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As a celebrity life coach and audiovoyant, our guest, Christy Whitman, has created a clear, accessible, and practical path toward aligning with what we want to bring into our lives. She gives us the tools for embodying the action needed to manifest this through 7 universal laws that make up the foundation of her practice. In this episode we dive into how we can create more space in our lives, experience more joy, and raise our vibration by consciously choosing what we attract and understanding that we are the source of all potential.


• 7 essential laws of the universe

• Manifestation basics

• How quantum science plays a role

• The dark side of manifestation

• Scarcity mindset

• How to recognize our limiting beliefs

• Releasing shame

• Removing vices/bad habits

• The 3 habitual emotions that block us from creating what we want

• How pain is energetic


• Envision your 80th bday

• Gratitude practice for your past, present, and future selves


• Ask and it is Given by Abraham Hicks

• Quantum Success by Christy Whitman

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majic hour episode #83 transcription

(00:00) welcome boys and babes to the magic Hour podcast a place where we navigate through life’s Peaks and valleys with all the vulnerability and shamelessness we can muster with the help of worldclass guests from all walks of life we uncover new truths and valuable tools for manifesting our Highest Potential I’m your host Mercedes tarot along with my partner in shine Jade Bryce hey you guys I wanted to remind you that taking just a moment to Rite our show five stars and leave us a quick review is the bus way to help our show grow so if
(00:31) you’d like to help us out and do that for us a day it would mean so much yes we’re actually putting together a list of people who’ve left us reviews that we can publicly thank on our social media Pages because we want to shout you guys out so make sure when you do leave us a review that you include your name on it so we can do that yes we love you guys all right so today’s show is all about manifesting and how exactly we can use certain universal laws to create our most ideal lives yes which is why we’re really excited to
(01:03) share with our magic mob today’s guest whom is a highly sought-after celebrity life coach who has developed an action-based approach to applying the seven essential laws of the universe to help people overcome their dependence on vices that are keeping them from living their best lives she’s a New York Times best-selling author who has three books under her belt all of which she says she channeled audio buoyantly by the way um she says we are all designed to have fulfillment of health and well-being
(01:34) Financial abundance creative self-expression leading to success and loving and supportive relationships and she can help us get there she’s appeared on today and the Morning Show and our work has been featured in People magazine 17 women’s day Hollywood Life and Teen Vogue among others as the CEO and founder of the quantum success Learning Academy and Quantum success coaching Academy she’s helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars speeches and coaching sessions and products with her
(02:09) latest book Quantum success she’s created a clear accessible and practical path toward aligning with what we want to bring into our lives and then gives us the tools for embodying the action needed to manifest it I’m thrilled to learn from her today how we can create more space in our lives experience more joy and raise our vibration by consciously choosing what we attract and understanding that we are the source of all potential please welcome Christy Whitman to the magic hour got a minute okay I’m gon pause
(02:52) it going so that we don’t I’ll forget to hit record later yes okay good I’m so glad you’re here so glad to have you on big fans of your work and we’re excited to do this with you so what what what we usually like to start out doing um is reading through a bio that we WR for you and then getting into the questions so I don’t know do you have a specific hard out time I don’t okay good okay so I don’t wna of course go over board but we have lots of questions for you I think they U Jimmy
(03:27) sent over all that for you yeah he did Mercedes I love your background that’s really super cool Amazon and it’s just like a you know like a sheet like a what do you call printed backdrop it was cool well worth it thank you I feel like I’m in the cosmos every time I’m you look like you look like you’re in the cosmos I love it if only people knew what was actually going on in my head they’d be like quite fitting all right okay here we go yes which is why we’re really excited to share with our magic mob today’s guest
(04:05) whom is a highly sought-after celebrity life coach who has developed an action-based approach to applying the seven essential laws of the universe to help people overcome their dependence on vices that are keeping them from living their best lives she’s a New York Times best-selling author who has three books under her belt all of which she said she channeled Audi buoyantly by the way she says we are designed to have fulfill fillment of health and well-being Financial abundance creative self-expression leading to success and
(04:36) loving and supportive relationships and she can help us get there she’s appeared on today and the Morning Show and her work has been featured in People magazine 17 women’s daily Hollywood Life and Teen Vogue among others as the CEO and founder of the quantum success Learning Academy and Quantum success coaching Academy she’s helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars speeches and coaching sessions and products with her latest book Quantum success she’s creating a clear
(05:07) accessible and practical path toward aligning with what we want to bring into our lives and then gives us the tools for embodying the action needed to manifest it I’m thrilled to learn from her today how we can create more space in our lives experience more joy and raise our vibration by consciously choosing what we attract and understand understanding that we are the source of all potential so please welcome Christy whitmann to the magic hour yay thank you for having me hi so excited to be with both of you yes we’re
(05:41) so excited to have you okay so take us through your story chrisy because it is really interesting um maybe just you know how you got to the work that you’re doing today in being a manifestation coach well you know in my early 20s I kind of checked the box of everything everything that I was told from like a young girl that would make me happy and so I was living in Chicago I was living in one of the greatest cities and I was living in a brownstone with my best friend and had my health and well-being and you know felt really good about my
(06:14) body I had a great career I was making lots of money lots of responsibility that I enjoyed doing and um just having a great time and yet check the box for all the things I should be happy if I have this and this and this and kept finding myself in a place of not being fulfilled and felt in the in the times in my quiet place of my mind where I just didn’t feel connected and so I started to search and started having that calling that hunger for something more because there would be so many times where I’d be like is this it is
(06:49) this what life’s about I mean is this checking the box and accomplishing stuff I mean great I’ve got money in the bank and I’ve got a career and you know what else is there yeah and that led me to literally moving to California um I was working for a wine company and I was dating long distance a guy that worked with me and so I moved there and around this time I was attracting a lot of uh bad guys I would say and so I moved to California and he was the latest bad guy he was the last Bad Guy Bad Boys Bad Boys yeah was
(07:23) always we know that Dr I don’t know what the lure was but I’m glad I got over that um but it’s interesting while I was there within a month I found out he was cheating on me and so um I the only person I had met through him was a hairdresser and so I remember I needed to get my haircut and I went to go see Janine and I’m sitting in her chair and she had I didn’t have the language for this then but it was like she was different and she had a a Joy about her she had a way about her and I just kept
(07:59) watching her in the mirror she’s cutting my hair and she’s talking and just being as blunt as I am after listening to her and she’s cutting my hair I’m like okay what do you do yeah and she just started laughing because she knew exactly what I meant but I didn’t know I mean there was something and and she says well I do meditation and I have a spiritual teacher that I work with and I’m like I’m gonna need to get her number it was just like I you know was like that Harry Met Sally wow I want what she’s having
(08:28) so I was dialing melan’s remember as I was living the salon and I found myself within days sitting in front of Melanie and you know I’m I’m not a woow woo girl at this point I I mean I I wasn’t into crystals and you know any of that kind of stuff so I walk in her house and there’s all these statues of angels and these crystals and it was like where am I what am I doing and so I sat down with her and the first thing she said to me you create your own reality now over years ago this isn’t internet everybody
(09:02) talking about the secret was out I mean this is a long time ago there wasn’t if they were if they books they were like hidden in the you know bookstores or in the witchy area right so it wasn’t common knowledge taboo to yeah right she said this to me there was a part of I feel like I just woke up and I went yes that’s true and then but then my next question was well how and she said well by your thoughts you’re either repelling from you or you’re attracting things to you and again I settled with that and went how
(09:39) do I I know this to true I don’t know how and then it was like well how and so she gave me an assignment she said I want you just to go into your own life and watch your thoughts I want you to really pay attention to what you’re thinking about and do those thoughts good so I started paying attention to thoughts and what also to me was attention to my thoughts they’re my thoughts they’re real and what I had to learn was no they’re not real they’re just something I’ve been thinking or
(10:09) something that I was programmed to think and that I could actually challenge those thoughts and change into something that actually feels better which was a total concept for me because it was like thoughts aren’t real what what do you my thoughts aren’t real they of course they’re real I’m thinking and so I started paying attention and I was realizing how critical and judgmental and condemning I mean of myself of everybody else of go I was in a boxing ring with God yeah you know it was it was a
(10:39) shocker to pay attention what was actually going on in head and as soon as I started to shift my thoughts and I started practicing and started focusing on really what I want my thoughts to be everything started shifting in my life it was like I went through just a complete warp of a different reality and um about five years in to doing this work I attracted you know a really really nice guy ended up marrying him I was an eight-year relationship with him created my ideal body money in the bank you know all of a sudden I had this
(11:14) channeling this download a book um that was my very first called perfect pictures and um this book led me to getting the book published and then I had the book published and my friends and family all bought it who necessarily weren’t not the IDE for it my family was all like okay she’s gone crazy um what is she talking about your thoughts create reality um and so I started speaking in Social book and in like you know new thought churches and people constantly were asking me now this is 19 years ago people asking me well do you coach and
