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Phil gives us a peek into what makes him, not only a world class MMA fighter, but also an all-around wonderful human being. As Bellator MMA’s former Light Heavyweight World Champion, he unpacks how he prepares, both physically and mentally, before going t–Wonderful-Davis-on-how-to-be-a-Beast-in-the-Cage-and-a-Lover-on-the-Streets-e1qj5ed

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majic hour episode #12 transcription

(00:00) ecam is recording you want to count down for audacity well i’m not sure if that’ll work right now because we both did our sound checks already on the same thing and then we’re going to be recording without with phil so we have to figure out a way to do that all at once like it sounds complicated but we can figure it out i’m sure okay but i’m gonna hit record right now okay some reason this video that’s capturing on audacity is still downsizing it though unfortunately it always gives me a warning that your

(00:38) video looks great right now it’s not what you’re seeing it’s what the ecam app is capturing yeah which is a lower risk i know i’m just saying i wish that it would capture it how you look right now because it’s super clean and clear yeah all right he said phil’s good to go he just did a sound check so okay that’s really nice and just jump on when we do okay all right okay hello boys and babes and thank you for tuning in and opening up to another episode of the magic hour we are so glad

(01:14) you’re here to share this time and space with us i’m mercedes terrell and with me my majestic partner and shine jade bryce hi magic mob you guys have really been showing up for us when it comes to sending us love and light and we appreciate you guys so much for that yes which reminds me i want to share this little love note that one of our magic mobbers sent in on itunes this is from gl morgan one who titled this review keeping it real and raw and says i’ve been a fan of mercedes and jade since bellator now i’m even more of a

(01:48) fan i love the substit substantive thought-provoking nature of this podcast very refreshing so thank you so much gl morgan one for taking the time to send that love love love love love that and welcome to the magic mom by the way we love you yeah that really made me smile thanks for that all right so today we have phil davis joining us he’s a world-renowned mixed martial artist who also has a knack for inspiring others with his story and even just with his charismatic personality alone mercedes and i both know and love

(02:23) this guy and i’m sure any of our listeners who’ve met him at the fights will agree he’s one of those people who when you meet him for the first time just instantly makes you feel like a close friend yeah that’s exactly how i describe him he has a way of making friends with everyone he meets and that energy is definitely contagious which is why we wanted to have him on the show today to discuss where and how he cultivated his kind yet captivating character um we’re also going to pick his brain on

(02:49) brain on the ups and downs of the fight game and how all the work he puts into being a monster in the cage relates to becoming a better human overall this is one for our mma fans and our truth seekers alike so let’s get into it he’s a former bellator mma light heavyweight world champion and one of jaden my favorite professional fighters to watch in the cage and even though he fights by profession he truly is a lover someone who makes conscious effort to show kindness and compassion to others he’s known as uncle phil to many but

(03:24) he’s also a father a brother a dedicated husband and a christian please welcome phil mr wonderful davis um do you want to run through that again or you want you want to leave it let’s we have time to run through it one more time but i’m gonna uh adam sent an audio message so i’m gonna listen to it real quick go for it i’m gonna eat something it doesn’t sound like you’re coming through your mic can you yeah can you listen to it it’s for you i don’t know how to replay it are you

(04:08) listening um just looking at my recording right now like i thought um yeah sorry just just recheck out and resent please hey mercedes please can you double check your mic settings it does your mic setting on yeah so the way to always test is if you just give the mic a little tap and i’ll hear like a thud um yeah sorry just just recheck that and resend please so did you hear that he wants you to give it a thud yeah just check with me again on audacity it’s core audio it reads across the center line core audio yeti

(04:43) stereo microphone to stereo and then built-in output right yeah okay that’s what i have but uh and then check is your mic on mute or anything or it’s plugged in all the way like yeah follow in let me play it back on my end and see how then we’ll give it a thud on your fingers and while recording and then play it back hold on i’m listening it sounds really good i don’t know what he’s hearing weird so what do i do with this file that i currently have though um i’m not sure hold on let me see what i sent him maybe it was

(05:35) the wrong file or something because i had recorded that oh yeah you recorded a couple times but i don’t think i labeled that file yet i think i just deleted it so i don’t know that he should have that damn it okay let’s see what this [ __ ] thing is you want to just i’ll just delete this whole audacity and we’ll just hit record when paul phil gets on since we need to redo that intro anyways probably uh i don’t know it was decent but let me just [ __ ] find this thing why can’t this

(06:08) never come up properly i’m gonna start a new audacity so that we can all just start at the same time so you want me to delete this whole thing uh i would just start over yeah because he wants you to send him another test so if you can do that while i call phil find him and adam i’m sure it’s fine i i don’t know it’s i think he’s listening on his phone so maybe that has something to do with it i don’t know otherwise he wouldn’t have sent an audio message you know adam i am testing my mic i’m going to

(07:11) tap it now [Music] and this is what i sound like i have turned my fans off it shows that i have all my settings correct um let me know if this doesn’t work out i think that should be good i didn’t change anything so i don’t know why it would be different but i mean the length of time and all you thumped it and all that phil’s not answering even though it shows he’s online his headphones might be plugged in yeah i hate that hmm okay that’s been sent to adam until adam

(08:39) um can you hit your your um video thing mine mm-hmm okay yeah i wonder why it does that [Music] it’s weird he’s online and like messaging me or had messaged me like 10 minutes ago saying he was good to go again yeah but um he’s not answering it’d just be weird for him to walk away after the time that we’re supposed to be recording yeah maybe he just um i mean does he skype often i wonder probably no oh because he had a hard time with it okay adam downloaded my file so let’s see what you get do you want to text phil

(09:52) yeah oh there he is hello hi hi i don’t know what the hell just happened i just joined like 17 times oh no skype is so wonky yeah we have this yo don’t try to play me christ this guy is something weird i’ll be right back okay okay uh he said you sound good now oh good maybe we have him lower his screen when he comes back on yeah we also need a less echoey space because that’s not we can’t that’s not the audio we can do i don’t know why adam didn’t tell him that um unless his mind is not plugged in

(10:42) yeah maybe i didn’t notice it but he said his soundcheck sounded great yeah he said that before [Music] all right keep eating is that avocado toast that looks amazing gluten free oh my god [Music] oh man um so did you see that i confirmed the time with london i added it to the calendar um i’m haven’t looked at it okay well i thought it would have alerted you um for the magic hour calendar i did but

(11:47) um i saw something i’ve had these shoes for um like six years of them look i haven’t worn them once oh my god not once and every time i’m about to get rid of them i’m like well they’re my only gray pair of shoes like you need a ton of gray pairs of shoes i know like hoarding things just in case i need them someday yeah okay that’s the story of what i’m sitting in right now does phil have kids yeah he does i was i thought i heard cartoons yeah all right so i went like we’re just on speaker over

(12:35) there oh uh so okay so we’re gonna record peter rehearse peter craig after this and then on monday we record peter craig and we’ll rehearse anita after that okay okay um did you look at anita’s site yet at all i looked at something for her but i haven’t done any part of that outline yet all right i like this microphone it’s very official oh is it is it pink it is pink nice was that by design yeah do know me um i’m gonna hit record real quick uh are you already recording phil i am not why is skype asking to give me a

(13:32) tutorial stop stop skip skip tutorial [ __ ] i don’t know it’s always asking me questions too all right now i’m recording okay cool mercedes recording i’m recording okay um yeah we had trouble for some reason getting mike see your address in time oh yeah he’s like really picky with what amazon would send you and then it was like destined that you get the pink mic i kind of defaulted to the pink mic and then we’re like perfect it was literally the only mic that would come to you in time it was weird

(14:11) wow my coffee just off screen grab my coffee oh he can phones that’s what i was going to say headphones he can probably do that you have headphones uh no do i need some well otherwise um you’ll hear us and you on your recording [Laughter] phil while you go look for those we’re gonna we’re gonna just read off um some of this intro stuff we have to do can you is there a mute button on your mic i’m sure there is would it be on here would be on skype but i don’t know if you have it or not yeah or you can just stop your audacity

(15:05) recording and hit it again deal are you faking it i can’t we can’t hear you see see i taught you something about skype skype has a mute but we need to mute yeah but it’s okay just um um if you mute your skype that’ll work for now and just uh you don’t need to be recording on audacity right now while you go look for the headphones anyway all right cool sorry the stop button is the black box square yeah yeah all right cool okay see you when you’re back okay go ahead hello boys and babes and thank you for

(15:54) tuning in and opening up to another episode of the magic hour we are so glad you’re here to share this time and space with us i’m mercedes terrell and with me my majestic partner and shine jade bryce hi magic mob you guys have been really showing up for us when it comes to sending us love and light and we appreciate you guys so much for that yes which reminds me i want to share a little love note that one of our magic mobbers sent in on itunes this is from gl morgan one who titled this review keeping it real and

