represent states of consciousness or stages of consciousness so um you had like the tenth gene key there which was the the shadow is self-obsession which is about worrying too much about myself or what i’m supposed to be doing
or am i having the right impact and like how do i do it and you know just like going around in that like oh god i don’t know if i’m you know i’m good i need more courses yeah i don’t know if i’m feeling up i need to know more i need to do more i need to learn more all of that it’s like you know chill and 10 the gift of the 10th gen key is naturalness as you said so out of that sort of spinning of the shadow of self-obsession of like worrying about things and like trying to understand everything
eventually comes the surrender of like oh my god i actually just do it it all just works out anyway and i’m actually you know and others will see it and you they go but you’re so good at this you’re so good at that you know like just you don’t even need to learn you it’s there in you and and that’s the kind of manifestation of the gift you know that flowers out of the shadow and then the final stage in that one is being it’s the like the city is is being it’s just a pure state um of where
where it’s even beyond naturalness it’s just all life is being you know and so it allows everyone else to sim it doesn’t see anything outside naturalness you know so there’s nothing unnatural from that state of being nothing you know even the most unnatural thing is natural you know so there’s no question at that level at the highest level of consciousness it doesn’t mean you won’t fight an injustice or you know take a vaccine or not take a vaccine or what it doesn’t mean any of that it just means that there’s a state
of consciousness where you’re not worried about it because you know it’s part of the whole tapestry that was talking about earlier and you know that deep in the cells of your being so any decision you make just comes out of your naturalness it’s like what is saying you follow the intuition step by step and you can’t make a wrong decision you know because it’s coming out your naturalness even if you even if that decision looks like a mistake that was a natural mistake so that you could learn
a specific lesson so there’s an unfolding in every gene key that’s specific you know that that’s kind of you know that’s the process of transformation and yeah as we kind of unlock the shadow state as we as it’s revealed to us you know through pausing you know i mean that’s what will do it for you jade it’s you know the the more often you pause the more often you’ll see that pattern of you thinking too much about things worrying too much about things trying to figure it out too much
and then you’ll be like oh it’s a lot simpler it’s a lot simpler when you’re just in that pause because then things just fall into place or the thing that you’ve been kind of trying to work out suddenly becomes clear and and you’re you know you’re the joke will always be on you because you’ll be like i knew that all along you know and and it just becomes life then becomes incredibly simple and clear because you knew it all along and then you you begin to trust in that state at the beginning of something
instead of having to go through the mistakes and the learning you kind of go this feels right i know it’s right i don’t have to doubt it anymore you know and then your whole life becomes like that and that’s how you enter into that field of being and all those cities those highest states of consciousness they’re already the same state they just have a slightly different flavor to them you know so yeah that’s one of my favorite things about the gene keys is that it really shows how much every shadow hides a gift
yeah yeah yeah it does yeah beautiful stuff okay we are past our hour so i’m going to move us on to our staple questions i could of course pick your brain for for hours here so there’s a few few short questions we like to ask everyone who comes on the show the first one is if you could hug your younger self right now what would you say i’m always hugging my younger self what would i say you know i’d say well it’s a bit like what i’ve been saying you know every decision you make is the right decision
in life and you know you’re going to learn that and i guess you know the most the most precious thing i’d say is to be gentle with yourself you know to learn to be gentle with yourself important um i think you already answered this question but if you could have the whole world read one book which would it be well other than my book on contemplation yeah i can’t say my own book i’ll go one further then i’ll go like actually um [Music] this is a bit of a cop-out um but i’d say read learn to read the book
of nature [Music] know nature actually is the most incredible book you know but you but you know you have to you have to look at it you have to listen to it you have to be out in it um and and you know every leaf and every tree and every blade of grass and every drop of sunlight and water and fire it has a teaching embedded in it and if we really really understand that like we we’re you know like the indigenous people understand that that’s where we get to the core of the deepest wisdom on this planet you know
so i i kind of it’s a bit of a cop out um no not at all but i i think it’s like the one book we need to read the most most people do list the book but uh you remind me so much of my best friend tom shadyac and when we had him on the show he’s been the only other one who hasn’t listed a book his answer was the sunrise epic i’m a sunrise as well yeah if you could whisper one phrase to everyone on the planet what would it be oh well i think it might be the same as i whispered to myself my young self
actually if you don’t mind me repeating it yeah people really get it be gentle with yourselves you know be gentle with yourselves i have a friend uh he’s 84 and um he says i i said you know i asked him what’s it like getting older and he says it he says it has good sides and bad side bad downsides and he said the good ones far outweigh the bad and and i said well what’s the best one and he says you’re gentle with yourself you know much gentler with yourself [Music] it’s probably both learned and