(11:51) my frame of reference for a coach was right football coach or coach right and they were like no like a person coach and I’m like I don’t know what that is but call me and I think people move through energy and working with energy and shifting their thoughts and doing that and I loved doing that and I could and they were calling me back oh my God Everything’s changed attracted this I did this and um so I was a pharmaceutical rep at the time making great and I’m like God how could I do this right and then there wasn’t anybody
(12:23) teach coaches how to build a business right because it it was very it was in its infancy and so I just kind of figured it out and went and got certified and um kept kept saying yes to this and 1 years full time in mying business and haven’t looked back yeah amazing yeah your story brings up a question for me about your own family background with religion and you said you were in the boxing ring with God and such so I can imagine especially 20 years ago whenever this was definitely taboo and not you know on the
(13:00) seems like now it’s fairly getting mainstream the word manifest is getting very mainstream um what how did you decide to go against probably tons of fears that were in your body at that time to go even and Venture into This Woman’s home you know with the the Angels everywhere and the the crystals everywhere and into this realm that is so different from what you had probably grown up under and what did you grow up like when it comes to I was I was raised Catholic my parents went to uh church every every single Sunday I
(13:31) got confirmed I it was like Catholic yeah and and nothing wrong with the Catholic religion for me it just didn’t work um and I I found moments of connection and spirituality there but I was just really looking for a connection and um I grew up just you know I know all Catholics don’t but I grew up thinking that there was some Gods on judging me for everything I did and I was it was ingrained in me that you know I needed to save myself for marriage and when I didn’t I figur well I messed that up I might as well go the other way so I
(14:04) went in total and did drugs you know it just was like smok cigarettes I mean I went the ex you know good girl Catholic girl gone bad yeah so um that was that was my that was my religious background I really felt like I had to constantly prove myself and that I had to um you know that some thing in someone I was always judging me which is not the case and it’s interesting you ask that question about how could I like go against the grain like that or how could I This Woman’s house when that wasn’t
(14:42) what it was used to it’s kind of like what I’m going through right now in my um in my career my business is that I’m now fullon channeling I Channel a group of being called the counsil and just like back then just like now because it feels so right and because it feels so natural and it just feels step I just trusted it and I followed it so it’s funny because back then when I became a coach it was like people were like who were you to give people advice I’m like that’s not what coaches do now people
(15:15) that is coaching more mainstream you know the secret and manifesting is more mainstream and now here I am again on the outskirts of channeling yeah so but it it it just I just always FL what felt right and what felt like truth because that felt better me than what I learned and what didn’t feel like truth does that make sense absolutely it was it’s really cool that you must have had a place in yourself or you know according to your conditioning um in your your early upbringing that allowed you to even look under you know the look
(15:53) under the lid of what what else is out there look into Pandora’s Box because I think a lot of people especially in the Catholic religion but really any any religious practice um that says you you if your faith waivers you’re going to hell you know we don’t want to look anywhere else except for into our faith okay dive deeper into this Faith but um a faith meaning religious practice I guess I’m using those interchangeably right um so that’s cool that you had that that moment because for me it was I
(16:22) did grow up in a Catholic upbringing as well and it there’s so much fear around reaching anywhere else and it then it angered me when I found some things that felt true to me later like you’re explaining and I felt like why did you guys basically obstruct me from being able to see anything outside of this you know like it just doesn’t seem fair I want to make my own decisions if we’re here with free will if that’s your belief in the Catholic religion that that’s what we’re here doing then you
(16:50) didn’t give me mine anyways released that isn’t that interesting though is that one thing that we all agree on and that is a spiritual truth is that we do have free will yeah yet we the humans who are constructing the practice sometimes take that away from us so yeah is all that’s such an interesting um sector but so I want to go into you with you about this this channeling though because something um we do focus on this show uh quite a bit now seems is psychic abilities intuitive abilities um and we’ve had
(17:27) Paul cig on the show a couple times now who has channeled I don’t even know I think it’s like seven or eight books that are bestsellers you know this guy is very prolific um or his Spirit gues very prolific I don’t know which way you want to say it so for you how does the channeling work for you how did it come about um well like I said it was a progression right and and it always came about because I kept saying yes to it so when my first book came out with perfect pictures 19 years ago did you hear that
(18:00) yeah I heard that I don’t know yeah um I don’t hope it’s not me anyways um for me it was I I got a a vision of a book and then that night at 10:4 in morning I had some talking to me so I could hear this voice and I couldn’t stop it got up and then my hand became not my own um every book I’ve ever written art of having it all Quantum success I mean has always been like a tap on the sh like 3:00 in the morning or whenever yeah at like Quantum success I was in the middle of a Miss on a cruise ship my family I had
(18:38) nowhere to go but it was like I’m like okay so I grabb my journal and my pen and went into the bathroom I stacked up um you know towels under my butt and I just you know you know kind of thing and so when it comes it comes and so um I had kind of resisting the only thing I really resisted that when I worked with clients when I worked in group settings I would do energy work with people and I could do healing work with people and a lot of my clients were getting we’re getting healed and releasing a lot of
(19:10) stuff and so I kind of about four years ago kind of came out of the closet that you know I’m not just a coach energy and let my folks know my parents know about it and more of my friends know about it and it wasn’t just something that I keeping just for my you know special clients as soon as I did that and open more to that then they started communicating more with me and um in beginning of 2018 they started telling me we want you to create healing workshops and we want you to create C Sacred Circle of light
(19:44) and so I’m like I have always been obedient I’m not an obedient person but to them I am obedient and so I created this Sacred Circle of light I had about five women instantly join and they just showed up they get whatever they could have had a fight a mother-in-law or an issue with their daughter and they just show up and they clean their energy well this one particular day and I’ll never forget the date and I didn’t know it at the time but it’s the same date as my younger son’s birthday September 17th um
(20:12) this woman was talking to me and all of a said instead of hearing that very very clear voice it was like nine of them were talking to me all at once and I’m like I can’t hear I can’t my Consciousness went like it just went out and I would have bet you thing I have that my body over the chair and just stayed there because I remember hearing it but I remember feeling like I was humped over the chair like that and so was aware of happened they were all crying like oh my God was incredible I was crying like that’s never happened to
(20:47) me it was amazing and then I got the recording back and I’m still and my eyes were closed and I have an accent and I was like whoa um but I could hear it and then so I just kept inviting it and I started doing it with my husband and I started doing with my kids and and it just and then my clients bring them back in you know every Monday so it developing and developing now I go all the way out they come in I don’t even remember what happens I just know that they’re going to come in when I invite them in and
(21:23) they’re always there I hear them I get messages from them um but it’s just it’s just such gift and I’m so grateful did you worry um at first or did the thoughts ever come in your mind at first that you may be crazy or may be going crazy or that there this was like schizophrenia or did it feel so much like what’s light and what’s true that that didn’t happen for you no it was it definitely was not scary at all and I I definitely going crazy because here’s the thing it when I now at my whole
(21:58) spiritual Journey my conscious spiritual journey because we’re always having a spiritual journey my first teachers were channeled beings it wasn’t new to you at all no and and even Abraham hick were part of my teacher experience you know and so it’s like all along when I look back it’s like I’ve always worked with channelers because you know humans themselves are great coaches and stuff but I needed a depth of information and shifting that energetic wise that I couldn’t get from a human so it almost
(22:30) makes sense that I’m now channeling and I’m sure it also um made a difference who your loved ones were how open they were to that being a gift of yours and it not being something that um uh was too foreign for them yeah I mean my husband still we did a channeling exercise yesterday because I had some questions yeah so we’ll sit together and then afterwards I go is this is it weird for you that your wife Channel because it’s amazing and it’s still weird yeah yeah I it’s it’s weird when I see a
(23:01) recording of myself I’m like yeah all of my best friends um whenever I do any type of healing work that doesn’t make sense or whenever I have visions um they don’t make me feel like I’m weird but they um they don’t pretend to understand it either you know so um so it it’s it’s an interesting feeling it is it is and you know the more I’m open to it and the more I’m accepting of it um the more I know who I can talk about it with and that’s just where it’s like I’m being
(23:33) called now this time to just really um almost let go of christe the coach and just show up as christe and the council yeah and I think right now we’re seeing such a shift you know in the world you know where you could feel more safe having that be part of your Global message I mean by being on podcast and by you know this is your work now so you are doing it on a global scale um since anyone can technically access these facts about you now this is part of your life yes uh and I think it’s really beautiful that we are allowing that type
(24:08) of intuition to live and Thrive and come into our lives instead of rejecting yeah there was a time where people with this gift would be stoned so exactly yeah absolutely oh all right so do you want me to go get them and you can ask them questions or would you can like to continue with me I would love to I we didn’t write down anything um what maybe let’s continue with you and then um and then we’ll see what questions come up for them what about that does that sound good yeah okay yeah why don’t you tell us how do you
(24:42) usually do that work because when we have channelers on we usually do a mini session like you’re talking speaking to there um but we usually have questions you know they ask us bring up some questions about whatever it is they they whatever we want to focus on is that how you work or how do you usually go about doing what whatever you want to I mean they no subject is off limits you can ask whatever you want to ask of them so it’s really they show up and and they’re here to serve in way the human needs to