(16:30) raw and says i’ve been a fan of mercedes and jade since bellator now i’m even more of a fan i love the substantive thought-provoking nature of this podcast very refreshing so thank you so much for taking the time to send that we love love love love love that and by the way welcome to the magic mob we already love you yeah that really made me smile thanks for that okay so today we have phil davis joining us he’s a world-renowned mixed martial artist who also has a knack for inspiring others with his story and even

(17:04) just with his charismatic personality alone mercedes and i both know and love this guy and i’m sure any of our listeners who’ve met him at the fights will agree he’s one of those people who when you meet him for the first time just instantly makes you feel like a close friend that’s exactly how i’d describe him phil has a way of making friends with everyone he meets and that energy is contagious which is why we wanted to have him on the show today to discuss where and how he cultivated his kind yet

(17:30) captivating character we’re also going to pick his brain on the ups and downs of the fight game and how all of the work he puts into being a monster in the cage relates to becoming a better human overall this one’s for our mma fans and our truth seekers alike so let’s get into it look at that perfect timing okay oh man i need to do yoga so bad me too all right i’ve never uh never use these bad boys with my computer but they should work yeah i think so um yeah they’re bluetooth or whatever to your

(18:26) you should be able to link it up all right [Music] you know i i watch some of the other ones and i always wonder why do they wear earphones what does everybody have on their ipod i should have asked that was it was like an easy fix i could have had these ready for you that probably does look weird to people that don’t know like the tech stuff you know yeah why do they all have headphones on right scott’s always walking around the house with headphones on i feel like i’m like i have to i’m interrupting his

(19:13) programming every day and i have to ask him three times before he hears me and he gets like that he has he uses the air pods and he just like what a lookout like looks at me like yeah interrupting whatever it is like you are at the gym and you’re trying to hit on him while he’s on the treadmill yeah what a luxury if i can wear headphones all the time instead of hearing the tantrums from the kids or something i just do it back then okay bueno okay you’re good you hear us through those golden okay awesome and then if you want

(19:52) to hit record again and make sure your mic is close to you um like it can be in screen or anything like that it’s actually as close as you can get it basically you want your mic like i don’t have a good enough situation that i can sit this in front of me but basically the mic needs to be like in front of you mine’s like 12 and 12 inches from me but as long as it’s facing you is the most important thing well his mic is probably like the one we used on um cornell’s and it worked really well for cornell so i’m going to

(20:21) stick with that system uh so what am i seeing whenever i minimize the screen it’ll like kind of go back and forth between the two of you is that like what your producer is looking at or i’m going back and forth oh never mind i don’t forget any questions right now all right but on skype it’s showing us only when we’re talking or what’s happening i don’t you know i can see you guys if i minimize it it’ll only show one of you hmm at one point oh yeah no that’s true yeah skype just gives you yeah that way if

(20:58) you’re on another screen skype just gives you a little preview of what’s going on right um close so just be on skype just be on the skype page but on audacity um if you go when you hit record just make sure that it still says it’s your microphone since you uh did add headphones so on audacity the center line will say like you see it where it says core do you see what i’m talking about okay it says core audio and then the next one should say whatever the name you’re gonna hear my name oh no yeah we’re still good it says uh

(21:34) usb okay yeah we’re good okay cool and then the next thing says two stereo and the next one’s built-in output right just wanna make sure uh stereo and um and then what’s the other one built-in output or it could say bluetooth since there’s a bluetooth true but it’s like whatever your headphones are oh what does it say currently speakers uh microsoft no high definition speakers okay as long as when you take your headphones off you don’t hear us through your computer it’s fine can you hear

(22:25) okay cool awesome okay so we’re all recording um mercedes will do your little intro and then we’ll just start with the questions and your green thing is bouncing on audacity when you talk right phil oh yeah oh yeah she’s bouncing up and down okay you’re recording cool just wanna make sure we have had a lot of blips on this journey yeah not with you but with several others all right here we go guys he’s the former bellator mma light heavyweight world champion and one of jade and my favorite professional

(23:01) fighters to watch in the cage and even though he fights by profession he truly is a lover someone who makes conscious effort to show kindness and compassion to others he’s known as uncle phil to many but he’s also a father a brother a dedicated husband and a christian please welcome phil mr wonderful davis yay hi bill thank you i think i only got something like that at my wedding never before love it so let’s see what do i want to get into first with you um last time i saw you let me just set the scene

(23:46) we were in tel aviv israel um for your most recent fight with bellator while we were there and i think actually it was the day before your fight there’s all kinds of chaos going on um very nearby in gaza you know just like a few miles south of our hotel where apparently over like i think they said 300 rockets were launched from gaza into israel which was then followed by retaliatory um ground and air strikes by the israeli military all of this leaving many injured of course and several dead in its wake so as terrible as that situation was for

(24:19) the people involved in it of course i’m not going to get into that you know any other regional politics of that circumstance with you unless unless you want to go there of course but with all this turbulence going on the day before you’re to take on perhaps one of the toughest opponents of your career not only that but you’re you’re also in a foreign country on different time zone completely screws up your circadian rhythm and sleep cycle what the hell is going through your head in that situation and how do you or

(24:47) or can you stay focused for your upcoming fight in the midst of all that uh well so ahead of the fight i have a really good friend who’s um he’s pretty high up in the military and anytime i travel places he likes to give me like the delay of the land and so he’s like ah you know there’s a little something always going on over there but you should be good and so i get over there and then that whole situation starts to unfold and i’m like hey do i do i need to leave or should i should i call scott coker see if the fight’s

(25:22) still on like i don’t i don’t i don’t do well with with missiles being thrown around gaming kind of uh but you know at one point i wondered if they were going to call the fight like if we were just going to move the date location and uh but um well we didn’t you know let’s go on yeah yeah show must go on uh unlike any experience i’ve ever come close to yeah it’s weird i grew up in like uh i grew up in harrisburg pennsylvania and there was always a shooting goal it was just you just got used to it you got

(26:13) numb to it and i was still until that time it’s like oh man oh man i’m sorry to hear that but this is like another level like missiles like 300 missiles the one day the next sales like 400 i was like i don’t know guys this is that uh it was definitely unsettling in my heart like i don’t i don’t know if this is worth it you know what i mean it gave me that feeling but uh yeah fight show must go on yeah especially when you have kids at home you’ve got you know your your families back there and you’re they’re

(26:47) watching on the news all this stuff go down right nearby where you’re at so does it stir you in any way like does how do you refocus your brain to stay you know on the fight game ahead of you instead of worrying about all this external stuff you have maybe a practice or something unfortunately unfortunately at that time i was monitoring our news cycle here in the u.

(27:17) s we uh we had just gone through the midterm elections so it’s kind of like uh staying up at night uh not by choice i was just i was just up and i was watching the news at home then i started watching the local news kind of finding out what’s going on here and i think just just prior to the fight uh egypt had kind of stepped in to like broke her piece between the two countries so it’s kind of at ease by time fight day came along but uh yeah still still a lot to put foot down it’s not easy just okay people are just at war 50 miles south

(27:53) but uh you know anytime i get ready to fight i think i just block out the rest of the world just for a brief moment in time you just gotta isolate yourself and uh it’s hard i have to post on my social media which that is the last thing i want in my my head space during that time but i love these sponsors they’re they’re great to me so uh i i post and then i i just don’t get back to it for another day or two um to respond to anybody or see any comments what have you but um yeah i just isolate myself as best i can

(28:34) especially from my phone emails i isolate myself yeah much easier to get into the zone and get ready to get focused yeah next time i guess we have to just turn off the news too it’s interesting how much all of that can really um lead into what you’re preparing for into your energy and outlook everything yeah um so in that last fight in tel aviv you lost my split decision to vadim nimkov as hard as it is to take a loss like that what is your process for overcoming it and rebuilding for the next challenge well

(29:20) so i come from a restaurant background i know you guys know you watch fights and you know guys um all the fighters pretty much so in wrestling uh at least at the level i was at penn state um the big 10 schedule is like your fighting guy your wrestling guys uh in the top 10 every weekend and you just can’t allow yourself to get into a slump if you drop if you lose the matches you may be going against the number two guys and that i mean you might wrestle the number one guy on friday and number five guy on sunday so you have to you have to

(29:57) mentally turn up turn it around and uh refocus your energy get back just get back to what’s right you know get that’s what’s working and that’s just really what i’m doing right now not so much breaking down um everything i did in that loss but uh just redefining all things i do good and doing those things better and then before that before my next fight i’ll uh i’ll look at what didn’t work and where it could’ve been better and redo those things yeah and i’m assuming since you started

(30:31) wrestling all the way back in like eighth grade uh and then you wrestled through college at penn state and now you’ve been in the professional fight game since 2008 that you’ve honed in on some key practices and methods of maintaining and gaining you know mental and physical strength that really work for you maybe can you share some of those with us well absolutely uh so for me uh it’s just simple set push ups sit up they just can’t be overlooked for me rope lines my quotes used to torture me real quick

