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Perhaps our most knowledge packed episode yet, we cover so many bases your head may be spinning by the end of this episode! Our guest, Dr. Rob DeBease, ND, DC, believes that no patient should be OK with simply using a medication, a fad diet or nutritional supplement to “manage” a symptom or weight issue. He’s made getting to the bottom of “dis-ease” his life’s work, and sharing what he’s found through the work he does at his clinic.
As a doctor of Traditional Naturopathy, who has delivered over 450 public lectures, worked with professional athletes and Grammy Award winning celebrities, sat on the Advisory Board for Georgia Medical Institute, and has healed himself from serious health problems years ago, he fully understands how important it is to leave no stone un-turned when it comes to helping someone overcome their own health problems.
In this episode we explore multiple aspects of Holistic and Naturopathic Medicine;
• Adrenal Fatigue
• Thyroid Issues(Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s)
• Iodine Deficiency
• Hormonal Health & Imbalamces(Andropause, Perimenopause, Low/HighTestosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone, Cortisol)
• Liver Overload, Detoxification & Healing
• Microplastics, toxic phthalates & BPA’s
• PH scale, Acidic vs Alkaline Diet, Alkaline Water and how it might be doing you more harm than good
• What type of water should we be drinking
• The lymphatic system, dry brushing, and moving & cleansing your lymph
• How to soak and eat nuts and seeds
• Stubborn fat and what to do about it
• Juicing vs blending
• GMO’s, what they are, how they work, and how to avoid them
•inflammation in the body, inflammatory & anti inflammatory foods
• Gluten, how they work and why they’re bad for us
• Digestion from A to Z
• The Microbiome
• Metabolism
• Caffeine, coffee, and how much is too much
• Stress reduction techniques
• Intermittent fasting
• Iron deficiency
• Why we over eat
Book Recommendation:
• Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD
MAJic Tricks:
• Hair Blow Dryers & EMF Waves
• Adult Carrots Over Baby Carrots
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majic hour episode #70 transcription
(00:04) i’m getting some noise on your end what does it sound like weird swirling noises is it the heater yeah probably okay [Music] hello and welcome boys and babes to the magic hour podcast a place where we navigate through life’s peaks and valleys with all the vulnerability and shamelessness we can muster with the help of world-class guests from all walks of life we uncover new truths and valuable tools for manifesting our highest potential i’m your host mercedes tarot along with my partner in shine jade bryce hey you
(00:50) guys we have an awesome episode for you today that we really feel is truly going to benefit your health in more ways than one our guest today shares our viewpoint on getting to the root of the issues he has said every weight and health issue has a cause i want to know what that causes and so should each patient no patient should be okay with simply using a medication a fad diet or a nutritional supplement to manage a symptom or weight issue the symptom is being caused by something yes agreed and he specializes in so many areas that
(01:23) jade and i both have struggled in in our own health and we both love all things holistic so i’m excited for all the knowledge we can soak up today yes so without further ado let me introduce a doctor of traditional nature of happy who has delivered over 450 public lectures worked with professional athletes and grammy award-winning celebrities sat on the advisory board for georgia medical institute and has been a guest speaker for many corporations his practice alternacare weight loss and holistic health care was awarded top 10
(01:55) small businesses of the year by the newman the newnan chamber of commerce the newnan chamber of commerce and won the kudzu award for best holistic healthcare clinic for five years in a row having to kill himself from serious health problems years ago he fully understands how important it is to leave no stone unturned when it comes to helping someone overcome their own health problems he feels that a holistic viewpoint towards health dis-ease and the human body is paramount and that all the different pieces of a person’s health
(02:28) problem fit together like a puzzle and you can’t get to the bottom of a problem by only looking at one piece that is why we must look at the whole hence holistic he received his bachelor of science degree in natural health sciences from the university of the state of new york his doctor of traditional naturopathy from new eden school of natural health and herbal studies and his doctor of chiropractic from life chiropractic university so with all that please welcome dr rob the beast to the magic hour i want to do it one more time
(03:03) i want to figure out how to say those words but because i’m probably going to have to just use that one um i feel like i need to jump up and down i need i i am i am i don’t know and then also i’ve never i’ve never ever put on lingerie for a man and like lit candles and played music ever in my life well then i’m still still recording and i’m feeling very nervous especially because they’re the ones you got anything for that okay cortisol stress [ __ ] all right there we go some kind of ways how i’m feeling some
(03:55) kind of way i think i didn’t eat enough today either because i definitely didn’t i don’t even know how i feel i just feel yuppy me too the thing is is that conversation that episode could have gone really great with her and then we could have been feeling great right now you know yeah okay here we go we’re professionals okay why do i laugh at us i laugh when i say that okay i was gonna be real mad if i went to her page and she had posted stories oh i know it here we go this is a clap for john okay [Music]
(04:49) oh [ __ ] here we go here we go god damn it this is a clap for john so he’ll have to be able to fast forward through all of our [ __ ] filibustering now quiet i’m trying okay why life why okay hello and welcome boys and babes to the magic hour podcast a place where we navigate through life’s peaks and valleys with all the vulnerability and shamelessness we can muster with the help of world-class guests from all walks of life we uncover new truths and valuable tools for manifesting our highest potential
(05:40) i’m your host mercedes terrell along with my partner in shine jade bryce hey you guys we have an awesome episode for you today that we feel is truly going to benefit your health in more ways than one our guest today shares our viewpoint on getting to the root of the issues he has said every weight and health issue has a cause i want to know what that cause is and so should each patient no patient should be okay with simply using a medication a fad diet or nutritional supplement to manage a symptom or weight issue
(06:11) the symptom is being caused by something yes agreed and he specializes in so many areas that jade and i both have struggled with in our own health journeys and we both love all things holistic so i’m excited for all the knowledge we can soak up today yes hi they don’t hear you yet you don’t you don’t know now i do now got you good so he has a webcam so his camera looks good i wonder why it’s so quiet though can you hear me yeah we can hear you okay okay maybe i just need to turn it out um does that does the headset you
(06:52) are on have a microphone are you using your computers i got a microphone right right over here okay that sounds good um that probably is why it’s just sounding different i wanted to ask um can you say your last name for me just so i can make sure yeah sure it’s the beast the beast okay so i’m saying that right and then is it kudzu award zoo you know on the walls and stuff okay kudzu and then when i say he received his bachelor of science degree i say his doctor of traditional naturopathy is it doctorate
(07:28) or doctor well it’s a doctor of traditional nutrition of a doctor it would be like if i had a phd okay so his doctor of traditional naturopathy okay cool okay so i’m gonna say your bio and then um your intro cool and then we’ll just start asking questions let’s do it okay jade and mercedes oh yeah it says right there on the computer screen it does look cool i like your background will you just double check i think it i mean it sounds like it is chosen for some reason your audio does seem low i hear what you’re
(08:02) hearing no it gets quiet um it’s almost like there’s something over it no it’s just probably where it’s placed it might need how’s that is that better definitely better yeah did you have even better that’s perfect okay cool that’s perfect yeah all right all right sounds good cool all right yes so without further ado let me introduce a doctor of traditional naturopathy who has delivered over 450 public lectures worked with professional athletes and grammy award-winning celebrities sat on
(08:37) the advisory board for georgia medical institute and has been a guest speaker for many corporations his practice alternacare weight loss and holistic healthcare was awarded top 10 small business of the year by the new nin chamber of commerce and won the kudzu award for best holistic healthcare clinic for five years in a row having to heal himself from serious health problems years ago he fully understands how important it is to leave no stone unturned when it comes to helping someone overcome their own health problems he feels that a holistic
(09:06) viewpoint towards health dis-ease and the human body is paramount and that all the different pieces of a person’s health problem fit together like a puzzle and you can’t get to the bottom of a problem by only looking at one piece now we must look at the whole hence holistic he received his bachelor of science degree in natural health sciences from the university of the state of new york his doctor of traditional naturopathy from new eden school of natural health and herbal studies and his doctor of chiropractic from life chiropractic
(09:35) university so with all that please help me welcome dr rob the beast to the magic hour yay what’s happening hi thank you for being here with us yeah guys thank you very much for having me here you know i’m honored to be on the show and i’m hoping today we get to give some really good information that’s going to reach a lot of people for sure for sure and i love your background it’s magic magic hour purple it’s beautiful purple too all right so you cover so many important topics so before we get into those i’m
(10:16) wondering your story and what brought you to this work in the first place what why you chose the holistic route yeah um there’s a couple different factors that definitely played a role in me moving on this road and probably probably the one that’s most significant in my life was um was my upbringing you know my mom got cancer when i was in the sixth grade and my dad got cancer when i was in the eighth grade wow and yeah it really sucked and both of them i watched you know two people i love the absolute most in life
(10:51) just struggle with this horrible disease i watched them get eaten alive by this thing and um i lost my my dad when i was in high school and my mom a year later my freshman year in college and that really you know seeing them go through what they went through and understanding you know from what like the world health organization says that about 70 of all cancers or most cancers are directly related to diet and lifestyle i decided i needed to do something that directly impact impacted people’s diet and lifestyle
(11:21) because i mean that how many people could that help just prevent yeah so that was that’s a huge reason why i i do what i do today for sure that’s amazing wow that’s a i feel like we haven’t seen a lot of that piece of your story out there online so thank you for sharing that with us and that’s pretty cool yeah that’s a really uh great place i guess to start and that inspiration to bring you into this type of work it makes a lot of sense and it’s so interesting how we all have backgrounds that seem to direct us you
(11:53) know no matter what into the work we end up feeling like is our calling yeah for sure yeah i definitely felt called into what i’m doing right now that’s for sure yeah and it’s something i don’t talk a whole lot about online i just uh i don’t i just decided to talk about it so here we are yeah it’s kind of how this podcast came along as well for us oh really well we um just wanting to be a light through you know going through our own dark times and wanting to make people feel less alone in their dark times so
(12:21) kind of kind of feeling called through what we’ve been through and wanting to um kind of you know bring people um bring people encouragement in the midst of that so so kind of the same yeah no i get it it’s beautiful yeah it’s purple driven for sure yeah right um so we wanted to discuss with you out of all the topics that you cover the one of the first ones we wanted to discuss was adrenal fatigue can you explain what it is what causes it and the effects it has on the body sure yeah so basically adrenal fatigue
(12:56) so the adrenal glands right they’re these two little triangular shaped glands that sit directly above your kidneys and they help us have energy they help regulate our emotions our wake sleep cycle they do all this type of stuff and the term adrenal fatigue simply just means the glands are fatigued you know they’re they’re no longer able to do the job that they need to as far as hormone production and neurotransmitter production um because they’re fatigued and and they generally they generally
(13:26) get fatigued because they’ve been asked to do too much for too long is generally how it comes about you know almost like um i don’t know like like if someone was a runner right and they just ran but they just never stopped running there there comes a point in time if you’ve ever seen people like do triathlons you know some of them they get to the end of the triathlon they could barely cross the line their legs look like a newborn baby deer you know they could barely walk so the body’s just not
(13:55) able to do that unless you’re forced gump you can’t run that long um so so the adrenals are the same it’s like they they can’t output their hormone uh for too long and it’s the different stresses in life and and and actually more appropriately the internal stresses in the body that cause these glands to be overworked and then fatigued essentially is what what happens um yeah the factors you know the factors that we typically see behind it is there’s the adrenal glands are one of their main roles is they’re the
(14:26) anti-inflammatory glands of the body so one of their jobs is to stop inflammation so when there’s something inside your body producing inflammation like um it could be a bacteria a parasite a yeast a fungi something like that that’s that’s a toxicity that’s producing inflammation the adrenals have to work overtime to try to deal with that inflammatory reaction and if that inflammatory cause whatever it is is not handled and properly dealt with then the adrenals have to work constantly to deal with
(15:00) that inflammation and the hormone they use for that is cortisol and they can only do that for so long so if the if the stressor is never handled then the adrenals eventually they’re just like guys we can only keep up the cortisol production for so long you know you’re killing us here and then they fatigue so that’s that’s where the term came about and that’s typically how it usually develops what would be some of the symptoms like for someone that’s listening how would they know that they have adrenal fatigue
(15:26) what they what would they be feeling would they look like jade and i today because yeah does it cause frizzy hair [Laughter] yeah you guys look great man so so you’re taught one of the big things that we see with adrenal fatigue is that the person’s tolerance for stress goes down because the adrenals help us fight for this stress so they’re like you’re like your fuse becomes shorter you know you’re more you’re more quick to be irritable um you know uh poor cell phone service might bother you
(16:02) uh you know maybe kids get on your nerves you can’t deal with in-laws um you know anything anything like that that makes your fuse a bit shorter more quickly uh prone to to to emotional outbursts is one of the symptoms you’re going to see um fatigue insomnia usually people with adrenal fatigue sometimes they can fall asleep okay but they most often wake up around two or three in the morning and they’ll have difficulty falling back to sleep you know yeah they and and they sometimes will fall back to sleep but
(16:32) the sleep is just not that deep you know so they they wake up feeling tired and lethargic they are the kings and queens of the snooze button you know often um they need something to get them going in the morning like a cup of coffee or something mountain dew um i had one patient she would have you guys ready for this 13 mountain dews a day oh my gosh just to keep her body going up excuse me i forgot plus her morning coffee so she’d start off the morning coffee because she didn’t she said look i don’t
(17:07) dr rob i don’t want to do sugar in the morning when i first wake up because i know that’s bad for me so she’s happy i’m like that’s what’s bad for you that are going down yeah so yeah so she would do she’d do 13 mountain dew she really did to do for sure yeah she really did you did man hard hardcore um and she would do a cup of coffee in the morning and she would take tylenol pm to try to put herself at night but we’ll see that you know we’ll see that with the adrenal case because
(17:35) they’re tired you know they’re tired throughout the day they’re it’s kind of like they’re dragging their body around yeah absolutely um they crash after lunch and even the crazy thing with the adrenal fatigue case is even though they’re not really getting great quality sleep at night time you would think as the evening approaches they would just be quick to just crash right but these guys not so much they actually wake up in the evening time they’re more like night owls right when the rest of the
(18:01) world is kind of going down they’re like yeah let’s you know get on the cell phone yeah tons of memes about that um well what what can we do to to help it if we feel like we may have adrenal fatigue what are the things we can do well so number one the most important thing is to identify what’s causing it right because the adrenals are reactive glands all they’re doing is just reacting to some type of a stress usually in the body sometimes it is definitely can come from life right um so but it’s often coming in the body so
(18:32) getting with a good holistic practitioner identifying what the cause is that’s paramount that’s number one but some things that we could do on the side right to help those glands um diet is huge um so the adrenal glands they help to maintain your blood sugar in between meals so with adrenal fatigue it’s good to eat more often but smaller amounts so those guys they really want like four or five small meals per day um because usually with adrenal fatigue there’s some type of inflammatory component that’s
(19:05) occurring in the body we want anti-inflammatory foods so we want the cruciferous vegetables we want kale we want broccoli we want cauliflower brussels sprouts bok choy right all that good stuff we want berries we want blueberries we want avocado we want really good healthy fats for the adrenal glands still avocado coconut oil black seed oil is wonderful for the adrenal glands so we really want more of an anti-inflammatory diet where the person’s eating throughout the day versus someone that might you know
(19:35) partake in intermittent fasting we want we want a diet that’s spread throughout the day we also want really high quality vitamin c and we don’t want a lot of sugar so we want like low sugar low processed foods for sure so okay those are some things that people could do you know there’s a bunch of herbs and stuff like that they could take for general support as well mm-hmm there’s so many directions i want to go with this you you touched on one of the symptoms being being easily triggered and being easily
(20:03) especially upset and i just wanted to understand how the how that correlates or if it correlates to um where in our menstrual cycles especially as women or anybody you know we all have hormonal cycles to some degree so is there a correlation between like basically the symptoms you’re talking about are when i’m in like day 25 to 28 of my cycle you know so yeah is there a correlation 100 so um so your adrenal glands make cortisol and that’s your like anti-stress kind of hormone right too much of it actually induces stress but
(20:44) it’s the it’s the anti-stress hormone so the interesting thing though is you make cortisol from progesterone and a third of a third of any menstruating woman’s progesterone comes from the adrenal glands not the ovaries two thirds come from the ovaries one third comes from the adrenals and progesterone gets converted into cortisol so when we look at a woman’s menstrual cycle right it’s like um when she’s actually menstruating uh progesterone is low and then shortly after that starts to come up middle
(21:16) month is high and then as we get closer to menstruation again progesterone starts to fall off and it’s low and then menstruation starts so when the adrenals are weak they or when the adrenals are being pushed right they’re over cortisol so they start to steal the progesterone like little criminals little thieves they start to steal the progesterone that they would normally give to you they start to steal that to and it’s used to make cortisol so your progesterone levels fall even lower low progesterone you’re going to be
(21:46) irritable you know you’re going to your fuse is going to be shorter you’re going to be more quick to emotional bursts you’re going to have problems with sleep yep you’re going to you know swell more often like all those type of things that you see can 100 be connected and correlated with the adrenal glands and adrenal fatigue when i um i had two babies back to back and um their father was you know working like 70 hours a week so i ended up getting adrenal fatigue and um it led to perimenopause but the um
(22:15) the cortisol um i did like a saliva test my cortisol i guess a woman’s is supposed to be highest like around afternoon noon or 2 pm mine was higher than that at bedtime and so um i started taking cortisol a cortisol manager yeah yeah that’s a great product yeah from integrative therapeutics and yeah i take that um and it’s made a world of a difference but is there anything else that we can do to fix high cortisol yeah i mean again we got to understand like why the cortisol has gone high so so typically when there’s a stressor in
(22:55) life like if it’s if it’s so adrenal fatigue is induced typically either from the inside out like there’s something going in in the body that shouldn’t be there or from the outside in like there’s something that’s created in life a high stress situation that’s just overloading the glands right and they can’t keep up often it’s a combination of both um so so one of the things that people could do to combat high cortisol is again you got to look to see if there’s anything
(23:21) else going on in the body i’ve found probably about 80 of the time there is so that’s like the first thing like let’s look let’s take this person’s case apart like in yours for example i would just dissect your case and figure out what’s going on there’s probably something else that’s going on in your body that you’re unaware of or maybe you’re aware of it’s not been handled and addressed and that’s probably connected to your to your adrenal issues and to the elevation in nighttime
(23:43) cortisol parasites and bugs and stuff like that they’re actually more active in the evening so they create more inflammation the evening pushes the cortisol up higher at nighttime so um so that would be like number one the other things that you can do right so getting doing the things that switch the clock like your hypothalamus gland sits in the brain and that’s what controls your circadian rhythm your weight sleep time when you’re pushing out cortisol when you’re not so so doing those things that reset that