(25:08) be served fantastic I already wrote down two okay good I need to give it a little more thought so yeah let’s do it I think let’s do it at the end of the show I think that’s a beautiful idea yeah it’s a beautiful way to end the show yeah I mean we’re talking all about them I’m like you want to meet them so you know but yeah whenever you want thank you perfect all right and I’m and I don’t know if we’re going to keep all that in so I’m just going to say it like this so that people know that we’ll tune
(25:36) in they’ll tune in for that at the end of this um it would be really cool if we can uh talk to the spirit the coun through you the council yeah through you at the end of the show so maybe we can we can absolutely ask some questions at that point all right so for now though you’ve worked with universal laws for 20 plus years I think as you just mentioned and um you’ve chosen seven specific laws to focus on so first of all what are those laws and why those seven so great question yeah these are the seven that I
(26:12) really find is essential I I equate it to knowing the rules of the game I say that if you know you were a brand new never seen baseball before right and your friend says to you hey let’s go play baseball and you go to the field and and says okay that person’s going to pitch the ball to you you have to hit it with the bat and then run right and they pitch you the ball and you hit the ball and they’re like run and you don’t you run to Third Base you don’t know where to run to it’s like how successful are
(26:41) you going to be up playing this game so I feel like the seven essential laws I mean I know there’s more seven um these are the ones that are super essential for anybody to Lear and there’s one in particular which is not law of attraction that I’ll I’ll get into but I’ll just list them and I can do hours and hours and hours on top talking of this but um The Law of Attraction most people have known about it’s the secret what you give out comes back to even start that conversation and what I’ve
(27:07) learned Council obviously at a deeper understanding is that we are receivers and we’re transmitters we are always in some kind of receiving mode right now is a particular important time to understand what are we under the influence of are we the under the influence of media and the fear and the franic and the panic and that’s going on that energy can be what receive or we could be receiving energy from our higher Divine source which is always flowing pure positive energy so we’re always in receiving mode
(27:38) our cells have receptor sites on them all trillions of them are just receiving energy all the time so first of all we’re receiving energy in and then we’re giving energy out we’re transmitting energy out and we do that by the thoughts that we think what we say words we use emotions we have beliefs that we have perspectives actions we take those are ways that we transmit it so as we’re transmitting out from our own individual physical beingness that energy is being matched by of Attraction now there’s nothing to
(28:12) do with Law of Attraction law of attra just like a mirror where the other laws are where you have as the free willed individual that we’re talking about have to apply so the second law of Del creation and that is where we have to understand that because whatever vibration a we’re giving out it’s coming back that’s for every person all the time we have to choose our thoughts that’s where that time in front of Melanie when I’m like what I CH I can choose my thoughts I can actually choose
(28:41) my emotions how I react and respond to this what you know so actually no matter what the circumstance is no matter if the bill comes in you weren’t expecting to you know to have come in and you don’t have the money for it or you lose a loved one or you break up in a relationship or something in the world is happening we have the opportunity to choose how we’re going to think about it where we’re going to align what we’re going to feel what we’re going to say what we’re going to do and because with
(29:10) that we’re then instead of just being reactionary we’re being deliberate in what we’re choosing and then very therefore being deliberate in the vibration we’re giving out that law of attraction match vibration that we want to experience are you able to look at people and know what they’re putting out is that part of your channeling you are yeah yeah um that’s what’s amazing about the council is that they do healing work too so it’s not just information look at people that can you
(29:37) know they’ll so as they’re talking they’ll say okay this it’s just incredible they’ll go when you were three and a half years old imprint here and the person’s like oh my God that was when I maybe that’s a good place to start you could just tell us um since it’s applicable to this question what what you see us putting out what type of um frequency or energy or um projection or whatever what do you think um for me or the council uh the council or how yeah however you yeah well we yeah we could do it from the
(30:12) council when we get that part yeah for sure yeah just just ask that question to them and then they’ll answer it um so it’s whatever frequency or vibration we’re giving out is law of deliberate creation and then there’s the law of allowing is are we allowing in the connection with our self or re and a lot of times the block imprints that we have um where we’ve closed our hearts down where we haven’t processed emotions that’s where we’re in that place of restriction and we’re not allowing the
(30:45) energy to flow so we’re not in space of allowing the one that I the UN law built most of my career on that I that was the biggest for me to understand is the law of sufficiency and abundance and that’s the fourth law that’s the law that when you look at everything from a spectrum on one side of the spectrum you have lack on the other side of spectrum you have abundance the truth of who we are is abundant the truth of who the Divine self is that breathes us is abundant but most have imprints and programming lack
(31:17) so a spectrum where where the Tipping Point and find is finding that place satisfaction finding that place of for positive aspects having that gratit ude and appreciation for what is and what you have not being over the moon excited about it but at least being in that satisfaction pocket and that really is important to apply because lack always feels bad and it’s always good so you know where you are and any given subject are you perspective of lack abundance and shifting that it evokes the law of deliberate Creation The Law of allowing
(31:52) of course Law of Attraction all the other laws so the fifth law is law of pure potentiality which is the truth of our universe is pure potential there energy that’s seeking itself into some type of form the universe is creative the is creative we are a Creator we’re always wanting to um move energy and energy wants to become that’s why we’re always when you think about it we’re always transitioning from moment to moment we’re always in the state of becoming something and so when we are connected to Pure potentiality we
(32:27) feel good we feel that natural flow the resistance right um the six law is the Law of Detachment that when we’re flowing energy to something it’s very common as a human being to want it to be that specific form that specific guy that specific whatever and we have to know that when we have pity we have an unlimited potential for anything whether we’re wanting to feel freedom or abundance more Avenues and ways for what we’re Desiring to come to us but if we’re attached to that one specific form
(33:01) creating some kind of resistance around it it can flow to us the last and final one is the law of um polarity and that is that every subject is two subjects like we were talking about about lack abundance right contrast yes exactly so whenever you find yourself in contrast there’s the clarity of what you do want when you find yourself in lack there’s the abundance of that and so when you can recognize that even though we might see ourselves in a situation that we don’t want to be in where we’re fearing
(33:33) feeling fearful what is the polar opposite and start vibrating and connecting with that in that’s on of the pole because that’s going to then create what we do want and attract to us what we do want what we don’t is so much of this almost sounds like it’s about finding balance in each of those laws in a sense it’s about being able to recognize the things that are going on around you and create a story of those things are actually working for you instead of coming at you or you know or happening to you um so that it can be a
(34:10) positive in that light and then the piece about uh polarity seems so much about finding balance and and knowing that you can kind of do that in any moment because there’s always an opposite to whatever is occurring that you can move toward if you need it if you need to do that in order to have more positive experience exactly I mean it’s it’s really about coming back in alignment because the because alignment and where we’re what we’re made of the very breath that’s breathing us that’s beating our
(34:40) hearts that’s Bloods is in alignment with pure positive energy and when we the human are not disconnected from it so it’s really about coming back into alignment with that that is real it’s what which is really true I have so many questions around that okay um because it is it’s true I’m having such a and this is something I would ask ask uh your councel the council later maybe again just to see what their vo is on it but I’d love to ask you you know right now I feel like I’m having so much
(35:14) of a like a crisis of identity because I’m coming up against um all these places that I feel like I sold myself a false bill of goods or I created a potential I projected a potential onto my romantic partner onto my um career path onto my all all facets of my life really and I feel like I’ve been doing that my entire life and I’m just now realizing how my entire life is a sand castle you know it’s like a house of cards like just it’s built on [ __ ] like what’s the foundation here um and
(35:48) so I’m trying to regroup and figure out what is real and what is substantial enough to sustain me through this trying time where I have to re-identify you know what we have to reconfigure what’s going on I think a big piece of that comes from my tendency to uh reside in my masculine um and there’s a lot of you know reasons that I’ve dug up that the source of why I do that and I’ve lately been trying to actively call in more of my feminine side more of my femininity so it’s pretty you can understand and
(36:23) connect the dots of how that would cause this giant upright Al of identity crisis you know like trying to be someone else yeah well you know it when you think about it most of our lives that we’re programmed we’re coming from our desires and our wants and our goals and our accomplishments and all those things from a personality perspective yeah and and a lot of times those desires come from trying to fix a wound or coming from the pain body or coming from a place where um we’re we’re wanting
(36:55) people to like us because don’t feel enough are we wanting to get something from a partner because we’re lacking in something and so the personality own is Desiring when we get the thing that we get it doesn’t feel fulfilling right and so it gets to a point where it’s like you know potato chips taste good but they’re not fulfilling you right right so you get to a level where asking where you’re wanting more depth and dimensionality part of you like the high dimensions of you want what you want
(37:26) from a different level of asking in a different level of desire and we just get to a point in our lives where it’s like well this stuff’s just not doing it for me anymore it’s not fulfilling me and I’m tired of going after it so who am I really what am I what is really going to fulfill me and feel satisfying that’s coming and and introducing you that bigger dimen you know what I wrote about in Quantum success is who we know ourselves to be all that we’ve been through all of our wounding our pains