(31:08) oh my god we would we would have like a normal practice without about two hours hour and a half two hours and then the end of it he’d say davis give me 20 rope which is why and this is i mean absolutely terribly tough practice yeah and if you have 20 rope climbs which is already hard enough if you’re completely uh and this is like starting from your butt climbing up no legs well never any legs never thank god so um that that alone just kind of made me a monster it really did and uh now i’m so thankful i had coaches like that yeah

(31:52) it’s completely unreasonable it’s an unreasonable thing to ask one nobody you want to quit when you want to quit you start rationalizing but man this is when people get hurt you know i’m already tired i’m climbing a rope i’m 20 feet in the air i got nothing on my hands i don’t have talk like oh my god i’m going to slip down this rope and dive i want to break my neck i want to be a vegetable nothing in life is going to be right for me start going down that like vicious spiral of bad ideas yeah

(32:28) it just goes nowhere and you start feeling sorry for yourself and uh but uh my coach was uh uh that particular name was john hughes he was very good at uh coaching out your pity like just calling straight out and just coaching it out of you and so oh man you know you quit and uh you know i’m sure there’s lots of other people who would like it if you quit i mean you started naming off all the guys me and then it’s just like especially in a sport like wrestling when you name the guys to beat you it’s

(33:03) just like god man i can’t let him fly i gotta climb this road i don’t care if i died and daily push-ups that that really starts to transform at least my body i don’t know about anything yeah those are so hard um i had a trainer that really got me in shape in la um body by jd and if i could do a certain amount of those climbs um he would put 250 dollars at the at the bottom that i and i would get it and i never like sometimes be only one short but you’re just it gets to a point where you just it’s not possible

(33:39) and he didn’t accept um yeah the pity or the whining and um if i was one minute late he’d keep the door locked wouldn’t let me in but one time i was one minute early because i was so stressed about being there on time i didn’t even have my pants on yet i was in my underwear with my pants in my hand knocking on the door so worried about being late and he wouldn’t let me in because i was early so standing out there with my pants in my hand he’s like no i said on time so he was really tough and i never got any of that

(34:08) money you know i’m just saying if you were outside my door knocking 250. let the girl in yeah he’s a good trainer he was really good but i love that idea of being you know a coach helping you find your limits and really reach your breaking points and then push past them you know after the the mental side of it um being able to conquer the challenge of the mental side of it where the physical can lead after that and i think showing that there’s a pattern there like allowing you to figure out that there’s

(34:47) a pattern between mental and physical especially in a young age when you’re wrestling you know in your younger younger years um that’s something i didn’t get to experience often as far as how it goes um physically you know like i wasn’t in sports or anything like that i was always in art class so i didn’t have that and i always think you know a lot of my family members went to the military and i always think that that would have been good for me because in the military that’s the same idea

(35:14) you’re getting pushed your limits and see where you know where you can push past them and and carry on of course there’s a lot of reasons i don’t want to be in the military but i can’t picture you in the military really my sister’s in the air force my cousins are in the navy army oh got a lot of family all girls too wow um in the military maybe mercedes you and i just seem like anytime something is hard we’re like this is horse true at least you recognize that i suppose um so phil our amazing amazing magic mob

(35:53) came through with several questions for you um we may have touched on some of these already but let’s see what they have for you um so we mentioned that you wrestled at penn state during your college career and were a four-time ncaa division one all-american so matt k on instagram asks what was the hardest thing for you to figure out when you transitioned from wrestling to mma man so in wrestling uh it’s weird because there’s so much that can happen like i’ve conquered wrestling not in the sense of i could never lose but just

(36:34) that i understood everything that could happen i i knew how to escape every move in every position and even when just random things crazy things would happen i would have a good answer for it and so going from a place where i had just complete knowledge of every situation into mma where i didn’t know how to i literally didn’t know how to throw a punch i hadn’t punched anybody a little bit here but nothing i wasn’t taught right so i went to a space where i didn’t know anything and i imagine that’s what it’s like

(37:15) changing jobs and changing careers um i just had no idea about anything you just were completely foreign um it was a little similar to wrestling but again guys who are white belts could still put me in positions i’ve ever been in yeah not necessarily tapped me out but i do lose it so it’s going from winning every single day in the practice room to losing every single day in the practice room and that’s that’s not easy especially especially being a champion where uh you know i would go months at a time

(37:57) without giving up a takedown to now i’m losing not not just every single go i don’t even know what i’m doing yeah it’s just it’s just so different because you don’t even know why you’re losing almost right like what happened it’s like me doing sweet submissions with mercedes all of a sudden i just blacked out i don’t even know i don’t even know where where my vision went but you know it gives me a such a greater respect for for people who are willing to take the least business and change fields or careers or

(38:38) even with you guys you guys are just personalities and now you’re launching your own podcast and doing it i’m imagining it it’s completely different for you as well yeah that’s true yeah yeah it’d be like that we taking on a little a new little challenge with this for sure but every time every time anyone i guess makes a a pivot you know a big pivot especially um it’s going to be a challenge you’re going to have to swim through all the [ __ ] you’re not sure about and get to that comfortable place again and then

(39:09) you’re going to have to ask yourself to challenge yourself again because that’s what life’s all about right yeah and also trying to build like a new audience in a way like for us it was like all of our following is people who just want to follow us on instagram now we’re trying to build a following of people who actually want to listen to us talk yeah we have a lot of like tits and ass followers obviously you know that’s kind of the name of the game when you’re doing this sexy modeling stuff that

(39:30) we’ve been doing for so long and now we’re asking people to follow us into this you know deeper darker realm we thought it’d be easy i didn’t think it would be that easy but i think everyone needs it and it’s just a matter of who’s willing to open up to it and at the end of the day we’re both living our bliss through this so yeah we’re getting to have conversations with people like you so it’s all worth it totally um so that guy matt he also asked what what has been your what

(39:58) you guys can do have conversations with people like me you guys have some very interesting groups did you talk to you keep freezing up he said we have some interesting groups that we talked to oh yeah yeah yeah they’ve all been really good yeah we’ve had some some crazy way far out there stuff on this show already and and uh and then you know some people that i think are our current following which we have a big mma following a course can really relate to like you um like jimmy smith and whitney so yeah it’s been fun like kind of finding

(40:32) the middle ground in between all this weird stuff we’re into and we want to know about and and also bringing with us you know the people that we’ve grown into families with like in mma yeah and it’s cool with um with mma people we’re having on everybody’s got such a different outlook still um and such a different background um you know we’re having pearl gonzalez on in two weeks and she’s got such an amazing story um i don’t know if you listen to jimmy’s episode but his story

(41:00) is amazing so it’s really cool to be able to on our show not only talk about mma but like bring that into it too um but when our fans were asking for more mma episodes you were like one of the first people mercedes and i put on the list because we just love your your contagious joy so energy for sure yeah um also i was going to say just i know we’re going on about this but the mma crowd is super special and i want to give them credit for that because i know that’s who will be listening to this they

(41:32) are you know and this doesn’t go across everybody but for the most part people who are able to keep up with mma and i mean like keep up with the groundwork that happens in the cage keep up with more than just you know knockouts punches and and that they’re all commentating at home yeah i think our you have to have a little bit of intelligence in order to keep up with the sport it’s not you know too obvious how everything’s happening in the cage especially so when someone can understand the submission someone maybe

(42:04) is even a practitioner of jiu jitsu and muay thai you know and has some of that in there in their arsenal as well they can really understand and respect their sport i think it’s as we know as you know phil it’s like a chess game in there you’re trying to figure out what this guy’s next move is to to you know counteract it and that type of intelligence is what we’re speaking to in this show and hoping to you know pull out of people or let them feel better about expressing the dark side of that sometimes or the

(42:35) gray areas of that sometimes which is why we’re here asking you all about how um being in this sport mma or your wrestling background has built you into this character that people love instantly when they meet you and um has pushed you further like you’re saying how your coaches have pushed you further so yeah yeah you’re right in there with all of our goals on the show we love it yeah thank you thank you um so matt also asked what has been your favorite fight in your career thus far that’s a hard one it is

(43:14) uh you know it’s tempting to name uh some of the the bigger names that i’ve beaten um i i think one of my favorite fights um i have a favorite i have several favorites it’s really hard to just say one but um i think the first time i was like oh wow oh wow i guess i’m going to do this so getting into mma i just decided i was just going to try it out and and then i was like okay all right i beat the first guy maybe he just wasn’t that good so you do it again and uh never 100 sure that i belong and number 100 sure uh

(43:59) until i faced uh brian stan i don’t know if you guys know how he’s a super cool super cool guy to get to know um nice family man and uh but a fierce competitor uh all the same and um he was uh my first fight into the ufc and he was former wp world champion and ufc acquired wc he brought a man he won a couple lost a couple and then they brought me in on short notice and um it was weird i had four professional fights and uh it was just so hard to get fights at that time like guys just would not fight me my manager

(44:43) booked three or four fights for the same weekend for the exact same date and then they would just all fall through oh my goodness you just do that over over and over again until i’m just like all i need is a week’s notice and so i guess if my manager gets the call and uh they want to put me on the ufc car and uh i was at home over christmas break i was i had so far eating chicken wings hanging out my buddies from back home and uh yeah you want to fight february 6.