enforced [Laughter] before we let you go where can people find you online yeah they can um i mean i have a obviously gene is where you can get your genki’s profile and start looking at those algorithms and your codes and things and that’s fun and find out where your prosperity is and what are your your wound traumas in your relationships and those kind of things um i’ve also got um i do it you know if you’re on the website um and there’s you can go down and click on the the um when you do the profile your free
profile make sure you tick the box that says yes i’d like to receive your newsletter and i won’t send you lots of crappy advertising newsletters but you will get one thing every every six days which is and it sounds a lot but it’s called the pulse and and in it it shows you um what is the gene key of the moment of that week and it always has a little bit of writing and a you know a quote from the book and and the latest thing that i’m up to and it’s always the same format and it gives you the pulse of the cosmos
okay so you’re basing the gene key of the week off of like the moon and the movement of the sun yeah how cool yeah and it’s really nice and it’s very very popular and and has nice infographics you know with it and stuff but that’s a nice way to stay in touch with what’s going on in my world and obviously my youtube channel which almost every week has something new on it um and i’ve got a really nice one coming out soon three talks i did with this lovely man called chris bash um who is an incredible man author
professor of history lsd voyager um someone from that generation amazing and we’re doing series of three we’ve done our talks on reincarnation oh wow contemplating the story of like i was saying earlier with the strings and how we move in and out of consciousness and um those are great so they’ll they’re coming on the pulse soon awesome thank you so much beautiful well we are just so thankful to to have gotten to speak with you i know it’s a rare occasion that you you know visit a podcast so we’re really
grateful for that [Laughter] um and we are such huge fans of your work and i hope that our listeners will now become that as well it has changed my life dramatically and i’ve only been reading your book for a couple years and doing some of the you know implementing some of the contemplation really uh from what i’ve learned there so i just appreciate you and the light that you’re being in the world thank you for being alone thank you so much thank you very much it’s lovely to meet you and um lots of love to everyone watching as
well yeah thanks thank you bye take care all right richard so we will of course uh let you know when all this will email you edited and yeah send you any promos we do all that good stuff yeah but we really appreciate you thank you so much for coming on with us a pleasure thank you both and lots of love thank you thank you thank you stay in touch all right we will talk to you soon bye bye oh that i constantly oh my god me too i felt like i literally felt like my heart was getting a massage which is so needed right now i i have
felt so um just low energy for weeks and this is the first time that i felt actually like myself and so um also i just kept thinking this is the type of episode that gets us in the top 50 of the philosophy section all the time it was so good it was so good i i just hope that i just wish i could have coffee with them every week i mean you know what i mean don’t you wish you was a family member and you could just be like okay look look right here it reminds me of like like the medicine huachuma hmm huachuma it’s like when you’re on uh
you’re taking that plant medicine you’re just like constantly getting loving downloads about how you already are you know yeah and and to just like you said just pause have that sacred pause so ah so good that was really um just reaffirming you know anytime we we podcast i feel really good usually afterwards almost always we had a couple that were kind of draining this a little more than usual but uh this is one word wow i feel i can feel yeah you just i just feel good and i don’t know what that means for our listeners
but i hope that they also energetically come away from this going like whoo like that was you know i gotta say like to think he’s like in another country and we’re on video chat and i literally feel like he physically touched my heart it was so so good um [Music] and i’m super i’m super excited to dig into um so for those listening yeah you can sign up for the first course it’s free the golden path and then you can go into like the venus sequence which is how you figure out why why you get triggered in love how to
recognize it and then and then how to like what to apply to it so that you can stop uh getting triggered there or how to open more how to how to open your heart more in that area um and it’s almost like a relationship retreat and workshop for not just you know relationships romantic relationships and such which is a huge part of it but also relationship with yourself and relationship with other you know family member friends anyone in your life really uh just all around how you get triggered why you get triggered how to be aware of it and then
how to resolve yeah uh resolve it you know i don’t know that our triggers ever go away but um but at least you see them coming and then you can watch them going too yeah you at least become aware of them exactly which is the first step all right mercedes what’s your magic trick okay so i’m glad you moved us on because i could sit here i think in this like i know fun little space thinking about what just happened forever but i’ll do the contemplation on my own um okay so my magic today is actually a
small little tidbit i got from richard from listening to him elsewhere and uh he gave this this tip on that amazing art we call being in relationship um the trick is to keep your thoughts on the porch keep your thoughts on the porch so in other words if your relationship is the hypothetical house and you think you have something important or powerful to say you let it hang out on the porch before you bring it in to your partner right so you just kind of hold on to it for just a little bit before just blurting it out