(37:55) our successes our try that’s only four per of who we really are the 96% is the Divine is the is nonphysical multi-dimensional of us that’s breathing us that’s connected to us and when you start to realize that you know the desires I’m have are bigger than that 4% there is a shift that has to happen in in a like you’re saying it’s almost like a who am I and a reidentification of who am I and what do I want and what’s this about how did you come up with 4% actually um studied in quantum
(38:33) physics that is you know who we are is actually 4% of really who we are it’s it’s that that very physical limited part of Us Part yeah 96% is who the I mean 100% is who we really are but it’s like you know when when we we drop these bodies that fullness of who we are goes back to to non-physical right and and yet energetically we still exist yes oh so it’s a lot to take in it’s a lot I mean it’s a lot to you know figure out how to integrate you know of course first of all you just drop seven
(39:16) universal laws that are like these new labels that we have to figure out okay how do we Define them how do we you know go about dissecting them and then applying them to our lives and making this whole integration happen and of course that’s a giant that’s why you have an entire you know coaching uh workshop on it so yes I have a lot of information out there that’s why I always people always ask me okay you just like you said you just dropped these seven entral WS just that alone it’s like how do we implement this and
(39:44) you know just like I sat in front of Melanie and went how right yeah um there’s there’s a a free program that I created because I get this question all the time it’s called watch your words everybody could go to watch your .c if you just start paying attention have a conscious awareness of and an understanding of what words you’re saying I did a 30-day program of a word or a phrase a day of why you don’t want to say it what you know what the reason is that you want to shift it how it’s
(40:16) pulling down your energy and what you want to say instead because watching your words when you think about it okay so you probably were aware of the Bible of Catholic right in the beginning there was the word right our words are our wands when you think about thoughts they’re made up of words thoughts thought over and over again create our beliefs we create our lives based on our beliefs and all of it starts with our words so if you’re going to try to get your mind around all of this start simple and start from the
(40:47) basics of watching watching your bir absolutely um your hair is some reason touching your microphone so we’re hearing a little scratching yeah that yeah okay yeah that’s that’s yes I don’t know why it sometimes does it sometimes it picks it up sometimes it doesn’t um I wanted to say that on that so um it reminds me of uh Dom Niguel ruiz’s book The Four Agreements which is the first agreement is to be impeccable with your word um and I think it’s so it’s it’s a it’s great that you bring up
(41:22) vocabulary and how important it can be in adjusting or realigning your ability to manifest what you want into your life because it is first of all a digestible you know concept is a digestible tool to just change our language and off of that I wanted to ask of these seven laws is there one that you suggest people focus on first or primarily yes the law of sufficiency and abundance because the law of sufficiency and abundance pulls all of them together because as you are applying and understanding where are you
(41:53) thinking in lack versus where you’re thinking in abundance On Any Given subject whether it’s money or a partner or your career or your health well-being if you’re feeling bad about that subject you’re in lack and understand that you’re feeling bad about that subject because the thoughts that you’re thinking the words that you’re saying the emotions that you have and that you have the ability to shift you have the ability not necessarily go all the way from lack to abundance but you at least
(42:20) have the ability to find In This Moment the positive aspects of your money of the situation of what’s going on right now in the world of anything we can find positive aspects and as we start to take our own free will and focus on what’s good and right instead of what’s bad and wrong now we’re in that place of satisfaction now we’re in that Tipping Point of abundance and when we’re vibrating in that space of abundance we’re vibrating abundance it’s coming back to us we just apply deliberate
(42:50) creation because we’re deliberately choosing that we’re in that space of abundance weed we’re in an allowing space we’re detached we’re in the field of a potential pure potentiality and we’re now on the Polar side of you know abundance so when you effectively apply law of sufficiency and abundance you’re applying all of them oh yeah makes it easier than trying to figure out seven of them at once yeah and then and then once you get that like you’re saying it all starts falling together it all
(43:22) starts coming together and and makes it a lot easier I think to pick up the rest so I like that cool and of course reading your book helps taking helps it does yeah very good all right Jade you’re so we’ve and you’ve talked about manifestation a couple times already um you know we all now have our own ideas of what that word means but since that likely varies from person to person can you define manifestation in your own terms yes so for me it’s really interesting because the dictionaries don’t even Define what really
(43:58) manifestation is when you look up the word manifestation manifestation is what is becoming it it’s a manifestation and a lot of people think well it’s a manifestation is what you physically have I manifested the man I manifested heart the pile of money manifestation is so much more than that if you can feel the energy of success or feel the energy of Joy that’s a manifestation it’s an experience of something and so whether it’s a non-physical manifestation if you are experiencing it like a feeling if
(44:34) you’re thinking a thought a thought is a manifestation so it’s what we experience whether it’s non-physical or M immaterial or material and physical okay okay and it’s a good way to navigate that you so you have also you know your book you brought up Quantum success that seeks about how to go about calling in your ideal life on a Quantum level could you explain that I that’s I don’t understand at all so could you explain what Quantum science is and how it plays into manifestation yeah so Quantum
(45:14) success is really being able to tap into energy because we if if you take perspective that 4% of who we are most people are functioning from their 4% they take they’re taking action right they’re doing action and doing things they’re creating success and they’re creating more of a linear success when you start tapping into energy that fuels that feeling of success and you start to like we’ve been talking about watching your words towards what you want and Len what you don’t you’re speaking those
(45:49) words of positivity and empowerment and the things that you want to manifest when you’re thinking the thoughts of the possibility when you’re allowing yourself to in that alignment with abundance you’re tapping into a field that’s so much greater than your 4% self so now you’re playing with the quantum field you’re playing with energy which is unlimited which is completely full of pure potentiality and so the energy of success that now flows through you is almost like instead of just a a little
(46:20) stream it’s like a flooding ocean right it’s like it’s a fast moving ocean or a fast moving um river that takes you with it and you get to be a co-creative partner in that because you’re evoking your true life partner is your Divine self into the manifestation equation so you’re not just doing it by yourself effort alone physical you know self alone you’re having the totality of who you are the 100% not just the 4% Creator desires yes it’s quantum physics yeah it really is and so
(46:57) I guess you explained there how we turn that into the manifestation piece first of all understanding that might be a good first step and so dive deeper there’s a lot of ways I guess we can dive into oh there’s so many what are the steps yeah so so think of it this way I just want to say this before we go into that is that whenever we desire something whenever we think of a goal have an idea you know we have an intention whatever you want to call that a dream we we want what we want because we think that we’re either going to feel better
(47:33) in having it or that there’s going to be a feeling associated with it so if I get the guy I feel connected if I get the pile of money I’ll feel successful or have security you know if I get this new accomplishment or this title then I’ll be credible we think that there’s going to be something when we go get something and that’s the that’s rub really is because when we feel we’re missing something and we have to go get something in order to feel how many times have we gotten the thing and it’s
(48:03) like yeah well that didn’t do it because we’re creating from that place we talked about lack right we’re creating from that I’m missing something this is the thing that’s going to fill me up we go there well that didn’t fill me up right the difference is understanding what what do I really want and why why do I want this really evoking that multi-dimensionality part of you why am I wanting this and then what’s the essence of it what am I what feeling am I really after here and when you
(48:34) understand that it’s success okay well great write the books do the accomplishments all that kind of stuff but first feel the success because we’re in a holographic Universe any emotion any feeling sense any energy that’s ever been experienced can be experienced by anybody so I could tap in right now and say I’d like to experience a ray of joy and then allow myself to get into receiving receiving mode of that and then to start experiencing what joy in my body feel like I didn’t have to go do anything I
(49:06) have to go make anything I to create anything in order to experience that Joy yeah I think we have a resistance to that it feels like for some reason a story as a collective culture we’ve been telling ourselves is that we have to have something tangible we have to have proof you know the science theory or scienti ISM you know it becomes this like religion of we have to be able to see it in order to experience it and now with this onset of meditation and these other tools that we can use to to to look inward or to even ask our
(49:45) inner you know Watcher let’s call it to allow us to experience these things that are at our disposal at all times is finally I think coming around and we’re finally getting to this place as a whole you know as a culture um especially here in the west where we’re remembering a lot of the Eastern psychology a lot of the Eastern tools uh again we’re remembering really not you know we’re not learning them for the first time this is just us like coming back and going like oh yeah we forgot those those
(50:16) are really critical to us being happy healthy people yes so that’s isn’t it interesting because we can feel an emotion right so feel it it’s real yeah absolutely right can’t you feel like you can’t even get out of it usually when you’re in the depths of anger you know or the heat of desire and all those things so because we can’t touch it or taste it or experience it with our five senses but we could feel it it is real yeah yeah it’s a great example so um I think it’s it’s hard to hold the
(50:51) idea that we manifest our realities including all the Terrible Things um especially when we’re talking about about something as terrible as being raped or being abused uh you know the list goes on of the terrible things that people experience so how can we better understand this concept of the law of attraction in a situation like that well you know I want to say this because it’s not like anybody ever goes and tries to deliberately create things that are abusive or hurtful or traumatic um because we are in an
