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Since childhood, her passion has been to unravel the mysteries of the human body. Our guest, Dr. Beth McDougall’s ongoing passion has taken her from medical school, to studying Qi Gong in China, functional medicine and to training in European Biological Medicine. Progressively, she’s found solutions to illness by focusing on the energetic nature of our biology and how this couples with the lifeforce energy inherent in our natural world. Having spent 22 years honing her practice, she now find’s herself advancing a new health paradigm, one at the intersection of medicine and contemporary physics which she believe contains the solutions for reversing disease, slowing aging and alleviating many of the challenges we face collectively. 

As one of the first and few doctors in the U.S. to practice Bioresonance Analysis of Health (BAH), an advanced evaluation system that utilizes quantum principles to analyze all aspects of a patient’s health and develop a highly specific and personalized program of treatment, as well as ACMOS, a quantum based energy balancing treatment, she’s revolutionized her practice, allowing her to unravel the most complex medical cases.

This episode will both break your brain and heal your soul. In it we cover:

• The power of pattern interrupt

• What the Unified Field Response is

• Covid 19 as a deep expression of the unified field response

• What our “3 Dimensional Blueprint” is and how it’s affected by exposure to toxins, medications, pathogens, emotional traumas and environmental pollution (such as Wifi, SMART meters, and geopathic fields) 

• How our thoughts benefit or suppress our immune response

• The vibratory level of emotional states

• How to strengthen our immune system energetically

• What “structured” water is and how to use it to heal

• The basics of energetic technologies, including: BAH and ACMOS

• How to defy aging

• How can we keep our hormones regulates

MAJic Tricks: 

• Hug a Tree

• Say Thank You to the Water you drink

Book Recommendations:

• The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

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