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Finding that unique cocktail of modalities for increasing our own consciousness, and for healing ourselves is absolutely key. Our guest, Kerri Hummingbird, explains the story of what brought on her own awakening, and how she’s been on a journey to help others unlock that in themselves, ever since. As an award-winning author, she’s channeled multiple books into reality and has over 20 years of experience in leading by inspiration; We explore her definition of success, which she says is found through self-mastery. In addition, in this episode, Kerri calls the winds of the four directions in for us, and explains the shamanic drum journey she takes her clients on, where psychic visions are often shared through the community with ease and awe.

This episode is full of light if you’re ready and willing to let it in, and we invite our listeners to stay open and delve deeper into anything here that calls to you, even after the episode is over. Enjoy, and embody!


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majic hour episode #41 transcription

(00:00) i’m gonna try a record of this computer okay okay i’m recording i heard something there is that the dog okay all right you ready greetings magic mobbers welcome boys and babes it’s the magic hour a place where we navigate through life’s peaks and valleys with all the vulnerability and shamelessness we can muster with the help of world-class guests from all walks of life we uncover new truths and valuable tools for manifesting our highest potential i’m your host mercedes tarot along with my partner in shine

(00:39) jade bryce hey you guys so before we jump in i wanted to mention that mercedes and i have been so moved by the reviews that you guys are sending in i mean it’s it really really just means so much to us and if everyone who was listening right now would just go and leave a review it would make a huge impact on the show for us because it would help people it would help the show be seen for other people and um so you can actually do that while you’re listening right now you don’t even have to stop what uh you don’t have to stop

(01:11) the show just you know go into our show page leave a review for us you can either just hit five stars but it would really mean a lot to us if you would actually just type out a little comment um it would it really really does go a long way you guys on itunes so please go do that for us right now yeah and this podcast venture jade and i have going on we both spend way too much time second guessing ourselves so when someone can just reaffirm that we’re doing um something that’s making a difference here something as easy as sending a review

(01:44) like that is all it takes for us to really feel like you guys are yeah getting what we’re putting out there so just truly means everything everything to us we’re waves you guys be there for us our attachment styles are ways we need all that love all right so i’m excited for today’s guest because she is a skilled spiritual channeler and has actually written her two books via this channeling process so i can’t wait to find out how she has honed in on that skill and how spirit moves through her to create these texts

(02:16) it’s really cool stuff yes i am super interested to know how that all works actually um i feel like this whole world of strengthening your intuition and psychic abilities is so new and unknown to me still even though i’ve witnessed you hone some of these skills in yourself jade and i don’t even know you know my husband all the time goes how can we talk about psychic abilities without saying the word psychic because i think that’s intuitive yeah and i say that to him but he goes well all i ever think of

(02:46) is miss cleo and i’m like yeah i know i know that’s why you know um boulder psychic institute i always feel like i want to tell people i went to an intuitive institution yeah yeah it’s so weird saying well when i went to boulder psychic institute because then it sounds like ms cleo was my teacher i know but it’s actually cool to know you know that we all do have those similar capabilities though and it’s all just a matter of tapping in and not numbing that down yeah and actually mercedes i’ve been um

(03:12) meaning to bring up to you um i think i mentioned it briefly but we didn’t have time to get into it that in my most recent ayahuasca ceremony just a few days ago that i had um a few visions of some of your past lives and i i have been able to with a few of my friends um tap into their past lives and so i knew that it was already something that i was able to um see for people if it was useful for their healing um and useful for them to maybe recognize a pattern so that they you maybe you’re not like knowing what to do with it but you’re at

(03:47) least aware of it like oh there’s a pattern here and if i heal it in this lifetime it won’t carry on into my next um i’m really really interested in hearing what this is because yeah since you’ve brought it up a while back i was like okay let’s we i’m glad we’re talking about it actually in real time on the show because well yeah i had a good episode actually to talk yeah i had to ask the medicine um to help me um step into being able to do readings for people and i got a couple messages there

(04:16) one of them was to not forget that this podcast is a source for healing but um i think it’s one of the reasons why she took me on that journey to see some of your past lives and um the two that were the most prevalent in the journey so the one that was farthest off in your past life okay um one that was passed farthest past uh-huh was you were this like egyptian pharaoh looking goddess um you had like all these gold um you know embellishments on you and like a belly dancer almost looking outfit and it was really really cool um

(04:58) but the thing that stood out about that life was that you had so much power like you had so much power and you could command anyone to do anything for you or get anything for get anything for you and you were above even like most men in this whatever in this um i don’t know what word to use yeah in this um region i don’t know but um men you were definitely above men and you could command them to pretty much do anything for you and it was just interesting because um you you had this like authority but it was almost like you didn’t

(05:43) i think you being above men you didn’t have to let you you weren’t available for anyone to lead you you know um and you were very very um [Music] like you know cersei’s such a bad reference because she’s so evil but almost like that hardcore of like i can get exactly what i want i don’t need a damn man like this is commit i command this you know when it happens um so that was very very much the vibe of that life and definitely resonates with me i mean cersei not necessarily because she’s she’s um

(06:20) sleeping with her brother and such but yeah yeah and she’s not nice yeah this is wrong you weren’t mean but you were firm as heck and not very very firm and not softening enough to let someone else help no softness no softness whatsoever um and it it was evident that you came from a bloodline of that um and so definitely do like even just thinking of my mom and my grandma like the women well in our past lives repeat the patterns repeat until we want to change them right so there is that one and then one of the

(06:57) most recent ones and this one was a little bit foggier but the most recent ones you were some sort of director and it was like i couldn’t tell if you were directing like a black and white film from like the 20s or something or if you were directing some sort of theater group but you were definitely a director like in a director’s chair and you were um you were directing everybody in front of you and it was the same vibe though of like almost like meryl streep and the devil wears prada just like you didn’t need anyone else you didn’t

(07:30) need um anything you wanted you could direct right in front of you you could man could command right in front of you and it was a little bit softer but it was still very firm and stage left stage right you know yeah it was really really interesting and it was a very again very like you were over the men and you were the top position no one was the leader above you so it’s really interesting and i know there’s so many different ways that you can take that um but i know that in this life you are trying to

(08:04) tap into your feminine more and that your you feel all masculine and that you have trouble letting men lead so i know that because you’re working on that then you know that pattern hopefully it’s part of my healing whatever that pattern is yeah or balancing yeah i think that’s what i’m seeking most is balance because i don’t think that that pattern which does definitely those that idea that you’ve seen in my past lives does definitely resonate with what’s going on currently for me so yeah