(51:23) attraction based universe and we’re not in a assertion based Universe we do attract all of our experiences to us so but most of us do by not understanding doing it by default not understanding where our I mean look at what’s going on right now I mean it’s like we’ve all attracted this from the level of disconnection and divisiveness and anxiety that people have been feeling for the last couple of years yeah and you’re speaking to Corona virus just because this is going to air later so just yeah what’s happening right now
(51:53) we’re all on lock down exactly yeah and so it’s like people are like oh my God how can this happen it’s no wonder but hopefully we bring everybody together because I don’t care if you’re in Italy if you’re in Germany United States Canada we’re all on lock like you said we’re on lockdown we’re all in a global problem it’s a global thing that all humans right now on the planet are experiencing it doesn’t matter if you’re African-American or Caucasian matter country you live in doesn’t matter if
(52:24) you’re male or female it it doesn’t matter we’re all experiencing as a universal experience yeah and hopefully this brings everybody together because lately we’ve been divisive and and needed to crack open whether it’s the me too movement and having more women’s rights or you know that have been happening um African-American rights and and you know the Republican versus Democrats we’re all people and and we all have to understand that all of us have a power in us and we all have power
(52:58) to attract things to us or repel things from us like Melanie told me that first day I sat in front of her yeah and if we want to continue to create things that we don’t want we do have to become energy Masters we have to pay attention to how we feel what we’re thinking where are we focusing our Free Will Faith either is Faith of what we want or on the fear of what we don’t and so when you understand of all that the that we have created in our past it’s like a hangover you know you have a night out
(53:28) with your girlfriends you go have few to Cosmos too much the next day you feel The Hangover when we attract things we don’t want it’s a hangover of bad thinking from before really and so don’t want to keep having hangover of things we need to look at our outer reality and going okay that’s clear what I don’t want and since I don’t want to continue to create something like that how do I need to love myself more how do I need to connect with my Divine more how do I need need to be more conscious of how
(53:59) I’m treating myself and what I’m thinking about and how I’m loving others or how if I’m being critical or condemning or if I’m being accepting and loving and I’m being compassionate I mean it really is an opportunity to really focus now I’ll say this because people you know that don’t know me might what do you know right I’ve had my sister commit suicide I have my two-month-old baby who’s now nine and very healthy have to be rushed to the hospital have open heart surgery I’ve
(54:28) been fired from a job I’ve gone through a divorce you know I’ve had a lot of different I’ve been in massive debt I mean I’ve had a lot of things that from a human perspective people will go that’s pretty traumatic or that’s something I definitely don’t want to experience but this information it didn’t make contrast not come into my life or didn’t make me not attract it but it made the process of overcoming it more elegant and so much more easy yeah yeah I mean wherever you are in
(55:01) your journey it doesn’t mean that you’re never ever going to experience contrast again look at what all of us are experiencing right now this cont but meets the road is how we going to navigate where putting your thoughts what words are you saying what are you feeling during these times and what importantly we as all human beings have the ability to Vision we have our imagination we have our ability to get connect with our future selves seeing our future s thriving seeing this being a jump off point we can live in a more
(55:36) connected reality with each other and be more Harmon live as we’re divinely designed to live in our supportive and loving relationships with everybody our neighbor and this is an opportunity that all of us have in every moment to look at something that happens and go okay this not what I want what do I want instead yeah what do I want how do I want to De what want create because we all have that ability to do it seems to we spend so much time focusing on the saying this isn’t what I want but then we spend very little time actually
(56:14) designing what it is we do want and you know creating a really clear picture crisp picture of what it is we do want and um that goal setting is a is a skill in itself um but I did want to I don’t know if You’ you’ve already touched on this a bit and maybe you can expand on it a bit why do we have to experience pain in order to experience change as humans you think that’s always going to be the way or we find a better way it doesn’t need to be you know I always say to my clients when you have a child right it’s
(56:48) not like like when I have a child I don’t want my I want to learn and I certainly don’t want them to learn pain but they’re going to attract experiences that have the contrast we live in a world of Po where experience pain to experience Joy it’s not like going you know that person needs to have pain in order to experience Joy but here we have polarity and so it’s from pain that we can either keep going back to the pain learning from those things and keep hitting that up or we go okay enough I’m
(57:20) clear now I want to create enjoy I’m clear I don’t want to be with bad boys anymore want to be with someone that you know is loyal and committed and and understands love and and is willing to be open and vulnerable or you know I’m am tired of wrestling around with money I want to be abundantly provided for I mean our original Divine Design is literally to be in health and well-being it takes a lot of effort on our part to not be in well-being it takes a lot of effort to not be in abundance because
(57:54) that’s our original Divine Design our cells coded for that our our C are coded to be a creative Divine with our divine self and to have creative self-expression and to whatever you create a book or a program or a podcast or whatever to have creation leading to success whatever success means for us and to have all loving relationships starting with us because we have to start with our if we’re condemning ourselves and criticizing ourselves and beating ourselves up or calling ourselves stupid or all these things
(58:25) we’re being loving and supportive even with ourselves and all relationships start inside of ourselves so yes it’s possible to create through Joy will contrast still show up yeah but then it’s an opportunity to go oh I don’t want that this instead and then turn all of your attention and focus in the direction of what you do want thank you for saying that I needed that permission to stop stop having to use pain to change oh okay so you know this this idea of manifestation and using the universal laws to create what
(59:00) we want in our life can sometimes be really looked at like a like a religion like we’ve been talking about here today um because I think there can be an idea around it like uh it’s almost a plight for gaining control over this chaotic you know uncontrollable existence that we’re here experiencing um is there any any words you can say about someone who’s who who’s looking at this idea about manifestation and thinking like oh that’s [ __ ] like thinking we can manifest Our Lives seems like just a way
(59:35) we’re trying to be in control of something that’s chaos I don’t know if you have any words to that but or to put to that but I just think it’s an interesting concept because I understand when you come up on a new Theory you know and someone gives you these things that sound like almost promises you don’t you want to make sure you know check both sides of this yes and I get what you’re saying so here’s the thing we’re manifesting in every moment and every day we’re creators we
(1:00:04) have creator that we are connected to we cannot not create just like we cannot not think a thought try to not think a thought you’re thinking a thought you’re thinking a not you know don’t don’t think of a red car red car what are you thinking of right it’s like we cannot not create we cannot not think we cannot not feel and that is Crea that is manifestation like we talked about so we’re manifesting a physical state an emotional state by where we’re choosing to put our focus and what we
(1:00:36) talk about and what we um you know what we feel we’re we’re we are manifestors so someone that doesn’t want to buy into manifesting okay well good luck with that because we’re manifestors we’re creators right um and the in the idea about controlling the only thing that we can control is ourselves we can control two things the energy that we let in that we receive or the energy that we give out and the energy receive can come from this physical plane or it can come from a I’ll tell you something this happened to me a
(1:01:11) couple weeks ago it was it was a really great illustration of this driving to go to get my nails done and in front of the nail salon there’s a different spots and in order to get you know into the spot there was a woman kind of pulling out waiting for this woman to leave and and move out so I the spots to get in were blocked and this woman kind of looks at me and I’m like I’m gonna go there and she starts freaking out at me I’m waiting for heads just like just and I was like whoa I felt energetically as if
(1:01:42) someone took hazer at me and was like you know and I had to sit in my car and I’m like okay wait this woman is clearly upset about something she’s in a different energy field I can allow this to penetrate me and be influenced by that and be in my head going her problem and I can into that realm and in that energy or I could just take a moment and connect with pure positive energy so I did and I connected with myself I connected with the energy I let Joy flow in was going to get my nails done I’m
(1:02:12) getting you know my handed little soaky thing and I have that woman again in my head and it was like I at I was thinking about it again and got bombarded and I went uhuh like let it all go cut the cords detach from them that it’s it’s all energy work allowed myself to feel the connection with my Divine self and then by the second time of doing that I was like okay that’s what I’m gonna allow myself to be under the influence by I don’t want to allow myself to be under the influence this I want under
(1:02:41) the influence of this we can control that decision by where we put our focus by our Free Will choice we can control what we say we control what we think what we feel we can’t control Partners we can’t control the government’s doing we can’t control what our neighbors are doing what mother-in-laws are doing what our kids are doing only one only one that we can take responsibility for our own Consciousness is ourselves yeah control I think all of us you know struggle with yeah navigating the chaos
(1:03:15) you know navigating uh the gray area of of existentialism because it is all gray um and I think what I heard there when you were talking about how we can perceive the fact that everything we experience has its equal opposite uh and maybe to tie in your piece on uh your whole study about Quantum um science being such a part of this manifestation process the fact that there is dark matter and the fact that there is this you know even when something doesn’t exist it does exist you know it’s there is dark matter there
(1:03:58) is this whole part that actually takes up more space than the stuff that we do see um that is something we can technically label as um an existing Factor so I don’t know there’s so much again there’s just so many levels to dig into that so read you guys read her book well you know just not when you’re wanting to control control is a behavior that’s coming from a place of fear and whenever there’s any type of fear it always coming coming from a place of lack you know the course of Miracles
