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majic hour episode #1 transcription
(00:00) okay ecam recording adam said check me now i’m hitting record because you neverknow all right did you keep your cough drop in the whole time yeah i did but i kept it like on my tongue to where it wasn’t hitting my teeth i mean you took it out already oh it well it dissolved that’s what i’m saying these things go too fast you gotta get the sucrets the real good good cough drop well i don’t know i always choose the ones that have the least sugar that’s like the most important thing for me because
(00:39) then it’s not like i’m like eating candy all day that’s kind of why that’s the only reason you like getting sick because you get to eat candy all day no not me uh can you see that i’m doing uh this podcast in my underwear right now from the waist down wearing realities no but that’s one of the things that i love is that i don’t have to get dressed from the waist down you know i’m like kind of like can we that’s why i think we should do voice over what do you mean we could just go to
(01:07) work in our pajamas and not oh voiceover work you mean yeah i think did you hit recorder right now with these correctly old voices we got going today hey am i working for some character i’m recording okay yeah true that like an old haggard hooker yeah or a smoker yeah did adam say or something yet no but i think we’re fine he said checking that’s all but we sent out a while ago 7 31 he said checking adam it’s been two minutes yeah no but we i sent mine like my sound check a while ago i mean no i know but
(01:46) he said checking now the soundtrack oh yeah i think we’re fine if if he says something negative we’ll just start over all right ready i’m taking my cough drop out cause it’s to clink on my teeth okay there we go hold on one second just make sure that the water falls off i think it is but just texted chris just in case okay now then pretend this is the first time and we’re podcast virgins okay
(02:58) we are doing this today is a very very special day because it’s our episode numero uno of the magic hour so what is up boys and babes welcome to the magic hour i’m mercedes terrell and with me as always my majestic partner and shine jade brice hi jay hi mercedes i’m so excited that we’re doing this me too um yeah and i know this is gonna be a short you know intro episode but let’s talk about why we’re doing this podcast yeah so you know to bring you back to square one i had been thinking about doing a
(03:50) podcast for a while but just those pieces were not coming together for me and jade actually asked me randomly not that long ago now how i would feel about doing a podcast together and it was kind of a no-brainer um i mean what better time than now we both were definitely interested and ready and she lives all the way in austin i’m in california so this kind of gives us a little place to spend some time together and we have a lot of the same um goals in mind so i thought let’s do it i was ready let’s take the leap
(04:30) with my sister from another mistake so our hopes are that this will be a place where we get to share our living journals with the world and really where we get to cultivate our own you know personal growth by exploring the minds of some truly remarkable humans which i know we have we have some really cool ones coming up as guests i’m excited yeah um i’ve wanted to do it for a while as well and i just knew that you were the perfect partner the part i’m most excited about also is interviewing the guests because
(05:10) you know through our interviews with the guests ranging from clairvoyant spirit mediums to health gurus to business modules to relationship specialists we hope to bring light to new ideas and theories that will allow us to continue to grow into the most amazing most vibrant human beings that we are all you know we all have the potential to become so what we will be asking ourselves and our listeners to do through this show is to really hear the messages that our guests convey and see how those messages might
(05:40) apply to our own lives and how we can learn or grow from what we hear here here here here here and most of all allow ourselves to absorb new and sometimes potentially unsettling information and also i think that it’s going to hold us accountable because you know we can’t really be a fraud in this workout so if we want to put something out there we’ve got to have that in us and we’ve got to be working on that you know throughout the week and not just when we hit record so i’m excited for that accountability as
(06:16) well totally i totally agree a little little nervous though it means we got to hold ourselves to it every time i know i have like um certain tools throughout the week and sometimes i go a whole week and i’m like oh [ __ ] i haven’t done i haven’t meditated in this certain way or i haven’t done this and i think that having something that i’m preparing for and something that you know um is potentially going to be light giving to others um it’ll you know make me use my tools a bit more too as well so i agree i have