(08:35) that’s i’m gonna sleep on that yeah i think that is useful though thank you for we can talk more after we talk to our guests too she’s ready to get on and i wonder what she has to say about that if she has some insights on all that so let’s get her on yes welcome a woman who’s not only dancing delightedly in her own purpose with the work she does but whose work is of helping others uncover their own unique ability to step into their highest selves and serve from that blissful platform so so cool she’s

(09:09) a soul guide a shamanic healer an inspirational speaker and an extremely intuitive award-winning author who has channeled multiple books into reality with over 20 years of experience in leading by inspiration she has a special passion for empowering the women she mentors to be the artists of their own lives to rewrite their story through inner transformation connection to essence remembrance of purpose and realignment to authenticity and truth please welcome carrie hummingbird to the magic hour hi hi everybody oh i love the vibe in here

(09:46) i love it the minute i was like i just want to sit here listen to james and then i was like oh but i really like mercedes this is fun hi love i just love the conversation you guys are having and to me it’s so uplifting to that you’re having it so in my book so young because i’m like 50. you know or you don’t look it yeah i’m young at heart for sure yeah i always think that too at plant medicine ceremonies when there’s a 21 year old i’m always like oh my god i’m starting the growth path

(10:24) so early this is going to be so amazing for you when you’re 35 when you’re my age i want to see where you’re at it’s so cool it’s amazing yeah my my son is 19 and he is studying uh he’s in his first uh shamanic group one year program like seriously deep or intense what is that one called power path schooling i want to take it on in 2020 it’s i’ve set my intention for it oh yeah if i can come up with the funds i’m there yeah the power pack that’s so cool they’re in there in austin soon um but

(10:57) carrie you have a really interesting story of what brought you through some awakenings up to this point and some obstacles in the early years of your life kicked you off in the direction of the life you’re currently living what do you feel like are the la the low lights and the highlights that brought you to today wow well you know the journey definitely has peaks and valleys doesn’t it so i’ve had some valleys i think the biggest valley i know the biggest valley that i had was the end of my former relationship you

(11:29) know after 20 years of really trying to make it work and going to psychotherapy weekly for like two decades trying to fix myself and it’s still not it’s still not working and um you know it was a paradigm where i was i was it was the easy target like it’s their family systems the family systems thing really resonates with me now i can see it from this vantage point back then i would have just said you know i can’t do anything right it’s all my fault somehow and even though i go to these weekly psychotherapy sessions but now i

(12:06) see it’s part of a bigger family system of like some people don’t want to cope with their stuff and so it’s easier to have one person be to blame for all of it and it’s not like i wasn’t doing anything that needed fixing or that i needed to change but it’s just that the system kind of wanted one person it was more convenient to have one person be the focal point yeah you know what i’m saying so that that reached the end of its um lifetime span that i could tolerate it and that was a hard point like leading

(12:34) up to that point was really tough because i was acting in ways that i would never thought i would be acting um it’s like i just started really acting out and doing things that i would i just to me i would have said i’m not that kind of person and i was that kind of person that was really hard so that was a low light for sure and also getting diagnoses like i got diagnoses throughout my life bipolar when i was really young but i didn’t put it on the record manic depressive that was like i had big highs and lows

(13:07) with my emotions and stuff like that but then the big one was borderline personality that was at 38 i was like what like that means you’re definitely screwed up you know like that’s the way i felt so that was a big low point for me and and that catalyzed though the next part of my journey which has been the last eight almost nine years of like amazing stuff like once i stopped worrying about um fixing myself i just said well i’m just gonna discover myself instead and like figure out what i really am about

(13:45) that’s when everything changed and i got the support in the teachers i needed to to make the transformation heather ashamara being one of my teachers for your goddess i know you guys know her we love her one of our very first guests yeah she’s amazing and so that process really led me to discover myself things that i always kind of knew about myself but i was i was trying to be someone i wasn’t i know that sounds so like common but that’s kind of what it was i was trying to be someone i wasn’t and i wasn’t

(14:20) really opening to who i am yeah and it’s only really now like today as i stand here today i’m like really accepting who i am and i know some people think i’m goofy or some people will say things about me like you’re just way too pollyanna or you’re too happy or you’re you know but you know what like i own that it’s fine like somebody’s gotta hold down the corner on happy and unicorns and rainbows okay so i’m happy to be that person for sure that resonates with me for sure yeah

(14:51) so i mean some of the time of course we can all be bummed out but i mean when you’re the person who’s trying to constantly be an optimist it can piss people off when they’re trying to live in a sad place right now and that’s part of their journey that i do think has to be respected as well but it doesn’t mean you have to live in that with them so that’s huge but i think all of us are trying to um to one degree or another own who we really are i think that’s that that’s what we hope to do we we

(15:19) don’t maybe even realize that that’s what our hopes are yet but um that’s the direction that we all need to move in because that’s the only one that’s going to keep us ultimately happy 24 7. absolutely i just had i actually had a great conversation with heather ash on my show soul nectar show about competition and like comparison and i think for women especially like this is a huge this was a piece that kept me stuck for a long time because i kept comparing myself to other people and their lives and then trying to make

(15:55) my life sort of match that in order to have success and i was with a partner at the time who was the same and that contributed a lot of problems because my inner natural way of being is just who i am and if you go against that like as i found as i started going against myself it didn’t make it any better and trying to fix myself to be something i wasn’t didn’t help and comparing yourself to others isn’t really helpful either you know even on this path of list last eight or nine years i’ve been doing it

(16:26) it’s been a lot of like looking outside to go okay what is this supposed to look like and then i’ve had to come back in and go it doesn’t look like any of that it looks like this and it’s okay to to you know to go around the turn the corner and go oh man i gotta start over i’m i’m not where i thought this was gonna lead it’s okay i think that’s a big part of this journey that everyone’s taking too is finding out that you’re in the wrong you’re going the wrong direction doesn’t

(16:56) mean that turning a new direction is is you know starting from scratch it means you’re going to hone down on exactly where you need to be much quicker when you continue to redirect when when that comes up for you yeah you can’t be afraid you can’t be afraid to redirect i mean i completely reinvented myself i didn’t even know what carrie hummingbird was eight years ago i made a vision board a hummingbird went on there i was like i’m carrie hummingbird i don’t even know what that means and i

(17:24) would even ask myself i’d be like what would carrie hummingbird do right now i don’t even know what that means but i but it was real for me so this is really your work as as a soul guide so um i think that’s a really beautiful gift you have being able to bring that up in other people finding out what they should be moving towards so maybe you can describe for us and our listening audience what a soul guide is and what you do in your work i get to open a magical door for people and they get to crash the threshold and