(1:04:28) talks that there’s only primary emotions there’s love and there’s but have you stopped to think about where does the fear come from comes from the perception of lack you’re in lack you always feel bad when you’re in you feel good and so that’s why it’s important to understand where in thoughts and I thinking lack where am I focused on lack because it’s just a perspective you can change it because divine is No Lack yeah um I wanted to also get into um vices with you um if someone has habits
(1:05:05) that contribute to feeling guilt and shame what can they do to get rid of the vice and the shame well usually it’s like what comes first the chicken or the egg right you about and you want to escape yourself and so you go and do something so I don’t care what the is if we’re talking about coffee too much sugar smoking weed doing Co you know doing other type of drugs drinking go gambling shopping you know whatever it is we are not feeling good in the moment so we get an idea of that will take us out of ourselves or us out of the moment
(1:05:42) that we’re in and so then we do the thing but whether it’s a cup of coffee or bar or whatever it is it takes us away from that moment but we always come back to ourselves so the the cue is really our main body having us reach for these vices to try to make us feel better in way it’s like an it’s an an and so we can just be with the shame and let the shame process out and be and let it process out of us and understand that thoughts emotions are not the same thing but that they actually feed on each and
(1:06:20) that if you can isolate them and just feel like you have a shame tank let shame tank like let flush the shame tank out forgive yourself for what you’ve done bring in the higher energy of that your Divine self really does feel for you and then stop the the the the feelings of sha shame and guilt you know change those thoughts then you actually feel good you’re from your light body instead of your pain body and you don’t need the vices anyway that’s it’s all becoming an energy master and it’s really being able
(1:06:54) to know what’s pulling towards that Vice yeah and why you’re wanting to escape so you also talk about emotions and you might have mentioned it there when you brought up course of course and miracles but what are the three habitual emotions that block us from creating what we want fear is a big one because fear is just you know it’s again coming from lack and a lot of people don’t know how to process their fears they do things to get out of their fear instead of feeling it um don’t huge one because if we’re you
(1:07:30) know if we Free Will and one of our powers as human beings is Faith and and our faith opens up so many other path um it Faith connects us to world that don’t understand when we’re not in a place of fear instead of Faith we’re in doubt instead of faith we can’t create what we want and we’re doubting what we desire to have it can’t come to us so fear out and even worry we’ve all heard I think most of us have heard that worry is a prayer for what you don’t want you’re worried you’re not focused on what you
(1:08:04) want so fear doubt and worry are three of the biggest worry is a prayer for what you don’t want I hadn’t heard that before actually oh yeah I like that and is that related to um the three questions that we would ask ourselves in order to Pivot off of what we’re frustrated dissatisfied or anged about so those three qu great still use them to this day whenever I have contrast that comes up instead of noticing what you don’t want right we’re in that place of I don’t want this or you say don’t want something or
(1:08:37) something’s already manifested you ask yourself what do I want just this is the attention what do I want why do I want it when you listing out why you want something now you start energ you’re creating a whole different energetic vibration why it’s really important and then once you’re getting you’ll understand how you want to feel what’s the true Essence and the bottom line feeling and then just allow yourself to take a moment to feel that Joy or abundance or success or opulence or whatever is the feeling that you’re
(1:09:17) wanting and then as you’re giving off that as a vibration as that picture in your head you know the light is always there where the Proctor a different picture gets projected onto the script of Our Lives wow yeah we have so wait sorry just to clarify the third question was how do I want to feel so do I want want it how do and then feel it what why how okay what why how okay like it we have two magic mob questions Timothy asks everyone wants to experience less stress what is your number process to dramatically reduce stress meditation
(1:10:00) you can connect with your Divine self even get into a place where um t a mantra in a meditation and you don’t have to you don’t have to meditate for hours I mean you take 10 15 minutes if you’re feeling stress just taking some nice deep breaths in like breathing in four times holding it breathing out for or not for breath but like four seconds out and then holding it just coming back to your breath in the now moment that’s a meditation that’s a bre breath work doing something like that can help you
(1:10:35) back to the moment and release the stress yeah I I I um I agree with that and it’s it’s uh takes a lot of discipline but once you reap the benefits then you know you realize it needs to be non-negotiable uh Patricia also asks you say that emotional mental and physical pain is all due to energy please explain love that so energy is naturally wanting to flow it’s wanting to flow through us and out of us and anytime we have thoughts have um imprints we have um you know even a stomach ache shoulder ache
(1:11:18) it’s stuck energy body our energy wants to flow somewhere energy can’t be stopped it can’t be obstructed or it wants to move and so it needs to move and when it doesn’t it creates almost like Vex in the body and it starts to create havoc and so when someone say for example I’ve had people that have with the council that have had migraines their entire life and there’s a lot of going on in the head and they haven’t released energy and that’s what creates the M braines when they start to release
(1:11:49) the energy and bring in a different flow of energy the migraine headaches go I’ve had a woman that was 54 years old that supposed full hip replacement we did energy work to release all that was you know the Motions that she was holding in her hips went and saw her doctor the next week and the doctor said well you’re no longer a candidate for this hip replacement surgery and she has been years later so they there’s and more evidence now and more and more studies from top schools and hospitals that you
(1:12:22) know even that anger creates cancer and that holding on to anger you know holding on to a certain level of energy or not expressing negative thoughts creates so much stress in the body and then creates the breakdown of different diseases when you think about fibromyalgia for example the community has no idea what it is but I’ve worked with women who have fibromyalgia because they’re sad and they don’t know how to process their energy when to process their energy they don’t any pain anymore and of course
(1:12:57) diet goes into a lot of stuff but you look at like um you know the elderly that get memory loss a lot of them they had a really high stressed life so yeah um what are the five steps to mastering our energy so number one is having enough present moment awareness of knowing your energy you thinking right being present with yourself slowing down to to feel yourself number two is being able to figure out am I thinking thoughts that are negative or thoughts that are positive checking in with my thoughts am I feeling good or
(1:13:35) feeling bad it’s being able to shift and change those right it’s number three is looking where where do I have split on energy on any given subject so am I feeling good here but yet have negative emotions and being able to create um a Integrity for any given subject managing all of that and then it’s releasing it number four and then bringing in the energy that you do want to express so bringing in the feeling of Joy or abundance or whatever it is that you want okay and um is it a good time to go get the
(1:14:17) council bring in the council yes let me go get them I know I feel like I want a drum Trump yeah trumpets I like trumpets we are here okay okay great so um I think it would be cool for both of us to figure out um you know what energy we’re putting out there um like we talked about in the beginning um and then I also have a personal question I don’t know if what’s easiest for you do you want to um maybe take turns on telling us what you see that we are putting out sure dear one and it would be easier
(1:15:15) for us to get each one of you in your our field so that we can pay we we see all as energy not just physical human beings we have different eyes that we see see through it’s not just the physical we will start with Jade okay so Jade a beautiful energy beautiful positive energy you have a beautiful heart there are places where you have imprint where you hold yourself back from being really who you are meant to be you have such bright light and we see your physical Beauty has caused many times in your earlier we see a little
(1:15:55) younger you that had a lot of little girls that were jealous of you and so you learned at a very young age to light this does not serve you even though give yourself permission to express your light there is um different octaves of light that you of all people can be transmitting out so that you are truly from your authentic self and we are happy to point these out to you we this is what we do with people in so we will just let you know it is more of a a heart closing and a guardedness do you know what we talking
(1:16:38) about so as you are it is normal to protect as we as we say to some people if you are at a soccer game and a soccer ball about to come you it’s a feeling Embrace and then the so is noer there can stay up and this is what it looks like from our perspective is like you’re you’re wanting trust but you still got your hands up and so it is that feeling of really being able to open up your heart and process out that energy if you will to know that really how you are protected and how you do uh live love
(1:17:19) fully it with an open heart and be able to process the emotions and understand cutting cords to other things of your past understanding that little girls were the some adolescent girls even were jealous of you and where you had to shrink it was not about you there’s a friend Christies that you might know of pretty known in this communi and Lisa says that if you don’t like my if if my light is shining too bright I’m going to give you glasses because I’m not going to sh to dim my light and this is young girls especially
(1:18:04) that look very connected and also have a lot of talent and skill and physical beauty that other little girls or adolescent women even jealous you tend to just out of protection close yourself down it is time to just let yourself up and when when you’re in your heart and you’re shining this light we call your heart the transmutation station because as you are openhearted and we see you open a little more as you openhearted and somebody up their energy comes at you the energy of love transmutes everything and it doesn’t mean that you
(1:18:46) won’t find disappointment or that you won’t be hurt in any way but then you just be able to process the energy of the hurt hurt and if you need to cry for a few minutes go do so process that out but then allow yourself to come back to your connection your heart like this is who you really are and it you is you giving yourself permission to shine like a way you’ve never show for I see that [Music] um uh applying to life but I’m curious if that um applies to romantic relationships even though that’s with a