(06:50) such a not a routine life you know being on the road for work and constantly just different you know being a model especially um it’s a new job every day you know you’re always like the rookie on the team or you know it’s always something different you’re headed to so there is no routine and i think having this podcast to kind of check us back in every week will be really good for me um to add to that i would say that one of the most exciting parts of this podcast is being able to cultivate and share our own liquid
(07:35) truths and by lack of truth i mean the seeking and cultivating that we all do as humans of our own truths and then the practicing of openness to accepting other people’s truths though that so that we’re always learning and growing staying fluid or quote unquote liquid instead of being stuck or rigid or stagnant and i think with the support and participation of the tribal listeners we intend to build here our hopes to to take ourselves out of our comfort zones and practice some outrageous openness if you will and
(08:20) maybe even a little bit of radical acceptance will be seriously possible which i cannot wait for i might also add that as much as i’m so excited to build a beautiful tribe of listeners who are you know aligned with our goals the magic mom yeah our magic mom can’t wait to build that tribe uh i know these people will be fully aligned with the goals of the podcast but i want to express at the same time that we don’t want this to be [Music] just an echo chamber instead we fully intend to actively engage in
(09:02) controversial conversation you know come up against our own cognitive dissonances and really work through these tender topics with as much transparency as we can muster yeah yeah and when you tune into any episode of the magic hour our hopes are that you’ll come away vibrating at a higher frequency and thus that small ripple will positively affect your day i’ve always signed everything you know since high school be a light and that’s our goal here is to just be a light in your day and to make you and everyone else feel less alone through
(09:42) you know us being 100 transparent with you guys and 100 you know raw and human yes so just to explain why why jade to me was a really good choice in partner on this podcast maybe to give you guys a little bit of history between us we met via bellator because we were the bellator girls together for several years so traveled the world together um spent a lot of time in the same hotel rooms together casino buffets casino buffets i mean we have we have done a lot side by side um and even when we were on tour for weeks and weeks on end
(10:30) literally i mean you know we’ve we’ve got sick of each other but we always come back for more so sisterly love there we always come back for more [Laughter] um but one thing about jade is i think that she’s often misunderstood people i mean i don’t know if you’d say this about yourself jay but i feel like people either like love you to death which is usually the case or you know they kind of just brush you off or they’re just not they just hate you and it’s like i think that happens because you’re so
(11:04) different and you have a lot of really interesting things about you ways that you look at at life um and maybe for some that’s intimidating because i could see how it could be uh but there’s this weird paradox as well about you since i think you’re the most vulnerable person i’ve ever known and so it’s interesting when people don’t see that side of you like when you don’t see your sweet side but anyway for the most part i think people do i certainly do which is why i’m glad that we are you know partnered
(11:40) up and doing this and finding ways to to hang out even if it’s just via skype in this podcast um and actually jade your empathetic and compassionate nature along with that i’ve talked about it before quite a bit um just this brave vulnerability that you have and and sometimes you even have like a whimsical approach to things those have all been characteristics that are huge shining beautiful lights shining beautiful examples in my life which i’d say are largely in contrast to my own more controlled more calculated nature
(12:26) um we’re definitely the yin yang yeah yeah which i think that’s gonna add a lot of color to this podcast so i guess we’ll see on that yeah it’s interesting that you say that because um [Music] i had done a couple podcasts as a guest you know a handful over the years and every time i was like man i really enjoyed that i would really like to do this and then um i it came to a point where i was like i kept thinking about it because i’m thinking like like when when will i have time and then there was a point where i
(13:02) was like i’m just gonna do it like there’s never gonna be a good time you know and it was like immediately my soul just said mercedes and i thought well it wasn’t that i was combating that thought but there was other friends that i just like you know crossed my mind and i was like golly like we’re we’re in the same walk of life and um i feel like we would just be saying the same thing also whereas i felt like one of the reasons why my soul said mercedes is because we would bring such a different perspective to the