(17:57) then they get to experience the divine interacting with them in every moment bringing them lessons and bringing them mystical experiences and magical like so much incredible stuff happens that before was probably happening but they weren’t paying attention to it but when they do the work with me or when they pick another guide when you actually decide i’m gonna interact and i’m gonna listen i’m gonna like go along this whole journey you notice it and that like opens everything i mean it’s amazing i know you guys have

(18:32) experienced this because yeah yeah you know what i’m talking about it’s like all these little subtleties that you overlooked previously now you see these are magical messages this is like a connection this is a direction this is important so i just help people to uncover it reveal it keep themselves clear keep themselves aware and present in i teach discernment and i teach a bunch of earth-based earth-based spirituality to help people get grounded and present and clear so they can notice these things and then

(19:08) decipher them because you do have to decipher it right how does how does that work exactly how does the process of somebody comes to you and says hey i really think it’s it’s that time in my life where where i have come to a point i want to figure out what i’m most passionate about where my bliss lies and how i can embody that in all the work i do you know how i can feel of service on this planet well the way that it works uh with me is that i have channeled um a course called reinvent yourself and it’s in three modules and it’s

(19:41) basically an awakening process so we go from caterpillar gotta make it safe to do this work otherwise the inner bits are not gonna go along and we go into jenga where we you know we take apart the structures you know we start pulling out the bottom pieces and the foundation things get a little wobbly and then we go into the reinvention part like this is tuning into that innate design and the innate design that you think you the innate design that you are is the thing that you’re inspired to be anyway so it’s one of the same so you can

(20:13) either go at it like what i really desire to be and then come around and get there or you can you can open up to like what i call the spirit of death release everything you think you are and then let god source great spirit your higher self show you who you are okay friends i gotta stop you there so we have a beautifully eclectic group of listeners who some can hang with the more i call woo-woo words that we’re talking about here which i love and i’m with you but if we’re talking to you know joe schmoe

(20:48) who has not thought much about inner reflection and this type of work i guess what’s the definition of a soul guide for that person for that person so sorry jose i don’t mean to yeah i’m not shooting on you the person that thinks that they are just a body yeah the person that thinks that they are just a body i challenge them to try something new outside the box that pushes their comfort zone because that’s where the juice starts to happen on the other side of the comfort zone the stuff you don’t know what’s

(21:27) going to happen next is the potential that you’ll have a realization of something bigger than what you thought was possible so for example i lead firewalks so people that are like joe i don’t believe in any of this firewalk is a really great opportunity the way that i do it anyway to uncover that there’s something bigger that’s happening than you and your body and drum journey meditation is another thing that i do because the drum journey brings people um out of the alpha state out of the beta state of their brain where they are

(21:58) in control and into alpha theta states where their soul is in control and then you start to become aware of a whole new magical side of life and that’s the one that we’re all aware of like jade i know is aware of it and you’re aware of it that we can bring that magical drum journey state into our living waking dream of life as we walk around on the planet and joe that doesn’t believe any of this isn’t having that experience because he’s convinced he knows what he’s talking about yeah and i might just

(22:26) invite you know joe or anyone listening that is going whoa this is this is i don’t even know what what’s being talked about here i’m not you know i’m tuning out because this isn’t um on my interest list or whatever i’d invite you to just be open to hearing out this conversation and then just start there pull some of the the items here or the things that sound interesting or you might want to investigate more and just start researching them you know find a book on it find another podcast that talks about

(22:56) it until you feel a little more comfortable with it because i think that’s where this journey really starts is is figuring out for yourself how you can be comfortable with being open enough to dive into other realms because there’s so much a life to be experienced i think that’s really what your work is allowing people to to step into is the more that life has to offer yeah the more and i actually uh my new book the second wave is in the agnostic category for a reason because people that are not agnostic are

(23:28) saying you know i’m not really sure what i believe but i’m going to figure it out on my own i’m going to like go that journey and experiment and see what’s up and that’s exactly what this path is you know it’s just taking an experiment one day at a time trying something new pushing your boundaries seeing what happens i love that i’m curious because a lot of people they hear a fire walk and it sounds so absurd to them so i’m curious um is it something where people set an intention and then they walk that

(24:00) fire and they how how does that yeah play out so some people might be more familiar with firewalk in terms of like tony robbins and in that context it’s very much about motivation in my context it’s not so much about motivation as it is about understanding energy because the fire has a certain amount of energy and you have a certain amount of energy and just it’s a good metaphor for like every challenge in your life you know you’re you’re approaching let’s say right in my new book that’s a challenge

(24:33) it has a certain amount of energy to it if i don’t have as much or more energy than that that project and i’m not going to be able to complete it i won’t be able to get off the ground or i won’t be able to get all the way through it it’ll get thick and dense so the fire walk for me is an opportunity to teach people about the relationship between themselves and every challenge they have in their life through the metaphor of the fire and you can um you can realize that you’re creating the

(25:00) challenge that’s one way to change the energy balance in a challenge you can realize you’re creating it with your mental stories so that’s a good teaching about mindfulness you can also realize that you can raise up energy like if you have your favorite song and you sing your favorite song even if you were kind of dumpy before like and then you sing your favorite song you’re super happy right and you have a lot more energy that’s another lesson in energy management so i like to teach people

(25:27) about um energy and about mindfulness and about how to um how to plant a seed in a quantum field like this is quantum physics how to actually manifest something through the metaphor of the firewalk because we do we plant those seeds we set those intentions we do it with fire which is a powerful force and then in the weeks following the firewalks stuff unlocks in people’s lives so they get that after benefit right they get these teachings all packed into one construct it’s certainly a form of medicine and on this

(25:59) podcast we talk a lot about plant medicine because jade is kind of on a journey experiencing that now so i feel like that is really in alignment with that you know you allow you open yourself to this experience you go take it on head on you take the challenge on and what comes from it because you’re challenging yourself and you’re asking yourself to do something out of the box is all these teachings that you’re talking about all this stuff that comes up when we put ourselves in a situation that is

(26:29) uncomfortable essentially yeah well yeah plant medicine like what jade is doing and i’ve done this as well i love plant medicine for this reason um because uh one of the reasons i was on the couch you know every single week for 20 years is because i had a super active mind that like to tell a lot of stories and a lot of people have super active minds that like to tell a lot of stories yeah and your whole reality gets created from the stories you’re telling usually right before they’re falling asleep

(26:58) right right so you realize this at some point in your life you realize wow i made this whole thing up yes you sure did so if you want to make something up that’s better and more pleasant then you need to learn how to navigate your inner structures you need to learn how to navigate this inner realm the mind the heart your body’s telling you things all the times you probably ignore it or you take an advil you know like you’ve got to start exploring it rather than numbing out from it and distracting