(45:19) i was like whoa it’s it’s like december 29th that i had this panic moment and i was okay this is gonna happen and so um and from that moment on i was i mean i was hardcore i was training so hard for this fight and leading up to it that was my first time doing major media uh talking about real uh large usa today and ariel hawaii and mma junkie and um man that whole process even at this point i just kind of it’s just what i do uh but at that point it i mean that freaked me out that’s that’s a lot to

(46:22) swallow yeah and uh yeah and turn it into a whole job in itself just the media portion right yeah proportion i mean i was doing phone phones for uh you know an hour or so yeah at that point i didn’t do any of that it was just maybe i taught somebody before fight real quick in the back or something maybe a press conference never never before the fight for hours at a time 12 different interviews uh man that that really put the fire under my butt that i have to get on the stage and perform and uh the fights went great

(47:00) um i just when i got there when i when they closed the cage for the first time one of my best friends brandon bear was sitting cage side and he’s like the loudest human being i’m not kidding you i heard everything he said from from the announcer you know but bruce comes out does his deal and i’m just kind of like turning him out cause i’m in the zone uh boy brandon’s like yeah phil this is your time daddy [Laughter] i’m like kind of like with hold my smile like i hear him he’s right there

(47:39) i make it a point to never look anyone in in the in the eye when i’m walking out because i just don’t like the the connection i want to be to be very narrow with my focus but i just couldn’t help but man this guy’s really he’s hyping me up from the front row and uh man and that was uh probably the first time i had like a real uh adrenaline dump you know a lot of times people think oh you just get this huge jump of adrenaline every time you go in the cage and yeah maybe you’ll get a little uh little you know butterflies

(48:15) excitement all that but this is like another level of like whoa this is the big stage of ufc and uh man the the first minute of that i was completely dead tired like completely completely tired i was the excitement of it all was just too much fun yeah yeah and um as the fight went on i settled in and started taking them down start doing things we worked on and and night just went off without a hitch and uh well i’ll say all right i guess i can do this and um you know i kind of thought going into the fight i was like man

(48:51) that’s not a normal first opponent for someone uh champion a guy who’s like you know only has a couple of handfuls losses and i’m 4-0 and he has probably 20 fights i don’t i don’t even know how the commission functions think about it anyhow uh you know but it’s having going through that experience and having going back to the same coaching and wrestling it was never going to be what i wanted it was completely unrealistic and if you get over this hurdle you’re going to be good to go and

(49:26) that’s kind of how i looked at it it’s just trial by fire you know if you if you make it through this you belong and uh i just completely dominated the fight one of my favorite memories and i missed who was that right ryan [Music] he uh hosted the mma awards for a couple years um mercedes i don’t know if you remember him the first time we went together um you hosted it yeah yeah um so brian in not on instagram what advice do you have on how preparing your mind as opposed to your body uh on how to prepare your mind as opposed

(50:08) to your body for fights or big moments like maybe with food or reading or music uh you know what jade you’ll probably fit me on this i uh i do a lot of meditation i don’t know why i just knew that would land with you could you tell i meditated right before we hit record yeah is that her prayer beads and her mandalas [Laughter] but uh meditation for me um is huge it’s uh i and i started doing it that when i was wrestling it’s uh you you really need to have that time where you um reprogram your mind

(50:56) uh like just in general i was reading this book um this author was saying that if you play basketball you don’t get better as you play per se you know the idea is that the more you practice the better you get and the more baskets you shoot in practice the more you learn and if you really think about it the more shots you take whether in practice or in a game the more you miss yeah you know and that’s even though you miss more you still gain experience and you you get better so he was really kind of saying that the more

(51:35) you use this positive imagery and meditate that’s how you reprogram your mind to not worry about all those misses that you took in training and all all the misses think about those moments meditating on those and those are the things they’re going to carry you through i love that what what exactly do you do in your meditation so i do a couple things i start with just some some basic affirmations yeah it can be you know getting started um one of mine uh in wrestling i was just usually black people are really fast

(52:28) right i’m not that’s a fact or at least maybe is fast twitch muscle fiber more common is that what it is i don’t know i don’t i can’t call it but i’m i’m like not fast a black guy it’s just not bad and so uh i would tell myself that i was fast and uh and even though it was weird because i would tell myself i was fast because i knew that i wasn’t fast and it gave me this uh this this this confidence to try things and um that i i really it helps me come out of my box it helps me come out of my

(53:07) shell um and uh try a variety of moves that i normally wouldn’t so just just that and it really should be specific to you so just affirmations i tell myself i’m faster i’m stronger i remind myself how hard i trained i remind myself all the days i get up early i stay late uh all the moves i worked on um i don’t so much script a fight has to say oh i’m going to knock this guy out as soon as he drops his left hand but what i do is i remind myself okay if he does this i do this if he does that i do this and

(53:45) i’ve run through uh just a variety of scenarios and all of them i win and by the time i get done with my meditation i’m going through every possible outcome of the fight you know whether it be knockout submission knock out my punch knock out my kick knock out my knee commission my arm bars about this mission i run through all these different scenarios until the point where i thought of every possible thing that could happen inside the cage except losing that’s just not something i allow yeah i love that visualization is really

(54:24) really powerful i think yeah um so meditation is how you prepare your mind um and what about like right before you walk out do you step into meditation again or does that kind of get you too too zen like right before stepping into the cage uh you know i just try to right before that right right as i’m walking out just usually like this you guys know but for everyone watching who has never been a cage fighter personally you’re back there for a while for a while from the time i leave the locker room you guys see these locker room shots

(55:04) where i’m hitting mints or whatever and um they’ll tell you all right next so as the fight before me goes on you know you’re kind of in the staging area when that fight wraps up and the referee comes back he checks your gloves checks your hands you wipe you down and um and then you’re in this holding pattern until uh the tv comes back and break and then they’ll say all right you’re up and then they lead you to the tunnel when you get to the tunnel then you wait yeah then they play your promo

(55:43) and that’s like oh i’m going to miss that guy going to play my video oh no he’s not i’m going to do x y and z oh it’s not going down like that blah blah blah blah that plays and then either um but he walks out or i walk out usually uh as i’ve laid up in the red corner so that i walk out second and so i’m in this staging area for whatever reason it’s cold in every single city yeah we know we know we’re in the smallest outfits even smaller than yours [Music] man uh so you’re there

(56:23) uh sometimes you’re shirtless and i’m just like that’s sometimes that’s the only thing you could not think about because you just warmed up in the back of a sweat next thing you know you have your shirt off and it’s freezing cold and uh real i’m just trying to like uh just just practice and keep my keep warm really just not lose my my my sweat that i have coming out are you superstitious or have any like good luck you know things you do right before you you head out oh no oh no or they’re top man

(57:07) once you get one it’s hard to break it yeah yeah then you become like ocd right exactly yeah i had a teammate in college who was uh he was legit ocd and uh man i felt bad bart you know i appreciate this process i appreciate his process because he had like a checklist he just went down his chest every single time and um and that’s how he got ready and i didn’t really have that yeah um but then obviously because we’re college teammates you know we would mess with him and i’m telling you if you moved a

(57:43) pair of socks in his suitcase unpack the whole thing he unpacks the whole thing he dumps it out three packs it piece by piece by piece oh no where am i stuck i mean he has socks on his feet but he can’t find them that are supposed to be in his suitcase oh man so uh yeah no i don’t really have a superstition i just tried to uh uh eliminate those things right there right at the very beginning it’s just very tempting to try to say exactly why you won yeah i know certain situations where you come from behind or you weren’t supposed to win

(58:26) like oh oh well i won because i drank this lawn shoes yeah yeah yep i got my lucky bracelet on it was all in the power of the bracelet nothing i did yeah so much power how powerful did you feel that night you know it’s so many of those things and um uh in those times i try to go back to my training usually um you know i have so many good training moments where you know whether i wake up whether i wake up sick or just didn’t sleep well or sit back well whatever i get to the gym and i just have an all-star practice i’m like man none of

(59:06) that stuff matters uh even even being hurt sometimes being hurt going into a fight is i mean it’s just a blessing in disguise you you compensate for being hurt for by going so hard that [Applause] hopefully i will know that my knee is killing me and so i remember all those times that i felt crappy in the gym before i got to training and then uh i just project that into how hey i actually feel pretty good tonight so i should do good yeah it’s interesting how we sometimes use all these external things or we think of these external things as what’s

(59:50) affecting us instead of giving our selves credit for what we’re doing you know with um everything we’re taking in on a daily basis and integrating it and then letting it out like i think i think we talk about on the show too a lot we talk about um how we need to take responsibility for the negative [ __ ] in our lives and you know pick up and move on not stay in a pity party or stay stagnant but at the same time we need to take responsibility for what we’re doing well and how we’re being able to um