(24:09) clock are great so using a product like cortisol cortisol manager getting your melatonin levels checked at nighttime and if they’re low correcting that as needed um trying to be more active in the morning time so you’re getting light on your face you’re getting light bright light ideally in your eyes you know on your skin those things can help getting exercise in the morning um can really help and making sure as we approach the evening time our diet is one not too heavy and too filled with lots of
(24:40) anti-inflammatory foods so so a meal that has um like some people like with adrenal fatigue um just really light meals at dinner time with anti-inflammatory foods can can make the world of difference in helping to reset their sleep patterns as long as they’re doing the other stuff so there’s some things that they can do so you in anti-inflammatory foods you listed off some beautiful ones earlier but i don’t know is there anything you you can speak to in that realm that um i think just the idea of foods being
(25:09) inflammatory for some of our lesser listeners would be new information so maybe just speaking to that yeah sure yeah so there’s okay yeah so there’s certain foods so the human body some people’s bodies genetically work better with different foods and we know as a general average for us humans as a as a group as a species there’s a few sets of foods that are pro-inflammatory like they create inflammation in the body um we know this from lots of clinical research blood tests all that stuff and maybe just why is inflammation
(25:44) in the body bad i mean you’re you’re talking you spoke directly about cancer you know being the thing that kind of kick-started this journey for you um watching that happen in your parents so like if i’m just a beginner in any of this and just opening my you know third eye into the physical world of how food works in my body and how i can prevent this stuff why is inflammation bad inflammation is literally connected to almost every single disease that mankind interacts with or encounters today like
(26:19) everything um everything from cancer to heart disease to stroke to diet to diabetes every one of those things obesity we find have a direct underlying connection is inflammation so that’s why it’s so vital to make sure your diet and your lifestyle is one that helps to drive the anti-inflammatory processes versus the inflammatory processes beautiful yeah okay so sorry to sidetrack you but back to the foods and the way that they respond our bodies respond sure so there’s some foods that are pro inflammatory and we know they’re they
(26:57) just increase inflammation that’s what they do one is all refined sugar so all refined sugar you know if you’re new to the game if you’re just opening your third eye to this whole thing watch out for the sugar you don’t want to get too much in that eye because that stuff is really really inflammatory to you um the others that we know are gluten and dairy so gluten for the new for the new guys out there gluten and gladin are the protein structures that are found in wheat many of us are missing the enzyme or i
(27:30) shouldn’t say many of us some of us are missing the enzyme many of us have a set of enzymes that don’t work as well so we can’t fully break down and process the protein that we find in some of these gluten grains like wheat barley does that seem to be a new thing since people seem to be sensitive to gluten now but we never really heard of that before or is it um i don’t i don’t know that it’s that it’s new um i i think what i think is this i think in part there’s been a lot of things that have
(28:01) occurred over the years like the introduction of gmos in 1994 like the increase in vaccines that we see um the just the increase in general toxins and pollutants that we have in our environment right so i think it’s like all those factors that kind of damage yeah right damaged some of our basic physiology and as a result these foods maybe that we used to eat 200 years ago that didn’t cause any problems are now problematic for us and gluten for sure is one and another one sugar gluten and dairy or probably
(28:33) sugar gluten and dairy yeah probably the three biggest yeah does it matter with wheat um if it’s say it’s like sprouted and organic does that make it okay or so that’s better just because overall it’s a healthier thing but when we’re looking at wheat what we’re looking at is does this person have what they need in order to break down gluten the protein in wheat and be able to digest it because if you don’t it actually gets converted into when you hear what it gets inverted into it’s
(29:04) crazy it gets converted into morphine derivatives wow what that makes so how do we know if we don’t have that because we get bloated and we’re no we get slow digestion or that’s a gluten intolerance my girlfriend actually has the extreme which she actually feels drunk whenever she has gluten because it’s into your brain and on the milder side is it just bloating and slow digestion or very one of the crazy things with gluten that we see is we like so we run panels that are you know so we run panels that are called
(29:44) immunoglobulin panels and we’ll see these immunoglobulins they elevate sometimes not immediately after the person eats the food sometimes it’s 48 to 72 hours later so you might have a bowl of wheat cereal on monday but it’s not till wednesday that you start to feel awful so it’s hard to sometimes draw the connection yeah which is why it makes yeah sensitivities especially in gluten’s case so problematic but usually jade you do see um you’ll see on the milder side like bloating maybe some tiredness maybe
(30:15) just some achiness maybe brain doesn’t function as well some people will get some skin irritation and things like that on the on the more mild side i’m pretty much gluten free but i really love dave’s killer bread it’s so damn good and it’s sprouted and organic but i know i know i need to get rid of it i’m 100 italian right my grandparents oh no well yeah off the boat from italy i grew up in the kitchen with my mom yes my mother and i used to have these tables stretched out i mean literally
(30:46) from one from our living room all the way down the hallway and we would roll homemade gluten-filled pasta right i found out i had to give up gluten and had to like tell my extended family i couldn’t have gluten anymore it was like it was like i was committing a capital yeah they were like robbie what are you doing but that’s one of the three it’s it’s gluten dairy and sugar sugar are the most those are the most inflammatory foods they are i don’t know that they’re the most but in like general population
(31:20) if we have to say for everyone i’d be the most common for sure okay and that’s what i found in my own you know journey into figuring out what i can and can’t eat in order to be my best self um which i don’t always follow the rules by but a big part of that journey for me has been really dissecting what my microbiome looks like or as much as i can um through tests through stool tests and that type of thing and then trying to work to feed the ones that i want to colonize more of and feed and starve the
(31:51) bugs that i want to you know not have such big colonies of but keeping a variety in my diet and now that we’re having like joe rogan right now is advocating the all meat diet right now which is you know i don’t know what his own motives are but anything that’s like of course every person has different microbiome different gut bugs so they’re all going to have a different response to their the diet they they thrive on but um i’m just wondering if the inflammation that’s happening because of
(32:23) the enzymes that do or don’t exist in our gut or that are helping us process our food and digest our food is that tied together with the bugs that we’ve got going on in there um and on top of that maybe this is like a secondary question but how does that layer in with hormones because i know so much of our hormone production is related to our microbiome and our gut bugs and especially vitamin d which is a hormone right so go on any of that first off i gotta say you guys are hip man you guys that’s awesome that’s really good that’s
(32:59) very impressive that’s really really cool um yeah so to answer your question a hundred percent there’s there’s such a large connection um there’s such a large connection between what’s happening in our microbiome and what’s happening in the rest of our body right it’s like we have more cells there than we have in our whole entire body there’s so much stuff going on in that area um and there’s a direct connection between the foods that we’re putting in our body and what grows and
(33:27) what doesn’t grow so often if we’re putting in things like sugar you know we’re growing the bad bugs and we don’t want to have grown we’re growing the candida we’re growing the yeast we’re growing the opportunistic bacteria that’s sometimes associated with autoimmune disease right we’re growing those things same thing with gluten same thing with dairy and the big thing is when if you can’t to you know what to sum it up and and i think to put it into simplicities if the digestion can occur and the food
(33:56) can’t be fully broken down the way it’s supposed to be for the human body then when it gets to the small and large intestines the harmful bacteria they got a meal right like a buffet for them they’re like oh yeah jade’s not digesting today bring it in jay we’re going to eat it right so then they eat it and then they start to grow out of control and then we start to have these imbalances in our microbiome we start to get these harmful bacteria that start to form they make their own set of toxins that create inflammation
(34:23) in our body add to inflammation further stress the adrenals when the adrenals start to get stressed you know over production and cortisol when they over produce cortisol they can’t make enough of the good hormones so everything starts to go off balance everything affects everything else it’s like a huge domino effect is what occurs yeah and it’s it’s really serious and i think it’s such you know using a word like microbiome it’s it’s very hip right now and it’s all of that but at the same time it’s very
(34:49) intimidating if this is you know where you’re starting your journey so just i don’t know i would just lend to the listener to just type that in somewhere and start listening maybe start listening to dr rob’s videos um on digestion and all the things that pertain to us becoming better from the inside out um and because i’m i’m not gonna do a good job explaining this and i you will probably do a wildly better job um i wanted to bring up part of my story that got me to even be interested in you know
(35:21) bettering what i was eating and making myself um feel okay was it started very much with anxiety depression and all these symptoms coming in that were seemed psychological and you know partially of course were i had some old stories and childhood traumas and things i had to break down but so much was also related to my diet and i know that because i had been chronically constipated from about 14 to 30 years old and but not knowing because you know talking about poop is so taboo and especially as a female you know so it was something
(35:58) that never really got talked about now on the show it gets talked about all the time but um part of my journey as i was uncovering okay well a lot of this you know emotional trauma and stress is wound up in my gut and is affecting the way that my body does digest food and of course the food i’m putting into my body and the physical activity i i do or don’t have on a daily basis is affecting all of all of me um and something that was crucial to my final healing of my gut was introducing um what my naturopath doctor
(36:34) brought which was this the way that the system works from when you put food into your mouth and it goes into your stomach and where the enzymes begin you know breaking it down from your mouth and your stomach and the amount of acid you need in your stomach in order to do that job without the diluting of drinking too much water before meal you know with all these other obstacles that we decide to throw in there because so and so tells us that that’s the right way to do it and then as it moves down our digestive
(36:59) tract and the enzymes it needs in order to break it down the bile that needs to be released and introducing those things i supplemented them with acid for my for the stomach portion the hcl betaine is what i took that am i saying that right i’m not sure um i did i had some enzymes that i would take like later in the meal because of the the more alkalinity i guess they’re more alkaline than obviously the acid is very acid acidic um so and then bile and bile was the major part for me i think my bio production
(37:30) was very low and so that whole thing together which i it took a long time for me to get to the perfect recipe for me to finally be able to have regular bowel movements and feel like i was detoxing properly you know um but i got there and by the way if anyone’s listening and they do you know find a good guidance to get you through how you should implement those into your your life and diet the other side of it is you don’t for me i don’t use them anymore it was like i loaded them my body got the gist of it i figured out
(38:03) what to eat and not eat and then i was able to move off of that but can you speak to how like i know it seems maybe simple because you do this work all the time but for me it was really mind opening it really helped me visualize what my body is trying to do from the moment i put the food into my mouth and what happens through that process okay so you want me to walk you through essentially the digestion yeah from one end from one yeah yeah basically from mouth to bum yeah sure so so when you when you have food right and
(38:37) you start to chew it one of the first things that starts to happen is the food itself starts to break down in the smaller particles and we need them broken down into smaller particles because we’ve got a bunch of enzymes and stuff that need to get in there right to reach them so um in the mouth we make a whole bunch of different types of enzymes certain enzymes that help us break down fats others proteins others carbohydrates and they have a certain ph that they operate in ph is just basically how acidic something is or how
(39:03) not acidic we call it alkaline so but how acidic something is not acidic so the enzymes in our mouth they work in a just a slightly in acidic environment because your mouth is just a little bit acidic like ph is saliva is about 6.5 which is a little bit of okay so so in your mouth you’re starting to digest your food and stuff and enzymes are being released okay then it goes down the tube your esophagus hits your stomach when it hits your stomach the next thing that starts happening is you make other enzymes in the stomach but
(39:32) these are like acidic enzymes these are enzymes that only work well when there’s a lot of acid in the stomach so the other thing that you start to produce about 30 minutes to 60 minutes after you eat is is hydrochloric acid and this stuff is super acidic you know like it’ll burn a hole through your floor it’s amazing the way our bodies are created in that it doesn’t burn a hole through your stomach so it the acid in combination with the acidic enzymes in the stomach they break down the food more and your stomach
(40:04) actually has muscles and it squishes it right like my grandmother would need dough she would get in there and just knead this dough yeah little lady angelina and she would knead this dough and your stomach does the same thing it’s like kneading your food it’s smushing up your food it’s moving it around it’s turning it and after a couple hours it then moves from your stomach into the first part of your small intestines called your duodenum and your duodenum is very different than your mouth and your stomach it’s really
(40:33) the only part in your whole digestive tube or tract that is alkaline it’s very alkaline in there bile is alkaline and now we’re where it’s like now what happens is kind of like in similar to how if you had like grease all over your counter and you use soap to clean it off that’s what kind of happens in the gut bile acts almost like soap it’s an emulsifier and it looks a spotifier and it gets in there and it kind of like breaks down the fat and it breaks down the fat into little tiny pieces called
(41:04) called globules and it breaks all this down and you have um more alkaline functioning enzymes now that digest so now now you’re like um now you’re pretty the food is pretty digested we hit it we chewed it up in our mouth we hit it with some enzymes we brought it to the stomach we hit it with tons of acid right mixed it up hit it with more acidic enzymes brought it over to the duodenum hit it with bile hit it with more more alkaline enzymes so we’re digesting our fats right protein digestion kind of happens more in the
(41:34) stomach fat digestion happens a bit more in the duodenum with bile and those more alkaline enzymes and then we get into the small intestines and in the small intestines we have further enzymes getting released because the pancreas is releasing small is releasing enzymes and our small intestine the cells in our small intestines start releasing enzymes and we start really breaking down food and now we’re absorbing vitamins and absorbent nutrients and all this cool stuff and then we get down to the very end of the small intestines and the food
(42:04) or what’s left of the food is now really kind of waste and then that moves into the colon and now we have this kind of waste fibrous material that our beneficial bacteria start to eat and grow off of and then they start to kind of manage things there’s things that they do we reabsorb water in our colon and then we give it back to whatever county we’re living in you know that was beautiful um yeah i did not expect to ask you that but i’m so glad i did because you are the perfect person to give us that information i think it’s
(42:37) i mean it’s critical it’s something we don’t talk about often you don’t hear about it often and it seems like it’s something you should learn in school but you really don’t not so much as a comment or an insult i’m the perfect doctor to talk about it it’s definitely a compliment in my book and the poop doctor yeah hey we play one on the show so yeah um but no i love that and just like the steps you’re talking about that even just chewing like okay focus on chewing for a bit make sure you chew it enough
(43:08) because now you’ve told us why that’s important the breakdown is starting there and then once it’s in your you know once it’s gone down your esophagus relax like if you’re going to just get into a stressful situation it’s not going to allow the rest and digest phase which is also other obstacles we get into so it’s just i don’t know for me knowing those knowing that information helps my brain be able to feel okay you know i’m the person that way overworks herself it glorifies busy in all the
(43:35) wrong ways and you know that’s stuff i have to work through on my own time but i need good reason and be able to visualize why i need to like allow my body to do this process that’s so important for me to continue living the life i love you know i gotta tell you you guys are awesome and i love that you’re talking about this and you really you know your stuff mercedes you really do thank you i think the only reason i do is because i ha like it we were talking about earlier i went through some dark times
(44:03) motivated me i’m just hoping people don’t have to go that far you know to finally find the light right stop it before it happens yeah be preventable what’s it what’s the oldest expression like a a pound of an ounce of cure is worth a pound what does that mean oh i don’t i don’t know but i know what you’re yeah prevention is worth a pound of cure that’s it yes and that’s so true yeah but you’re right if i could just touch on that just just say one thing please the listeners
(44:29) if your digestion track you have a unique thing that’s happening in each step and if you remove one step it’s not good so like if you’re not chewing it well it would be like if you had a car on an assembly line because that’s what your gut is like and you just said we’re not going to put the tires on today fucker’s not going to drive right and it’s a just happening with your gut with your body we have to make sure that each step is happening from mouth to bottom absolutely um something you mentioned earlier was
(45:00) regarding caffeine intake and the mountain dew you know doing the do um with when your patient’s there and caffeine has been one of those big struggles in my life whether it’s me um consuming it and i’m getting all kinds of anxiety i haven’t had caffeine in like 10 years because i have such a bad experience with it interestingly i’ve taken like the 23andme test and it actually shows your caffeine sensitivity and mine shows super sensitive um my dad on the other hand could have an espresso shot right before he goes
(45:29) hits the pillow and fall asleep just fine so it’s you know different strokes for different folks but i’m wondering how do we know how much caffeine is okay you know for our bodies and our adrenals to continue to function properly on and that’s acidic right coffee is acidity yeah coffee is generally necessary to compound there’s there’s benefits there can be benefits to it you know there’s great polyphenols antioxidants and organic forms and stuff but to answer uh to answer your question
(45:56) mercedes um and you think your question was how do you know the right amount of caffeine for you yeah my personal opinion on this is if you can go without it that’s the best if you if you get health benefits from it right so if you drink coffee in the morning and you get health benefits and it doesn’t affect your sleep in any type of negative way that’s great so i think the easiest tool someone can use is listen to your body right if you’re having three cups of coffee a day and you’re noticing you’re not sleeping at
(46:27) night and you’re more anxious and you’re more jittery but when you have one cup of cof one cup of coffee a day okay you’re good you’re good through the whole day if you’re using coffee as a medication where you have to have it to keep yourself going it’s just time to go okay this amount of caffeine that i’m using is not good even if it’s one or two cups yeah because something else going on internally that’s preventing my body from operating like our bodies are supposed they’re
(46:54) supposed to function right they’re like it’s like a car you know you wouldn’t just be like oh yeah it’s totally cool that my blinkers don’t work i don’t mind i got only gotten to four accidents but i also wonder like some people it’s like they’re almost immune to it now to where they need six cold brews and that they may they may not be having all of these side effects but i imagine that their liver is because it’s got to process the caffeine 100 yeah 13 mountain dews is just way too much for
(47:18) anything yeah um so yeah so if i had to say this like a general rule if you’re healthy if you feel good and you did two cups two to eight ounce cups of coffee per day and it’s good organic coffee um you’re you’re good to go if you if you’re if that’s what you like to do so i think when you start to step outside of the two cups you start to push your adrenals too much right if we if we work with the physiology of the body and we say when are the adrenals when are they awake the adrenals are the most awake in
(47:47) the morning in the afternoon so if we support that and we say well let’s have a cup of coffee in the morning and then let’s have one at lunch we’re at least working with the normal circadian rhythm in the body so but when we’re starting to have it later on in the day like 2 p.m 3 p.m 4 p.m 6 p.m 8 p.