(13:35) table at times and it wouldn’t just be that echo chamber um i know that you never just agree with me to let me feel comfortable um you definitely let me know um you call me on my [ __ ] and you definitely let me know when um when you know you don’t agree and and that um even if it doesn’t even if your perspective didn’t help me the conversation at least did you know learning to um be fluid with each other i guess um and uh another another thing too um you know through you know we spent so much time together on the road and
(14:21) you know out of all my friends i know you saw me through so much like so many highs and lows and so many god-awful breakups and uh you know you saw me you know even if i didn’t tell you i was depressed i’m sure that you saw my depression and there was never a time that i reached out to you or that i needed you or that i just sent you a questionable text that you weren’t readily available in there for me 100 so that really showed me you know your heart and that you know you do we we both i know for sure have each other’s
(15:02) best interest at heart in all things but when it came to me being you know in need you were always there and so i’m excited for that to bleed into our listeners needs um and i don’t want to cry and then um yeah and i know uh i will probably bring up the book um transforming your dragons because i know you’re reading it and it’s my shaman’s shaman who wrote it so that book you take a quiz that talks about what your two dragons are and mine are impatience and self-deprecation and you have taught me so much to see my
(15:43) worth not just when it comes to asking for money from an employer or putting my foot down you know when someone’s bullying me but just seeing my worth when it comes to my own self-esteem and seeing the beauty that you say others see um and then you’re very well thought out and i just want to get [ __ ] done so i think we balance each other out there so um we are definitely yin and yang and i’m uh super excited that you know our listeners can get two different perspectives at times and even when they
(16:14) are the same that it won’t you know just be that echo chamber that we were saying so um yeah and and as well as with all of our guests i i know we plan on having very different guests on uh you know one uh our very next episode if you guys want to go listen to it is paul selig and then you know two after that it’s jimmy smith the host of ufc so um they’re definitely going to be all across the board so that’s something you know that we want to put out there as well not just how different we are
(16:43) but how different you know everyone is and and how it’s still a welcoming place and a place of acceptance so yeah i’m super excited to be sharing this space with you jade and with our listeners who are ready and willing hopefully to fall in love with this what i think is an addictive notion of seeking our own liquid truth um you know uncovering our most authentic most vulnerable selves and living from a deeper part of ourselves in order to better serve the world around us and that’s what we’re here for yeah at
(17:21) the end of the day and in order to have the biggest impact we possibly can during our short time here on earth yes that was perfectly said and exactly how i feel actually um which makes this so much more exciting um and you know a couple days before um this like right before it was uh right you know i knew we were gonna record our intro episode and i was at an ayahuasca ceremony um it was my ninth one i have my tenth one in a couple more weeks and i you know you always go into a plant medicine ceremony with an intention
(18:01) if you don’t know what a plant medicine ceremony basically it can be ayahuasca huachuma peyote it can even be you know weed but you do it with a shaman in a ceremonial setting you’ve abstained from certain things to prepare yourself and you have set clear intentions so you’re there with a purpose so i had a couple different intentions one of them though was just you know would mother ayahuasca give me any messages for this podcast for this venture that we’re going on and i think that you know i didn’t
(18:36) completely allow myself to be aware of these thoughts but i know in my subconscious i was having some self-doubt and thinking well am i interesting enough am i eloquent enough i contradict myself all the time because i play devil’s advocate a lot and you know i’ll remind you also y’all that in the future because i do it all the time um we both do walking contradictions a lot of the time so yeah and that was a concern for me like will it offend people um which i know i will at times and i’m sorry and also um i mispronounce things
(19:10) all the time like i just had so many reasons to think are people gonna want to listen to this and it wasn’t so much about me it was more because i want this to be so healing to others and i i want this to be effective so there was all these things that you know i had lingering of self-doubt and you know i went into the ceremony and basically you know in an ayahuasca ceremony it’s very visual not all of them are visual not all medicines but ayahuasca is and um like sometimes my animal ally is a fox so sometimes i’ll