(1:00:24) create these amazing successes and wins and things in our lives like like you’re experiencing in the cage without the rabbit’s foot yeah my family has a superstition that um you have to put your pants your socks and your shoes all on the right foot first like i mean one at a time but like you got to start off on the right foot it’s what they say [Laughter] they took that really literally yeah it worked yeah if it makes you feel that way yeah i guess yes superstition is very okay it’s actually really tied to my

(1:01:09) belief and i try not to let that creep in and just if they listen like you know god’s the reason why i have what i have the ability i have and things that i do and the life that live so i really just try to like speak into that and not allow other things to come in and take credit for it you know yeah yeah i love that yes yeah so it takes the credit away yeah exactly so um i’ve noticed that like me you’ve been taking advantage of bellator mma being an international fight organization and you’ve found some ways of getting

(1:01:51) some exotic travel in where you can fit it in i know you’re recently in egypt and cairo one of my favorite places so i just wanted to ask you what your experience was like there uh you know uh i’m big in the museum so any place that this rich in history i’m just gonna love um cairo was it was amazing minus minus i minus the smoke [Music] [Laughter] it was uh it was very smoggy um man beautiful city uh great people um uh i know my wife is a little worried about me traveling when you go to these places that our

(1:03:05) american national security identifies as unsafe do you feel a sense of fear at all or you feel like you’re saying you just take it as it comes well you know it’s all about it’s all about the people there and you really have to get a feel for the people and culturally uh we’re a lot different so it’s just really just operating within their cultural norms and the people there were just very receptive they i mean you just you got to get a feel for what you can do what you can do not do and they were

(1:03:43) very very cool man i i wish i wish more people would be uh encouraged to to travel to egypt it was just it was a very good experience i went around to the bazaars and um to a few different places a cotton factory perfume factory um everybody i met was just uh and it’s crazy uh i was never gonna ask anybody about religion because i just wouldn’t i wouldn’t put that up but um one of the guys but yeah you know it’s uh most people know there’s a lot of christian people here really but yeah christian people here you know

(1:04:24) a good percent of our population are christians if you look around um as you’re going down the street you’ll notice a lot of churches and at that point i really wasn’t being observant and there were a lot of churches going down the main street was like wow tell the truth and uh not that that was the reason why i felt more safe um but that coupled with the fact that people were just very receptive to having foreigners um and it’s i don’t know about you guys just being a black guy people like oh he’s

(1:04:58) american they just see the way you’re dressed and black you’re american like they don’t need to second yeah they know you speak english i know you’re american you might want to know to play basketball but but right away uh i just get uh received well it was cool that’s when i went to um africa when i went to uganda which is extremely war-torn in 09 and in 2010 um it was like at its highest um rape crime uh like the amount of rape that was going on it was at its peak and so everyone was really worried about me

(1:05:39) going and um there was something about just feeling a calling on me supposed the fact that i felt that i was supposed to be there that made me feel like nothing was gonna happen um but once i got there um you know there were moments where i was like really afraid because i didn’t have a phone um if i did it i don’t think it would have worked over there um there’s like no lights at night at all there’s just it’s just dark and uh you know the first night like nothing went as planned and i i ended up being

(1:06:12) lost and staying with a stranger that i met on the street and it was just there were so many times when i really could have been in a pickle but something always worked out like i always just met the nicest person that invited me into their home or something but it was the same thing there two of the parts are similar one everyone knew i was an american right away um i stuck out like a sore thumb and then um two um most people were christians like literally like 90 um spent 12 hours in the church on sundays singing and praising and

(1:06:46) listening to the pastor and um if you weren’t a christian they like really felt like oh no like they really worried about you and it was interesting to me that so many people go there on missionary work to try to um just pray with these people and and i guess maybe lead them to their exact faith i guess because um when you go there they already they already have faith and there’s so much more that needs to be done and so much more of that type of love that just needs to be put into action instead of you know

(1:07:21) um like when you look in their eyes there’s so much story that needs to be telled if you’ll just sit and listen to them instead of wanting to go and like you just preach at them you know um so those two things were really similar to your story that are some of the favorite parts about being in uganda as far as their heart yeah i found that when you open your eyes and observe yeah yeah going to egypt or really any of the middle eastern countries i’ve visited thus far of course whenever your hair is uncovered

(1:07:50) as a female it’s really obvious that you’re not from there um the way that i decide because you know think of it this way my parents are like mercedes where are you going this week you know like i’m always gone going somewhere and i usually pick like when i get to pick where i’m going it’s usually somewhere like out there like a very exotic or something that most people aren’t trying to go to um what i think of is if i don’t go do this thing like if i don’t go travel this place because of

(1:08:23) fear uh you know that’s been instilled by our fake news and our culture here in america will i regret not going on my deathbed because this is when i have the chance like you know take advantage or not and i tell my my mom that all the time you know she’s like well she’ll send me the news like this is what’s going on there but my mom’s very free-spirited and open she actually went with me on this last trip i took her to jordan into egypt and to uh israel and um but it took her a while to come

(1:08:50) around to going to do that because she’s been living in america for a long time with these you know fear-based notions that fly around all day long um but i tell her like mom i want like i’ve literally voiced this to her several times now if something ever was to happen to me as much as obviously i don’t want that to happen to me i am doing what i love like i’m consciously making these decisions and i know that i’d rather make these decisions out of love than fear and i’d rather move towards things that i really want to

(1:09:25) experience um then than not you know i could i could choose a different way of course i don’t have kids i don’t have you know i’m in a time in my life where i don’t have things that i have to worry about outside of myself essentially so it’s a totally different story when you have people at home that are needed needing you and relying on you and that but yeah my adventures a little bit ever since i became a mom but it sucks because um or it’s a bummer because when i um when i was with bellator we were always like in oklahoma

(1:09:56) and bjorn used to get in the elevator and go did you hear we’re going to russia in a few months and i was always like yay and like another year would go by we’re still in oklahoma hiding from these tornadoes and then right literally like right when i’m not with bellator anymore they take off to the other countries yeah we did we put in the work jaden and i put in all that time in the uh not that there’s anything against oklahoma we still go there all the time oh no yeah it’s nice i like really wanted to have these experiences

(1:10:25) with you know what had become my family and then right when i’m right when i’m gone it’ll it it starts done uh jade because i’ve won this for a long time now correct me if i’m wrong this is like years ago i i saw this on your page you were like uh or maybe you were just promoting you weren’t actually doing it i think you were like traveling through europe and you were you mentioned this couchsurfing website that was a long time ago you know what i know what post you’re talking about i was actually in

(1:11:05) australia and what had happened was i used to host couchsurfers in my young 20s and i met this guy that lived in australia in perth and i let him stay on my couch this was like god 10 years ago well you know most couch surfers you’re like okay i’ll be on your couch one day well i actually did go sleep on his couch like five years later in australia in perth um but yeah i’ve i used to host couchsurfers and i did couchsurf for a while there’s a website um i think it’s

(1:11:39) com um and you know people are reviewed and stuff so you can see you can look them up on facebook you know check them out i only had one person that stole from me like a girl a young girl like steal some clothes and earrings and things like that but other than that i mean it was really awesome and it’s really cool to stay with locals i usually i also like to stay at like youth hostels because then you’re meeting people from all over the world but if you stay as a couch surfer you’re meeting a local that like can really get

(1:12:09) you into the culture you know um and if a youth hospital isn’t available then like staying at a bed and breakfast with um a local if like also you can’t find a couch surfer then at least you’re like staying with people who like you know are telling you about the area and stuff like that and taking you around it’s just really cool like to build those relationships when you’re traveling i think absolutely absolutely but it’s crazy because i remember seeing that and i was like oh my i’m like i

(1:12:40) i i’m a guy i’m kind of i’m just i just just a little just a pinch of tough and i was like oh my god this girl is amazing well i eat i used to just not care she just doesn’t care we had that conversation with jimmy smith on the show about jade’s vulnerability like she’s vulnerable in every way in every situation but yeah i think since you’ve had kids jade you kind of rained back a lot on um i don’t know how i would be when i’m traveling i may feel like because i’ve done it all when it comes to traveling

(1:13:17) as far as like risk-taking i may feel like oh i can handle this but at least in my like day-to-day life at home i’m not near as unguarded as i used to be because now i’ve got kids sex trafficking in texas is really bad so i’m always like being super aware um but i think if i were out by myself like for a month in southeast asia again i don’t think i would change the way that i i did anything um like i used to hitchhike a lot and things like that and now when i look back i’m like holy hell

(1:13:47) i’m so glad i’m still alive yeah to any young females listening yeah take this all with a grain of salt please and i don’t recommend hitchhiking no i don’t at all don’t do it no um but we have time like just to tie that all together i think all of us are here in one way or another saying that let’s not let things we hear via you know uh the news or or just through the grapevine be what affects us when we think about traveling like we do have to go to those places and experience them ourselves in order to