loud and he relates it to to muddy boots that you take off on the porch before uh going inside you clean them off and then you’d bring them in or not bring them in at all maybe you’d leave them on the porch to dry out um he says that oftentimes whatever you wanted to say will shift you will shift inside of you and it’ll change or at least this practice will give you the space to see if there’s a gentler way to say what you want to say and at um maybe a better time too because it can be said later i have to remind
myself of this all the time like i always want to just say what’s on my oh my gosh i’ve never even told myself that before that’s what i said when i heard this tip i was like okay why did that never occur to me right it feels so urgent because the emotion makes it feel urgent your you know your ego self your that part of you that’s like i’m under attack it says like i need to react now and the reality is that it can be said later so you can let it hang out on the porch it doesn’t have to be said right now
so it’s important that we we use self discipline that’s another thing he said to me he was like i mean he didn’t say it to me but basically he said it to me because it hit me he said it doesn’t have to be said right now and it’s important we have this self-discipline and i was like okay dad you know you’re right so i’m uh yeah like i said i’m talking to myself right now more than anyone else uh hopefully others can use this as well but this is certainly one of my critics i know i feel like i just got spanking you right
like legit my husband has said to me probably a million times like are you really bringing this up right now and i’m like now i am oh i doubly am oh my god because then you get triggered into oh i’m not a priority oh i’m not enough oh i’m not worthy of your time you know and that’s a whole nother trigger so if we can remind ourselves before we even say it out loud but i love that straightforward direction like that because it i’m a very how-to person yeah and like i need it straight like that um
like our therapist he had said something about what i had been doing he said he pointed at the screen he said you have got to stop doing that and it was like it is really what i needed it was like for a for an expert in the field to tell me party yeah like yeah someone outside of the relationship to look at me and say you have to stop doing that and it is what it took i stopped this is why it’s only been a couple days but i did stop so far this is why we pay a person to look at us from the outside and go okay i see what’s going on here i’m
gonna call it out yeah you know you do what you want with that information that’s a good magic trick oh good i’m glad you liked it and what’s yours okay so mine he talked a lot about nature and mine um [Music] is a sun meditation so this is an um i’ve always loved some meditations you know paul czech teaches about him but i was really drawn into it by this book magdalene manuscript um the writer talks about how in his practice he goes out into the sun and he pictures his body as a magnet because our bodies are magnets you know
he pictures his body as a magnet just absorbing the energy from the sun and he just says exactly what he wants to receive from the sun and he says he does that every day when the sun is the strongest and he just pictures his body becoming light um so also though like a lot of us are facing some sort of issue whether it’s like poor sleep or poor skin or poor digestion like it feels like you know we’ve all got something so just the reminder that our bodies our bodies do want to heal it just needs the tools and that sun is
a free tool for healing and you know the energy from the sun has been scientific scientifically documented such as ultraviolet radiation and the the primary colors of full spectrum light to have a very positive effect on our health our mental health our physical health our emotional health so we can go outside and draw that energy into our body we just you know you can sit you simply become aware of your body take that sacred pause and imagine it as a body of luminous light then breathe in a relaxed manner and i
think it’s best to not actually do breath work because then you’re taking yourself out of the pause just breathe in a relaxed manner and every time you inhale just feel yourself drawing in the light from the sun into your body and just imagine your body as like a miniature sun and you know as that magnet drawing in that light and receive whatever it is that you want to receive in that practice beautiful i’m going to do that right after this show because i’m sitting in a freezing cold room and i could see the
sunshine outside i know that any time i i’m cold all the time pretty much all the time me too so whenever i go walk out into the sun it’s literally just i’m like you feel that yeah like a flower that’s you know been cold all night and it just opens up and it’s like yay receive receive um so that i get i mean i feel like i do that without even knowing i’m doing it you know meditating towards the sun i for sure yeah love love the sunshine i mean i know that sounds so silly to say and like like
you’re saying we take it for granted like this burning ball of fire in the sky is literally the reason we’re here this is what created our whole evolution you know into medicine yeah we’re little photosynthesis we’re little plants that just turned into heat i know i mean that’s the truth if we didn’t have it and i harp on vitamin d all the time because i’m going on and on i harp on that thing all the time because people need to be reminded that we have to go outside i’m also laughing
about your magic trick trick once about going out into the sun and looking up at it and sun gazing yeah and i told my boyfriend to do it and he came back and he was like his eyes had gotten sunburned we have to do it i told them specific times a day not direct sunlight but it’s just like such a metaphor of our relationship yeah he’s like my eyes are bleeding all right magic moppers thank you so much for tuning in and taking this journey with us if this episode held some magic for you please share it with
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there is some sort of inspiration or gold in there for for all of you we love you so much thank you for listening be alive