(48:03) m sometimes people at night time right now we’re starting to distort the normal circadian rhythm per day and it’s just too much it’s interesting to me too because of not you know using caffeine as a stimulant for so much of my life now i don’t think of like i don’t think of i can stay up later and push the limits because i got i’ll just drink more coffee tomorrow or something it’s like no i i prioritize sleep or nutrition you know food over everything else because that is what my stimulants are i don’t
(48:33) have more to choose from that sometimes i feel like other people have like a one-up on me you know what i mean but at the same time i think it’s benefiting me in the long run or i’m hoping that’s what i’m telling myself to me about it it definitely is there’s a there’s a doctor um dr goldberg and i remember he taught nutrition when i was in school and this guy was he was definitely you know what you meet some of those people in life and certain ones they just stick with you that was dr goldberg he heard he healed
(48:59) himself from rheumatoid arthritis the guy was like almost crippled and killed himself from rheumatoid arthritis and he would just say in his class he’d be like look guys for you coffee drinkers um you know coffee makes your adrenals work past what they’re ready to work at for that moment in time and there’s only so much your adrenals have so if you’re pushing them with coffee they’re eventually going to burn out and me at the time i’m sitting there with like you know a double dunkin donuts grande in my hand
(49:31) drinking it thinking i think this guy might be honest i think another thing is like if you may not you may not know um how coffee’s affecting you you might try switching to matcha or yerba mate and seeing if you still get that um pick-me-up without like for me um coffee was making me a more impatient mother and i knew i needed to cut back i wasn’t being as present as i wanted to be because i couldn’t be calm and then when i switched to matcha and yerba mate it it still was my morning like pick me up but i wasn’t having those other side
(50:09) effects and so it might also just being trial and error trying something else and seeing if it works better for your body yeah you’re spot on 100 i think it’s it’s an interesting topic and i it’s one that will probably get a lot of pushback as far as like you know we might not mention this is what we’re going to talk about in the episode because people might be like i don’t want to push that out of my life because it’s an addiction and addictions of course we protect at all costs but the fact that it is an addictive
(50:39) substance and that your body starts feeling like it needs this thing in order to be just okay is obviously something that you may look into if you’re really needing several cups of coffee or mountain dew or whatever hopefully it’s sugar-free mountain dew i don’t know the sugar just is what like when you said all those hips the mountain dew yellow yeah the yellow never mind yeah um but that’s an interesting urine for sure but some of the questions i would or just a couple of questions i might ask myself if i was really worried about
(51:10) any any substance i’m putting in my body but this is caffeine we’re talking about here is are you rested in the morning when you wake up like did you get your full amount that you know is what you need and be honest with yourself and um just are you able to listen to your body through this substance or is it affecting the ability to do that and i think that’s that question itself is really if we could just be mindful as often as possible it would help us heal a lot i’ll just go with you you know i
(51:40) think so many of us we’re just moving through life so rapidly that we forget to take a moment and just and just be aware of our body right just connect with our body and go what is this thing that i walk around in every day tell me yeah right just take a moment and listen um i think that’s a really really great point yeah oh okay so all that in mind we started that combo off with um what adrenal fatigue was and how we can do things to affect it hopefully for the positive so what is the difference between adrenal fatigue and thyroid
(52:16) issues and speak to us about thyroid and how that that’s all working in our body or not working a lot of the time yeah so um so similar right adrenals are usually caused secondary to something they’ve been overworked right over stress the thyroid is not so much like that the thyroid are similar symptoms but the thyroid is that it’s not functioning usually because it doesn’t have something it’s needing or something interfering with its ability to do its job i did a video once upon a time and it
(52:46) was uh i called it the 39 causes of thyroid problems and i listed out the 39 different causes that i see in my clinic to to people that have thyroid problems because i see this all the time and people come to me i had a lady she was she was on fire medication for 50 years wow she noticed a test um a test testimonial and what we found on her is we found um we found a toxicity it’s called bromine we found a bromine toxicity on her and that was essentially interfering with her thyroid’s ability to absorb iodine
(53:17) absorb iodine so she couldn’t make thyroid hormone 50 years right she she was on thyroid medication all we did was we did a urine study we identified the problem and we said look you need to change your diet you need to take these supplements to flush out the toxin so your thyroid could start walking working again the thyroid started working again after about a year completely off thyroid medication wow is that the only way to test your iodine to know if you have iodine deficiency is through urine so it in my opinion it’s the best way um
(53:46) to do that there’s a there’s a special test you guys guys want me to talk about the test absolutely okay cool so we want people to know how to get to the answers okay um yeah so like my wife says i get too nerdy sometimes no we’re nerds um so so that so the test that we do is uh it’s called a 24-hour urinary iodine study and you can you could pick this up online any of your listeners can go online and look at it and i should a quick disclaimer if you know you have hashimoto’s disease which
(54:20) is an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid do not do this study if someone recommends it to you do not do this study because you’ll screw your thyroid up like a million times worse um so but the way you do the study is um you take you you wake up in the morning you urinate and then you take a 50 milligram pill of iodine which is like a billion times more than you would ever need in a day you know like usually people and is iodine is from salt or no where do you get iodine from yeah you’ll find iodine a lot in sea vegetables um
(54:50) like dulce nori wojciki or hajiki kelp um eggs are a good source of iodine you find some iodine in yogurt so so iodine is was added to table salt back in what was that i remember when that was might have been in it during world war ii or something it’s not anymore really i guess table salt maybe but now everyone’s using pink himalayan or some you know mediterranean well i get told that maybe that my kids have iodine deficiency because they’re always asking for salt but we use the pink himalayan um but we have eggs every day
(55:22) so there’s no iodine added yeah there’s probably plenty of iodine like if someone has hyperthyroidism like their thyroid is working too much you got to pull them off eggs because the eggs have too much depending upon the quality of the egg anywhere between 20 excuse me anywhere between 20 and 40 percent of the us already have iodine so you have a couple eggs you know you’re usually pretty close to it the rest of your diet usually good but but iodine is needed to manufacture um thyroid hormones so if if a person it
(55:53) was a question um just originally we’re talking about what’s the difference between adrenal and thyroid um yes it tests the test that’s what it was so so the way the way it works is a person takes a 50 milligram uh tablet of iodine which is just it’s so much more than you need you know probably like i don’t know maybe 10 000 times more than you would only molly yeah and what should happen is you take it and then you collect your urine over a 24-hour period and you should excrete almost all of the iodine because you
(56:22) don’t need that much right you should excrete almost 100 okay well if a person only excretes like let’s say 50 of it or 30 of it 10 of it we know they have a huge iodine deficiency because their body is so deficient in iodine it’s it’s as soon as you put the iodine in your body your body was like oh my god let me grab that iodine you know i need that iodine like a starving kid yeah that gets food or if you ever watch survivor when they when they have they win a reward right and they’re at their
(56:49) feasts and they’re like oh yeah and they eat they’re so happy so it’s a similar thing with iodine so you start to absorb all of it and then you don’t excrete as much and that’s that’s one of the best ways i know to test for iodine fascinating i did have i had a homeopathic doctor who put iodine on my skin to see it’s absorbed how long it took to absorb do you think that that’s an accurate way to measure yeah so it’s a good it’s a good like what i would call like triaging
(57:17) test it’s good we’ve done that in my office as well you just do a little square yeah of iodine and uh can you see like it should take about 24 hours longer here and if it takes less than that depending upon where it is it indicates some degree of iodine deficiency okay and is iodine deficiency um the way people would know if they have it though like just from um if if this is a concern is because they’re struggling with thyroid issues that would be like the main symptom yeah usually you have symptoms
(57:52) um that are connected with hypothyroidism when when you’re i truly iodine deficient yeah and what are those symptoms what are those symptoms um you typically will have so you can have weight so it’s different for each person but you could have weight gain all over um you’ll have fatigue you’ll have dry skin you’ll have hair that starts to fall out yep which is lovely i know women love that um so and this is this is hypothyroidis hypothesis and hashimoto’s is that a related both of them yeah can have these exact same
(58:28) symptoms because they’re both hypothyroid problems there’s just two different causes behind them okay yeah um so yeah so you’ll have um what else oh you’ll have brain fog so you it’ll be trouble for you to like remember things you’ll have cravings typically for carbohydrates you’ll lose sometimes the outer one-fourth of your eyebrow it’ll become thinner lost um yeah that’s the big stuff those are the big things i have like the liquid iodine supplement at home i have no idea why
(58:59) um i must i don’t i don’t want to take it because i don’t know if i need it but it’s i it’s there i don’t know why i have it i was okay the general recommendation is don’t take iodine unless you know that you need it because if you push too much excuse me if you push too much eye down in your system it could actually lead to in some cases um hashimoto’s autoimmune disease oh wow wow so um i was also told that one you know a symptom of of i guess we can call it pms a symptom of being a
(59:30) female in her child-bearing years is breast tenderness during parts of your cycle and that iodine can be one of the things that helps to not have that remove that or that an iodine deficiency could be what leads to that is there truth to that yeah that’s true the second so your first major storage place of iodine in the body is the thyroid the second one is the breast tissue yeah what they found there’s actually different clinical research on you guys can look at this stuff online but there’s clinical research that was done
(59:59) that showed that people um here i’ll give you this one study that was done that was actually really neat they did this study on rats and they injected these rats with this chemical that causes breast cancer a hundred percent of the time like it always causes breast cancer right so they have like three different groups they’ve got a control group they have the group that they’re injecting with the stuff that causes breast cancer and then the other group where they’re injecting the stuff that causes breast
(1:00:24) cancer into these mice but they’re also giving them adequate amounts of iodine to make sure their iodine levels are really good and zero percent of the mice that have the iodine and the stuff that causes breast cancer zero percent of them got got breast cancer wow yeah that’s not to say that iodine is going to stop everyone from getting breast cancer but we know that there’s a connection there you know that there’s definitely that’s fascinating is there my um grandma in law just had a thyroid a surgery on her thyroid i think
(1:00:57) removing part of it something she struggled um with for a long time and i don’t know what the you know more holistic ways are to go about avoiding having that removed i’m sure having your thyroid is a very important part of your your your body’s ability like we’ve been speaking about here to regulate and to do what it needs to do so once you have had a surgery like a removal or a partial removal i don’t i’m not sure what the names of the surgeries are myself is there anything to do at that
(1:01:28) point to to help um you know continuing leaving healthy and alive you know for that matter that’s an important one yeah um yeah of course so if someone’s had a partial thyroidectomy is the term when they remove the thyroid so if they’ve had a partial thyroidectomy there’s a lot that could be done because they still got a side that’s working in their function right so there’s a there’s a lot that they can do um and it’s it’s different for each person the big thing a person needs to
(1:01:57) know is if there’s any autoimmune disease present and for your listeners that think they might have a thyroid problem the marker that medical doctors for some reason don’t always check for but they need to push their md to check for this marker is what’s called tpo stands for thyroid peroxidase antibodies everybody needs to get that checked it’s like before we give iodine to anyone in our clinic we check that the majority of the times because if you have that that usually means you have hashimoto’s
(1:02:27) present and you don’t want to take a bunch of iodine so if you have a person that has had a thyroidectomy and they don’t have hajimoto so they’ve confirmed that then there’s so much stuff they could do you know there’s i mean geez there’s you know do i give you the whole list absolutely sure we’re good with it yeah if it’s too nerdy just shut me up so so your brain has your pituitary gland and your pituitary gland makes thyroid stimulating hormone that tells your thyroid to work right
(1:02:55) your your thought your pituitary gland needs a substance um called asparagine it’s an amino acid and it needs that to manufacture tsh thyroid stimulating hormone okay so one a person has to make sure that they have some asparagine in their diet if they’ve had a thyroidectomy they also need to make sure that they have proper vitamin a planetary wise vitamin a is one of the largest deficiencies on the planet uh believe it or not wow vitamin a helps a gene in your body work properly that manufacture that causes you to make
(1:03:28) tsh thyroid stimulating hormone and where do we get vitamin a from oh like you know any types of fruits and vegetables for the most part mostly your orange stuff like sweet potatoes yams carrots you know there’s a lot of beta-carotene in those you can get the fatty vitamin a um from seafood so salmon um most like uh fatty fish they’re going to have something does that come in our fish oils then probably not in your fish oil because fish oil has usually been purified to contain only omegas so but yeah so you need that so you need
(1:04:02) vitamin a and asparagine for someone that’s had a thyroidectomy and then they have to make sure they have proper iodine and they also need another amino acid called l-tyrosine because those two your body takes iodine and l-tyrosine and it puts those together and then it makes thyroid hormone so you need that to make thyroid hormone and the iodine also keeps your thyroid safe providing you don’t have hashimoto’s it keeps it like protected potentially potentially from thyroid cancer right so yeah so then from there
(1:04:30) then from there it gets a little a little more geekier but from there from there your thyroid hormone has to go to your liver because the thyroid hormone that’s made is not really activated it goes to your liver and your liver uses selenium to help activate your thyroid hormone you got to also make sure you have selenium so those are the big things you need like selenium l asparagine l-tyrosine and iodine so a very uh anti-inflammatory and well-balanced diet with some variety it sounds like i know celery is very anti-inflammatory
(1:05:02) and i felt like i had all the symptoms of hypothyroidism and i started doing celery juice every morning on an empty stomach and all of my symptoms went away so medium boy he knows his stuff yeah medical medium we want to have him on but i know that um celery juice is really good for thyroids as well so yeah so juice is good for like just about everything i know yeah um i love that beautiful recipe that you just gave us though the whole all the nerdiness of it i like all of it so i did want to ask though how does this
(1:05:30) affect men uh the thyroid and are there and we we talk about thyroidism in women a lot it seems much more common um and and hashimoto’s specifically is that a woman-only issue now it’s so you’ll find it if you just look clinically you’re going to find it more female than men but yeah men and women too are affected okay and so in men the thyroid plays what role same as women um our thyroid is responsible one of the big things the thyroid gland does is it activates your mitochondria okay yeah yeah there’s a little that your
(1:06:12) thyroid actually controls the size and number size and number of mitochondria in your body controlled by firefighter thyroid there’s other influences to that but the thyroid controls that so the mitochondria they basically are the little structures in your cell that converts food right into energy so fats proteins carbs it converts those into energy when the connection between the thyroid and mitochondria don’t convert doesn’t happen then you don’t burn the food as well so your metabolism slows
(1:06:40) right you get lots of stored or potential energy that you got it right doctor do you know who dr berg is yeah i love dr berg that’s part of my bio healing oh cool so he’s a friend of mine and i i really love him um and he used to always have a joke he would tell me this he would say this joke he would say he’d say he’d say look man rob it’s not fat it’s just potential energy the answer it’s true that’s funny i like that that use of it for sure that’s funny so mercedes outside
(1:07:14) no no you guys are good go i didn’t know if you had a finish to what we were that last piece with the mail yeah as far as the mail no it’s just it’s just that the um your thyroid that’s what it does right it activates your mitochondria it has them convert your food into energy so all of your cells can work so that means your liver cells your heart cells your stomach cells your muscle cells your brain everything is fueled to one degree or another by your mitochondria and your mitochondria are affected significantly
(1:07:44) by thyroid hormone production so there’s no discrimination male 1 right you’ve got a thyroid problem you know some issues with normal bodily function but it’s seen in women more often why i don’t know the answer to that yeah i wish i did i don’t i don’t know i don’t know but we know an answer to that i don’t yeah like science-wise clinically i don’t know that we we know that if it has to do to has to do with genetic pretense uh propensity if it has to do with um lifestyle i
(1:08:11) don’t i don’t know but that’s a really good question like yeah i wonder what that is related to okay what has to do with estrogen because you know estrogen interferes with thyroid function right it shuts down and in female that has to do with that yeah women make sense levels are generally higher right and usually thyroiditis and all these other um issues around thyroid seem to happen later in life when you’re going into the menopausal stage or in the menopausal stage so that’s less estrogen
(1:08:39) they can yeah they they can um but not always and right one of the flip sides to that too is cortisol also interferes with thyroid production so as we get like cortisol goes up yeah i wonder if i’m just going to be taking these cortisol pills for the rest of my life oh jade you got something going on you need to i’ve been taking them for three years well that’s good continue because they’re definitely not hurting yet you know um but uh yeah there’s something right there’s something that’s going on
(1:09:12) there’s you know there’s difference so you guys are probably hit to all this stuff but there’s different stress reduction techniques that you could do to also lower cortisol in the evening um give them to us i’ve heard your video on it or watch your video on it i’d love for you to tell our listeners okay oh you want me to tell you yeah okay i’m sure yeah so there’s different things you could do um one of the things that you could do or just simple breathing exercises at nighttime right like before
(1:09:36) you go to bed um and there’s there’s a variety of them i found on the clinical side the one that seems to work best is the 478 ring cortisol which is simply before you go to bed at night breathe in four seconds hold it for seven seconds let it out let me put it back up um so breathe in through your nose slowly right for a count of four hold it for a count of seven and then breathe out slowly through your mouth for a count of eight um and so wonders for anxiety wonders right so that’s that’s definitely a good
(1:10:12) one another thing that you could do of course is just really like embarking and taking in the action of appreciation gratitude acknowledgement before bedtime that practice there was um oh what was the name of the neuroscience uh there’s a neuroscientist and what they found um is one of the things that has a huge effect like monumental effect on the expression of your genes like which genes are on is it the cancer gene that’s on i’m getting cancer or is it that hey i got energy gene that’s on one of the huge things
(1:10:48) that it affects the expression of your genes are your thoughts absolutely yeah so it’s crazy right it’s this this mind-body connection that we have so having thinking of things especially while you’re doing this breathing exercise things you’re grateful of you know thinking of all the things you’re grateful of the people you’re grateful of the love that you have for others positively viewing yourself in the next day you know the greatness that you’re going to bring to your day and to others
(1:11:14) people’s day and how you’re going to help and how you’re going to be of service to other people that type of conscious thought pattern at night time while you’re doing the deep breathing that’ll that’ll drop someone’s cortisol you know that’ll help yeah as long as there’s nothing else physiologically going on that’ll help people absolutely it reminds me of a guest we were going to have on um earlier today that didn’t show up but she calls he calls a nighttime meditation of meditation
(1:11:40) [Music] yeah that’s really interesting and it made me think of epigenetics and the way that we can affect our genes while we’re here and alive and even before we have children and pass them on to some degree beforehand which i think is like just knowing that you can have that much effect on your well-being and creating a better future if you decide to have children with those genes but just in yourself you know by being the change you’re creating a better future for everybody around you so that’s really beautiful stuff i think
(1:12:17) that’s really important stuff to to know amen mercedes yeah so mercedes is really great at tracking her hormones and is really passionate about hormonal health as you can tell and i as i mentioned have had to overcome perimenopause so we’re both really interested in the topic of hormones um can you maybe go into the different types of hormonal imbalances with us and maybe they’re associated symptoms so there are lots i know that they go under a lot yeah big one you know good a good one especially for women um estrogen
(1:12:53) dominance is that’s a that’s a good hormonal imbalance i think when you’re not making progesterone is that what’s right that’s exactly right yeah it’s usually the estrogen levels are okay um but there’s usually not adequate amounts of progesterone being created um that’s that’s one of the ways that could happen i’ll explain that a little bit more one of the other ways is just through the induction into the body of what are called like xenoestrogens and estrogens that come from the environment you know
(1:13:18) like there’s a oh there’s a great website we should tell your listeners about um do you guys know about environmental working group oh no he doesn’t know his whatsapp cool so i’ll tell you so there’s there’s um your listener should definitely check this out check this out guys there is there’s a there’s a group that’s they’re called the environmental working group it’s uh www.ewg.