(1:14:21) know what the truth is you know yeah absolutely and for the most part when you go places um even though there may be conflict between our country and that country um the people understand that you aren’t necessarily reflected right and all the decisions that are made by your country especially because you’re there on their you know you’ve come all the way across the world to wherever they are obviously if you felt the way that the rest you know a big part of our culture feels they’re not going there for a reason

(1:14:57) because they feel that way you’re actually making the effort to go over there so you’re probably not in that sandwich yeah a lot of times they’re marveling at you as much as you’re marveling at them like sure i know in uganda they just want you to come into their little hut and even if you can’t speak the same language they just want to like be in your presence and like experience you the way that you’re wanting to experience their culture you know it’s really cool at least in my experiences

(1:15:23) absolutely um so we have a pick your poison from jamison on instagram would you rather go to jail for four years for something you didn’t do or get away with something horrible you did but always live in fear of being caught oh man i’m curious well oh man you’re not going to get me in that cage for nothing nothing stop go i’m going to man i’d be kidding something as long as now i’m trying to wrassle it’s gonna be like a parking ticket in four years either way i don’t think i’m paid to get you that

(1:16:15) you’re gonna be a fugitive of some kind i don’t know i’d rather just i’d rather get away with something i’m not going to jail but i’m not going to do it and there is something to be said about people that will uh sacrifice uh and go to jail uh for something they didn’t do and or or to uh go to jail and protest uh of the status quo you know i really the older i get the more i respect uh other people’s outlook i don’t have to necessarily agree i understand that i wouldn’t do it that

(1:16:59) way but i respect other people for thinking the way they do and um and along with that i respect people for not even even even when i’m in complete opposition i respect people to have this adamant feeling and they uh even if they’re in protest of whatever i i i respect the fact that you feel so strongly about something going to voice your opinion yeah the passion i mean i think that’s where progress happens too is we have to become so passionate about something that we go to an extreme and yeah the rest of the world that might might not

(1:17:49) move to such an extreme with you but they might get a you know a little inkling a little closer towards you somewhere in the gray area is where we all end up somewhere between the black and the white you know the two extremes yeah but it’s important we need activism in that way yeah so uh see would i rather go to jail for four years even though i didn’t do anything or get away with something horrible but live in fear of getting caught i’m trying to get into like the psychological mindset of the both situations you go to four years you do

(1:18:25) some time but you didn’t do anything so you’re doing time in in like vain you know you’re doing i just hate jail well what if it’s like a minimum security jail no man i’m not going knock it out because on the other end of that if you do something horrible you get away with it you’re living in the fear now you have to like sort through what that you know how much of your life is that gonna steal for the rest of your life yeah that’s the thing also with my kids i’m going to miss out on their

(1:18:55) childhood so i would definitely rather just hear being caught as sucky as that sounds but i’m saying so like four years okay four years it’s done that’s four years we know what four years looks like it’s in a box maybe you can do something good with your time but on the other end if you’re living in fear of being caught for the rest of your life how much of your time is actually being taken by the fear you know you give me four years i can build up a great legal defense okay listen i just need to be able to

(1:19:33) you know build up the fence so i don’t go for four years i just get out on good behavior right yeah uh or on the four-year situation you build up a great defense of why you didn’t do whatever they’re saying you did because you didn’t do it right in this scenario and when you get out you fight that case they realized away for four years and you didn’t do it and then you have a bunch of money and a netflix special and no guilty conscious no well you know what’s crazy that there are there are few people

(1:20:17) who uh get proven not guilty and even fewer people who get um you know compensated with money and really what is a reasonable amount of money you just take so that’s four years out of your life and what is that worth what is that really worth it so much more than four years it’s four years of you telling people that i didn’t do it and no one believing you that has got to do something wild to your psyche like you just hate the world or something at some point along with living around a bunch of people that also probably hate the world

(1:21:08) yeah uh so are you guys fans of the making the making of a murderer the second season i watched it wore me out they just like me i can’t usually watch stuff like that because i’m so such an empath and i’m just so sensitive that i remember when i first started watching it i didn’t get any sleep not not because i was binging because i was staying up in bed like thinking about all the people who went through this so it’s really hard for me to watch stuff like that but i had to do it i got to get into the second episode i haven’t

(1:21:43) cracked that one open yet oh man i mean the second season you know church because i’m like damn this poor guy like i’m so sorry this has happened to you and at the same time there’s just nothing nothing really done outside already being done and uh our criminal justice system uh you know it it works in we need one more like new zealand’s or um what’s the other denmark is it denmark that has like um very few crime because of how great their system is they like more you know like their jail is pretty much

(1:22:31) like outdoors and people ride bikes every day and they like really like help these people’s mindset and stuff like that and we don’t really commit crimes there to focus more on mental health generally like between uh jail systems especially and then of course even homeless where the money is going to has a lot to do with the motives of why we’re putting people behind bars and their reasons it’s extremely hard to change the system when you have a private presence that’s what i mean yeah completely opposite of the person in

(1:23:07) jail versus you know state owned or federal owned when yeah you know costing taxpayers we we we truly don’t want you there we want you to be a real bill we don’t want you to end up in jail again we would love for you to be a productive member of the society versus uh you are now paying us business we want you to be here i think it also started out um [Music] don’t know if it’s still this way but i think another way that um it started to be corrupt is um like a racism was at the foundation like they were just trying to walk away

(1:23:50) um anybody that wasn’t white for the smallest crime um so it was like that and then like you were saying um it was private you know privately owned so like the money um there’s just it just feel i just feel like it all needs to be restarted like it all needs to be like torn apart and started from scratch because it’s just so gotten so corrupt there’s still people serving you know for so many years um because they had a little bit of pot on them and then there’s people who are getting out after

(1:24:24) three months for raping someone you know it’s just it’s so backwards everything about it on what you were saying about racism and how that played into our criminal justice system i mean it’s just never that you know when you have something like slavery it’s so hard to it’s it’s very hard as a as a country to detach ourselves the roots of slavery are so deep in the system and like seven books right now oh we love that oh yeah oh yeah but um but basically after the after all for free i mean you could like you were

(1:25:17) saying you’d be locked up for anything like loitering litter you know outside of just the you did it sort of thing i mean you could be locked up for anything yeah and next thing you know you’re on a chain gang and you’re back in slavery i think it took the place of slavery was their goal in the beginning it did it yeah so there’s a few short questions like to ask everyone who comes on the show first off phil what advice would you give your 25 year old self oh uh you know i would give 25 year old me i still enjoyed reading and writing at

(1:26:07) that time i just wasn’t as committed to them i i journal and i um reading really it fills up my thoughts and allows me to empty my thoughts into my journal so uh i would tell me to to re definitely read more definitely write more and uh there’s a lot of peace security that i get from breeding especially from journaling generally for me is like it’s like drinking water you know what’s good for you don’t do it enough yeah it’s just um and it’s just a complete um it allows me to just empty out my heart

(1:26:59) and uh just become more truthful with myself and allow me to see my thoughts more clearly and and kind of arrange away from me i can attack them and um and plan plan out my life my days and keep track of it yeah we encourage we encourage journaling and reading a lot on this show yeah journalism especially journaling tools yeah and i’m in the middle of go ahead sorry i was just gonna say i love how you articulated uh what journaling is to you because i think it’s really powerful for people to hear especially since you’re i’m sure

(1:27:38) yeah for a lot of people yeah yeah i like the little magic trick the filling it in and then pouring it out i like that it’s like a cleansing yeah um like a little mental detox um yeah and i i’m in the middle of seven bucks also because i have a stack and i’ll just read a sub chapter of this one in the morning and then put it on the bottom and then a sub chapter of the next one the next morning put it on the bottom um and it’s interesting how like you can just have some really yucky stuff going on

(1:28:06) and you just read a sub chapter and you just feel lighter it like you said it just really takes your mind off of things so it’s the book i was thinking of i can’t have to remind you because it’s gonna nag me if i don’t it’s supposed to be jim crow but michelle michelle it’s andy if you want a good book check that out it’s okay um so if you could have the whole world read one book is that what it would be because that was our next question for you yeah you set it up so you know what so man

(1:28:49) i’ve been spending uh a lot of lately i’ve been like asking my dad questions it’s just querying him about every little fast of his life as i grow older my dad just began to tell me um that he just has never told me before and my grandma uh passed away about 10 years ago and she had alzheimer’s and um before she passed man she would tell me some crazy just off the wall story and i would have to go to my mom and be like hey mom is that true this happened or no [Laughter] and um and some of it was was uh

(1:29:38) was just some craziness but uh a lot of it was was just her real life that she was i think like she would get these like light bulbs just need to download them to me and just tell me these crazy stories oh my god i think you just described who i’m going to be as a grandma oh yeah i’m like probably mercedes i might check in with you just to get into the video possibly to your cats mostly likely to my cats and so um from having having learned so much about my grandma and just the last maybe two three years of her life