(19:45) become a fox and instead of long hair i have short little hair and i’m like petting myself during the ceremony there’s times i’ve become a bird you know it’s very visual and it’s it’s amazing so many feelings so in this particular segment of the ceremony um i saw myself in front of the laptop and in front of my little blue microphone and my um i don’t know if you can see right above me that photo up there with the third eye the rainbow coming out yeah so it looked like that but that rainbow
(20:20) um light instead of coming under the third eye was coming out of the heart area and it was pouring like as a rainbow light into the microphone and then like going out like spreading and it was just such a an affirming message that it’s not about the eloquent c i don’t even know if that’s how you say it exactly um uh it’s not about the eloquency or about um being funny enough or being quick-witted enough it’s not about anything that has to do with the head it was all to do with the heart because the
(21:00) heart is what’s gonna influence people and it’s what’s going to make people feel that they can relate and you know heads slow us down anyways when we get all in our heads um so to just let the heart speak and you know even uh one of my best friends and mentors my brother tom shadyac who you know we’re going to have on here in a couple weeks so stay tuned because it’s going to be the best episode ever um even him sometimes when he like pours into me i’m like oh tom i need your brain if i had
(21:33) your brain then i wouldn’t even be in this issue and he always tells me jade you don’t need my brain because we have the same heart and there was a time in an another ayahuasca ceremony where i was really missing longing for his his mentorship and i was telling him like tom i miss this relationship where you know you poured into me i i miss this so much and in the ceremony he said we have the same heart when you miss me spend time with your heart and so it’s all heart you know and and um that’s what i want us to lead with in
(22:07) this podcast and i know that that’s what’s gonna um that’s when what’s gonna you know benefit our listeners so yeah so that’s that’s one of my mantras right now is lead with heart i like that because i need to i definitely need some practice in that arena i definitely lead with my head it’s hard because we over think you know it’s it’s a the human condition yeah we’re stimulated from every angle to lead with our brain or our egos at least i don’t know if it’s our brain really
(22:36) yeah yeah well thank you for all that um so to give you listeners a little breakdown of what you can expect in our future podcasts um we will i think i’m pretty sure we will always be taking questions from our magic mob uh yes as long as you’re sending them in yeah as long as you send them in we will we will get to them one way or another we will work them into each and every episode yes um our magic mob again is our tribe of listeners so excited for you guys so excited uh and we’re also going to take pick
(23:19) your poison questions which are basically would you rather questions send all your questions all your ideas for pick your poison in we will get to them at some point in time you can send those in via instagram to at the magic hour that’s spelled m-a-j for mercedes and jade because we’re so damn clever um and we’ll read every question and comment that comes through so get to it guys uh we’re also going to do a magic trick at the end of all of our future episodes which is a little piece at the end where jade and
(23:56) i will leave you with some little tool or tidbit that has helped us in some way or another that you can incorporate into your life so that’ll look out for look out for that little piece and before we leave you uh for today’s episode i just want to take a moment to say thank you guys so much for listening seriously thank you guys for taking the time out of your day to do this with us um this podcast venture is it’s it’s really a light in my life and i’m so ready to bring my most vulnerable most authentic self to this project and
(24:34) i think both jade and i are overwhelmed really with with joy at the potential this new direction we are taking has and putting this podcast together has really allowed both of us to expand um especially our hearts and minds and the fact that we are going to get to share this with y’all yeah share this journey um you know with the world makes me just makes me just smile no yeah i can’t wait to fall in love with all of you amazing people i’m so excited that y’all are even here yes um and you know if you guys after hearing
(25:18) what our goals are with this podcast if you feel like you’re on board to hear more please give us a lesson um to our other episodes we’re gonna release them every wednesday so we’ll help you get through the hump day that’s right so on that note um please do us a huge favor and take just a short moment right now to click on the subscribe button on whatever listening platform you’re using it will truly mean the world to us and it’ll let us know that we should keep on living our bliss via creating more of these podcast