(27:27) from it and that’s exactly what plant medicine does it takes you right into yourself where you cannot help but face it yeah gotta look at it yeah you worded that perfectly yeah i love it for that reason because it gets through i feel like people have this crust that gets developed around their heart like this thick crusty substance and if you’re doing plant medicine you kind of know what i’m talking about it’s like this crust of egoic stuff like personality crust that gets around everything and when you do

(27:56) plant medicine it like sloughs off a layer just like a loofah and you’re like wow like you feel brand new like i think i know myself now or i know myself in a better way because that crest is all the very first thing i feel on any plant medicine the very um before i even think the medicine is kicked in which of course it has but i always think i’m not feeling anything yet um it’s fire in my heart and my heart opening and it then it becomes one with whichever direction my journey is coming going but

(28:28) um i always think like oh man this is this medicine’s slow tonight and then it’s it’s already so so on your knee working yeah yeah um so we have a question from our magic mob uh serena asks she says i’ve heard you define success in a way that really spoke to me you said i define success as no matter what is happening in my environment i can maintain a sense of neutrality and hopefully a sense of joy i like to feel successful by having mastery over myself her question is have you mastered this in your own life and how do you sharp

(29:04) how do you continue to sharpen this skill i feel like that’s so related to what we were just talking about yeah it’s a really good question so have i mastered this no i’m still here [Music] i wouldn’t have mastered it when i’m not here anymore and i would send the earthly plane but i am here so no i’m still working on it we’re all working on it that’s the truth we don’t have any messiahs on the planet at this time we are all in the trenches together elevating the consciousness together

(29:34) through self-mastery and the teachings so for me how do i keep going a daily practice i am a bit relentless so i will say i would give a plug out for anybody out there who’s compulsive like put that compulsivity towards your spirituality you will excel right yeah i think addictive uh tendencies you can transfer over in an unhealthy way even to spirituality too but if you can use some of that you know whatever that is that keeps you really going back for something you can apply that to inner work into spirituality i think

(30:13) there is a healthy balance that can be found there and it is a something that we all have in us you know the ability to cling and be addicted and go back and motivate ourselves to continue to go back to something and create a practice so yeah well we get these little lifts so like you’ll have a plant management ceremony for example and you’ll get ascended you’ll get a lift you’ll get a new insight you’ll get clear of some of the crust you’ll feel amazing now the work is to get back there in your daily life

(30:42) without needing the plant that’s the work and that is self-mastery so what is it is discernment it’s awareness it’s practice it’s energy maintenance it’s grounding you know to the earth really being connected to the earth it’s meditation being quiet with yourself and navigating the inner realms just like you do on the plant medicine so it’s it’s like bringing the ceremony that you had back into your life and really embodying it every single day that is the mastery and that’s how you excel that’s how you

(31:20) take these transcendental experiences and bring them back into your life to help you elevate your consciousness yeah that’s that’s beautifully said um and i and i love the fact that you brought up at a point you don’t need these external things that you might think you need in order to trigger the thing and to do the work or to whatever it is to sort through your stuff yeah i know plenty of people my best friend tom shadyac who has never done plant medicine and he does the freaking work so yeah i think it doesn’t always have to

(31:52) be but he definitely sits with himself fits with himself questions and then questions those questions and goes down that rabbit hole uh and i don’t think i you know i would never on anyone who’s as long as they’re finding a way to do that work do it you know like i’m all for it just do it and that’s the part of the journey you’re on all for it as long as you’re progressing and you feel like you’re moving forward into a better place with it you’re raising the vibration on this planet

(32:23) i’m happy i’m happy about you i’m happy i’m glad to share this planet with you it’s all to the good so yeah do you carry have anything that you practice or use in a daily routine that helps you stay at your best yeah well i i do every morning i open sacred space so i call in the four directions i call in the south the west the shamans have taught me this it’s powerful like i i did it by rote for a long time because i learned it from my first school which was the four winds with alberto vialdo

(32:54) and they teach you how to open sacred space and so i i learned it there but when i started studying with um jose elena stevens and the power path that’s uh the transforming your dragons that’s what i’m reading that i’m really really my intention is 2020 to be in the power path so yeah it’s gonna tell us i learned what i did was i they have a very good grasp with the energy of the four directions and the guides so it was visceral for me when i started working with them i could actually feel the winds of the south when they called

(33:32) it in and i thought whoa i’m calling to something oh i just was saying it i didn’t have a relationship and they brought to me with the relationship and so now i have a relationship so now when i open sacred space for others i get to gift them that same thing because they go oh wow i felt it i never felt that before so this is the exciting thing it’s like the love virus gets spread you know so i i always have my clients and students open sacred space that’s the first practice every single day because life

(34:08) goes much more smoothly when you’re inviting that which is bigger than you to guide you through it rather than you from your personality self thinking you know what needs to happen today even beyond meditation can you tell us though so because i do something similar every morning but can you walk us through kind of what that looks like what you do in the morning yeah do you want me to do it sure all right is it how long is it yeah we can just do a quick one wanna do a quick one yeah okay we’ll do a quick one

(34:36) this is not the big one this is a quick one okay so i welcome the winds of the south to come into this broadcast and surround every person listening with that feeling and that vibration of total love and total support and connection and community and knowing that you’re present on the planet with all of us feeling that container come in welcoming the winds of the west with your wisdom and your discernment to help us see in our shadows just a little bit bigger so we can really know ourselves in the things that we hide from

(35:09) ourselves we can see it and make a new choice we welcome you into the west we welcome the winds of the north the place of our ancestors and our guides we welcome all the ancestors and all the guides of all the people listening to come and and share with us a message we welcome you into the north to really help us to know ourselves more fully in our authentic self we welcome the winds of the east for that new dawn that new day and that new potential that we didn’t even know was possible we welcome that we welcome that

(35:39) opening we welcome the earth below pachamama mother gaia all the support the mountains the rivers the trees the stones the animals the plants the birds mariposa butterfly for transformation and we welcome the stars of sun and the moon above for all that light from the star nations and we welcome the great spirit hmm i love that thank you for that it yeah i can see you with your rattle yeah i do i deal with my rattle i i have a shamanic rattle that i said doing that for us carrie it actually brought up this memory for me

(36:16) of when i was young really young um my mom used to bring myself and my sisters uh out into this field that we live we lived on this kind of big farm and there’s a big field and she’d bring us out there from time to time and we would we didn’t know what we were doing we were little kids but she would tell us to call the the winds essentially of southeast northwest and we would stand out in the field you know we’d have four corners basically and we’d go out there and um and call to and say things like what