(1:30:18) i’ve i started asking my dad um now like just hey this and that and uh one day i asked him i said hey dad what what book should i read what do you mean i was like give me a gift you want me to read and he told me to read um ah god i had to book my mind before i started telling my story about my grandma um ah goodness let’s see i know i have it on my phone it’s just a good book that i go back to every now and then well so the story oh the author is a very very very old author um but um this story basically is about um

(1:31:10) a scientist who creates a way to clone people uh future that was written in probably 1920. so the future is kind of as he’s imagining and um until after cloning people they make this new workforce and and so they would give the a-class people lots of options to grow smarter and healthier and they realized that they couldn’t have everyone’s same intelligence they wouldn’t have uh oh headphones what happened [Music] we only have one question left um but i don’t know if it’ll record properly so i

(1:32:11) just wanna i know so if you have why don’t you look and see if you have like any uh earbuds like apple earbuds or something like that any kind of work though hang tight we’ll remember where we’re at yeah he’s describing his book actually i’m gonna go pee i have to pee so bad okay so i’m gonna go pee while he does that okay all right

(1:33:20) that was fast oh it was i felt like i took a long time i’m just eating avocado toast i’m so hungry sorry oh it’s okay um so since the skype has messed up i wonder i guess there’s not um we can just check it to see if like like when you talked about meditation would be a really good video clip um for the promo um we’ll just have to like uh see if the skype is smooth at those parts um to use the video yeah i have no idea how it’s gonna look um because it’d be cool to get cat you know since the jimmy video worked out really

(1:34:11) well be cool to capture you know this video and then put the fight scenes hey hey hey there’s more are these also wireless also wireless okay did you remember the name of the book i’m gonna look at it i’m gonna search for it wait you did or you didn’t you froze up i did oh you did okay cool hold on i’m trying to connect it to my computer

(1:35:25) the wireless headphones right do they have are they charged uh oh phil’s frozen jade [Laughter] phil if you can hear us on skype hit the uh area and you came back i don’t know why can you hear us phil every time you ask that he yeah i can hear you okay cool did those headphones not work yeah i can’t discover them

(1:36:30) [Music] it’s probably linked to whatever you use sometimes you have to make it forget the device was it on your phone that’s what i’m that’s exactly what i’m doing bluetooth i wonder why the skype keeps cutting out so bad well yours is fine in mine it might just be his wi-fi i know but it’s just doing it now it wasn’t doing it so so bad before or if you know you where you have just like a pair that plugs in like a you know regular ass old school pair i wish i did no problem we just got a visitor

(1:37:26) can’t see but a doggy nope which means this movie just wrapped up uh-oh we’re almost done here you know this might work because we only have one question left so this might work mercedes if we just make sure to not talk at all while he’s talking because he won’t then there won’t be an echo of our voice you know what i mean okay i’m going to move the mic closer to me further from you and i turn the volume down on the on my laptop okay okay or actually just keep the mic wherever it was because it’s going to pick up at the

(1:38:04) same rate as your other stuff i don’t want to change um but yeah so if we just stay silent while he’s talking there won’t be an echo so um so maybe phil um if you just say maybe if you you say act like you’re interrupting yourself and just say oh i remember the name of the book and then say that or why don’t you ask the what’s your favorite book question again he can just because he already told all that all about well if you don’t want the summary okay so i’ll say um oh i see what you’re saying yeah

(1:38:37) i think it might work better if i just react oh i remember yeah okay oh i remember the name of the book it’s called uh brave new world by aldous huxley yes and uh a lot of people that’s a that’s a very old book but um it really kind of outlines um the human condition and how people uh just struggle for power and how people will seek to gain power even in the future by controlling each other and um it was just a very interesting read and uh i i would definitely look into it if you’re if you want just like a fun

(1:39:21) sci-fi um fiction read and um it it’s just good there’s a lot of applications to life in there i love that um i’m also curious because you brought up that your grandmother had alzheimer’s and i know that concussions contribute to alzheimer’s what do you do as a fighter to try to prevent that man i normally i most guys probably say wear headgear or something like that um which i mean headgear may or may not help necessarily um maybe a little bit but not uh to the degree that we would hope for but um i do hyperbaric uh therapy

(1:40:11) so basically hyperbaric therapy is um you’re in this pod and it’s pressurized to 33 feet below sea level and it’s a pure oxygen environment great for your hair your skin your nails if you guys want to try it i’m not doing an infomercial for hyperbarics but i’m just saying it’s it’s amazing stuff i went because i had an injury and it helps you recover very quickly because it because you’re pressurized below sea level in a pure oxygen environment it forces oxygen through your into your capillary beds and all

(1:40:51) throughout your body so that you can heal much quicker and um uh when i was in there there were other children in there um going for autism and all sorts of other ailments and it allows them to get more oxygen to their brain and help them to become more cognitively aware and all sorts of things so that i’ve learned is a way that i can offset some of the effects of training and infighting and just maintain my my mental acuity awesome i’m gonna look into that cool yeah i like that i’m gonna definitely

(1:41:28) look into that we also had uh len morley on he’s a dream expert and he talked about how sleep is super important in um effectively reducing the the chance or or distance of alzheimer’s yeah by a lot like i guess if you get enough sleep in the last hour of your sleep or so is when this spinal fluid washes up through your brain and cleans out the plaques that are what cause alzheimer’s but if you don’t want to sleep in a night that never gets to happen and it happens every night so yeah that was like what okay i know get in at least

(1:42:09) eight hours that’s what he says yeah no sleep is important for so many things whether it’s you know healing or getting bigger or repairing muscles or an injury site i mean sleep is just sleep is man sleeping as important as anything you do when you’re awake you really can’t afford to to go short short short change your sleep yeah it’s actually my magic trick today so it’s really funny that we’re talking about this but three times this week i only got five hours of sleep because my toddlers

(1:42:43) for i don’t know maybe they’re going through a growth spurt yeah and i just i was standing in the kitchen i was literally crying because i was so tired i was just standing there and i was crying and soul kept asking a question and i said please just don’t talk for 10 minutes and he goes is that two five minutes and i said i said yes and he goes so why not say two five minutes and i said he was like i couldn’t get silence and i was so tired [Laughter] so yeah excellent i’m not my best friend

(1:43:12) i’ll take two fives yeah whatever so all right phil if you could whisper one phrase to everyone on the planet what would it be whisper one phrase to any everybody on the planet i would tell them uh god loves you um i know it’s very cheesy but you know i think that um in a world where people think hey like you know if there was no god then how could this happen that happened and those are all very valid questions um but it doesn’t it doesn’t change the the fact that god loves you and he has a purpose on your life

(1:43:59) i really love that um i try to instill that in in my kids um they’re at the age where they’re asking a lot of questions about about god it’s really cute um like they’ll point at a pretty building is that where god lives i just have really cute questions but i love that they’re so curious about it and um it’s it’s interesting how uh much peace it seems to give them you know even at their age before they can fully understand it so i love that i love that answer um well before we let you go where can

(1:44:33) people find you on the internet where can they follow you yeah i’m all over the internet you are let’s see they can find my instagram at philmrw my twitter feel mr wonderful facebook forward slash phil davis fans um [Music] and uh yeah man oh and of course of course awesome is there anybody you want to thank any sponsors or anything before we end the show absolutely um the one and only beverage of choice well it’s funny i’m sponsored by two beverages like i guess i can’t really say that phrase monster energy drink say

(1:45:21) hey and uh you wanna say hi teddy he’s wearing his penn state jersey he’s gonna be a penn state wrestler you say hi what’s up say hi all right dude that’s gross all right you can’t don’t don’t do it monster energy drink and uh black heart premium spiced rum yeah we got that in common your muscle in that black heart premium spiced rice black ice cream we love those guys yeah affliction clothing brand um oak grove technology um so i i um i’ve been putting uh my the the company that i do a lot of my

(1:46:11) mission work go ministry um they’re one of my sponsors and they have been for the last couple of years just to help me further their cause um um so the goat ministries uh they’re an amazing uh ministry group and uh they do work in the dominican republic and haiti and um not just sharing the gospel with people but also they build health clinics they build schools they have what they call a nutrition center where they give multivitamin to the community kids a lot of the diseases and ailments that they get is from malnutrition so a

(1:47:02) multivitamin uh here is just it’s kind of a good thing to keep away the common cold but i mean you can really stop some uh some wild things um by giving a multivitamin to people who are not malnourished so um they they just do a number of amazing things and um so i’m very happy to have them um with me cool i love that awesome well phil this has been really enlightening i’m glad we got some time to talk to you and pick your brain so thank you for taking the time with us yeah thanks for picking guys now you want to say hi come on

(1:47:41) hurry up get up here and say hi what’s up hi oh my god he’s so cute little man love it love you little tractor little man um so if you just send this the same way that you sent your um sound check the um our producer will receive it and this will air on wednesday so um at 7am so we’ll probably send you some promos on tuesday um it’s up to you if you want to post it or not but we’ll definitely be tagging you up a storm uh we’re going to make a cool video for you so okay yeah okay awesome thanks so much

(1:48:17) phil thank you yeah thank you this is uh this is teddy hi teddy say hi teddy i’m so cute [Laughter] this guy is like i’m talking the next level model here i know i’ll have to show you some of his work he’s like i don’t know guys you guys you guys got some serious competition here this guy is a models model he’s super cute he’s super cute him and my son can model together there you go there you go all right thanks guys thanks for having me i appreciate it yeah of course thank you so much um yeah and uh so you just

(1:49:03) export it as a wave and then send on a retransfer and he’ll get it but just don’t close your computer until it’s done yeah until it’s sent all the way because otherwise it’ll stop the sending process all right is we we transfer is that like uh do i need to download that first no is that how you sent your sound check no i just sent a regular email oh okay so we transfer is a free website so you just go to we transfer transfer.