(1:13:40) org and these are a team of chemists they’re a national non-not-for-profit group and what they’ve done is they’ve analyzed a lot of the stuff that we would use topically on your hair on your skin um and what you would use for cleaners in your house and they’ve given it a safety rating on a scale from zero to ten so things that are like you know 8 9 10 you’re going to die get that stuff out of your house poison right and and the stuff that’s like zero one two you could probably do a shot of it and you know you’d be okay
(1:14:12) so not that you’d want to do that it’s just a joke um so so these these things have been evaluated by this group and what we what they do is they also say the chemical that’s in there like there’s there’s estrogen-like chemicals or chemicals that are endocrine disruptors they interfere with the function like there’s that methyl something is a hormone disruptor that’s in almost every hand soap and lotion and laundry detergent and everything in everything and another one are fellates which are in like our plastic
(1:14:45) water bottles and stuff that’s why i’m generally in glass yeah yeah so um yeah mine’s much bigger but i always have a gallon she does one of these days i’m going to be cool like you and i’m going to go for a booger that’s awesome you rule um yeah so so when we’re so that’s one of the other ways we can get into this estrogen dominance type of condition there’s just too much estrogens coming in from the environment you know in our future in our foods and other places um so so when we’re looking at estrogen
(1:15:17) dominance we’re looking at not enough progesterone and when we’re looking at not enough progesterone we’re looking at those symptoms like um you know like irregularity to the menstrual cycle uh often the menstrual cycle can become shorter than it’s supposed to be when we look at a complete cycle you know averaging maybe around 28 days people that are really in estrogen dominance they can have a shorter cycle like 21 days you know where they could have breakthrough bleeding throughout the month
(1:15:41) they could also have um irregularities in their cycle where where symptoms that they start to experience when they’re estrogen dominant are also are all also cyclical like you explain mercedes like they’ll notice i had one woman um that noticed she had a thickening of the color of the hair around her lips like thickening a mustache right there was acne that was worth around the cycle i always get a hair right here when i’m ovulating [Laughter] there’s our video from mercedes my goodness so other things we see with estrogen
(1:16:23) dominance we’ll see fibrosis depress we’ll see depression we’ll see anxiety cravings for chocolate you know one of the things that’s well when there’s estrogen dominance sometimes um depending upon which which um ovary the woman’s ovulating from right knee pain on the side so every other month it might be right hmm yeah low sex drive fatigue acne those those type of things we’ll typically see in estrogen dominance yeah and when we see that type of um it jumping a month the symptom jumping a month is that
(1:16:57) so that means that one ovaries sputtering or is one ovary is having a harder time and so that these hormones are trying to regulate that is that what’s going on there yeah okay ovary sputterer wow and so with men is there specific imbalances that happen i know that a lot of the men in my life right now that i twist their arms to go to the hormone doctor and get all the labs and all the things they are seeing a lot of uh you know low testosterone in this time in their life and i think a lot of that has to do with like you’re talking about
(1:17:35) these free i don’t know we call them free radical estrogens or whatever you know what do you call those but um all that exposure that we’re getting even like living by the freeway you’re getting exposure to stuff that’s turning your hormones into something you may not want it to be so what is it or is it something specific for men that you see commonly um being an issue when it comes to hormones so so i think what we’re what we’re probably talking about here is is almost andropause um it’s when
(1:18:05) testosterone levels are just not quite as active or as efficient as active quite at the level where we needed them to be or the active form of testosterone is not present in the amount that we need it to be it’s like bound up right we’ll see that most commonly what i’ve found for me just clinically working with with guys over the years the most common reason for that is there’s almost always elevation in cortisol okay always cortisol one of the things cortisol does is it interfere it causes a problem with these little enzymes for
(1:18:38) the guys that are listening called your aromatase enzymes and what they do is they take your testosterone and they convert it to estrogen so your testes they pump out all the testosterone so you could be like yeah let’s hit the gym and then you got all this cortisol floating around so these aromatase enzymes start to go up and they start to go now testosterone come on over here we’re going to make you more estrogen-like and it literally converts your testosterone into estrogen or estradiol um so we see that with
(1:19:03) elevated um with elevated cortisol and then what happens right is because there’s elevations in cortisol they get belly fat and then when they get belly fat belly fat produces a form of estrogen called o estrogen and then for a guy that suppresses that further suppresses that further suppresses testosterone function and actually causes inflammation in the prostate so wow yeah so it becomes like kind of this nasty thing and then they start turning their testosterone into what’s called dihydrotestosterone and then that causes
(1:19:33) them to start to lose hair on the top of their head right you get male pattern baldness so so for those guys often we’re really looking at um them being able to mitigate their daytime stress correct their diet anti-inflammatory foods you know get on the right exercise program for your body uh those are important make sure you’re supplementing with the right things because often these guys sometimes not often but enough of the times these guys are zinc deficient right zinc deficiency yeah so so there’s there’s definitely a
(1:20:02) lot of things to look at with that but it’s certainly not normal you know it’s certainly not normal i mean there’s guys you know there’s guys that they they operate i mean god there’s some ufc fighters you know these guys are natural they’re not on any steroids and they’re like you know in their late 30s early 40s and they’re still competing i’m like what the hell how are you doing they’re rolling around with dudes doing jiu jitsu all day and that is tea building i mean like my husband does jiu jitsu we
(1:20:26) work for a mixed martial arts organization yeah so and that’s how jade and i know each other as we worked together uh in mma for a while oh yay that’s my favorite sport amazing um but i know you’re saying you don’t know this then yeah oh he does know this he’s just kidding no yeah i know i mean i know jiu-jitsu i took my first jiu-jitsu class in 1994 but it was japanese jiu jitsu it wasn’t brazilian jiu-jitsu oh yeah that’s supposed to be the new new too that’s coming back around i
(1:20:59) think yeah been hearing a lot about it lately um yeah it’s really cool so the reason i bring that up though or i on top of what you’re saying there about the the mma fighter you knew is when he goes to jiu jitsu class i can kind of count on the fact that when he comes back he’s going to be t drained like i mean he leaves it all on the mat there and there’s none for me when he gets at all yeah so of course there’s a lot of energy output just generally for jiu jitsu but because i think it’s you’re around all these
(1:21:32) guys who are you know black belts and striking they’re they’re you’re gonna have to really really fight obviously in order to you know prove yourself as a male in that situation even you’re using all of that hormone release although your adrenals are probably getting you know fatigued as well if you don’t have if you’re not doing that regularly and and with him it’s when it’s only when he’s not traveling so it’s not often enough to i think him to build that type of um stamina and his adrenals and in his uh
(1:22:03) ability to produce all that but i think that’s a really interesting place and um a good place for maybe men listening to start is getting interactive in a in something that would trigger your testosterone to boost on its own including the the food types you’ve talked about which would be helpful in its own or sprints maybe or do you have anything else besides jitsu and sprints and those type of things that men can do to play that up any type of hit training right any type of hit training is going to push
(1:22:31) providing let me let me let me put a disclaimer out here providing they don’t have adrenal fatigue if your adrenals are fatigued you got to fix that first before you’re ever going to get your testosterone levels up it’s just not going to happen so providing your adrenals are in decent shape or in good shape then any type of you know high intensity interval training is definitely going to push your testosterone levels up it’s going to push your gross hormone hormone up it’s going to accelerate fat burning you know
(1:22:52) for about the next 48 hours so anything like that is great so so you know anything from weightlifting to sprints to activities like light jiu jitsu boxing any type of like mma stuff um anything along those lines you know even jumping up and down flights you know flipping a tire outside chopping wood manly stuff yeah like my dad man that guy i don’t know he was he was a little guy he was five seven um but he could take so i used to help him chop wood when i was little and he could take he was just a gu he was a manly dude though
(1:23:26) right his forearms were like this big uh before he got sick and i remember we got there and split wood and he put like one of these wood wedges in there and he just set it and he would hit it once with a sledge hammer and boom i mean this huge lob yeah just break it apart so i think grow like when a guy grows up in an environment that it’s like a guy’s environment i think it kind of like it almost begets more testosterone production and maybe that’s why guys evolve the way they did because their bodies were put in those
(1:23:55) situations so they have to have they have to have more testosterone to fight to do combat to chop wood you know whatever it is absolutely and to combat the cortisol you gave some great tips but also i might just add playtime like i think we really forget about going outside throwing a ball around dancing well dancing might be a little more estrogen a little more feminine have a tutu on yeah we could do some african tribal dancing i feel like that’s very macho yeah well like um with the progesterone though
(1:24:29) before we get too far off that topic when you’re not making enough what can you do well again you got to look at why and and i trace most of the progesterone cases i trace back to i trace them back to the adrenal glands because the adrenals are producing they’re responsible again for a third of all your all your your progesterone production so when we’re looking in cases like estrogen dominance really we’re talking about progesterone deficiency we got to first look at the adrenal glands are they producing what they should be
(1:24:58) producing if they’re not all right let’s handle them first and then if they’re handled and there’s still some issues there okay then there’s there’s other factors that need to be looked at regarding what’s called your hpo axis which has to do with your hypothalamus pituitary ovaries and all that other stuff man there’s so much someone else i feel like people are going to be overwhelmed with like yeah that’s a lot did i just start with the adrenals i don’t know if i was listening to this podcast i’d
(1:25:26) be thrilled by it so i’m just going to go after that audience whoever you know listen to so many things could be wrong with me though uh but what could be right you know i think a great starting place for for people is if they’re if they’re not going to work with a provider if they can go find yourself a good holistic practice absolutely big naturopath a chiropractor that specializes in functional medicine an osteopath or an md that does functional medicine anybody that’s kind of natural more holistic oriented go
(1:25:56) find someone try to work with them if you’re not going to do it through that yeah i think a great place to start is just go online get rid of gluten dairy sugar get yourself a good multivitamin um if you’re not sleeping get try some different sleep supplements to help return yourself to a normal sleep cycle do the deep breathing the anti-stress kind of activities at night time start doing some mild exercise during the day change your thoughts and eat an anti-inflammatory diet and get in sunshine sunshine
(1:26:28) you gotta get the sunshine vitamin d i’m gonna actually i know uh we have another question to move on to but i wanted to ask on that piece we were talking about about uh men’s hormones and and all the drama there that can be um we’re dramatic we’re so true we’re dramatic yeah we talk a lot about sex therapy on this show and so i want to know if like edging if you’ve heard of that terminology or um abstaining from ejaculation for periods of time and that type of work can help to either increase or decrease
(1:27:06) the testosterone for a man or if it’s we don’t know here’s what i know so i don’t i don’t know the answer to that question specifically i do know um sexual a guy engaging on sexual in sexual intercourse not masturbation but an actual sexual intercourse with a woman from the studies i’ve looked at increases testosterone okay i know that um i know that looking guys looking not that they should be like on portal day or anything like like that but i know like a guy looking at images or at their woman at their wife
(1:27:39) in um in a naked state increases testosterone and when we look at it logically it would only make sense right yeah well um because that’s what’s going to help to to have better sperm production which is going to help to facilitate the continuation of the species absolutely so yeah yeah it does i mean uh to whatever degree we can because i don’t even know that it was a really thought through question it was just something we’ve been talking about on the show from time to time um specifically edging and
(1:28:09) on saving sperm or the the creation uh mechanisms and energy that takes to produce that stuff but still using um sexual energy in your you know life in order to have a a pleasureful and enjoyable life but i just didn’t know if there’s any if you might have heard of any correlation between those two um things specifically so thanks for playing there well you got me something to do homework on yeah we’ll talk about this next time we have you on we’ll find savannah be an edgy yeah exactly okay so um you speak often about healing your
(1:28:49) liver and you call you say healing your liver is healing your life so what are some of the best ways to heal and detox our liver good question so i guess one of the first things you know is just let’s look at food um the liver as far as food the liver doesn’t like food that sounds weird right liver has over 500 different functions if we just build it down to two big ones we would say there’s detoxification on the left there’s digestion on the right okay does not do those both very well simultaneously
(1:29:29) so when we fast right or when we’re not fasting when we’re eating the liver has to focus a lot of its energy on digestion right so its ability to detoxify then goes down and the opposite would be true if a person said i’m gonna fast okay well while they’re fasting the body doesn’t have the liver doesn’t have any digestive real significant digestive responsibilities so its ability to detoxify got it yeah so when we’re looking at improving liver health we’re looking at one one of
(1:29:59) the most important things is food and if providing there’s no adrenal fatigue present a great thing that we can do and i do it in my daily life is we can implore intermittent fasting right so um if someone can and it’s it’s it’s good to start out when you’re intermittent fasting if we just gave the definition to that it’s simply avoiding excuse me it’s avoiding food for a period of time that’s normally longer than what you would typically see in society okay so that could be a good
(1:30:28) definition for that and which is typically overnight like 12 hours is what most people are doing minimum 12 hours that’s right you’d want a minimum 12 hour fast um so you know if your last meal if you were done eating at 6 00 pm you would not want to start eating until 6 a.m the next day yeah okay and that’s a good starting point if you could start to move that and condense your food window down to ideally i i think it’s optimal for a person to eat from 12 noon to six at night if they can do that that’s what i do
(1:31:03) if they could do that it’s so great for your liver your liver helps like we said to activate thyroid hormone your liver turns off cortisol so it lowers your cortisol production um your liver activates another hormone called igf-1 which is like growth hormone it helps you like grow become strong and healthy and viral and stuff so your liver gets rid of excess estrogens or estrogen metabolites that can be linked to cancer and breast cancer so having that 12 or maybe 14 or 16 hour window um or maybe leaving a little more right
(1:31:38) 18 hour window where you’re not where you’re not eating gives your liver so much time to just process toxins balance hormones restore neurochemistry so i think that’s one of the first and best things and then also probably being careful what that first thing is that you’re taking in after that fast making sure it’s maybe water or celery juice not something that’s going to be hard on the liver like sugar just yeah or coffee first thing is coffee yeah exactly something that’s um something that you want your body to
(1:32:08) absorb on an empty stomach yeah don’t eat a bowl of you know as soon as you break your fast um yes so that that’s really really good point jade and yeah that’s 100 true um cruciferous vegetables the the mineral the liver really needs or trace mineral is sulfur um because the liver does something uh it uses sulfur in one of its in phase two liver detoxification so we get sulfur um great amounts of bioavailable sulfur from our vegetables or cruciferous vegetables so again going back to the to the crucifers