(25:54) episodes yeah yeah you guys thank you so much for tuning in to our very first episode uh we hope we were light in your day and um yeah talk to you guys next week until then be a light so i liked all of that i think we should just um redo our first all the way up until when i talk about accountability okay um because after that once you started talking about liquid truth i feel like it was all perfect from liquid truth on to me was perfect and i don’t and you know like after you do it another time it doesn’t feel as
(26:35) natural and as exciting so i think if we do it up until liquid truth um he could just piece that back in so just the first is now we’re in our vibe yeah okay yeah the first page really and then do i need to get into the liquid truth piece or no no i’ll stop right before i say accountability because that was not scripted and i liked how it went so i’ll just have him like piece it in you know what i mean like choose from either paragraph or whatever uh the only thing i was going to ask you on that is to make sure when
(27:08) you say uh moguls you say moguls what you said moguls before oh my god i know well maybe i should say i know no i think the way you said it earlier you know i say it moguls locals moguls like think of vocals from the jungle book that’s what i thought of actually moguls modules i [ __ ] love it i’m gonna call didn’t you call the [ __ ] lemurs lemurs the other day on maniac yes but i’ve never heard it i think maybe i was watching it with subtitles or something because how did i watch a whole episode like that it’s like when
(27:50) people used to say i i am the biggest fan of belater i’ve been watching some season one i actually think jody um that on maniac they do say lemur or say they say it weird i’m pretty sure did you look at that link i sent you about maniac i haven’t opened it oh look at it okay why wait why it’s good no i opened it was just to an instagram account oh but re oh really yeah you didn’t read the um go to maps the maps page and click on the one about that okay that’s probably what it i don’t know
(28:31) yeah it was oh you mean about the mdma and being the yeah they’re using for ptsd therapy and that i didn’t even relate it to that when i was watching it so i totally did that to i related it to ayahuasca yeah i related without some sort of superchemical in your brain yeah um but yeah that’s interesting i mean i don’t know if it’s anyway that’s for another time we’re on we’re trying to do this right now yeah okay go ahead how’s your voice doing by the way i’m on the verge mine just keeps going
(29:10) like lola i know what is up boys and babes today is a very special day a very special day because it is episode numero uno of the magic hour i’m mercedes tarot and with me my majestic partner in shine jade bryce hi jade yay hi mercedes i’m so excited that we’re doing this um i know that this is just our intro episode so it’s gonna be short and sweet but let’s talk about why we’re doing this podcast i have so many reasons to list off for you um but to bring you back to square one you listeners back to square one um
(30:02) jade and i well we’d both kind of been pondering doing a podcast for a minute and i didn’t know that about jade until she came to me and said and said hey you want to do a podcast together and i was like hell’s yeah what better time than now to take a leap with my sister friend from another mr friend so here we are man we’re doing it and uh i think i mean first off our hopes are that this will be a place where we get to share our living journals with the world of course and where we get to cultivate and and
(30:40) [Music] expand our own personal growth by exploring the minds of some truly remarkable humans yeah that’s one of the parts that i’m super excited about is the interviews yes and you know through our interviews with guests ranging from clairvoyant spirit mediums to health gurus to business modules to really did i say that right did i say it right jade likes to say mog yeah moguls molecules business moguls relationship specialist just wait till we interview one time oh my god please do to relationship specialists we hope to
(31:27) bring light to new ideas and theories that will allow us to continue to grow into the most amazing most vibrant human beings that we are all you know have the potential to become all of us do so what we will be asking ourselves and our listeners to do through our show is to really hear the messages that our guests convey even if you know it’s not something you agree with and see how those messages might apply to our own lives and how we can learn or grow from what we hear here here here and most of all allow ourselves to
(31:59) absorb new and sometimes potentially unsettling information because that’s probably if it’s unsettling and it’s you know making you feel a little funny that’s probably because you need to hear it yeah so it’s just going to get a little bit stirred up all right adam so if you can uh now put it where i talk about accountability i think we have a really great episode you want to throw that through one more time or you want to keep that i really like it with the laughing and the craziness i think so