(36:49) you’re saying here and as a kid who knows what i came up with then but then that also triggered a thread that i noticed in my life um it reminds me of my favorite movie which is the fifth element and she is the woman in the movie you know is the fifth element and she’s the whole way they activate this thing to save the planet essentially and save all these earthlings is to call the the different elements into into play and ask for all the goodness that is available on this planet and the universe you know all these strengths

(37:26) that come from all the corners all the elements to to activate to to help us remember and you’re supposed to close it in the north right you close it off in the north or no well it depends on the tradition so like from from the i’ve been trained by um south american indigenous teachings and so we open with the south oh yo often open with the east oh okay yeah good catch i always wondered why because you just think northeast southwest so you saw in the north but i always hear people start in the east yeah a lot of times north american

(38:02) indigenous people will start in the east and then through my tradition we start in the south so you know whatever way you do it the carol shinemans once told me it didn’t even matter what direction you’re facing it’s like it’s all the same right [Laughter] yeah but i encourage people to do it like practice it themselves and just speak from your heart like feel the energy feel the presence and speak from your heart to the presence like you’re talking to a friend that’s the best way to do it

(38:38) yeah and you also um you also have a shamanic drum journey that you can speak on right yeah tell us about that we know you’re you’re i want a shamanic drum so bad they’re a little pricey but this is something you’re taking on tour with you with your book tour right yes you are teaching people around the world yeah so what i’m meant to do is they call they told me i’m a door opener so i open the door that’s what i do okay so the drum opens the door and takes people on a journey and it takes

(39:10) people on a journey to another realm where in shamanic sense when we take a drum journey what we’re really doing is we’re leveraging the beating of the drum to bring us out of beta mind and into alpha or theta state where we can lucid dream because the lucid dreaming is what brings your soul in because your soul works through the language of imagination visuals and all that kind of stuff so that’s where you get your messages from so the drum actually activates that and then i guide people um it’s just

(39:40) part of what i’m meant to do not everybody does it this way people do it all different ways i guide people on a journey through their heart and down to the lower world there’s three worlds middle you know lower middle upper we go to the lower world and then we end up going to asengate in peru which is uh holy mountain and it has the rainbow laguna faires the power center and so i bring people there for healing and then to take a journey with their guides wherever they need to go and then i bring them back when

(40:07) they’re done so it’s very awesome because people in the journey circles like i’ve got one tomorrow night here at my house they already see what i’m gonna say even if they’ve never done it before i’ll bring a jaguar in they’ll see the jaguar before i even say it a lot of times it’s already there they’re seeing psychically so i think this is sort of like some and i think in medicine journeys when you do medicine journeys you sort of realize that we’re all connected consciously we’re in a

(40:33) conscious bubble together and what one person’s thinking everybody’s knowing 20 people can be in a room and eight people see the same exact thing and the next morning you’re like how did we do that we all saw the same thing how yeah and that’s what this is this is psychic connection psychic group consciousness connection and that’s happening in my drum circle with no medicine so it’s amazing to me that it’s happening and it happens for people all the time uh when i do this these journeys i’m not special

(41:01) in this way it’s just that’s one of my my gifts and a lot of other people can do it too and definitely on plant medicine so it’s very cool i love that yeah um so there’s a few short questions we like to ask everyone who comes on the show first off if you could hug your younger self right now what would you say i would hug her and i would tell her that she’s safe and i’m protecting her the whole way through it how come you’re always there yeah why do you think you needed to hear that then

(41:37) because i had a lot of difficult things zero to five super challenging and then throughout my life um as we all experience uh these bumps and um i needed to know that i had a light around me that i was always being held and i was always safe no matter what was happening around me when i was two one and a half to five we lived with my first stepfather and he was a violent drunk i mean i witnessed him almost trying to throw my mother off the second story balcony of our apartment um amongst other beatings that he would do if i went

(42:14) through the same thing at the same age it’s hard because it gets right into the framework of your mind your structures your jenga structure i was talking about so some of the pieces we have to pull out of the jungle structure are it’s not safe i you know if i speak up i’m going to get in trouble and then someone’s going to get hurt you know these things have to be taken out but they can’t just be yanked out they take time so one of the things i do with clients is i bring them back to their their little children because there is

(42:44) no time for you know it’s sort of an illusion that we construct so time is fluid you know if you want to talk about it that way so we can go back we can recapitulate which is an ancient toltec practice we can recapitulate back to our childhood and we can be that loving force around our inner child and we can do healing with our inner child even and that healing ripples force i think it creates like a whole new timeline so that’s the work we’re doing on the planet right now we’re doing ancestral

(43:14) healing and we’re doing child healing because we have the technology to do it and we have all these predispositions that make up who we are in this moment that are fluid i love that you say that we talk about this podcast being our living journal and living being something that or we also say liquid truth kind of the same essence of it can change you know it’s not rock solid everything can change you can change the way you think about things every moment you decide to think a new thought or you know stay thinking the

(43:48) same old thought that you’ve patterned in from old old old past you know childhood trauma or like you’re saying even past lives or whatever it is you have the choice to change so it is very empowering to think of it in that that way yeah you can do healing on yourself like back through time i mean i’ve done a lot of a lot of that work on my journey to heal it’s like going back and just clear whatever i didn’t even need to know the story behind it just clear all the shadows out of my one-year-old clear them all out of my

(44:14) teeth you know just gone right up hmm yeah that’s really powerful i’ve i’ve gained some tools through we were just talking about through um boulder psychic institute um to do the same it’s been really powerful yeah um if you could have the whole world read one book what would it be the four agreements by don miguel ruiz oh okay well yeah you know how they’re asking does everybody read that book just please i think it should be like in second and third grade coverage still mastering not taking oh my god can you

(44:48) imagine i’m still mastering um not taking it personal that’s the hardest one i feel like putting the agreements on your fridge we had don miguel ruiz jr on and of course that’s amazing and heather shamara also is a big practitioner that told tech wisdom she said the same book for her answer so and it’s true i mean it’s such just these staple basics that if we could figure out how to really apply to our everyday um thinking and lives we would definitely improve our own lives amongst everybody

(45:23) else around us well you know if i can offer something to you on that not taking it personally um that’s one of the things the messages that came through my new book is that i find very helpful is the bigger perspective of coming in to do healing on the planet as a soul and making that choice and so if you’re going to make that choice are you going to come into an easy lifetime where there’s not a whole lot to dig into you or are you going to come in to an embodiment where you are going to experience a lot of strains of human