(1:32:43) kale broccoli cauliflower radishes brussels sprouts bok choy you know so then do you feel like that all meat diet is too hard on the liver yeah yeah it’s just such a it’s people that i know that are super healthy and look amazing they’re on all meat diet and so um it’s confusing here’s the here’s the thing and this is something i fully believe um there is here i’ll just say it like like this in the 22 almost 23 years now that i’ve been in practice i’ve never had two people on the exact same holistic health
(1:33:18) care program it’s never happened and there’s been a lot of people we’ve worked with now close to 25 or over actually over 25 000 people so it’s never happened because everyone’s body is completely unique so to say there’s a single diet that’s right for everybody i don’t think we could say that there’s some people that are going to do way better on a ketogenic diet people are going to do better on a paleo diet or some people are going to do better as a vegetarian no it just really depends upon the
(1:33:48) uniquenesses of their body what their genetics are able to do and what they can’t do and then their lifestyle you know so there’s some people that the oil meat diet is definitely going to be good for you know but for a time yeah for a time but but overall when we look at the clinical studies overall the vegetables man the health the health the healing is in the veggies that’s where it’s at you know it’s in the veggies it’s in certain fruits um so yeah yeah it’s interesting to me and
(1:34:18) honestly i’m not [ __ ] on anyone because i agree that there is no right diet for everybody every body um but it’s interesting to me that so much behind the ketogenic diet you know of course that’s the fad right now but or this all meat diet for that matter is about well when we were you know caveman we were eating all meat and it’s like well actually before that we were apes so i mean how far have we gone i don’t know we seems like there’s a i could go into a real rabbit hole here about
(1:34:53) where our current evolution has brought us to in the time it’s taken to get here and now the fact that we know about epigenetics and we have the ability with that consciousness to change at a much more rapid rate you know for for ourselves now and future generations i think there’s going to be a massive paradigm shift as well as an evolutionary physiological shift of our bodies and the way that they are able to digest food and do all the other things that we can manipulate with our genetics um in this this coming
(1:35:24) time a lot faster than maybe it ever has in the past but that’s a whole like i said a whole rabbit hole but just the fact that you know we try to sell these diets to everybody because someone’s making maybe money off of it or it works for them and so that that’s what they’re um you know facilitating but the reality is that if it doesn’t feel good for you then don’t do it for me specifically i did the keto diet i’ve done every diet you know and it’s given me a lot of background to talk about it on the show
(1:35:57) but i did it because i was trying to heal my gut of course i did it because i was trying to um see if this would help me build muscle mass lose fat you know all the things that you do a diet most people do diets for for me the keto diet made me completely almost stop digestion um i think especially because there’s dairy involved in it and much more meat than i had ever been eating in my life and very little fiber which for me is an important part of my diet so it’s like i’m saying and i went to my hormone doctor by the way right before i
(1:36:35) started it and i was like just finally got on track my hormones were looking good and then i went literally after i had been in ketosis essentially for entirely five weeks in ketosis at the end of that he looked at my panels and he said whatever you’re doing which he had no idea what and he’s an advocate of a more primal diet you know um whatever you’re doing stop doing it because your hormone panel is showing that your body did not like it so yeah i think going back to the hormones is a really important part of how we can
(1:37:05) know if this is working or not and listening to our bodies again and making sure we don’t have obstacles in front of how you know our listening ability with our bodies so i don’t know all that just to say yeah i think we just the point is that we need to listen to what our bodies need instead of being sold from outside to recap though the best way to detox your liver is one of the best ways is that you would recommend would be intermittent fasting intermittent fasting uh definitely lots of cruciferous christmas
(1:37:48) uh blending is really good um as well as juicing like fruits and veggies yeah when we’re looking at when we’re looking at someone and we really want to help their liver it’s almost like there’s a two week period where they could almost be vegan you know they can get their protein completely plant-based from like things like hemp seed and almond and they can go total cruciferous vegetables they can do a lot of sprouts when we look at sprouts like broccoli sprouts for example have anywhere between 10 and 100 times
(1:38:18) the amount of nutritional density than the actual adult broccoli floret broccoli sprouts yeah broccoli sprouts huge yeah tremendous amount of sulfur too if you ever just eat them and chew them straight you’ll find out okay yeah they look like alfalfa sprouts right yeah they yeah [Music] what about eggs with sulfur the eggs there’s very sulfur smelling i’m just wondering yeah eggs so here again when we get to the liver so the friends of the liver are like the plants it’s the cruciferous vegetables berries
(1:38:48) are great the enemy to the liver is any type of dense animal protein okay especially starting with the red meats being the worst for the liver so if you’re trying to detox your liver red meats are definitely not going to get you there eggs are also hard on the liver they’re also hard on the gallbladder so eggs are not good if you wanted to go with a an animal type of food and you’re trying to help the liver you can go with a quality sushi it’s got to be wild caught um and or if you wanted to do
(1:39:19) like wild caught salmon um and it’s there’s a couple companies that are good uh like wild alaskan they had while alaska they have a good um a good a good salmon the way they farm it um it’s it’s great for the environment it’s very environmentally conscious but it’s also farmed in areas where there’s low likelihood of those fish being like toxic you know filled with like junk yeah with that do you feel like sushi is safe as long as you’re as far as parasites go and such as long as it’s wild caught
(1:39:51) um and your body’s able to detox properly yeah i think it’s pretty safe if you go to the right restaurant because like so sushi um i forget what the degrees are but it has to be frozen at a specific degree for a certain period of time it’s like it’s like negative 30 something celsius or fahrenheit or so you don’t want like fresh sushi like at the fan super fancy restaurant when they’re like we just flew this in we just caught it so yeah so typically if they just if they just flew it in um it would have been frozen
(1:40:24) oh okay yeah so they would catch it they would freeze it right like there’s one way to do it where i think it only takes an hour or something like that you have to freeze it at like i wish i had the numbers for you guys it’s like negative something degrees fahrenheit you have to freeze it for like an hour and then after that hour you can thaw in any of the parasites that are in there or eggs are going to be dead because that’s too harsh for the temperature for um for them and then they thought and it’s essentially fresh
(1:40:47) now if you’re ever with someone on a boat and you catch yeah that’s a little different um is that sketchy or what it’s sketchy yeah it’s sketchy but a lot of the like let’s just take salmon for example salmon doesn’t have a whole lot of parasites in it it’s so good when it’s not previously frozen amen sister um so salmon doesn’t have a whole lot of parasites in it that really affect the human body there’s one it’s um i think it’s a tapeworm and it will it’ll attach
(1:41:14) to our stomach and make you really sick but it’s only for like a couple days and then it can’t live in our body and your body excretes it out so so there’s not a whole lot of parasites in sushi what fish has the most paired sites i don’t know the answer to that one that’s a that’s a really good question but i don’t know the answer to that you mean you’re not a fish expert too well aim and order mercedes walk out of this interview with my head hung up oh my god no you have so much
(1:41:40) it’s just a wealth of information that’s why i just keep asking you questions um i did want to ask about because we were talking about the liver and it being able to process you know the nutrients we need out of these foods or being important in order for it to to function the liver to function properly itself when we’re talking about iron because that’s something i struggle with and a lot of women tend to struggle with and men i guess struggle on the other end of it right like too much iron right what’s
(1:42:07) going on there so a couple things so let’s take women first because i think overall we see more iron problems in women than men for sure um there’s a few things that are happening uh when there’s when there’s an iron deficiency state or there’s anemia that’s occurring we got to look first at the stomach because the digestion of iron you have to have enough stomach acid present if there’s not enough stomach acid present for the individual they’re going to have a hard time being able to absorb iron you know
(1:42:36) so that’s the first thing the second thing a lot of the iron is absorbed right in the lower intestinal tract so in the small small intestine so if there’s stuff like sibo which is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth if there’s stuff like that present it’s going to it’s going to impair the ability of iron to be absorbed and then there’s medications like so many people are on medications you know yes it’s just nuts and there’s there’s a handful of them um that will interfere with iron
(1:43:03) absorption so i think it’s really i think it’s really important when there’s iron deficiency anemia to to look at you know what’s what’s going on is one is there enough in the diet two is your stomach acidic enough to digest it and three what’s happening in the small intestines you know is yours is your small intestines able to absorb the stuff that you you’re taking in yeah that’s what sorry good what are the symptoms of iron deficiency so you’re tired you know you’re really
(1:43:30) tired you get brain fog your muscles get achy you can have like achiness almost in your bones um your your your capacity to remember is just kind of shocked you know because a lot of these symptoms are similar all of the like adrenal and thyroid and that’s why you got a test right yeah because when someone comes in symptomatically to me i’m like oh that’s one of 47 000 different things you could have so let’s now yeah what about the um the on the men’s side is the symptoms since it’s the opposite what would their
(1:44:03) symptoms be so their symptoms if they’re actually iron deficient and is going to be the same um if the guys have too much that’s what i mean yeah yeah it’s known as like hemochromatosis those guys have a different so some of them are actually asymptomatic um they could be asymptomatic for a while um other ones will get cramps they’ll get like leg cramps they’ll get achievements and legs yeah um it’s one of the symptoms that they can get but but for those guys that’s a that can be a little tricky
(1:44:32) because um when there’s too much iron the iron will start to deposit in different organs and it’ll create these kind of odd symptoms and it’s not until they go to the doctor and the doc goes let’s do a blood panel and they go whoa man you’re yeah it’s so funny too because in our culture well first of all you know women have periods so we get to detox a lot of that extra iron out if we have too much or someone who bleeds too much like me probably needs to like not do that so much that’s a whole other
(1:45:01) thing um but men especially in our culture are told we got to eat red meat we got to be stuffing our face full of iron all the time and alpha male yeah you don’t have any way to detox that stuff regularly like we do so it’s very it’s dangerous yeah i’m also curious you’ve brought up eggs a couple times what if you’re eating pasture-raised eggs i eat two pasture eggs eggs every day and my kids eat one every day if they’re pasture raising organic is that okay or awesome yeah we’re talking specifically
(1:45:32) for the liverpool i was like specific for someone that really wants to detox their liver weak liver detox or something like that the eggs you don’t want to do so but us having those every day is not going to negatively affect our liver organic pasteurized eggs i have them period periodically as well so and just the difference between before we move off the iron topic the difference between heme and non-heme iron and how we can use those to regulate our our iron intake if we’re a man or a woman and how that might be
(1:46:03) better for one or the other scenario you know if that’s not like in your realm or your specialty we can totally move on it’s something i don’t do a whole lot with so i’m i’m trying to think so i have an answer for you but i’m trying to think if i want to give the answer um i like whatever i’m giving you i want to make sure it’s completely correct and yeah and i don’t know that i feel 100 percent comfortable that i have in my head for that it’s all good and i just say and i don’t know if
(1:46:33) we’ll even keep this in the show so don’t worry about we have editing power but yeah so we’re not live no yeah so it’s all good we have editing power it makes it really really a lot easier for everybody involved and on that note i’m gonna run to the restroom super fast but you guys keep going can i go take a pee yeah okay bathroom break okay so you
(1:49:22) miesha’s yelling at my door again cause i went out there and now she’s reset [Music] this is naughty so you just pick up jade on your question we’ll just cut that last piece okay so you say that ph is one of the most misunderstood topics in natural healthcare and i myself have a really hard time understanding it can you explain the ph scale sure yeah so the ph scale is a scale it’s an arbitrary scale from basically 1 to 14 right and 1 to seven or one to six point nine is acidic and then seven is totally neutral which
(1:50:02) would just be pure water and then 7.1 to 14 that’s going to be what’s called alkaline or basic so that’s how that scale is kind of broken down and i think i think one of the problems that occurs in healthcare today is when we discuss ph we have this everyone says alkalize you know they’re like gotta alkalize your body alkalize your body and i’m not exactly sure where that comes from i have an idea where it comes from and that is the ph of your blood is between 7.
(1:50:34) 3 and 7.4 um and which is slightly alkaline so i think maybe that came from there they’re thinking eat foods that are more alkaline and like alkaline water super trendy right now too yeah i’m not a big advocate of alkaline water because you push your body into a condition called alkalosis your body has to maintain this ph your bloodstream has to maintain this ph of 7.3 to 7.
(1:51:01) 4 if it goes to alkaline your body is going to do certain things it’s going to disrupt it’s going to disrupt certain normal biochemical reactions that need to take place and it’s going to disrupt those things to take the other stuff it needs the minerals and things it needs or the acid the chloride ions that it needs or hydrogen ions to bring your blood more into an acidic state if it goes to alkaline so drinking loads of alkaline water unless you’re a cancer patient is not necessarily an ideal thing because it’s going to push your body
(1:51:30) into too far of an alkaline state and the same thing with acids so that’s my thought on that when we look at the gut you know we have when we look at digestion like we talked about the first parts in your mouth slightly acidic in your stomach acid you’ve you had to take mercedes yeah add the hydrochloric acid back into your gut right so that’s that’s acidic um so we need to have certain acids in our digestive tract and actually there’s clinical research that showed the more alkaline you’re called the ph of the
(1:52:04) colon stool the higher the chance was and the occurrence of colorectal cancer yeah so it’s really we need to acidify the gut you know we need to make sure and i don’t mean go eat a hunk of meat that’s not what i mean i need to i mean we need to make sure there’s enough acid there for our digestion apple cider vinegar betaine hydrochloride those type of foods are going to aid in the digestive processes but also acidifying our gut and really just normal digestion without pouring a whole bunch of alkaline water into your system
(1:52:35) because that’s just going to like i said it’s going to create a condition of alkalosis in your body it’s not going to be good for you yeah the acv is good to have every day for most people as long as you don’t have gastritis or stomach ulcers um then yeah absolutely yeah so the it’s such a it is a really trendy topic right now you know being alkaline or eating alkaline and especially with um of course cancer patients attempting to create more alkalinity in their body and the way that i understand it please
(1:53:07) correct me if i’m wrong but when it comes to specifically like alkaline water if you’re putting alkaline water in your stomach where you want it to be acid because that’s where all the initial digestion happens then you’re diluting the acidity and if you’re having that too close to the food that you’re trying to digest it doesn’t allow the digestion that needs to happen inside the stomach to happen so then your food carries on the rest of your digestive system without being digested
(1:53:39) properly up to that point is that okay that’s 100 correct and but the other point of that is when you drink water that water and and a lot of its stuff that make it outline or acidic are absorbed immediately into your bloodstream right within 20 minutes so you put that water in your gut that water enters your bloodstream and if that water has a ph of 10 your bloodstream goes whoa what the heck man all right we got to now steal the stuff we would use to make hydrochloric acid we got to steal that stuff and bring it into the blood
(1:54:13) so we can make the blood less alkaline or else you’ll go into a condition of alkalosis and die so the body what is the best water to drink my personal opinion i this is what i do at home so my wife and kids do um i like a reverse osmosis water so a five-state reverse osmosis system so it completely pulls everything out of the water so it’s a neutral ph 7.