(1:49:30) com and you just send it for free the reason you’re using retransfer is because now your test is a small file but this will be a huge file and you won’t be able to send it via email like you did before got it yeah so and then you just send it to his email attach the file and it might might take like 15 minutes to actually send it but it’ll only take you like 30 seconds to actually do that part okay yeah and uh what do i do with the microphone you keep it it’s yours for all the other podcasts you’re gonna

(1:50:01) do you know what i got this i was like oh this is so serious i love this enjoy and you guys are ballers we we really aren’t we’re just really trying to make this thing happen we’re trying to become ballers yeah with y’all you’re making my cheeks hurt well thank you guys very very much i have never been on a podcast or a radio show that has given me a gift so you guys are the first thank you glad to be here cool yeah thank you phil we love you so much yes see you next week yeah yeah so see you guys soon okay see you

(1:50:50) soon all right take care bye okay you say bye bye bye bye bye see you soon this dude i don’t know you have to hit the uh close out on our combo for us so we can continue on see ya love you bye okay um all right all right you want to act like you just got off oh what i want to say about this whoa yeah that was great to talk to him like that yeah he’s just such a such a joyful person that just brightens your day such a light yeah and i love the fact that you know you only get to see him in the cage you get to see what uh you know interviews

(1:51:49) he did he does in the mma world but this is kind of shedding a little light on his his other side of how he integrates that all into his real life so i love it yeah yeah i’m glad he he shared so much with us um so let’s get into our magic tricks yeah what you got well we already kind of touched on it but my magic trick is go to bed earlier um we all know it’s recommended that we get seven to eight seven to eight hours of sleep a night but i was reading that we get 20 less than we did in the 1900s i also read that

(1:52:28) a bad night’s sleep was one of the top two factors that upset people’s daily moods and that getting just one extra hour of sleep each night would do more for a person’s daily happiness than getting a 60 000 raise which sounds a little crazy but i mean just think about you know it long term you know an extra hour of sleep at night you may feel that you’ve adjusted to less sleep but sleep deprivation can affect your memory weaken your immune system slow your metabolism and even foster weight gain

(1:52:57) i know for me if i get less than seven hours just just less than seven hours i am not my best self or my most friendliest self the next day my fuse is shorter and my buttons get pushed easier um i don’t have as great of a workout and you know i already told the story about this week how i you know was crying in my kitchen asking for silence and it was all from lack of sleep so sometimes when i’m even arguing with someone i have to just stop and say i’m sorry i didn’t sleep well last night i’m not my best self when i don’t sleep

(1:53:27) because it really is just you know the denominator for a lot of my issues but i just can’t regulate my emotions when i’m lacking those hours of rest so this week just gradually try to move your bedtime up especially if you’re going to bed after 11 pm and see how it affects your next day it may be what’s causing some of your difficult things like i was saying for me and uh may improve those so yeah try it out yeah i like that i think i need to actually put together a little checklist that i keep on my phone of all the

(1:53:56) things um when i’m cranky or you know moody for some reason or another that i need to just look at my okay why am i cranky run down this list is it i didn’t have enough sleep am i dehydrated am i hungry is my hair sometimes i just need a some fruit yeah or where are my hormones at that day i mean there’s like a short list that’s pretty much it right there there’s a short list of things that we can go uh okay i can identify why i’m having this issue why i’m being angry or why i’m being um stubborn even or moody and that

(1:54:31) helps solve it so much faster when you can identify it so i’m gonna do that that’s another magic trick just adding them on add all the magic tricks here i mean you could probably tell this week on the days that i had less sleep but then if you would have said jade did you sleep well last night i probably would have just started crying it’s true lack of makes makes you emotional like makes you feel emotional at least for women but what do you have mercedes all right so my magic trick as much as you probably don’t want to

(1:55:01) hear it it turns out that getting cold af might actually be good for you so i’ve been experimenting with this little life hack called ice baths by ice baths which i’m sure as you can imagine it’s exactly what it sounds like you get in a tub full of ice actually i’m going to do this again so my magic trick as much as you probably don’t want to hear it is ice baths turns out that getting cold af might actually be good for you so i’ve been experimenting with this little life hack and as i’m sure you can imagine

(1:55:43) by its name it’s exactly what it sounds like you get in a tub full of ice uh ice water really and stay for five to ten minutes and it yes it sounds miserable because it is um and i felt you know the very same way i was not looking forward to doing this when i began doing these i actually had a really hard time getting all the way in the ice water without freaking out but little by little i conquered this challenge which i honestly think for me was the biggest benefit of all just knowing that i could push myself to

(1:56:15) do something that i really wasn’t sure i was going to be able to do i found that in itself really empowering other than that other than that though there are several other benefits that ice baths and cold therapy seem to offer and although research is still out on this there’s tons of athletes including many mixed martial artists who believe that these ice baths are real game changers when it comes to speeding up recovery from long form endurance workouts and um especially like cardio workouts and since this type of cold therapy forces

(1:56:47) your body to go into the survival mode it actually boosts your testosterone increases circulation um it stimulates your endocrine system and adrenals which is what assists in balancing your hormones it also assists in you you know because the same reason for those same reasons it ups your libido which is big and even it even helps in getting better sleep so all good things yeah it also seems to have a calming effect once you get out of out of the bath um which i’ve noticed for me personally though like i said it’s given me a sense

(1:57:23) of empowerment when facing fear and i know that might sound silly but there’s something super primal that comes out of you when you ask your body to sit in an ice bath because your nervous system your lizard brain are screaming you know they’re screaming at you like get the [ __ ] out like we’re gonna die in this ice and you’re having to repeat it repeatedly override that background script while you’re sitting in the ice water because you gotta see this thing through so when you come up against

(1:57:49) other little fears in your life it’s like oh that ain’t [ __ ] i can do that no problem i conquered ice baths yeah i know i hate them and i have to have someone there talking to me the entire time distract me but um what i do notice is not only better sleep but um i noticed a difference in my physique that week um the more i do them the more i notice that benefit there so that’s cool big fat burner too so yeah all right you guys so thank you for listening to this episode with phil we just love him and he’s just such a light

(1:58:21) like we were saying so we hope that you felt that um a huge thank you to our magic mob for really coming through with those great questions for him uh we hope you found this conversation as interesting as we did if so please share it with your friends and family and spread that sunshine this would mean so much to us and also don’t forget you can go to our instagram page if you have any questions for our future guests it’s at the magic hour talk to you guys next week until then be a light thank you to phil davis for being on our

(1:58:49) show today and to at rayton royal for our intro jam and of course to adam from red fox audio for producing the show stay magical friends okay do we want to do anything over again no the intro was good when we did it when phil was gone like there wasn’t a single hiccup okay um so i’m gonna hit stop and send this while we rehearse um and i’m wondering how soon adam can get this to us because i’d really like to have the um the promo sorted out and none of this be done last minute since it’s next week

(1:59:24) um like if we can just get the rough cut you know yeah do you care so i don’t know if i don’t think it matters but um because lots of people say it like this but when you say al’s well alzheimer’s is the way to say it but when you say all timers that’s like the wrong way to say it i don’t know if you care to correct any of that but i would say just leave it a lot of people say it like that anyway i think just leave it only because i’ve i’ve emphasized in the past that i mispronounced things that yeah it’s fine

(1:59:55) i think that um but um also i already i already um started exporting yeah i think it’s fine anyway because it’s like one of those words that a lot of people say like that yeah um that’s how i’ve always heard it actually i know because sometimes it’s actually if you look up the spelling it’s there’s no t in it at all there’s yeah it’s just a z right a l it’s a h l z or no a l z h e i m e r something like this alzheimer’s and it’s a person’s last name i believe yeah that’s interesting

(2:00:36) uh let’s see um i think that went good i’m like the first part was just like typical mma interview you know but then i feel like he got really deep i was really happy with it i think for an mma episode it’s gonna go well like i think it was surface level enough and deep enough that that crowd can keep up with it it’s definitely our least deep episode but yeah i think that’s