(45:57) suffering so that you will be compelled from the inside out to heal it and thereby be of service you feel that shift so you are now don’t have to take it personally that your life was the way it was because you intended it to be that it was like your classroom like each one of us sets up a classroom for ourselves and then designs this like thumbprint suit with this unique thumbprint design and puts the thumbprint right on it too so we don’t forget and then embodies it and comes in and like starts living it and even if you

(46:35) got earth amnesia you’re still doing the work you don’t have to remember it’s built in so if you can you know that’s what really helps me it helps me to go you know what i signed up for that because i needed to do big healing on the planet and support it and i’ve done the work even if i had amnesia for like the first 40 some odd years of the journey it’s okay we still did the work and now we get to have the fun time like i really believe that’s what’s happening now we’re opening up the fun

(47:06) portal yeah gosh i hope so yeah we are making it so it is so all right if you could whisper one phrase to everyone on the planet what would it be relax [Music] just relax you’re not doing it wrong you can’t do it wrong you’re in earth school you’re learning your lessons i like the lessons yeah but you’re okay and you can’t do it wrong just you know keep going open your heart hmm i really like that yeah i need to hear that often as a single mother that’s a really good message yeah we can take so much responsibility on

(47:58) our shoulders as especially as a single mom have been there and that sense of responsibility and i’ll tell you i just had a recent plant journey ceremony where i finally i used a different plant medicine that i’d been using and it it got around my egoic self and i had this beautiful conversation with my soul and he said that’s my response ability that’s not yours it’s mine so we act we take the actions guided by our souls but we don’t have to carry the burden it’s not about that it’s about having

(48:39) the experience we’re too small to carry that personality way too small you said he said yes he said that yeah my grandfather huachuma or no my guide my uh soul guide in this lifetime is white eagle white eagle oh cool so that’s what he that’s what he told me he’s he’s uh beautiful if you haven’t seen picture of him he’s native american man and he’s just got the most kind loving gentle eyes and heart and he’s been my guide for quite a while now and i’ve known it but i haven’t known it

(49:20) until i had the big reveal and then i was like oh okay now i really know it mm-hmm [Music] yeah i think just relax and be gentle relax and be so you know where we heather ashimara talks about this with a spiritual judge the more we get on the spiritual path it’s almost like then we judge ourselves for failing or not doing it right or not doing as good a job as we know better and and we can have even more sense of responsibility that we can’t screw it up and now you guys are radio show host so now you really even have

(49:59) more of a responsibility and you feel like gosh i really can’t screw this up because people are listening and what if i make a mistake or i’m not the best person and they see me in that light and then i you know there’s all these things that go through our minds but so just remember you are a soul in a messy human experience that’s designed to be messy so that you’ll bump up against other people and have lessons it’s part of the design yeah yeah and then the universe is going to give us whatever it is we need

(50:32) to we’re so losing something all the time afraid we really are afraid of not being wanted and i guess that’s a loss in itself too last night we were podcasting and we had a conversation about white privilege and how messy that conversation is going to be you know you’re always going to be afraid as a white person um having the conversation because you’re afraid of coming off racist you’re afraid of the loss that that that comes with that you know in essence um but the reality is that we have to

(51:06) have the conversation even if it’s messy because otherwise we’re never going to get anywhere we’re going to we have to have a conversation we can’t ignore it anymore a lot of people that have gotten like think of themselves as light workers or more ascended and you start to get on this path and you start to be able to discern different energies and you’re like oh this energy is lighter and you say oh that energy is good and this energy is denser and all that energy is bad and i don’t want bad energy i don’t want

(51:36) negative energy i’m going to put it outside my box because i don’t want to deal with that but we’re not here to put that energy outside the box we’re here to open our arms around all of it every little last bit of that nasty toxic sludge that we all created together as humanity we’re meant to wrap our arms around it and say you know what this too was created by us and i take responsibility to love it i take responsibility to open my soul up to bring divine light down into that toxic sludge that’s what i’m here to do and my

(52:06) physical self might not like it might feel really uncomfortable with it but it’s going to pass and as we reconnect the streams and as we reconnect all these different streams where we built walls between things like this is good and preferred and this is not as we reconnect the stream and we bring presence to it the whole thing clears the whole system clears our personal life our collective life so we’ve got to reconnect all the streams together every single one that we’ve cordoned off fascinating yeah

(52:36) i love that carrie thank you for all this yes wisdom so much to pack in and it really is yeah it’s so small i know our listeners are going to have all kinds of questions and want to know more about it so where can people go to find you and your works online on the interwebs and such so my website is carrie hummingbird.

(52:58) com which is k-e-r-r-i so they can certainly go there and if they’re really feeling pulled by the second wave that talk about you know maybe you didn’t really belong here but you’re here that feeling of like i’m not sure i fit into this place right sad feeling yeah if you’re having that feeling then you might want to go look up the book and the website is

(53:24) media dot media because i couldn’t cool i think you know finding that unique cocktail of modalities for for increasing our consciousness and for healing ourselves is absolutely key and we all have a different way to become more conscious and to be healed so i just want to say to you carrie thank you for helping people to find what works best for them and for making that such a big part of your work and what you do i really do think that the world’s a better place because you’re in it and yes thank you

(54:01) so much for coming on our show today and sharing that with us and being such a light thank you and mercedes and jade i just want to say i have total hope because you guys are coming up and it’s amazing the energy like i told you when i got in here i was like yes the calvary is here like like the cavalry has arrived you know like we are gonna do this together i’m so so grateful you’re here and you’re beautiful each one of you inside and out and i’m so grateful to be here thank you so much yeah thank you thank you and

(54:33) you’re in austin right carrie i am okay i’ll have to um i’ll message you and have you over soon yeah let’s get together a little drum let’s jump we’ll drive and rattle what is your background it’s amazing my whole background behind you spectrum the behind you yeah this is my butterfly screen from at home see this way because i work outside my house my house has got six people living where there used to be three oh wow what area are you in i live in cedar park texas okay i’m in oak hill

(55:17) where is that oak hill is right right when the y splits 71. oh oh that’s going going towards uh red hawk ranch i know where that yeah that’s awesome yeah i’m doing um i’m doing an event on sunday actually the 28th for the second wave from doing a drum journey oh cool we’re at it’s going to be um there’s going to be one south at lotus bend sanctuary at 6.