(1:54:37) 0 but then it goes through a remineralizer which is basically a you know like tube filled with all different minerals in it and it passes through the minerals and the ph of the water comes out about 7.4 so right around the ph of your blood okay and that i think is the best because you’ve got mineral rich water it tastes delicious and there’s no junk in it and it’s cost effective for people yeah buying you know plastic water bottles all right um yeah yeah oh go ahead i was just going to say personally i love mountain spring
(1:55:08) valley mountain valley spring i believe it’s called it’s the green glass bottles normally but they also deliver instead of like getting the sparklets or whatever they deliver big four gallon bottles um cool yeah the problem is no they’re in you can get them in glass it’s very expensive to do it that way but you can get uh four gallon glass bottles or you can get four gallon gallon green plastic bottles which does change the alkalinity and all that too but i think that because it’s minimalized um and by the way i can tell
(1:55:38) very much the difference just the way that my the thing that i used to dispense it it collects the minerals yeah so at whole foods is where i refill my water they have the ph balance which is like nine something 9.4 9.7 and it’s twice the price then they have the dnis and the reverse osmosis and i just i get 13 gallons a week and i just split it between the dna and the reverse osmosis but i do get the plastic it’s it’s um bpa free but i know with the phallics uh is it how you say it phillips yeah i know that i’m still probably
(1:56:14) absorbing that from storing my water in there um i just i’m a single mom with two toddlers and carrying a five gallon thing of glass is very hard for me i break the plastic ones enough so um but i did see you mention that we have plastic showing up in our poop so um and how that’s affecting our liver can you um talk to us about that first off i think you know to backstep for a second we we have to also live a practical lifestyle and it’s not about it’s not for me life is not about perfection it’s a being and attaining the best that
(1:56:50) i could be for everyone that i’m connected to um and i think like some people sometimes they get too hard on themselves they’re like well you know i do this right and this right and this right and this right and this right but man i don’t like i drink out of the plastic water okay that’s a lot you know you’re doing these other as long as it’s not um one time use plastic yeah okay don’t do that that’s not just bad for you that’s bad for the planet right that’s good for the
(1:57:14) environment amen yeah um so when we look at that right if someone just for themselves is doing you know 89 things right and is doing 10 or 11 things wrong it’s there’s a balance there okay the body can handle that right so we’re talking about individual topics here so as far as the poop in the plastic or the plastic in the poop yeah um so there’s there’s some research now that’s being done there’s one that came out of vienna out of vienna medical school and it was a small study but it
(1:57:43) showed a hundred percent of the people they had uh plastic in their poop so actually wow a hundred percent 100 there was another study that was done which was a bit bigger um and that one had about 50 roughly 50 percent of the participants had plastic in our in their poop and that’s probably not just from drinking out of plastic but from eating um fish that’s eating plastic eating fish that’s eating plastic microwaving in plastic you know we’re in a fast food fast environment people go home they
(1:58:14) throw a dinner in the microwave they spin they don’t think about that yeah right they eat it yeah pencils um all that type of stuff styrofoam has styrenes in it and plastic like i can’t believe we’re still making styrofoam isn’t it just silly right it’s like come on enviro come on people catch up yeah it’s destructive to our environment to our people um yeah so that so that it’s it’s there is there’s this conglomeration of plastic and we know that plastic in and of itself has the potential to be linked
(1:58:42) to all kinds of inflammatory conditions uh type 2 diabetes phthalates particularly are linked to type type 2 diabetes we know that plastics are endocrine some of the stuff in their endocrine disruptors even if it’s bpa-free there’s other chemicals and substances that can be connected to that so um i think it’s i think it’s one it’s great for the environment too it’s great for the individual and three it’s great for the individual’s family and friends if we if we work towards reducing the
(1:59:11) amount of plastics that we use you know look if i’m real thirsty and i don’t have anything but a plastic water bottle around i’m gonna drink it because i’m thirsty i need something right but um but i think when there’s there’s when that’s it when we’re relying on plastic for everybody you know i mean look if 100 of these people had plastic in their poop plastic surgery is going to mean something totally different you know it’s like it’s like it’s just it’s it’s a little it’s a
(1:59:36) little too much so i think and you think about too how much you spend on the 24 pack from costco or sam’s club whatever on plastic water bottles think about how much you’re spending on that versus these reusable ones this was a gallon um um watt reusable water bottle that’s plastic free was 13 right so you also think about the money that you’re saving as well when you’re giving up the single use yeah huge savings i think eventually if we keep going down this pattern or down this path i think about um you got you
(2:00:08) have you have kids so jay do you ever see santa claus 3 i don’t think i saw one two or three oh you didn’t see one is it tim allen with tim allen never he bothers me was he bothering you yeah that was of our time i just have never watched them i don’t know why me neither yeah moving on yeah i have no idea we have no way to relate look if jennifer wants three i’ll what happens is tim allen has to leave uh the north pole to handle some business and they don’t want everyone to freak out so the elves they men or this
(2:00:52) one key elf manufactures this like plastic santa claus but he’s alive but he’s like a toy you know so he looks like a toy so i was just alluding to the fact that eventually we will end up like the santa claus santa claus iii but you guys have no idea who that is don’t i still haven’t seen matrix so just can you even she has a matrix soak that in again i’m working on it i now there’s so much pressure that i needed to be cinematic around me while i watch it and so like surround 3d yeah you have to have
(2:01:25) it needs to come out of the projector yeah that’s a huge thing it blows it blows my mind my daughter is um she’s 19 my son’s 17. and a year ago she had a bunch of people over at the house and they were like i i play guitar and they were asking me that my daughter sings and plays guitar she’s really really really good singer and um and they asked me like you know mr rob will you play some stuff and i’m like i’m like ish or whatever i’m like what do you guys want to hear they’re like i
(2:01:50) don’t know what do you like to play i’m like um i can play some guns and roses for you and they’re like oh no i’m like sweetheart of mine they’re like no no i’m like wow i feel weird that is a shame it was weird all right so i i don’t know if i’m be you know kicking a dead horse here which i hate that thanks i don’t know why i just used it but um and we’re skipping around a lot but i think anyone listening can uh appreciate that it gives them time to digest a little piece and then when we come back
(2:02:19) around maybe they’ll have a little insight into it now um so as we’re talking about alkalinity versus acidity the ph scale and how our bodies um try to run at i guess i’m going to say it this way you correct me if i’m wrong i’m just trying to get a simple-minded understanding of this because it’s a really complex idea i think for a lot of people especially because of how it’s being sold in so many directions out there in the market um our body and maybe is it specifically our blood wants to run at a 7.3 ish ph
(2:02:56) okay and so when we’re consuming the all alkaline diet that might be a lot of these anti-inflammatory foods we’re talking about um you know for anyone listening meat and dairy it’s a very acidic food so that’s the kind of the opposite of people who are doing an all-alkaline diet um and so when we’re doing that i think the idea is that as i consume these foods or this water that’s high alkaline um i’m creating this this uh my i’m gonna be at an 11 on the ph scale you know something like that but just to
(2:03:34) simplify that concept if i’m getting this right it’s a matter of we want to maintain our well our body has to maintain a 7.2 to 7.4 ish ph in order to be okay in order to be copacetic and it’s always buffering in order to do that so no matter what you put in it whether you’re putting in something at 11 ph or something at a 4 your body has to figure out how to regulate it so that it stays at the 7.
(2:04:01) 3 okay and so with that whenever we are um over consuming in one direction or the other it’s putting the pressure on all of our buffering systems and stressing us actually more than helping us at some degree am i getting that right okay so that’s spot on and and i think mercedes i think the biggest culprit in that is actually not so much the diet like alkaline diet like the alkaline foods those are all great healing foods do an alkalinity absolutely it’s the alkaline water specific okay yeah that’s the item you know that’s
(2:04:38) like the the criminal here in the in the lineup um that’s the bad guy and so if we’re talking about okay we we know now that there’s some really great foods we can go to to have a um to keep us uh from having to buffer so hard or from stressing our buffering systems uh because if we ate an all-acidic diet or an all-meat diet for that matter our buffering systems may have to turn on to such a degree that our bodies are hyper focused on trying to do that buffering and get us to that regulated ph where it
(2:05:12) needs to be that it is distracted essentially from fighting off the cancer cells or fighting off the other disease in our body and that’s where it can become harmful to have a very acidic diet or to live a very acidic lifestyle is that right okay and so that’s where the cancer piece plays in and why alkaline diet is so heavily um sold in the cal in this in the cancer uh directed marketing is that yeah okay and i would agree with that statement 100 like that and out there’s nothing wrong with an alkaline diet right yeah it’s
(2:05:47) the it’s the idea people take a concept of and this is just my my thoughts i still don’t know where this came from but my thought is okay we got this ph of 7.3 to 7.4 we know when we eat alkaline type of foods like asparagus and celery and things like that they’re really good for our body so we then should alkalize so let’s make an alkaline water right that sounds great we could probably sell that and people will buy it but i don’t i just i really don’t think for the majority of people i think that’s one
(2:06:14) thing they should not do with alkaline water cool all right i get bloated right like when i drink alkaline water it actually bloats me so that’s i think my body telling me not to do it probably a good indicator i would listen yeah yeah i think and i was having the same issue because i was like okay alkaline all the way when this all kicked off and i was getting bloated and so i started asking those questions and came to the conclusion that what’s happening is i’m diluting the acid in my stomach and so again my food is not being
(2:06:46) digested properly at the forefront of my digestive system so when it moves into the rest of my um into my colon it is not digested so therefore the end the the gut bugs you know the bacteria in my body that’s trying to digest and use that food and convert it into energy and all the things that my body does can’t because it hasn’t been properly digested up to that point and therefore the bloating happens bloating is a sim symptom of your gut bugs not being able to digest the the food properly right so
(2:07:19) that makes me wonder though then because brussels sprouts bloat me sun uh pumpkin seeds bloat me um carbonated water bloats me like so if anything bloats me does that mean i need to stay away from it because i feel like brussels sprouts and broccoli are great for you but they i get bloated right away yep well one i’m sorry i get bloated you’re making it worse no so so we do have to listen to our body but sometimes we take it a step further when we have a food that’s good for us or good for us but it’s not good for you as
(2:08:01) an individual it could just be one your body genetically doesn’t process that food well maybe it’s missing some enzymes or it just doesn’t do well for a variety of factors but then there’s the other factor which is well why isn’t your body digesting that food well like what else is going on there might be right there might be a little gut bug that you have that you just don’t know about that shouldn’t be there and that’s interfering with your capacity to digest you might have a little what’s called
(2:08:25) pancreatic insufficiency maybe your pancreas has been working really hard for a long time and it’s not making adequate amounts of enzymes so you’re putting these foods that take a lot of digestive enzymes to break down high fiber foods and so is the solution to take more digestive enzymes maybe probiotics or yeah it could be yeah a definite solution is to support each part of your digestive tract temporarily but again we got to get causation here we got to get we got to get behind the reason right it’s i tell my patients all
(2:08:54) the time i go some people come in they’re like they’re like you know i live in georgia right so people are from from the south and they’ll be like yo doc and i’m like yeah they’d be like you got something for my hobby well i’m like yeah i mean what are you doing my doctor’s got me on that damn medication and i hate taking it and i’ll be like okay well i mean i can give you some herbs that may have the same effect but what am i really doing for that guy we’re just replacing a blood pressure
(2:09:20) or a nerve which is healthier right right but am i really getting to the cause no so it’s really about kind of getting to the cost and if someone has symptoms like that i really think i think one of the messages i hope people take away from this conversation is to to pay attention to their body to listen and then to look you know and not be okay with some odd symptom like wha what is that what’s my body trying to tell me you know and we got to be willing to do that type of work i think we get we’re
(2:09:50) all doing a lot of work i’m not telling anyone out there that they’re not working hard enough it’s just what are you working hard on and is it going to be the thing that allows you to have longevity and a beautiful enjoyable right life right we just need to transfer some of that hard work onto the stuff that really matters at the end because it’s the only thing that brings you to the end your body that’s right yeah you got it so um we could i mean i have so many things to continue going i know
(2:10:19) it’s like it takes us so long to ask one question [Laughter] a lot of people don’t think about their lymphatic system so can you go into exactly what that is and how we can cleanse it certainly um so the lymphatic system is a system in our body that has a couple main functions one is detoxification so it is responsible for removing from our cells and in the spaces around our cells toxins debris poisons things like that that would accumulate and getting them essentially to the liver not directly but indirectly to the liver
(2:10:55) and um and then to um also be an immunological presence there there’s a lot of lymphocytes white blood cells in our lymphatic fluid and it sort of fights infections so that’s its main job detoxification the other job is basically an immune type of action um and it’s super important for the body like i don’t it’s not really talked about enough it’s when you when you look at just lymph fluid you have three times more lymph fluid in your body than you have blood come on yeah three hours reacts lymph fluid i do not lie jay
(2:11:28) that’s the truth so it’s you have a lot of this stuff because there’s so much going on outside your bloodstream there’s so much going on like in between the cells where there’s not really blood per se there’s fluids called actually the extracellular space extracellular fluid and the lymph is going through all that stuff and cleaning that stuff up and when there’s too much toxin or too much congestion that’s built up in the lymph system it interferes with the cell’s ability to get nutrients and to even get
(2:11:57) oxygen you know it’s like you have a cell like you know you have a cell and your body needs to get oxygen to that cell well if in between the space between the cell and the oxygen molecule it’s all filled up with all this gunk it’s like you can’t get there it’s like having a big accident on the highway you just can’t get to where you need to go you do this bumper to bumper so the lymph system is really important to to look at as far as detoxification one of the easiest ways to detoxify the
(2:12:26) lymphatic system is um early morning lemon water combined with some mild intermittent fasting like you’re avoiding food for at least 12 hours you’re giving the liver a break so does the lemon water need to be warm yeah it should be thank you yeah it should be ideally warm warm warm lemon water and if it’s hot it supposedly kills the benefits of the lemon right yeah you don’t want to make it too hot because then it could destroy some of the enzymes yeah okay but but ideally warm lemon water first
(2:12:53) thing in the in the morning and movement is what really helps the lymphatic system so if you could do lemon water first thing in the morning and on a fast get some movement in you know our our heart pumps our blood we have this big heart that pumps constantly moving blood through but we don’t have a pump for our lymphatic system is when we move our body it contracts your muscles which squeezes your lymph and then when your muscles relax then your your you know the lymph relaxes and then they squeeze again and it moves the
(2:13:24) lymph and then it relaxes so we need that motion in our body so things like rebounding on a trampoline just getting out and going for a walk you know any type of full body exercise or full body movement yoga hot yoga all those things are great at aiding in lymphatic detoxification those are some really good things i want to find a place that does specifically lymphatic drainage massage but i’m having a hell of a time there’s a lot in austin but um there’s also like the rollers that you can do on your neck and face
(2:13:55) yeah too yeah which i put mine in the freezer and then i do it i mean i say i it’s been in the freezer for months i’ve never used it it feels really cold right the point is that like yeah well then it like it also wakes you up in the morning and like de-puffs you on your face while you’re doing it it’s awesome but because it’s in my freezer i forget about it you’re right i noticed yeah you speak to dry brushing which i i have a dry brush i forget to use it again like jade’s saying most the time
(2:14:33) but i think it’s because i don’t it’s not something you can visually know is working and it almost seems so woo-woo i also don’t know that i’m it’s it’s a confusing thing to know if you’re doing it right and then the right motion somewhere towards the heart so the easiest thing that you could do for for dry brushing because you’re right people try to make it really complex and they’re like well you know the lymph drains this way in this area it’s so confusing this way you got to go
(2:14:58) up and this way you got to like spin around and do it but if you’re with the roller if you’re rolling up you’re also rolling down so yeah it’s so confusing it’s like here’s the easiest way to do all that type of stuff just we just want motion we don’t have to make it complex it’s just brush from your extremity up towards your heart or some people brush up towards their liver either one depending upon what type you’re what you’re trying to accomplish okay but just brush from the bottom up
(2:15:25) from the top down push everything towards the middle because we want to get it really we want to get it into the abdomen area because we want the liver to filter everything inside the liver filters for anyone listening dry skin brushing is literally taking a fairly coarse dry brush like uh it almost looks like a scrubbing brush or back scrubber brush something like that and your and hopefully it’s with natural fibers you’re brushing it on your skin dry um not wet you know and and it is stimulating your lymphatic system
(2:15:58) correct and this is supposed to be helping helping with things all the way down to cellulite 100 yeah so how does it it’s the skin it’s just because the lymphatic system is in the fascia and all this under the skin it’s everywhere yeah it’s in the face it’s under the skin it’s in between the muscles right it’s where a large quantity enough of it is so brushing making that motion it’s like you’re pushing it’s like you’re pushing this fluid that’s kind of stuck in one area
(2:16:28) and you’re moving it you know you’re moving it from one place to another you’re also improving circulation too you’re stimulating the nerves and you’re stimulating the blood vessels and in the human body almost everywhere in the human body you have three vessels that run together which is blood lymph and nerve so you’re stimulating all three of those too when you’re when you’re dry brushing beautiful okay yeah that brings i had no idea was that important oh yeah i got a lady um she is she is so her
(2:16:57) name is jean deprano um she’s the mom so she is you could everyone go to my youtube channel i could watch one of her videos okay lady she is um in her 70s and 80s she was the fastest woman on the planet um and she would compete she would compete with other people in her age bracket it’s like a 10 or 15 year age bracket she’d compete all over the place on running she would run hurdles in her 80s right she would run hurdles and she would also do rowing those were her two competitions and she was she was the
(2:17:26) fastest and that lady for 15 years and she says in my video she said every morning she dry brushes as soon as she gets up and i have a habit and i do this with books i bought five dry brushes probably two years ago i have not used any of them i bought them in all different sizes they just they sit in my bathroom and i do the same thing with books i’ve got hundreds of books that i’ve never read so i really need to this is going to be um part of my new routine is this dry brushing so do it talking about how much lymph fluid
(2:18:01) we’re dealing with in our bodies is i gotta ask how much water should we be drinking then how like does that play a part into this and you talk about intracellular um an extracellular fluid or i don’t know if i’m saying those things right but that idea of of each of our cells essentially having a certain amount of water in them and then the lymph fluid being so prevalent in our body what kind of water intake we hear so many people talking about water needing to be like jade’s got a gallon in front of her right now um but
(2:18:35) i’ve read books like eat for heat that talks specifically like someone who runs cold like me should be eating or drinking way less water and eating more salt or you know and vice versa if you’re the person who’s always hot so what do you think about all that again i think it is specific for a person it can definitely vary i think a good kind of like center medium middle of the road type of answer would be roughly half your body weight in ounces of water okay i drink my body weight same i drink more than one but if i
(2:19:05) don’t my skin’s dry i um i i feel better physique wise too when i am drinking my body weight same i think it was you and i that had to use the bathroom right mercedes yeah yeah that’s because my doctor says that because i’m drinking this water and we test my inner cell intracellular water no but it’s true i mean i want to make this point for both sides of the situation because i was always drinking crazy amounts of water i was always at the bathroom peeing like every time i would fly i’d have to get up several