(32:34) just do it one more time in case it just doesn’t work all right adam uh you can decide i’m gonna do the last paragraph again without us laughing um good luck here [Laughter] i kind of like it laughing because it it’s happy but um i like it too because it’s some sort of energy but you know and i think people are gonna laugh too but adam just in case you don’t like it here it is again yeah and that’s another thing that i’m excited about is the interviews with the guests um you know and through our
(33:15) interviews with them which are going to be guests ranging from clairvoyant spirit mediums to health gurus to business modules stop to relationship specialists we hope to bring light to new ideas and theories that will allow us to continue to grow into the most amazing most vibrant human beings that we all have the pinterest at all oh lord we’re killing on this first episode i’m so sorry for our producer i’m crying with delirium that’s the thing that’s the thing it’s delirium i know okay all right write down
(34:12) mo like m-o-e and then goals like c goals mogul yeah why don’t you tell me that in the first place should there’s a silent e moguls with s though yeah yeah okay all right yeah that’s another part that i’m super excited about is interviewing the guests you know through our interviews with guests that are ranging from clairvoyant spirit mediums to health careers to business moguls to relationship specialists we hope to bring light to new ideas and theories that will allow us to continue to grow into the most
(34:49) amazing most vibrant human beings that we all have the potential to become and what we’ll be asking ourselves and our listeners to do through our show is to really hear these messages our guests are conveying even if it’s something that you don’t agree with and see how those messages might apply to our own lives how we can learn or grow from what we hear here and most of all here here i know most of all allow ourselves to absorb new and sometimes potentially unsettling information and you know if
(35:20) it’s unsettling and it’s bothering you a little bit it might be because you you need to hear it we’re not necessarily booking guests that we agree with some of these guests we don’t agree with but we’re using that information you know to grow so we’ll stir some [ __ ] up so adam you can choose can you do one more read and just um slow it down like space between because that was way better yeah so that’s another part that i’m super excited for is interviewing the guests um and through our interviews with these
(35:58) guests that are going to range from clairvoyant spirit mediums to health gurus to business modules to relationship specialists we hope to bring light to new ideas and theories that will allow us to continue to grow into the most amazing most vibrant human beings that we all have the potential to become and you know what we’re going to be asking ourselves and our listeners to do through this show is to really hear the messages that our guests are conveying whether you agree with them or not and see how those messages might apply to
(36:29) our own lives and how we can learn or grow from what we are going to be hearing and most of all allow ourselves to absorb new and sometimes potentially unsettling information because if it is unsettling and it’s making you feel a little weird it might be because you just need to hear it and we’re not going to be booking guests that you know we agree with 100 some of these people we don’t agree with at all but we’re using that information to grow and that’s important word we gonna stir some [ __ ] up
(37:00) stir it right okay adam you choose the best one and now jade just say business moguls like the way you said it which was business moguls business buckles say it a couple of different ways just so he has it business moguls to business moguls [Laughter] um i don’t know adam you choose the best one but after that paragraph put where i talk about accountability and the rest of the episode is solid solid this [ __ ] better work it’s audio gold oh i need to say my little thank you at the end oh god damn now my voice is completely [ __ ] yeah
(37:52) perfect timing [Music] thank you to at rayton royal for our awesome intro jam and to adam our favorite person in the world aka our producer from red fox audio for producing the show you the man adam stay magical friends okay did you see i posted our oh well let’s send this oh i wanted to sit i am looking forward to adding a little magic into your life i could use that sometimes add a little magic in your life we should use that on our promo or something that needs to be on one of our promo pictures yeah add a little magic in your
(38:42) life drink a little magic do the salt bae sprinkle a little magic in your life oh yeah that’s funny we need to start finding like gifs or like memes that all right intro jade all right so also i just realized today i need to send you my bio yeah which i don’t think i can write i’m going to ask scott to write it and i’m going to ask tom if he has time what did you send to um what’s his ass with the i should probably stop refreshing