(55:44) i like them on facebook so i probably have seen the event i don’t get much freedom uh to leave the house but i’ll um i’ll look it up and see if i can how old is your how did three or four three and four yes and they sleep seven to seven so i i don’t get out much but um my mom is in town on sunday so if i can get out yeah if you can then i get to meet you in person i’ve always wanted to to go to lotus bin so yeah it’s a beautiful place it’ll be getting dark it won’t be totally dark if you were able to come six o’clock is when it starts so you

(56:19) could get there by 5 30. they’ve got like a labyrinth and i mean the whole community is coming together to build all of you john burgess has invited me there it’s gorgeous there and it has chakras they built they built chakra system into the land yeah that’s wonderful it was amazing and then when i went to go do my firewalks there was just by kismet of course my other spot like fell apart three days before a fire walk and i was like what am i gonna do and i was like open to spirit so then i got a

(56:47) connection and my husband said you should call renee and so we called renee and renee had the spot so we get down there and i look and i go oh my gosh the perfect spot yeah it’s connecting the sacral chakra with the will center what and that’s what the firewalk does made for you i was like man this is my home yes so yeah it’s my fire walk home i always miss out on the cool stuff in austin i’m over here in california well we’re going to have an event we’re already in california i’m in

(57:15) orange county in costa mesa if you know but we’re going to have a live event in austin um at lotus bend because i’m looking for a vienna but it’ll be most likely september 14th possibly the 15th um and uh and so we’ll since you’re local will likely air your episode around then to help promote it we’ll probably plug it into the show so um but uh yeah we’ll i’ll message you and then we’ll make sure that you have the information of that event too yeah let me know about that event and then i am going to be out in

(57:44) california cool in southern california because the book tour is leading me there nice through that kind of area you’re in so i’ll let you know about it i’m excited i’m happy to collaborate on stuff because this is all you know this time is all about collaboration we just bring each other to gibson and it’s just so fun yeah it’s a big party it’s an awakening party awesome so cool thank you so much carrie thank you we’ll be in touch yeah and when are we gonna when do you guys want

(58:12) to do yours do you want to so yeah we are we’re recording on our show like three episodes a week right now trying to catch up because we don’t have any in the and like we took a big break because i moved twice in one month and all that so um our schedule’s super thin right now so if we could possibly do the end of august absolutely i know that’s a ways off but oh no no that’s fine so when we get closer to then and we know our schedule i’ll i’ll message you then because by then we’ll be caught up on

(58:41) the show and i can even schedule it to go out to promote your event oh that would be amazing okay let’s plan on that yeah yeah thank you so much carrie yeah absolutely i think like i said you guys your energy is freaking awesome thanks thanks we’re tired tonight so i’m glad yeah we’re really tired i was like don’t channel me today of all days how much are we gonna yeah i don’t i don’t channel the same way that i mean i was doing some channeling there i’m just listening to what he wants me to say but i you know

(59:13) my guide but i don’t um i don’t do that like sounds and stuff yeah like yeah paul selig and then i don’t do sounds like other people channel sounds and like these weird languages and stuff that’s not me i don’t do that i’m not built that way so at least not yet yeah yet i love them i don’t leave it open [Laughter] all right well i’ll sign off then so you guys can do what you need to do okay talk to you soon carrie bye let’s see okay all right let’s act like she just got

(59:46) off i’m going to leave a note here you’re so funny that you always say let’s act like she just got off carrying notes john please end please and guest recording right before oh my god predicted text just doesn’t ever help right before m asks her background also uh if you want to put it here or maybe at the very end um when you asked her the question about fire walking daisy was like the whole time in the background and we did the kids screaming outside we’re giving daisy anxiety yeah so just you’ll

(1:00:32) just need to receive that question it’s the only time i really heard her but okay so um i’ll do that at the very end so okay let’s go ahead and um cool she was really i think um there’s so much interesting stuff in there and i really hope that the the people listening who um i guess who it’s a little a little deeper into this whole like i was saying in the beginning of this podcast really it’s this this whole um intuition and opening that door to the ability to be more intuitive is a deep

(1:01:12) sometimes you know scary ask of of oneself and so and carrie’s obviously done a lot of work in that direction um but i hope that people listening see the value in that and are open to to hearing that out and then seeing how they can apply it to their lives and and explore it more whatever direction you feel drawn take it that way and just start there that’s all i have to say about that yeah yeah great though so what about your magic trick today jay what do you got for me so this is probably one of the we i’ve done

(1:01:49) some really weird magic tricks but this is one of the weirder ones but this episode was pretty weird we don’t go there we could i’m gonna do it i might as well do it now um so my magic trick is to utilize the full moon um and i i know there’s a bunch of history behind the full moon um especially among native american cultures and all that i’m not going to go there because there’s just so much to dig up and also um i i just want to talk about um because i don’t without even knowing the history

(1:02:22) there i’m still able to really feel um [Music] some messages from the moon and use it to set some intentions each month but um i do know i’m not into horoscopes i don’t know what a sagittarius i’m a sagittarius but i don’t know what that means i’m not into that stuff but i do know that each month the moon falls in capricorn it falls on leo it falls into cherries whatever and you can look up what that what that signifies and it can be really really useful in just finding a a different way to look within and ask

(1:02:55) yourself a question and set a new intention every month and so this this um you know last one the full moon’s message or theme was that old things burn away so that new things can come that old things die so that new things can be rebirthed that they can be born and um to kind of let things crumble like we’re so afraid sometimes to let go of things but to let go so that something new and better can come and make way right so that was the theme and i really really um i really really liked that and what i did

(1:03:37) nobody has to do this but it was fun so i’d invite you to try it out you don’t have to tell anyone you did it you did okay go ahead wait okay i’ve only told a couple of people that tell the audience you um you don’t you can do it and not tell anybody if um you think it’s a weird party because it is fun so basically what i did is i you know it was a full moon i want to say around 8 30 or 9 o’clock i when it was like looking really cool you know everything was huge the moon it really was so i put on some tribal music and i

(1:04:07) danced until i felt like i couldn’t dance anymore like till i felt like my calves were gonna fall off and i was going at it so this is about an hour and i already like just exercise purposes for sweating oh yeah i probably burnt so many calories and so and i was like i was really really into it so i’m in my room got my sage burning and i’m dancing to tribal music and at about an hour i was like okay i can’t take any more and i did feel like i had shaken off whatever was hindering me from feeling

(1:04:35) that message from the moon um whatever keeps me from letting go to let things you know be born there and so i felt like i had shaken that off and i felt like i um was ready to move on to the next part of what i call a film full moon ceremony other people call it the same thing so what i did then is i got a long skinny candle um you want it to be long and skinny because of this next part oh i got a long skinny yeah at least gonna use a birthday candle this time yeah so what i did is i carved in my intention you could do just one word

(1:05:11) like calm peace abundance whatever you want carve in your intention one word and then um light the top or light the bottom a little bit so that the waxes um you know burning and stick it down so that it stands up and then you light the candle and you just sit and you pray around that intention until the candle burns and stare into the fire the whole time that’s um native american culture believes that when you stare into the fire you’re letting that light in your your it’s like a light channeling so