(2:19:38) times it’s pain in the back i don’t pass a bathroom without peeing yeah it might not be on there i thought that’s what you have to do and then i started actually blood testing very regularly and i saw like where my water levels in my cells were and as i changed the type of water i was drinking to something with more minerals and something i guess i could absorb better and actually hold on to better i didn’t have to drink as much water to keep my levels within and i do put i put himalayan pink salt in my water as well
(2:20:09) yeah so mercedes are spot on right so some people especially if their body runs colder but not necessarily some other people too um have issues with that um some people when they’re putting too much water in their system it it um it can it can almost congest their system and other people like me and like jade we need more and i think it is important too to make sure that your water that’s why i like to run my water through a remineralizer it’s important like i like what jade’s doing with the pink
(2:20:36) himalayan salt we’ll recommend it to patients or we sometimes recommend that they add some electrolytes to their water there’s another great thing you could do have you guys ever heard of a magnesium stick um okay so it’s doctor like i forget the name of it you guys can just you do users the listeners can google online so it’s a magnesium stick and it makes the water very similar to the water that the inuits would drink and their water would be super powerful like antioxidant water these people were
(2:21:03) like living forever so so adding this magnesium stick to their water it created more of almost like an antioxidant water that was really kind of cool you know and for certain groups of people it could be really beneficial for me it’s not optimal um but for other patients it has been and for certain groups of people it can be so something for them just to look at my uh grandma is really funny she’s super dramatic and when i was mercedes always last when i pulled this water up to my face yeah because it’s a
(2:21:32) gallon it takes up my whole face and i was drinking it at thanksgiving and i heard my grandma behind me do you want to drown she was telling me how if you drink too much water you could literally drown yourself yeah next time just wear your kids floaties [Laughter] that’s what drink safely is all about isn’t it that’s right yeah so but and because you brought up magnesium magnesium is it take a reacted magnesium daily and that’s something that’s been difficult for me is to get my magnesium up naturally
(2:22:12) through diet and such um and i think that also helps me maintain a lot of that water in my colon and and because i had struggled with constipation for so long that’s obviously really important for me so yeah but that’s i’m going to look into that uh that magnesium stick that you’re talking about there that get out yeah all right so apparently there’s a wrong and a right way to eat nuts and i found your video informative so can you just cover this for our listeners i think it’s like a little
(2:22:43) magic trick that we should all know yeah so i don’t know which videos you watch but i got a couple out there on on uh on nuts and um and one of them is on is on soaking your nuts um and the other one is on what happens when your nuts are in the water and um the first one with soaking your knots it’s like when we when we look at nuts and we’re looking at eating nuts and seeds sometimes it’s um nuts and seeds contain different like anti-nutrients they’re things that kind of interfere with the absorption of the
(2:23:14) nutrients and that and then not like phytic acid for example is one of them so when you soak the nut overnight or the seed overnight it pulls out phytic acid and some of the other anti-nutrients and then the next morning you rinse them and uh they’re now way more nutritious for your body can absorb the nutrients in the nuts and seeds more effectively and if you like a dry nut afterwards you can dehydrate them you can put them in like you know 100 608 degree dehydrator and you could dehydrate them if you want to you know
(2:23:43) season them with whatever you want to season them with like some himalayan salt or some cayenne turmeric whatever you’re you’re good at that point and you get actually more nutritious nutter seeds so yeah that’s the yeah that’s how they work right just in nature like nuts are like if you put a nut on a counter nothing happens to it you’ve got to plant it and the water has to be right in the ground and the environment has to be right when there’s enough water it’ll sprout right so because it’s not it’s not going to
(2:24:08) get rid of those those just how it’s made right so without getting too scientific on it so the so when you when you soak them you flush out the antinutrients you make them more absorbable for your body it makes it easier do they still taste the same no they taste a little different they’re like a little soggy yeah they’re an acquired taste i love them now like i don’t have any problems i know um it’s important to keep your a lot of people don’t know this but like keeping all nuts in the refrigerator because
(2:24:36) they grow mold that you can’t see um but i soak my cashews and then i blend them and i turn that into a vegan cheese and a vegan sour cream and it’s delicious you guys are cool but you also showed a video of um what happens if they float oh yeah if they float they’ll make it blue um yeah yeah yeah so then so nuts when the fats when the fats in the nuts go rancid there’s a chemical reaction that happens that changes the buoyancy of the nut instead of it sinking it actually floats to the surface of the water so you can go ahead
(2:25:11) and you can you know whatever nuts you’re going to soak if you’re going to do that the night before you just fill them up in a bowl and you fill the bowl up with like some good clean water and if there’s a couple that float on the top you just pull them off and toss them now when it comes i have no it tell me again stop me if this is going too far into the land we don’t we need to go into but um when it comes to uh arguing arginine levels in nuts yes and when you’re trying to not um especially with like herpetic outbreaks
(2:25:42) um you know viruses are prone to i guess react or be um come out of their dormancy whenever arginine levels get too high and lysine levels get too low am i saying okay and so in that situation with nuts being high arginine does this have any effect on it by doing the the soaking of the nuts and making sure they’re not rancid because i’ve heard that that’s a big part of of how that interacts with viruses in your body yes so the so the rancid part for sure you want to make sure your nuts are not rancid soaking them is not necessarily
(2:26:22) going to get rid of the arginine that’s that’s part of the protein matrix inside the nut but you’re spot on you know when when your arginine levels get too high and your lysine levels then you know by by just mathematically just get too low you do create an environment in your body where specifically the herpetic viruses you know instead of megalovirus you know um i’ve seen var virus have more of a chance of reacting so yeah beautiful yeah cool i was just going to say we we interviewed dr jess all about
(2:26:52) these different viruses that we’re all living with and i don’t know if you if you follow her dr jessica petross yeah you’ve probably seen her her stuff on mr jess md i think is her yeah um but but that’s really interesting to tie in there so if anyone was listening to that on instagram yeah instagram yeah she’s great yeah so so we always have magic mob questions and um we have three for you and then we’ll move on to our speed rounds that we always end the show with but um patty asks how do we get to the root cause of
(2:27:31) stubborn fat or the inability to lose or gain weight well you you have to test i mean you gotta the only way i know to do that because what you’re asking is what’s the what you’re essentially asking is what’s the cause of my problem right and in truth one of the things that like i’ll say to my my patients like it’s it’s not that i want to help you lose weight because i don’t think the target should really be your weight it’s i want to get your body healthy so it can lose weight because that’s why
(2:28:02) you’re struggling with weight your body’s just unhealthy because healthy bodies can more easily lose weight so um so the answer to that question is really the only answer i have is to look and identify the cause or reason why and that involves getting with the right practitioner or learning the information yourself getting yourself tested finding out where the out point is and then correcting it and a lot of times i know um for women and men instead of saying stubborn weight it’s like stubborn belly fat
(2:28:31) and so that’s usually um if you’re if you’re not gaining fat all over and it’s just in the belly fat a lot of times it’s um what it can be candida it can be um parasites it can be so many other things that we talked about so the only thing you know when you just look at the hormonal upset we could just look at like three basic hormones so we can go well cortisol is gonna make you more fat in your midsection yeah estrogen is gonna make you store fat in your hips buttocks thighs um so you make it more
(2:28:56) like a pair well i want that okay lots of flex flax okay if we if you have because we mentioned also you mentioned also thyroid right the thyroid we said is connected to every single cell in your body through the mitochondria and thyroid cases they typically gain weight all over right so you can almost look at where the person is depositing fat and you can go well if it is a lot of belly fat we can look at cortisol and there’s cortisol problems we know there’s probably some other problems like some type of pathogen like
(2:29:28) you just said candida or something like that that’s present when it comes to that i’m curious if you um you recommend maca powder and also um bio-identical progesterone because i since i struggle with making progesterone i was putting on a bio-identical organic progesterone cream and i mean you can tell the days i take it i act like i’m on birth control i act like the most moodiest most on-edge person so it’s not working for me even though my body needs it so it’s it’s odd that i had that effect
(2:30:03) so that’s that’s a really good question um so when people need progesterone what their body’s telling them is they don’t need progesterone their body’s telling them you’re probably making a little too much cortisol right so you’re because okay so i’m fixing it with the with the other things okay so here’s the thing jade so check this out if your body’s stealing progesterol uh progesterone to make cortisol and then i go well let me throw a whole bunch of progesterone on here my
(2:30:28) body’s gonna go great now i can make a ton of cortisol you wanna go out of your mouth it it made me it made me feel cuckoo but dan that was an expensive bottle but i bring up maca because my notice with maca i don’t know if men benefit from maca as much as women but maca powder makes me gain weight in my hips and my butts and my thighs which is strange to me i’m not complaining as i said i want that but it’s it i wondered why what about maca powder doesn’t and i don’t know that there’s something
(2:31:00) specifically about maca powder because there’s i could probably give you ten different reasons right now and i don’t know which one would be the correct one for you um i think in your case there’s something i mean just from hearing the little bit that we’ve talked tonight and how we’ve got to know each other a little to for you specifically it does sound to me like there is something going on in your body possibly gut related that you’ve just not identified right especially because there’s you
(2:31:24) know you bloating when there’s broccoli and brussels sprouts and you know like certain certain things when you drink them like water certain types of water i think it was alkaline water will it will instantly kind of create that bloating for you um these are just kind of like little like things that go off in my ear they’re little red flags and i go what’s going on in this in this woman’s intestinal tract there’s something present so i would i would guess that it probably has to do with something along those lines and i’m not
(2:31:51) exactly sure where yeah yeah i wanted to also point out um just because we did have a question about the body weight we we do promote on the show like loving the body you’re in and um you know the mixed messages we get about the perfect body and things like that and when we talk about body weight here um we’re more talking about um how to become your most healthy self yes right and on the inside and when it’s when it’s something that you know there’s a root cause we’re not yeah yeah i look at so maybe some people are
(2:32:25) going to hate me for this response but i look at my body i look at it as it’s a tool so it’s a tool that i’m going to use to create an effect in life it’s it’s a tool i’m going to use to be a great dad or the best dad i can be the best husband i could be the best doctor that i could be and and i have to make sure my body’s operating properly to be able to allow me to do those things to be of service for others right so it’s it’s my viewpoint on my body is is that one it’s a tool and two it’s a
(2:32:56) it’s an instrument of creating an effect meaning i want to create an effect on the people around me and the effect that i want to create is i’m a healthy doctor i don’t want i mean if i was 200 pounds heavier sitting on the show with you you guys would probably like well maybe he knows stuff but he’s certainly not doing it he’s trying it so there’s there’s an effect that i want to create with that so i think for people as long whatever your body looks like as long as one you’re healthy you
(2:33:23) feel good and you’re doing those things you know you should do to make your body healthy look if you’re healthy and you happen to be 15 pounds heavier than someone else who cares doesn’t matter it’s like what’s the you know what do you what are you trying to do with your physical form unless you’re a model unless you’re something like that then that could be a little different because there’s a different type of effect you’re trying to create but overall look i think it’s vital and
(2:33:45) paramount for us to first focus on ourself as creating the healthiest self we could be so that way we can be as much to others as we can possibly be yeah we like that and i think that uh when we’re talking specifically about fat or aka what are we calling it excess uh fuel or stored fuel yeah potential energy beautiful um getting to know specifically what the different types of fat are because we have different types of fat um i don’t know the names of them visceral uh well i can’t think of any of the
(2:34:19) names of them right now but the different types of fat and the way that we store them around our organs for protection or when it becomes so much of that type of fat that it’s unhealthy and it’s hurting us and just knowing the way to again you know maybe it’s just my like overly analytical mind that wants to define and label and have specifics of of how my body works but that for me really helps me to then go okay well this is why this is at an unhealthy place for me and how you know why i want to be able to
(2:34:53) repair it and then that’s motivation for me to get on track to being my healthiest self so i don’t know if that helps anyone i love that mercedes just like i don’t know i guess uh the millennials are are a generation of labeling and i’m all for it so it helps you at least for me when something has a label it makes it more easily understood yes very question right it’s like okay great what do i do about that exactly exactly great i can think with that’s how we feel yeah one step closer to figuring it out for yourself instead
(2:35:26) of when it’s ambiguous it’s you have fear oh i hate ambiguity yeah we don’t have control issues at all on this show give it to me straight all right so dan on instagram asks is it best to juice or to blend oh it really just depends on the individual you know if you’re it just depends on the individual what you’re trying to do what your end goal is if you’re if you’re really unhealthy and you do have something like cancer or more kind of like terminal disease you can’t digest well your gut’s really a
(2:36:04) mess but we want to infuse your bloodstream with the nutrients you would find in vegetables then things like juicing are going to be better because you know you can’t eat that much broccoli especially if you’re sick you know if you have a cancer or something like that it makes things much more difficult so for those guys juicing is better for the other guys that want to blend that they feel like they need that then blending is great because blending you’re you’re able to quickly get down a whole bunch of
(2:36:31) vegetables that you that you would need and you’re able to absorb a lot of the nutrients from them because you’re breaking down the fiber so i think generally probably i would lean towards blending if i had a choice for blending yeah i would lean towards blending because you’re getting the fiber in there that helps your gut back bacteria i was thinking with the slow masticating juicer you’re like actually getting all of the benefits because it’s like chewing it for you almost yeah so here’s
(2:36:58) the thing with the slow mascara juicer so i so that’s really good because the benefit on that is when you spin something in a juicer it spins so fast that it breaks apart the enzymes and actually it heats up so at the microscopic level hot and it actually will uh kill the enzymes so when you juice some of the juicers that spin really fast you’re getting a less nutritious juice because it’s killing off this fast you’re killing the enzymes but with a masticator like that those are really good because you’re not
(2:37:29) doing that you’re just kind of crunching it but you’re still missing a lot of like the fiber for some people who really need that fire so i see again there’s benefits to each one yeah it really depends and now if you’re asking me is it better to have a masticating juicer or a regular fast spin the massacre mass skating takes a little while you’ll be there for a minute yeah it makes me wonder though too with the idea of um drink your food chew your water you know drink in a smoothie it’s just kind of
(2:37:57) like going straight in right you’re not really mushing that stuff around so is that something you recommend is to kind of let it be in your mouth for a little bit first let your saliva imprint on it that’s a cool little tip and then i also want to just add that i read up the other day on manuka honey which is obviously beautiful and i’ve used forever but don’t put it in your hot tea because you’re killing off all the bioactive guys in there oh i didn’t think about that yeah i was like
(2:38:25) i also because we talked about so much about water i was thinking about how like most of the water i drink i do put the salt or the lemon or the acv and i don’t drink that much just water is that oh is that okay she’s all scared i like how this is jade’s doctor appointment today amazing that’s why we got a podcast yeah you’re good you’re good with the ac okay all right someone else’s question last question from the magic mob tom asks what is your take on gmos should they be avoided at all costs all
(2:39:00) costs okay all costs a lot it’s it’s weird that there’s so many um so much debate on this but let’s give us the basics on gmo because this is something that i feel like most of the population has no idea like you start saying letters like gmo like i don’t know they don’t even think about it when they’re at the store a lot of people yeah they they don’t right um the two categories are often organic versus non-organic conventional um so gmo so stands for genetically modified organism and what what they’re
(2:39:32) doing is um there’s a there’s a substance right that’s basically found in roundup these herbicide pesticide type of concoctions called glyphosate and glyphosate before 1994 was able to be sprayed on crops but it wasn’t that often right it was it was sprayed maybe about once a year or something and it would it would it would it would help to prevent the crops from being destroyed by you know environmental factors so um so which was good which was good for the for the the guys and it was kind of toxic but not super toxic
(2:40:12) when they genetically modified them what they did is they literally changed the gene structure the genome of the plants so the plants were able to tolerate more glyphosate so before they could only spray them like once a year right they’d spray them once a year and then that’s all they could do now they could spray these things like crazy and just load them up with glyphosate it won’t kill the plants and it will because it’s there it’ll prevent the plant from dying from any environmental factors like pesticides
(2:40:39) weeds that type stuff so it keeps the plant more healthy so they get they get bigger yields they get more crops but what we get is a load more of this glyphosate in our food source it’s actually it’s something i test for in my clinic there’s a urine study that we do yeah um and it’s through great great plains diagnostics yeah great planes that’s what dr jess uses yeah they’re awesome we use this a handful of different labs around the country but great great planes is good um so so in it so in any
(2:41:08) event oh wait dr jess you know now [Laughter] totally got him i got him now oh yeah yeah i just got um okay so yeah so he he’s big he’s a big advocate of things against gmo right and against glyphosate no no this is a woman dr dr jessica petras she’s all about kill bind sweat that is her protocol got it cool yeah that’s all right well you’ll figure it out after the show we’ll go back but this glyphosate then has been added massively to to the crops and then people eat this stuff and what we see
(2:41:44) just looking at things from a broad viewpoint right step back outside the planet and just let’s put it put the planet out here and let’s look and see what’s happening and we see in 1994 was when gmos started to be incorporated in our foods as our as a food source and then we see a sharp increase after that prior to 1994 we see disease increasing but it’s at this pace right it’s going up it’s not good it’s going up but we see like type 2 diabetes and things like that increasing but then we add
(2:42:17) genetically modified foods in 1994 and all of a sudden things go and they go straight up through the roof wow and that’s from so i for some reason i thought gmo was like fake food like we’re making corn that’s not actually corn kinda they are kind of doing that okay the reason they’re making it genetically modified is to make it more resistance to the glyphosate more resistant to the glyphosate so they could spray more glycerin which means more glyphosate it’s like look if i could spray more weed killer
(2:42:50) on my plants without killing them that means there’s less weeds so i’m going to have more plants grow right right less pesticides glyphosate’s a pesticide if we spray less pesticide more pesticide on the plants without killing them that means i have more plants because less plants will be killed by the pests by the bugs so glyphosate we know destroys the microbiome it just it is like just kills the human microbiome it’s so horrible for our gut and we think that that’s why there’s this connection between the
(2:43:20) adding of the gmos and then the increase or spike in really diseases you know in our country so horrible yeah and you say in our country because not all countries even allow this that’s right yeah some are like no way yeah and i’m sure everyone listening has probably heard the word monsanto by now um and to speak to your point the idea of you know the just to be clear i want to repeat things so people understand this concept of gmo being this genetically modified organism modifying this the seed specifically you
(2:43:56) know creating the fake plant that jade’s speaking to um it’s not fake as far as our bodies are consuming it we think it’s corn or we think it’s soy or whatever it is but the glyphosate pha is is giving us some negative side effects that we’re seeing in disease right we’re thinking that we’re seeing that as as a problem that’s already become a big problem it’s going to become a bigger problem down the line but the reason so everyone’s asking themselves well why are we doing