(1:19:25) man and not a woman um everywhere with my current relationship I feel very um I feel very safe like I don’t have to have my hands up and um I don’t fear abandonment and I feel like he meets me in he meets my needs he’s a very conscious partner but there’s something in me even though I’m not afraid of him leaving and I know I’ve Never Been Loved this way there’s still something that makes me feel scared um would that be coming from the same thing possibly because I’ve not been able to
(1:19:55) pinpoint it it is it is really uncovering where is the lack as christe saying if there’s a fear there there’s a lack and so is it something that you are afraid of because you are feeling you lack or you’re lacking with him or that you’re afraid that you have it now if you really really enjoy it and really let yourself just go in the moment and be fully present with all of it that it will leave it so that is something for you to really discover in a different time we can dig in for for you if you would like
(1:20:36) uh but it is really for you to uncover where is that the fear being coming in root from a of lack does that resonate with you yes thank you on a on a podcast like this we don’t to personal for you we do a lot of personal stuff on this podcast so don’t be afraid to dive too deep all right so yeah so on my end of things uh maybe to to go into the same question that Jade was asking there about our vibration and the projection or the projected energy we’re putting out there maybe if you can read into mine a bit and I also have um a personal
(1:21:20) question or two if we have the time dear is different for you interesting enough had similar experiences but you process it in different ways you it it is more of a you very much look feminine you’re very very attractive woman and yet you do have a very strong Warrior you and he would like to see you start to develop more your goddess energy really in and all of it we will say this whenever it comes to anybody having any blocks or wanting to be more full truly of who you really are it is always a connection with your
(1:22:06) Divinity your own unique strand your own unique expression of the Divine breathing you and as you start open up you’re going some allow energy to flow down your head both of these as we work on what we work on on this is for your listeners too as you bring in into your head calming your thoughts allowing that energy to move into your heart center allowing your heart to open there’s a beautiful jewel in the center of your heart as you let your heart Jewel shine and you bring in energy down in seven lay Power Center allowing you to
(1:23:01) really fully embody allowing this energy beautiful energy to move through you ah do you feel that Mercedes I feel like this is a ongoing conversation for me like I am coming up against the same advice the same um obstacle in softening or needing to soften and it’s almost to a point of getting annoying you know like okay well I know that this is what I need to do I know this is uh this is a path that I need to choose and I’m like I was speaking to Christy earlier about this crisis of identity I guess I’m calling
(1:23:58) it today um where I feel pretty lost and I feel like I’m having a hard time uh re uh establishing who I am and so maybe is there to build off of what you’ve already given me here is there a way for me to come out of this I want to call it like a chrysalis phase you know of the butterfly um with more grace and ease absolutely we see this for you it is really about you what is how we could say this to you reallying more of the energy part of you it is really allowing yourself to you said the word be soft and not only for you but many of
(1:24:51) your listeners being s means letting your underbelly be vulnerable and that’s scary and so there like we were talk with Jade there’s a fear there fears are come in very different shapes and sizes and colors and your fear is more of a guarded once again love theable but in a different aspect because you dear one have always succeeded because of warrior and that Warrior strength that gets you so far but there’s a time when a warrior doesn’t need to fight and there’s a warri go in you is far powerful there is a goddess rising
(1:25:36) in you de that is far more creative and powerful than you’ve ever known yourself to be and as you to stop resisting allow yourself to feel the flow of her that is inside of you you whether you call it your Divinity or whether you call that your God is or energy she is wanting to through that energy she is wanting to create with you and yes yes yes you will find your identity it is a special time in your life now all of you humans go through different phases life your as your 30s and your 30s are not the same as your 40s and Beyond Beyond and
(1:26:31) Beyond and it’s just a maturity a spiritual maturity is happening it is a like you said thing and with your awareness not on the frustration of how to but putting yourself in alignment with your godess is reaching for you that is wanting to be with you that wants to serve you when you just allow yourself to be in that space you allow yourself to be who you are becoming in of resisting thank you for that um I also wanted to ask if in my relationship with my husband is there something I can ask of him in our partnership to support me
(1:27:14) or assist me in this transition dear one we will tell you something very wonderful about a man especially in a Weare one like you have the more you into your offending godess nature the more he can step into his Warrior and there is not more sex to a man that a woman is connected to a feminine Creative Energy so as it’s not about what your husband needs to do or what you can tell your husband it is really about you owning and feeling the Divine godess in you and embracing her and he will notice we we have
(1:27:59) women that come to us in g a small gdus weekend we’re having one with Christie and May and when the women all go home to their men the men don’t know what to make of it because they are shining they are more creative and they’re sexier to their men because they have released a lot of their masculine ways the man can rise up and be the masculine which they want to be but if the woman is doing the warrior masculine the men have to do the Yang of that so it gives them permission rise up and they love that it’s very
(1:28:40) attractive to a man that wants him to be not just look feminine but energy of femininity Divinity thank you for that um how do we on this podcast navigate the way that people seem to see us uh we we’re seen in a certain light because of our careers as as models and um you know so often of course we’re not taken seriously because of that but our goal here is to serve and I think we are doing that to a degree but is there a better way we can act as the bridge we want to be um something seems stifling yeah yeah so we
(1:29:22) will tell you you identif yourselves as models it’s very similar to what we saying Jade right are as have declared yourself a model there is experiences that you’ve had and there is a collective Consciousness about how people see models and so part of you that have kind of gulped that in and allowed that to be as you choose to be someone we as gr comes to us in our heads right she is a different type of model and as she has owned that the society we don’t but most people have accepted her it is both of you owning
(1:30:09) that you are here to serve you are here to on a purposeful way not just be another another pretty face as Chris says I’m not just a hat rack you you really are yes exquisitly beautiful and and you have that outer appearance which is fantastic but you also have so much inner wisdom and as both of you connect more with your Divine self and Conn more with that Divine strength and power and love and wisdom and you claim for yourself who you are not what others claim that you are you say this is who I am like we were saying with when you
(1:30:51) claim allow yourself to open up that and this is really who I am I’m not being defined by anybody else anymore this is who I am this is what I’ve come to do than others because everything is connection as you cower that can’t be certain way because people see me some with that will be your reality but as you go busting out and you say this who I am and what I’m made of and this is the heartlight that I am going to shine and this is the Goddess that I’m going to e in the Divine that I’m I am going
(1:31:24) to be because I am important I am significant I am loved and I am adored not because just the way I look but because of what I have say and that brain and I have the Divine flowing through me when you own that then everyone else will conform are you able to speak um are are you you all able to speak um to my worthiness wound and maybe how I can better heal that you want know many people feel that it comes variations but the biggest wound that we see with most people is of variation of deserving or worthy or enough or
(1:32:16) important and it is a very big wound and the wound comes from not understanding that you are divine it is being imprinted because when you came in as a soul to take this baby body your your the baby in you knew it it was worthy it knew that it was um deserving and knew that it was a significant part of the whole and because you are breathing and you have your Divine in your heart this is so there’s nothing you have to prove accomplish to be Lov infinitely loved and the more that you allow yourself to be be infinitely loved
(1:32:55) just because you are not because of what you do or what your looks are or what you accomplish or or how much you weigh or any you get or any of that other thing because you are you are infinitely love that’s a whole that most human beings have and the you were asking ofes dear there’s no Vice that could fill that whole you cannot buy enough pairs of shoes or purses to fill that hole you cannot have your boyfriend or husband compliment you enough to fill that hole that hole can only be filled by the Divine feeling on a daily basis
(1:33:42) repeating to yourself I infinitely love and feel that truth I’m deserving I am worthy what are you worthy of really what all of you are wanting is want to be worthy of Love MH and you are you cannot worthy but you have to decide that you are you cannot ever live beyond your self perception and when you say to yourself at some point in your life and we could help you look at a deep some other time but whenever you have decided a decision I’m not worthy whether it was conscious or not you live from that experience but
(1:34:22) it was you that decided inside of your yourself whether you were worthy or not so today you push the reset button you say I am worthy I am worthy I am deserving I am important I am significant and I will not entertain it’s like a line you draw on the sound I will not entertain anything else that tells me I am not and only let yourself feel that Divine love that is especially you because it is breathing you it is beating your heart every time you take a breath that is love and that is because you are worthy good for now
(1:35:05) yes you are infinitely be well and thank you for the invitation thank you thank you thank good yes thank you thank you for doing that for us with us you’re welcome they’re pretty spectac yeah yeah yeah really powerful stuff and all stuff you know the best thing about this podcast is that when we get to talk to people like you and have readings like we just did with the council we get to listen to it back until we really feel you know we understand what’s happening there yeah thank you for that you’re welcome
(1:36:05) my pleasure so we have a few short questions we like to ask everyone who comes on the show so first off if you could hug your younger self right now what would you say that she loved she’s loved she’s loved yeah how old was she oh I have many variations but about four the first one is four yeah if you could have the whole world read one book which would it be I would say ask and it is from Abraham Hicks okay ask is one yeah asking is given yeah that book is that’s a that’s a great book my my books my