(1:05:41) um or a light ceremony so um stare into that flame the whole time and this is perfect for right before bed because it makes you tired so you um stare into the flame and you just pray until it freaking burns and i thought that that was gonna be like 30 minutes no it was a really long time so that’s why i say get a long skinny candle but um i’m telling you that’s the way to go and i did pray i did pray but for half of that i chanted to um cauli which cauli is a goddess she is considered very dramatic because

(1:06:13) she’s the slayer of ego but she’s the most transformative she’s she she lets that death touch things so that new things can come so i paired it you know with that theme of the moon so cauli was who i felt called by and so i chanted om cream kali kaliye namaha must have been 500 freakin times but i chanted that and um it was really really powerful but what’s crazy is this was on tuesday and saturday at my plant medicine ceremony when i went up to my shaman she did not know and she chanted that mantra over me

(1:06:53) and i mean think of all the mantras that could be chanted and she chanted that over me because she saw kali there with me and she also didn’t know that i had a little image of kali in my pocket wow i know uh and i know that your intention for that ceremony that fulman ceremony was was to bring some abundance into your life and i wonder transition out of a mindset of lack yes a scarcity mindset um i i wondered that the candle burning so slowly if that had anything to do with the lesson because you’ve also you know you’ve

(1:07:28) asked for patience before in the past and that’s the thing you you work you’re working through so i wonder if there’s something i wondered that too well when my and also when my shaman chanted it over me i became the wax and it was not comfortable at all it was not comfortable but i became the wax i’ve i felt like a bundle of wax i was burning hot i was sweaty and i was my bones were all jumbled up into whack so my spine was hurting it was very painful but all transformation is so she chanted that

(1:07:58) over me and slowly the wax stood up and i became what i always become which is fox yeah it was really cool wow so if you want to stop if you want to stop with just researching what the moon means and let it be an invitation to ask yourself where you’re at with that message go ahead but if you want to dance and chant to a candle it’s really fun buddy why not send us a video of it we will for sure repost that um what about you with your so i was gonna say speaking of the moon my magic trick comes from a previous

(1:08:35) guest on our show miss maddie moon who is um episode number 23 which is one of my favorites so after this is over it’s funny we both chose moon i know which also i know we’re 70 water which is like it’s silly to think that the moon doesn’t affect us when we know it affects the waves of the ocean you know oh yeah it affects our moods there’s more like drunk driving and homicides and all that stuff on a full moon it’ll act a little bit crazy back to the end of your trick it’s because we’re jumping back and

(1:09:07) forth but um i’ll just i’ll jump in on that so how did you end it you said if you want to do this oh i thought it was fine the way it was but you just do what you want to do now well because just act like i just stopped and then i’ll say what’s your magic um i i’m gonna say act like i just said tag us in the video so yeah and and also on that on the whole idea of the moon being such a powerful force in our lives we all know the moon’s gravity controls tides right so just the fact that our human bodies are

(1:09:45) made up of something like 70 of water has to mean something it has to mean something plus uh we call like our menstrual cycle moon cycle because it’s been something since ancient times that we feel is controlled um [Music] by the ebbing and flowing of the moon so i don’t know jade there’s a lot in there with that whole full moon ceremony yeah so what do you have for magic so and speaking of the moon my magic trick comes from a previous guest of ours miss maddie moon who was episode number 23. it’s uh one of my favorites

(1:10:27) so if you guys want to go download that one after this is over you won’t regret it so the trick i have is it’s really more of a confidence hack than anything else and it’s to become aware of saying things like if that makes sense unconsciously like at the end of your sentences if that makes sense so that’s something i know i do way way way too often and now that we have this podcast it’s even more obvious to me there’s a spotlight on everything that we we say unconsciously basically because we got to listen back to it a

(1:10:59) million times in editing so i know a lot of people probably have this same type of unconscious behavior um we use phrases even like um the word like and actually as i’m doing in the sentence while trying to tell you i say i say like so thinking words yeah thinking words and and also the thing is when we use a phrase like this we’re telling ourselves that at the level of our psyche to feel insecure about what we’re saying and that if you really think about it it’s true um we’re quite literally voicing outwardly

(1:11:36) that our inner voice may not make sense and that’s that’s a hindrance to us uh after time you know after doing that over and over and over again so maddie explains that another way to look at this is like how someone might make fun of themselves or or be self-deprecating in order to beat others to the punch of doing that to them right essentially hindering yourself from allowing your words to stand on their own so the important piece to understand here is that although this may be something many of us do unconsciously

(1:12:10) our bodies don’t know the difference and so when it begins to embody this belief that we’re saying something that may not make sense or what we’re you know thinks that what we’re saying doesn’t make sense it bleeds into our posture it bleeds into our voice into our own sense of worthiness even and it dilutes our power and effectiveness that our words could potentially hold so my reminder to you today is to attempt to make yourself conscious of when you’re using words that detract from

(1:12:41) what you’re trying to say and instead reclaim the fact that you can communicate clearly and powerfully if that makes sense it does it does thank you for that bad affirmation um all right magic lovers thank you so much for tuning in and taking this journey with us if this episode held some magic for you please share it with your friends and family this really really really means a lot to us you guys and also don’t forget to join us on our instagram page at the magic hour and let us know what your favorite episodes have

(1:13:18) been we appreciate all of your feedback and we really want to know what is lighting you up yes and don’t forget we release a new episode every monday so you can catch us again next week or go listen to some of our past episodes in your podcast library now we’ll meet you there until then feel free big thank you to at raton royal for our intro jam and to john aaron garza from reelin motion productions for producing the show stay magical friends okay all right and then i’m going to say that one sentence

(1:13:53) um uh what was it the drumming it was about the fire walk okay so let me just say yeah i was actually talking to a girlfriend about this earlier and i’m curious because so many people hear fire walk and they think of um i don’t know it just it can sound so weird to people and i’m curious how that what you do is it like you set an intention and then you do the firewalk and it kind of like burns away at that or what exactly happens at these firewalks i’m also going to just do the first um the first paragraph of the

(1:14:32) intro because i had my voice crackling and just in case it sounded i don’t know if it did or not greetings magic mobbers welcome boys and babes it’s the magic hour a place where we navigate through life’s peaks and valleys with all the vulnerability and shamelessness we can muster with the help of world-class guests from all walks of life we uncover new truths and valuable tools for manifesting our highest potential i’m your host mercedes tarot along with my partner in shine jade rice all right i really like that this is

(1:15:08) right now with all the you know extra talk that we had with her it’s