(2:44:24) that because farmers get a higher crop yield when they put more pesticides on their crops because the bugs don’t eat it so it looks like pretty corn or fruit or whatever it is in the grocery store and a large part of that is the way that we choose our produce in the grocery store is we look for the prettiest one and that’s something we’re kind of taught because it’s a little uglier doesn’t mean it’s tasty prettier and the bigger so we get the bigger fruit which is usually the gmo the prettier fruit that doesn’t turn
(2:44:53) brown as quickly as usually the gmo yeah so there’s a lot of uh of cultural stories around how we even choose our produce and shop in the grocery store that we have to decide to untangle um in order to to help the situation move in the right direction and then if anyone interested anyone listening is interested researching why monsanto is a big issue now that they’re i think a conglomerate with like bayer aspirin or whatever or bayer generally um and to speak to jade’s point about the other countries not using monsanto
(2:45:28) seed a lot of them don’t some of them are forced to like haiti has had a big problem with monsanto seed and calls it satan seed they have like seed burning ceremonies where they burn the seed because they understand how bad this is going to be for their community but places like hawaii where every farm on hawaii now i think is monsanto seed not on purpose but because the wind is obviously high there all the time and the seed gets carried sometimes from one farm to the next which might be next door neighbors and monsanto because
(2:46:00) they’re this giant conglomerate with tons of money goes on and tests these different farmers crop and says hey that’s our seed that’s our gmo product and we’re going to sue you for using our seed without you know without us saying or basically without buying it from us and the farmer’s like i don’t want your seed i don’t want to be growing this [ __ ] i’m trying to grow something organic and because this this lawsuit happens for so many these farmers they are forced to then use monsanto seed after the lawsuit
(2:46:32) so that is why it’s become like this really serious epidemic in the farming community as well as in all of our you know lives where we’re ingesting the [ __ ] and yeah we um with monsanto being such a corrupt company like we the way we help is by not giving them our money by not buying right gmo’s products yeah but it was also to my understanding that like there’s no more unless it’s organic there’s no more real corn or real pee so i think in corn yeah that like that’s how bad it’s gotten that if it’s
(2:47:09) not organic it’s actually not even real anymore i think there’s a lot of truth to that statement jade you know to speak to what mercedes just said that’s one of the problems is when we look at how nature works anyway you know when pollination and things work it’s like air brings things from one place to another and animals and birds and bees they bring things from different places to other places and we get the cross-combination and things like that so it’s like you do you do start to have
(2:47:35) these issues where um where the food sources are just you know are there any clean seeds yeah even is it too late like what’s happening at the level of the organic food have they been affected if some of the seed if some of the food is some of the crops some of the soil been infected and almost like you know de-purified by by this garbage you know so it’s definitely something i think as a population we really need to focus on i think it’s very important yeah and it’s tough because we all what are we going
(2:48:04) to do grow our own food at this point we’ve we’ve gone so far into being convenienced you know by so many uh ways that our culture allows us to just have these conveniences step into a market and pick your fruit and we don’t do the things that take up all that energy like growing our own food but it might be a big way that you could help to fight this problem if you’re interested yeah it almost makes me feel like if we don’t then in 10 years we won’t have a choice it’ll just be fantasy that’s it
(2:48:34) there are some seed banks around the world that are like vaults because you know that’s the last of that seed as far as monsanto is concerned they don’t even want that to exist so it’s just a scary little place where yeah it’s all about money capitalism gets a little too heavy for us but yeah you know i just wish like i’m totally cool with capitalism provided it has a great purpose behind it you know i think as long as we’re helping and whatever you’re doing that’s capitalistic in
(2:49:03) nature is something that’s going to bring value to people’s lives and yeah improve everyone’s lives and be as capital as you want to be i don’t care agreed when you’re when you’re using capitalism as a tool to generate money by making everyone you’re connected to sick that’s disgusting to me yes it’s a horrible thing yeah yeah i don’t like it we’re in this together guys we’ll figure it out oh man we are let’s get our floaties in a big 64 ounce [Laughter] of the good good water
(2:49:35) yeah all right there’s a few short questions like to ask everyone who comes on the show if you could hug your younger self right now what would you say say that question again if you could hug your younger self right now what would you say if i could hug my younger self right now what would i say i would say um that’s a really good question younger self like like how old any age that needed everyone yeah popped up [ __ ] man that’s a lot of ages i would say i would say to myself to my younger self the hug i
(2:50:22) would give would be i would say don’t i don’t know what i would say that’s a really good i’ve never even thought about that what would i say to my younger self you know what i would say i would say you can do this i would say you can do this even even though it looks so dark i promise there’s a purpose for everything that you’re going through right now there’s a purpose for it and and just don’t and just don’t quit you know because there was there was definitely times in my life like when my
(2:50:58) mom and dad were really sick i guess getting emotional here um when my mom and dad were really sick and there was times you know i remember oh geez i remember i was in sixth grade and we just i just found out the day before that my um my mom had cancer and i was sitting in class and um i went to catholic school when i was italian so i went to this catholic school and there was this nun sister mary cosmas that taught the class she was an interesting woman and she um i was acting up really bad you know i was like just being disruptive and stuff
(2:51:29) she pulls me out of the class she grabbed him by the ear yanks me on the class she’s like the beast what’s your problem what’s wrong with you and i was like what what nothing and she’s like why are you acting this way and it just hit me and i looked at her and i was like i think my mom’s gonna die and um and i i had such a close relationship with my mom and dad and it just you know there was moments what seeing my parents go through all the stuff they went through was really rough i became their caregiver at
(2:51:59) different parts of my life which was really strange for a young kid you know having to do that like a 12 year old kid or whatever and um and there was times when i just wanted to like just give up you know yeah and i think i would just i didn’t understand why and and coming through the other end there’s there’s lessons i’ve learned from that and there’s passions that i’ve created and not that i’m glad my parents went through anything like that because i’m not but the thing that i would say to
(2:52:24) myself in that hug would just be like you know don’t quit don’t give up there’s a purpose for this there’s a reason for this you’re going to learn from this um that’s what i would say wow that’s beautiful yeah crazy well you [Music] really gets you in the fields huh here guys if you could have the whole world read one book which would it be one book um for the whole world jrl tokens lord of the rings no oh although i do love that book no it would probably be something helpful like uh
(2:53:00) maybe eat to live by joel furman that’s a really good book i think it would be really good for if we could all adopt the mindset of you not just for the neurotransmitter relief we get from it right like oh that cannoli was so good i feel like yeah i feel like hell afterwards but if they could understand the concept of really eating to live and consuming different foods because it has a positive effect on our body’s ability to do what we need to do so we can carry out our purposes and missions in life i
(2:53:29) think that would be a good book i thought you’re going to say uh eat move and be healthy by pull check for because i heard you say eat i just ordered that so oh is that one of your books i just ordered it yeah cool um that is yeah i think that’s really great advice that you’re speaking to in that book i haven’t read it specifically i actually do have it in my my audiobook library um but i i notice of course that’s one of the things we all go to when we think of how we’re mistreating our bodies with
(2:53:57) food is the psychological end of it and um how to get through that piece and then of course like figuring out what now once we do that what we do want to be putting in our bodies i notice in myself i have this like story i have been telling myself that when i’m around my husband i overeat and the story i’m telling myself that happens there is that him being around like us being around we don’t get a lot of time together people travel for work is usually while we’re eating together and so if i prolong it by
(2:54:31) eating for a longer time then it’s more time spent with him so that’s an interesting little story i have to unwind for myself but i’ve also read before um you overeat because something’s eating at you oh yeah so if you’re overeating in a moment it’s because also yeah maybe i don’t know yeah i mean i’ll hear i’ll say this jade i will completely validate that statement um when something’s eating at you we know neurochemically there’s something going on that’s like negative right there’s
(2:55:00) protocols there’s certain negative neurochemicals going on when you eat food food has been designed to create a positive neurochemical experience because you want it to be good just like you have sex will be good because that helps you live and it helps procreate yeah so it’s like so you want food to be good so when you’re feeling when something is eating at you yeah you want to eat and sometimes it makes sense to neurochemically balance the other side of all the junk that’s going on yeah sometimes the reason why there’s like
(2:55:29) food addictions and things like that yeah all right if you could whisper one phrase to everyone on the planet what would you say one phrase to everyone you guys asked some cool questions one phrase to everyone i would say so because i do what i do i would say people probably won’t like me for this phrase but it’s what’s true for me so um i would say health is your duty that’s what i would say i would say it’s your duty to be healthy because there’s so many people that love you and you’re so valid
(2:56:05) and there’s people that need you you know there’s kids that need you there’s a husband or a wife that needs you there’s a work or an environment that needs you you’re so needed that it is your responsibility it is your duty to create health in your body so you can carry out the things that you need to to have fulfillment personally and also to help all the other people that you need to help um so i would say yeah i would say health is your duty that would be my my statement i really like that yeah
(2:56:39) yeah so um i was curious if you know your animal ally or spirit animal i have no idea what do you think no um i’m able to see animal allies on people um and what i saw for you was alligator um which sounds really odd i would have always thought i was an elephant because i feel so drawn to them and it was i became a i became aware that it was fox which i never even think about foxes but it’s because um that animal has messages specifically for me in this time um but anyhow i googled alligator um meaning spiritual meaning and it says
(2:57:15) the alligator or crocodile meaning urges you to conserve life and do everything in your power to protect and save it it also reminds you to take care of your spirit because when the spirit is unhealthy the body also suffers your spirit is what gives your body life and physical strength that i’m not even kidding when i say could not be more spot-on for me yeah and i didn’t know that’s what alligator meant when i saw obviously when you were being an alligator in front of me i just thought well let me look up what
(2:57:45) it means because it is random that’s americans have a whole other show that’s so cool that’s so that totally indicates to me because like i’m all about creating a healthy body but i’m about it because like my viewpoint this is just my my viewpoint hand in hand right is we’re spiritual beings and we’re having this physical experience so we have this body that we’re in much like you know much like i’m in and out of my car it doesn’t mean i’m my car and i don’t i don’t think that i’m a body so
(2:58:16) i think that’s a good way to put that yeah so i don’t thank you so i don’t think that i have a body and i think the most one of the most important things for me is just spirituality because i think my thoughts my decisions how i am as a spiritual being is so pervasive and affects everything it affects the outcome i think and i also think how you’re treating your body and how your body appears um resembles a bit of what’s going on inside as well um not just fist like not just the health side of it
(2:58:45) but the spiritual side i mean um but yeah when i see animal allies i hardly ever know what they mean i’m just like oh that guy’s a bat um i don’t know i don’t know anything about it but i just thought like well alligator is so unique to see on someone let me just see what it means really quick and then it it ended up lining up really well so that you’re cool man that’s really good um that’s an amazing ability jade it’s really cool yeah it it i um at first it was like i felt like i was going crazy but once i
(2:59:16) was able to find a way for it to benefit people then i was like okay let me sharpen this um but uh before we let you go where can people find you online oh sure so my website is just it’s a so it’s a-l-t-e-r-n-a-c-a-r-e so we’ll link that in the notes sure cool google alternicare and dr rob and i’ll i should pop up yeah awesome this has been so amazing you’ve spent like three hours with three hours i think obviously two episodes yeah this is maybe our longest interview so i
(2:59:53) am so grateful for you sticking with us because i i mean i we could sit here and talk all day i would love to talk to you all day but um you have a life to live i feel like i spent the day at people’s clinic yeah yeah but i do want to really thank you for for sharing your vulnerability with us through your story and being such a wealth of information which i know has probably taken you so many years of hard dedicated research um and work to get to where you are with that and it is very impressive and extremely
(3:00:28) healing and helpful to i’m sure anyone who allows themselves to listen and absorb this and especially for for i know myself and i’m sure jade so i just want to say thank you i wish you all the success we wish you all the success and we will do what we can from our side at this show to help you to embody all of that yeah thanks for being light thank you very much and you guys are very welcome and i think the statement that you have about light really embodies the both of you because talking to both you yeah and
(3:00:59) just getting to kind of meet you over here i do see that in both of you just this great shining light and i i can see how whatever it is that you do in your life is gonna is just so impactful to others because you’ve definitely impacted me tonight so thank you thank you sincerely for having me on i really appreciate it thank you so much yeah we’ll talk to you soon okay okay [Laughter] if you’re still there we’ll send you um of course all the final episode and promo clips and everything we make for
(3:01:34) this episode as soon as that is all wrapped up oh that’s cool so i’ll be able to use this too yeah absolutely we’d love for you too we’ll make some cool videos for you well i will thank you for that and i’ll make sure i tag you guys online awesome thank you talk to you soon bye and i’ve done the now i’m like can’t we pinky promise i know um yeah i normally were like napster i just have sex in like 30 minutes oh no like get it ready warm it up all these fake candles it’s going to take 10 minutes just to
(3:02:10) light those all right oh [ __ ] keep that in the show okay let’s go that’s all part of health shades healthy sex life healthy spiritually get to the magic tricks get to the magic tricks mercedes you want you want to go first or you want me all right so let’s see what i got for magic i have it pulled up here do i yes i do all right for my magic trick today i’ve got something actually pulled straight from dr rob’s page his instagram um this is basically about okay this is this is a personal one for
(3:02:51) me because i use a hair blow dryer obviously to dry my hair like many people but i also tend to use it whenever the room is like freezing cold if i go to like a hotel room and i first get in there something that’s freezing and i or i’m freezing to the bone i will turn on the blow dryer and like stand in front of it until i’m warm you know what i mean my kids like me to blow them with it in the face yeah like you know put it under my shirt or just whatever sit in front of it warm up um it’s kind of like a pet peeve that my
(3:03:17) husband has with me too because he’s like get out of the bathroom with the blow dryer but he’s always keeping the house freezing okay so anyway the thing is that dr rob speaks on this post to the emf um waves the electronics i had no idea about yeah is it electric magnetic field i’m sure a lot of us have heard about this when it comes to like cell phone use and that type of thing you don’t want to keep it close to your head or on your body parts like your in your bra or something like that um because that can be bad and a
(3:03:50) lot of people can be are very sensitive to electromagnetic radiation so when it comes to blow dryers doesn’t mean you have to stop blow drying your hair and dry it by campfire he says but this is about you know raising the awareness of electromagnetic radiation especially for those who are sensitive to it which is probably all of us to some degree or another um and he says that electromagnetic fields occur when electricity is running from one point to another and some of these electromagnetic field electro well emf yeah
(3:04:25) are thought to be dangerous to the human body and may produce cancer according to the world health organization’s international agency for research on cancer however there is other information that is contrary showing electromagnetic fields may be safe for the for the human body so you know take it all with a grain of salt obviously we want to be safe over the be rather safe than sorry um and it is known that blow dryers do create a fairly significant emf um so electromagnetic field but the good news is the farther away you hold the blow
(3:04:58) dryer from your head the weaker the field the electromagnetic field becomes so if you want to do that then hold the blow dryer about three feet away which is about arm’s length to reduce the emf waves um pretty significantly and it’ll probably not cause any problem for you so that’s his recommendation there he also does recommend a few different blow dryers which if you want to go on his page and take a look at those on his post um it’ll be i’m sure beneficial to anyone willing to do that yeah i had no idea and i’m very
(3:05:31) careful with emf so i’m definitely gonna do that i’m not gonna blow my kids on the face of it anymore um mine’s also pulled from his page and this is something i had no idea about so apparently baby carrots are soaked in bleach for five minutes i had i had no idea so i have heard this vibrating yeah so i did hear that like decaf coffee is like run through engine oil to like remove caffeine and i’ve heard crazy stuff like that but i never heard about them so first off he says baby carrots are cut from larger
(3:06:04) carrots and then they are polished so essentially they are missing their outside skin and which is super beneficial but um this practice was first invented in 86 to prevent carrot waste by a man named mike eurosec who was a farmer in california but unfortunately these baby carrots are soaked in chlorine bleach water for up to a maximum of five minutes and this practice is approved by the fda with the idea of helping to reduce foodborne illness in fact various fruits and vegetables may be sprayed in a chlorine bath
(3:06:38) however the baby carrots have a unique problem in his opinion if you look at an adult carrot you’ll see it has a skin many fruits and vegetables such as apples also have a skin well the skin of the apple protects the inside pulp from the harsh outside environment just going to act as the barrier right so if you were to spray some chlorine bleach water on the skin of an apple it’ll have a harder time soaking into the pulp however if you completely peel the skin and then spray it with a chlorine bleach the chlorine
(3:07:02) will soak into that pulp so this is why this is such a big deal about the baby carrots is it’s not only just being soaked in bleach it’s also removing the outside skin so it’s so much more susceptible to absorbing yeah the contaminants from the from the bleach so don’t do it yeah if you want some baby carrots just make them yourself yeah cut up a big one and yeah um i know it’s like on it’s so convenient for veggie trays and for snacks for kids but um it’s been soaked in bleach so yeah and dr
(3:07:38) he speaks to how good carrots are for us adult with skin you know carrots uh clean them obviously in that but um it’s just slice them up a few times and you got yourself some carrot sticks but also like any skin like the red skin on apples is so good for our guts but like he says so many fruit so many fruits and vegetables are sprayed with chlorine so that’s another reason to buy organic because then you’re getting that um red skin that’s pure from the red pesticide all over it right and it’s so beneficial
(3:08:11) for the bodies and our belly is what i like to call the buddies in our belly i know and i always say gut bugs and i feel like that has a negative connotation i think it sounds like parasites yeah i mean when i say gut bugs and if you heard me say it earlier in the show i mean our buddies in our belly i mean our microbiome bacteria friends and sometimes our foe as well if they get over colonized in the wrong direction but anyway you guys if you have listened to this entire episode all the way through i know first of all you have absorbed so
(3:08:43) much incredible information here um wow that was this is definitely one of my favorite episodes like by far and i knew it would be yeah i know you i knew you knew because there was so much science in and there’s so much hormone talk let’s just write my jam um and i just want to say that you know listeners thank you for doing the work of listening to a podcast like this that speaks to so much of the you know and like like dr rob was saying it’s a little nerdy but it’s for your own benefit and the
(3:09:17) benefit of those around you and it’s so beautiful that you guys who do come on here and listen to the show and absorb this stuff are doing that work and i’m so glad to be sharing the planet with you guys yeah i’m gonna say about that yeah thanks you guys and thank you so much for tuning in and taking this journey with us if this episode held some magic for you like it did for us please share with your friends and family i’m sure that they would benefit from at least one of the tidbits that we discussed here so this you know would
(3:09:46) benefit your loved one’s health so it would also mean the world to us because we want to get this episode out there and we want it to benefit people as well also don’t forget to join us on our instagram page at the magic hour and let us know what your favorite episodes have been so far we appreciate all of your feedback and we really want to know what’s lighting you up yes and we release a new episode every monday so you can catch us again next week or go listen to some of our past podcast episodes in our library now we’ll meet
(3:10:14) you there until then