(1:36:51) books are great too but yeah given it’s kind of like my Bible if you will yeah okay good yeah well of course send people to pick up your book as well but it’s always good to know what’s your inspiration you know yeah yes um okay so if you could whisper one phrase to everyone on the planet what would it be that’s a good question they’re telling me they’re like tell them yeah you are you infinitely loved you are infinitely Loved Before we let you go where can people find you so that they can um
(1:37:35) connect with you and um maybe have a personal session and where can they pick up your books yes awesome so my books are all over Amazon and and bookstores so you can go anywhere to if you go to Amazon you’ll see a plethora of different choices um I even have an ebook that’s seven essential laws on Amazon um watch yours is a great place to start um because really does provide a ton of value and helps you shift like immediately um I have my website Christy whitman.
(1:38:07) com if you want to there’s a place if you want to set ups with the council um that’s my pretty much my H everything I do so chrisy or how you spell it you’ll get there and um I have my Facebook Christy Whitman International where I do a lot of Facebook lives and like last night I did a Facebook live with the c doing a healing and on there and and recording of at least listen to the recording of This that they did last night beautiful thank you for the invitation thank you so much um and I just wanted to you know say to to who’s listening that no matter
(1:38:40) what level you’re at whether you’re knew about universal laws um all the things all the other things we talked about with you today chrisy I think anyone can pick up your new book and use it to elevate themselves and we just really appreciate appreciate the work you’re doing the vulnerability you’re having with especially this new you know realm of work you’re stepping into or you’ve already stepped fully into with the channeling um and bringing that light to the world because it’s so
(1:39:06) necessary and it’s such a great opening for all of us to get to experience so thank you for being a light thank you so much appreciate the work you’re to you’re doing as well so thank you for having M on your show and for both are doing thanks Missy thank you all right so we will of course let you know the exact date of this episode coming out it’s not going to be do we have a date for summer time yeah and um we will send you promos we always make promos for our our episodes so we’ll send you all that
(1:39:38) good stuff in case you want to use for your own posting needs perfect thank you so much ladies thank you day bye you too bye by oh man uh I was interesting I had an interesting Journey there because at first I had a lot of resistance you did I had I forgot to tell her she was a hummingbird but um oh shoot yeah that’s okay um she might already know but yeah I go go on about the resistance yeah oh I was just gonna say that I noticed what came up in me at first was like a lot of resistance like At first in the
(1:40:16) channeling or channeling channeling and not to the me well to both I guess but in different totally different ways the channeling the accent kind of like you know threw me and made I don’t know I had all these stories going on in my head that I had to calm um to really like allow what she was saying to settle in but she was definitely feeling like I could see you know people listening probably couldn’t see her but I could while I was feeling the most in tuned with the message or while I was like feeling shifts in my body happening my
(1:40:47) physical body happening I she was mirroring them with what she was doing with her hands or what she was doing with her body language and so I could tell she was like very much in tuned with whatever was going on in me internally so that was really powerful the accident thrw me off at all um I as soon as she started speaking got chills through my whole body and that typically if it’s on both sides like typically if it’s on the left or right it means something different but for me when my whole body goes cold but I’m
(1:41:20) sweating um that happens a lot with pelic then I know like as Paul SEL says we’re in the upper room like we are getting a Divine message but um what’s interesting is when she said about younger kids getting jealous and um dimming the light there were like I would have never when she said that like I would have if someone said like oh we’re kids jealous of you when you were younger I’d be like no I was the poor kid at school like I was the the new girl like I was never the popular one so I would have never um thought of
(1:41:59) that as an answer for why I may feel like I need to protect myself but when she said it my mind went through this like tunnel of memories that I really it’s not that I didn’t remember them before I just never gave them any thought but it was like a tunnel of memories of all these bullying experiences from other girls um and like in front of you know the whole cafeteria or in front of the whole classroom and um so so it’s interesting how a lot of times we we’re trying to think like why do I react this way why do I feel this way
(1:42:32) and a lot of times it’s something that we would have never even thought of yeah and it’s the perception too because your perception might not have been the reality and maybe she’s speaking to what the reality was for those girls well the thing was is I didn’t feel pretty as a kid so when the girls were mean to me um thought it was for other reasons yeah and they made sure it was a public display of bullying I NE I just believed the message I never once thought oh well it’s because they think I’m pretty and
(1:42:59) they feel insecure because they don’t even know that they’re feeling that they’re kids they don’t know why they’re being this way yeah um so I would have I would have never attributed The Bullying to me being a pretty kid because I never thought I was pretty as a kid well you know and they’re trying to knock you down because they want to publicly display like somehow they’re better than you which would mean that you must hold some clout in their mind right their perspective is I have to knock this
(1:43:25) person down in order to feel powerful so that that points to the fact that you held some power in their mind whether you know whatever the jeal whatever they were jealous of whether it’s being pretty or whatever you know other kids bully it’s interesting though that I did start saying be a light in high school and that kind of went with her message of um your brightness to shine yeah kind of yeah it was almost like in high school though maybe I was maybe going through a place where I was coming back to that or
(1:43:59) something you know to where that became my little Mantra yeah that’s what got you to to get out of that but she’s saying you need to break all the way through and be free your light completely yeah it’s just interesting that sometimes we can get a message that makes so much sense but we would have never right come about that as the root yeah without someone else’s Insight yeah and that’s why think whatever type of therapies you want to go after I think are valuable because if you allow them
(1:44:28) to be someone else’s you know Insight uh and of course you want it to come from a healthy professional who’s not projecting or judging you but their Insight is going to come partly from their conditioning and domestications but it will give you a perspective that might help help you break through on something that you’ve really been working on in a tough way and I don’t want to make this whole show about you know us every 10 people tune in but obviously no but the thing is is both of our questions I’m sure a ton of our
(1:45:01) listeners hearing the answers if it applied to them because we’re not the only ones that feel this way yeah absolutely um it may not be bullying from little girls but um but like the worthiness and the all of us have a goddess that’s trying to emerge so so even though the questions may not have applied to you if you’re listening maybe try to the answer because it’s true for everyone um yeah and on that note what’s your magic today me um so mine is um pretty simple it’s just a gratitude practice and it’s not a daily
(1:45:40) thing I just want you to do it today um write down one thing you’re grateful for about your past self one thing you’re grateful for about your present self and one thing you’re grateful for about your future self and then just put it where you can see it for the next week or so that’s it I like it just a little self-love practice yeah all right my magic today is to Envision your 80th birthday um this practice is basically to help us get clear on what we want our lives to look like and obviously this
(1:46:15) episode uh with chrisy was largely about manifesting what we want our lives to what we’ve always envisioned our best lives being so in order to do that I think a major step is getting extremely clear on our goals getting extremely clear on um what our best self would look like so that we can then know the steps necessary for reaching them so what you want to do is you want to Envision the ideal setting for your 80th 80th birthday and it can be further out if you’re already 80 you can push it out but you know we’re
(1:46:53) talking to our uh our group of listeners which is probably maybe not not a lot of 80-year olds um except for my dad’s coming up on it so hi Dad uh but no if you can Envision setting your 80th birthday so get really clear on it who’s there with you uh if those people are maybe G to stand up and say something about you what would you want them to say about your character you know maybe these people are people you’ve known your entire life with for the better part of your life and and um they would
(1:47:25) stand up and say something about you there what would those things be get I mean this is really specific guys you need to get as specific as possible um what would you want your life to stand for by that time um you know what would your legacy look like by your 80th birthday and how would you spend your day you know would it be with families around uh table laughing and eating or maybe you guys are going out and surfing together or playing in the ocean maybe you live at a house that’s on the side of a cliff and it’s got beautiful bay
(1:47:59) windows you know that open up to the ocean and you feel the ocean breeze and all your family gets to laugh and play in the sunshine after you guys have cake I don’t know whatever it is but get really clear on what that looks like for you and um in doing that like I said I think we just it helps us take one little step towards uh manifesting that into our eventual reality so that is my invitation yeah I love that um me and my partner um wrote down like what we would want our eulogy to be um but I want to this just reminded me I
(1:48:36) want us to um write one that we would like the other one to be able to say you know like like how do I want to live in a way that my partner would be able to write this and have I feel like I’m not saying this right so I want to write a eulogy from his perspective I got it and then him write one from my perspective as if I’m giving it at his funeral he and and because it kind of gives you like well am I being this person am I being that type of partner you know so that’s something that I want to do but that’s
(1:49:06) really cool yeah I like that idea too anytime we can contemplate us being closer to our eventual demise I think gives us a lot of really good important perspective all right magic mobbers thank you so much for tuning in and taking this journey with us if this episode held some magic for you please share share it with your friends and family this would mean so much to us and don’t forget to join us on our Instagram page theic hour and let us know what your favorite episodes have been so far we appreciate all of your feedback and
(1:49:34) want to know what’s lighting you up yes and we release a new episode every Monday so you can catch us again next week or go listen to some of our past episodes in our podcast library now we’ll meet you there until then be a light